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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 8 KB, 133x234, 1309221627609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4296532 No.4296532 [Reply] [Original]

Hahaha, I was just trying to expand my mind and explore new possibilities by trying out other boards, and I just came from /fit/.

They are the most laughably retarded people on this website. They're understanding of actual scientific knowledge is just hilariously terrible.

What are some hypotheses to how they can be so retarded?

>pic related
>mfw lurking that board

>> No.4296534

>implying /sci/ is any better

>> No.4296538


>> No.4296541

/fit/ average IQ is close to 85, /sci/ it's about 120

>> No.4296551


>> No.4296555

This strikes me as weird, I always figured /sci/ would hate on /x/ instead of /fit/. We should be bullying the illogical and people who believe in ghosts, not reliving old feuds with the kinds of dummies who go on 4chan to talk about abs.

>> No.4296557

/fit/'s advice is actually pretty good sometimes. I mean, yeah, there may be a lot of broscience but stuff like SS and high-protein diets are fairly solid and proven.

>> No.4296558


>> No.4296571


>/sci/ it's about 120


>They're understanding of actual scientific knowledge

>> No.4296574

>/fit/'s advice
>implying it's actually their advice
>implying they aren't just parroting already well known facts between the loads of bullshit they spout

To answer OP's question, muscle actually turns percursor sex hormones into testosterone. Testosterone is known to retard mental function.

>> No.4296594

What are you thanking me for?

Yeah, I dun goof'd. Their*. Are you happy?

>> No.4296598


Seriously though, OP. You should not be an asshole and look down on people.

Retarded? Well, maybe. But you do have to admire /fit/ perseverance and self-discipline in keeping themselves healthy.

As for pseudo-scientific-ness (as opposed to retardedness which is too broad and can mean anything), I had to admit I find /adv/ quite repulsive, I find the relationship 'advice' can be summed up in two words, citation needed. Add /pol/ too, but I do love it when goyim fight. /x/ is quite tame compare to them.

>Hypotheses why they believe in pseudo-science?

Simple answer, people live different lives. Different experience give different views of the world.
"People are not stupid, they believe something for a reason." Car Sagan

>> No.4296603

/sci/ has a laughable grasp of scientific knowledge.

/fit/ being worse is not a big victory.

>> No.4296620
File: 33 KB, 700x466, fatcharge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw you compare yourself with /sci/entists who are also /fit/izens

>> No.4296625

>Car Sagan

Seriously? I don't actually care. I'm just making a point. It's easy to make a mistake on an imageboard where nothing sticks around.

Also, I'm not even really that concerned with their lack of understanding of science. Just go look at their board. They are clearly some kind of retarded.

The way they speak and act is just, well laughably retarded.

Not everyone on /sci/ may be college graduates who can recite Wordsworth from memory, or explain the mechanism of an agonistic glutamate receptor, but it's obvious we're at a general level of intelligence much higher than the mongoloids on /fit/. I'd like to understand this discrepancy.

>> No.4296632


you work out a lot if studying/using your brain is too hard for you, that's the reason.

people who are dumb have only their bodies. that's not to say working out isn't a good thing etc.

>> No.4296638

>implying regular exercise doesn't improve mental function

Stay sedentary and classy /sci

>> No.4296641

>Testosterone is known to retard mental function.
[citation needed]

>> No.4296643


It can help a bit, you've still got that limit though.

>> No.4296646

I couldn't fully understand your reply, but I jog weekly and am quite healthy. Just recently had a physical and got a glowing bill of health.

>> No.4296651


How is that at all relevant?

>> No.4296652

Oh you mean -that- limit everyone has, right

>> No.4296656


Correct, our brains aren't limitless and everybody's limit is different.

>> No.4296658

How the hell am I supposed to know. I couldn't understand your reply for shit. I just took a stab in the dark.

>> No.4296663

I squat 425 and am currently attending caltech

get at me weak scrawny mentally inferior dweebs

>> No.4296665
File: 4 KB, 101x126, sarcasm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh really???, wait bro I'm taking notes, you might be discovering some serious stuff here

>> No.4296667


Maybe you should learn how to read? It might help you not just here but in day-to-day life.

>> No.4296669


So, your original reply was useless.

>> No.4296674

Oh. Dude your writing is very shitty. It's hard to comprehend when you don't put any effort into correct grammar.
I mean you don't have to be spot on, but basic correctness would help.

>> No.4296680


No, I'm pretty sure you're just a retard.

>> No.4296681 [DELETED] 
File: 377 KB, 1071x1652, 1325893801922..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see number 6. offenders have been reported

>> No.4296688

>you work out a lot if studying/using your brain is too hard for you, that's the reason.

That shit is near incomprehensible. Don't even try to tell me I'm retarded when you're writing shitty sentences like this.

>> No.4296697

Yeah, we should all care about your opinion.


>> No.4296699


If you truly cannot comprehend that then I actually feel sorry for you.

You won't go far in life.

>> No.4296702

besides being a highschooler, i passed all of the questions 0.o

>> No.4296703

Sorry, I misinterpreted something I read previously. More accurately I should've said that lower testosterone is linked with higher intelligence (and admittedly really low intelligence).


>> No.4296704

I actually quite like /fit/. A couple years ago I decided to lost weight, and being unfamiliar with the gym and lifting techniques, I went to /fit/. They were always very encouraging, and gave some real tips. And they always pointed out broscience as bullshit.

Plus, /fit/'s trolls are all just wankers, unlike the snide passive-aggressive bullshit that /sci/'s trolls have.

>> No.4296706


If we took 4&5 to be legitimate disqualifiers, then Einstein, Hawking, & Feynmann wouldn't be allowed here.

Therefore, that shit is retarded.

>> No.4296713

I understood it, faggot. It just took multiple reads. I'm sorry my brain isn't used to reading incredibly shitty sentences with poor grammar and sentence structure.

Stop acting superior when you can't even form a decent fucking sentence.

>> No.4296717

Also, feynman was a notorious playboy.

>> No.4296719


The sentence had perfect grammar apart from a lack of capitalisation.

Stop trying to find excuses and just admit you're unintelligent.

>> No.4296722

>Reading this thread

Seriously guys? I feel like leaving and never coming back.

>Testosterone is bad and makes you dumlol thats why i dont exercise
I didn't think anyone was stupid enough to believe exercising and becoming less of an effeminate, androgynous wimp was a bad thing.

>/adv/ has no citations
Because giving relationship advice based on life experience requires a fucking citation, right you retard?

>people work out if using their brain is too hard for them
Not to live more healthy, fulfilling lives, amirit?

>spelling and grammar errors everywhere when trying to prove you're the smartest people on 4chan

You guys and your completely invalid superiority complex is fucking infuriating. Sure, /fit/ thinks they're better than everyone else too, but at least they brag about what they actually have, fit bodies, which puts them miles above you guys in my eyes.

This thread is the cancer killing /sci/, and the only things even somewhat keeping this board alive are people like MadScientist, making science threads, or the anons who actually attempt the Putnam questions.

>> No.4296728

/fit/ is a cool board. Nothing wrong with exercise and lifting weights. Most of /sci/ however is butthurt aspie nerd virgins, so shit that reminds them of their real life inadequacies is unacceptable.

Stay beta.

>> No.4296733 [DELETED] 

reported for exercising. please follow the rules. enjoy your ban on the way out.

>> No.4296738


I go to a top 10 (in the world) university, I'm studying maths, going to do a Ph.D.

What have you done?

>> No.4296742

There's a difference between a grammatically correct sentence and grammatically good sentence.

I'm unintelligent.

>> No.4296750

>Confirmed for newfag
Shit has been way worse.

>> No.4296751


That's it, admitting it is the first step.

Enjoy your dull useless life, silly one.

>> No.4296765

I'm not quite sure what you get out of this except a moment of false superiority.

I have no problem saying "I'm unintelligent", because I know I'm not. But really, I'm not so sure you could do the same.

>> No.4296774


You consider yourself intelligent yet you cannot interpret simple sentences?

Reevaluate yourself.

>> No.4296778


>> No.4296780


haha oh wow

Do you need to validate every person that contradicts you on an anonymous message board?

>> No.4296784

ITT: spergs and virgs wasting the most productive years of their life arguing on an anonymous imageboard

>> No.4296790

>I have no problem saying "I'm unintelligent", because I know I'm not.
A person isnt a good authority on how intelligent they are, even if they're intelligent

>> No.4296794

He said smugly as he blithely pressed the enter key.

>> No.4296799 [DELETED] 

>tfw everyone is reported
>tfw everyone will soon be enjoying a ban

>> No.4296806

>pressing the enter key and not using the submit button

>> No.4296812

Firstly, I love how /sci/ hates psychology until it they think it proves their point. Secondly, I'm well-aware of this phenomena and it's not some cosmic law. As with most things in psychology it is simply a likely probability.

Just being aware of its existence can alter its truthfulness.

Not that it matters, but I'm pretty firmly aware of where I stand as far as cognitive ability. I know who I'm better than, I know who's better than me, and I know what I am better at. I don't presume to be some uber genius who can solve any problem in a few seconds, but I also know I'm not a meat head retard.

>> No.4296827


What's your major?

>> No.4296832 [DELETED] 


>> No.4296833

lol, oddly enough Cognitive Science, but I'm not sure what that has to do with anything...

>> No.4296836


>cognitive science
>a hard science

"Science" for people who can't do math.

>> No.4296838

Uhhh... do you even know what cognitive science is?

>> No.4296841


>Cognitive Science
>Not being integrated with probability, game theory, set theory.

Pick 1.

>> No.4296847 [DELETED] 

>implying ecology is also a hard science

>> No.4296854



>> No.4296856


>You do not fucking understand math then.

>> No.4296861


You do not fucking understand how green-text works.

>> No.4296870


Not true most likely



1. male
2. no social life
3. no parties for me
4. Yes who hasn't really here? There is a correlation with attractiveness and intelligence.
5. Yes. But girls are boring and always need attention. I don't have time for one now.
6. Nope. Sometimes. It has been shown to improve memory (light cardio).
7. I admit to sci-fi
8. just graduated from uni with a degree in:
9. chemistry

Really 4 and 5 need to go. Smart people are attractive, attractive people have sex.

>> No.4296875 [DELETED] 

>implying "if women are attracted to intelligence..."

>> No.4296884



>> No.4296897


>I swear to God if this turns into one of those threads I will use a rusty knife to cut off your heads and shit down your necks.

>> No.4296926

I can't major in economics and still appreciate hard science?

>> No.4296931 [DELETED] 

you've just been reported, son

>> No.4296937

>1. Are a woman
>2. Have a social life
No. I study on Friday and Saturday nights (in lab, library isn't open).
>3.Attend parties
No. See above.
>4. Have lost your virginity
>5. Have had a girlfriend
>6. Exercise in any manner
No. Never have, never will. Never played sports.
>7.Are a pop science fan, transhumanist, futurist, science fiction fan, or a high schooler
None of the above.
>8.Attend a community college without having transferred to a decent university.
No. Attend a Top-20 USNWR (non-Ivy).
>9. Majoring/ed in liberal arts, fine arts, social science, business, law, biology, and other non-sciences or soft sciences.
No. I'm wrapping up mathematics and physics degrees this semester, before I head off to grad school in the fall.

>> No.4296961 [DELETED] 

You are the kind of anon everyone here should strive to be.

>> No.4296981

honestly /fit/ is the only helpful board here. It can actually help IMPROVE your life drastically. Consistent, solid advice that works. OP comes off as some butthurt neckbeard assuming all people with aesthetics are jocks. Psssst, were on 4chan here...

>> No.4296982 [DELETED] 

reported for violating rule number 6

>> No.4296989

Fucking lol at 4 years of college and no poon.

>> No.4296998

>Stay delusional, /sci/
>Yes, I'm very mad

>> No.4297001 [DELETED] 

reported for violating rule 4

reported for mad

>> No.4297005

I clearly stated that I was, in fact, mad

>> No.4297009 [DELETED] 

hence why I reported you

enjoy your ban

>> No.4297011


Well there's your problem...

>> No.4297013
File: 61 KB, 580x923, zyzz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u nerds mirin?
stay beta

>> No.4297016


mirin of a guy who died at < 23 of a heart attack?

yeah you can fuck off now

>> No.4297020

Undiagnosed heart condition + steroids +no cardio +sauna = Death

>> No.4297021
File: 64 KB, 440x560, Tom-Hardy-Warrior-tom-hardy-23854815-440-560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who most certainly lived a more exciting and valuable life than you, sir.

I know many people in the field of science who know jack fucking shit about fitness and diet.
The kind who say
>you don't need protein, just have some milo
and think anyone who lifts is a douche, just because you're a pretentious dick. see; OP

>> No.4297024

>ITT: If you take an active interest in your health and fitness, you must be retarded!

So what about those people who visit both /sci/ and /fit/?

>> No.4297025
File: 332 KB, 1599x811, supbrah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u mad /sci/?

you wont regret joining us

>> No.4297026

What if i study electrical engineering at University of Michigan and still browse /fit/ as well as going to the gym 3 times a week to lift things up and put them down?

>> No.4297030 [DELETED] 

they will be reported and subsequently will be enjoying a ban


reported for physical activity and pseudoscience

enjoy your ban

>> No.4297032 [DELETED] 
File: 198 KB, 616x578, Jim14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is 50% liklely to be a delusional fatty.
Or 50% likely to be a jelly skinny pasty nerd.

We are retarded because we understand basic
biomechanics and biology and put that theory into practical use?

Pic related a gentleman lifting weights.

>> No.4297033

too bad society values brains over muscle

>> No.4297035 [DELETED] 

reported for pseudoscience and raiding

enjoy your ban


>> No.4297036

Dad is a chemical engineer, Bro is getting his doctorate in math, sister is a civil engineer, I like to dance, sleep around, and work out. The people in my family don't hate each other, so why do the 4chan boards have to reduce themselves to pointless bitching and bellyaching between one another?

>> No.4297039

Then you're a well rounded individual who most likely will be (if not already) swimming in pussy (unless homo) in the near future. You also apparently don't belong on /sci/ because to them you are just a douche.

>> No.4297040 [DELETED] 

>sleep around, and work out
reported for violating rules 4 and 6 enjoy your ban. back to >>>/fit/

>> No.4297043
File: 70 KB, 1008x249, dream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jelly of my sick gains /sci/?
enjoy that cock in your ass engineer fags

>> No.4297046


Jelly of a short (haha suck shit), fat, weak pussy?

>> No.4297047 [DELETED] 

reported for /fit/
reported for encouraging him to break rule 4

enjoy your ban

>implying engineers won't be enjoying it

>> No.4297056 [DELETED] 
File: 61 KB, 450x600, asdasd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lifting weights is physics cunt.
Stay jelly neckbeard.

>> No.4297058
File: 5 KB, 184x184, doyouevenlift.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do any of you even lift?

>> No.4297059

>brain over muscle

>stay delusional

>> No.4297060
File: 68 KB, 593x422, neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fit/ here.

Remember when I took your lunch money and fucked that girl you had a crush on?

Suck it, nerd.

>> No.4297063

my sides

>> No.4297064


Yeah, it's why Gorillas aren't at the top of our society.

>> No.4297066

Wanna know wht /fit/ thinks of /sci/ ?

Nothing. Not a single fuck given.

Stay beta.

>> No.4297067

>Implying we cant be both good looking and smart

Which I am. sucks to be you brah.

>> No.4297072 [DELETED] 

reported for physical activity
reported for pseudoscience
enjoy your ban
reported for physical activity
enjoy your ban
reported for nonvirgin
enjoy your ban
reported for /fit/
enjoy your ban
reported for goodlooking
enjoy your ban

many people will be enjoying bans in a short while

>> No.4297075

>scientists are

>> No.4297077

So it is true?
People that think of themselves as nerds also think of people who exercise as meatheads?
I would think this board would be the one trying to break stereotypes more than any other board :(
I am disappoint /sci/

>> No.4297078

Can't tell if autistic or really bad troll...

>> No.4297079
File: 57 KB, 816x612, 1326175340183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep using your "intellect" as a crutch to fall back on from all your other shortcomings
really, it's pathetic

>> No.4297080
File: 3 KB, 250x250, 1327043370052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys like mah Brothematics?

>> No.4297082 [DELETED] 

reported for newfag
back to >>>/fit/
enjoy your ban
reported for /fit/
enjoy your ban
reported for physical activity
enjoy your ban
reported for /fit/
reported for pseudomath
enjoy your ban

>> No.4297086

>implying /fit/ people don't know how to use a proxy
>implying they care
Not sure if autistic. . .

>> No.4297093

Hmm... I think I like it here :D I will become a... /fit/i/sci/n?

>> No.4297094
File: 95 KB, 400x266, broscience.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i thought we were cool

>> No.4297095

i thought /sci/ would be less autistic than this. By god you seriously morph reality. I gave up the idea that by being smart alone people would like me when i was 10

>> No.4297096

You know that cute, nerdy girl you've been pining for for years?

I fucked her. I can fuck her whenever I want.

>> No.4297098

Do you even lift?

>> No.4297099
File: 13 KB, 277x678, 1327356899505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stay fat and pathetic losers

>> No.4297100


>Ph.D in math
>any chick I want because I earn 300k starting

>> No.4297102 [DELETED] 

>that feel when reported enjoy your ban
reported for prospective ban evasion
enjoy your newfaggotry

you follow the goddamn rules >>4296681
reported for pseudoscience
reported for nonvirgin
reported for physical activity
reported for physical activity

enjoy your bans

>> No.4297104

Lol at all the jelly skinny/fat people in this thread.

Stay weak, while I deadlift 6 plates.

>> No.4297106

>/fit/ thread
>front page, most post's

>> No.4297107 [DELETED] 

reported for physical activity
enjoy your ban

>> No.4297112

enjoy your meaningless relationship with a leech.
>reported for nonvirgin
I lol'd

>> No.4297114 [DELETED] 
File: 186 KB, 460x377, conan-barbarian-lg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will bring down the might iron fist of /fit/. We will crush you and you will be forced to hear the lamentation of your woman. (lol there is none)

Together the free peoples of /fit/ shall crush the skinny pasty golbins.

>> No.4297115


>> No.4297116

>implying this isn't the philosophy and pseudointellectualism board.

Why do I even stay here anymore?

>> No.4297117

I've posted here like 5 times and haven't been banned. uh...

>> No.4297118

Actually, the types of individuals who care enough to maintain their bodies physically are often the same people who strive to get good jobs, acquire more knowledge, ect.

If you can't manage your own weight, how could you ever manage a Fortune 500 company?

>> No.4297121 [DELETED] 

>implying this is a loling matter
reported. no nonvirgins allowed
reported for physical activity.
reported for /fit/

enjoy your bans back to >>>/fit/

>> No.4297124

>getting trolled

>> No.4297125

Does studying mechanical engineering while browsing /fit/ and going to the gym 3 times a week still count?

>> No.4297126 [DELETED] 

read rule 6. >>4296681

reported enjoy your ban

>> No.4297127

i thought i was trolling you

>trolls trolling trolls trolls trolls

>> No.4297135


>> No.4297136


>Implying it's one or the other

>> No.4297137

Since when are fitness and intelligence mutually exclusive? Lots of the sharpest minds of the renaissance and ancient greece were fit as fuck.

>> No.4297139 [DELETED] 
File: 78 KB, 687x487, 74429_1606847565935_1078552143_31671765_6315003_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mad because girls are stronger then you?

>> No.4297142 [DELETED] 
File: 85 KB, 364x669, femme-burqa-france..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reported for nsfw. females must be fully clothed when posted on /sci/. pic related

enjoy your ban

>> No.4297144

Here /sci/,
This incredibly aesthetic creature had an exceptionally high IQ.

>> No.4297146
File: 84 KB, 610x529, 1423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.4297147 [DELETED] 
File: 14 KB, 233x216, 397902_3052277192057_1417100037_33251228_1838584643_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4297148 [DELETED] 

reported for homophobia
enjoy your ban

>> No.4297151

Reported for posting several vowels
enjoy your ban

>> No.4297152 [DELETED] 
File: 124 KB, 337x367, 1327546511251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you are a faggot, you didnt say otherwise.
Don't worry bro we acept you on /fit/ no homo

>> No.4297154 [DELETED] 

reported for physical activity
enjoy your ban
back to >>>/fit/

>> No.4297155

Reported for post ending in a number divisible by 2
enjoy your ban

>> No.4297157 [DELETED] 

reported for dubs enjoy your ban

>> No.4297158


reported for being a politically correct faggot.

(actually i didn't report because i'm not a pussy narc either)

>> No.4297159


Just a quick overview of some /fit/izens that I could think of off the top of my head

Expert in biology
Expert nutritionist and expert in human physiology
>myself (I don't use a trip)
Expert in human social dynamics. Have spoken at many conferences around the world (the most notable of which was TED).
Expert in being a chimp

>> No.4297160 [DELETED] 

reported for homophobia
enjoy your ban
reported for /fit/
enjoy your ban

>> No.4297163

I thought we were cool, /sci/. We could have been bros, like /tg/ and /sp/. WE COULD HAVE BEEN BROS. I LOVED YOU (no homo).

polite sage because NOT SCIENCE

>> No.4297164

reported for having mirable aesthetics that is attractive to females.

>> No.4297165

Reported for reporting a report
enjoy your ban

>> No.4297166


Don't embarrass yourself idiot, biology is a soft science for women and dumb people who struggle with math. Nutritionist? That's just for plain retards. Human social dynamics? Yeah, again, dumb soft science for people who can't do math.

>> No.4297169

>You are the kind of anon everyone here should strive to be.

Thank you for your kind words, fellow anon. I'm proud to be the prototype of /sci/.

>Fucking lol at 4 years of college and no poon.

Yeah, at this point it's so pathetic that even I have to laugh at myself.

I never had any interaction with girls outside of classrooms in high school. (Girls would only speak to me if they needed help with math or science problems.) So, I was not able to develop those skills. My freshman and sophomore years, when most of my academically-inclined peers were talking to girls and getting laid for the first time, I buried my head in my textbooks, to get my intro-level science and gen-ed classes out of the way. Still, I told myself that I would "finally meet a girl as an upperclassman." Yeah, right.

As a junior, I joined a lab, so all my free time -- nights and weekends and weekend nights -- was spent working on my project. So, that is how you graduate college as a virgin.

>> No.4297170 [DELETED] 

reported for reporting reporters reporting reporters
enjoy your ban
keep fighting the good fight anon

>> No.4297172



>> No.4297179


Oh, I don't have a degree in human social dynamics, I just get paid to talk about getting laid. I'm 19 (as of a couple months ago), have a degree in mixology (I got it for interest) and am two years into an honours business degree major accounting minor economics minor computer science.

>> No.4297180

Reported for reporting a post within 2 posts of the post that you are reporting
enjoy your ban

>> No.4297186
File: 36 KB, 277x500, 1326950436127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

U mirin jo brah

>> No.4297187



>> No.4297188 [DELETED] 

>computer science

reported for nonscience
enjoy your ban

>> No.4297199

>Those skills:
>"Hey, how's it going? You should let me buy you a drink."
>Ask girl questions about herself.
>At the very least, feign interest.

>> No.4297201

I thought OP said /lit/ which I found to be so much fun for a brief second.
Never even been at any of those places anyways, but I think my mind expanding journey will go to /lit/ instead.

>> No.4297207

Do you have any idea how much money retards soak into supplements that they blindly believe will give them the body they want?
Biology is a useful science for people to know in general to help better themselves and help others. Nutrtionist??? (that is what google is for) Human social dynamics? Social skills is what separates humans from other animals, not just math.
reported for lack of black text. the lack of contrast strains my eyes.
enjoy your ban

>> No.4297211


>reported for nonscience
Let's analyze that for a second there.
>hehehe, he said "anal".

>The SCIENCE of bartending.
>Honestly, business degrees are all psychology
>Not science, but it combats your point of "can't do math"
>Economics is the social science that analyzes the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services.
computer science:
>computer SCIENCE

>> No.4297217 [DELETED] 
File: 57 KB, 400x300, 300_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fit/izens the wave of angry pasty goblins are upon us.

>> No.4297218

reported for making me lol at anal
enjoy your ban

>> No.4297221 [DELETED] 
File: 116 KB, 640x960, 1327557924697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is jelly because he will never get to tap this ass.

>> No.4297224 [DELETED] 

>implying have the world "science" means it's science
you probably also think biology is a science

>> No.4297229 [DELETED] 

reported for nsfw

>> No.4297230

reported for improper reporting. The main offence here is dubs of a prime number.
enjoy your ban

>> No.4297231
File: 285 KB, 720x720, let-me-tell-you-why-thats-bullshit[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Social Dynamics /fit/izen here.

>"Hey, how's it going? You should let me buy you a drink."
She'll take the drink and walk off. She has no investment in you, and you're already fawning over her.
>Ask girl questions about herself.
There is no easier way to lose a girl's interest than giving her the interview.
>At the very least, feign interest.
Don't pretend to be interested. Legitimately not be interested in her. Be interested in yourself until she starts showing you that you should be interested in her, to which you can reward her with some attention.
Replace "???" with "build comfort" (assuming you've already built attraction)
If by "profit" you mean, "have sex", then yes.

>> No.4297234

reported for posting a fe-female
e-enjoy your ban!

>> No.4297235 [DELETED] 

reported for nonvirgin
enjoy your ban

>> No.4297236
File: 47 KB, 610x405, 1325833306673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/sci/ virgins who are mad because they dont get laid and have boring lives
>/fit/izens who are mad because they're insecure about being labeled as dumb

mfw i lift 5/3/1, study EE at a good uni and get laid easy as fuck

>> No.4297237 [DELETED] 
File: 34 KB, 500x380, BurqaVoters..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

females may be posted, but only if sfw. pic related

>> No.4297243 [DELETED] 

>get laid

>> No.4297244

Congratulations on being in the 80% of science/eng majors who are also normally functioning human beings.

>> No.4297245

Reported for several females in one picture
enjoy your ban

>> No.4297246


Not really, I'm just having fun with those trolls. I'm more of a physics/engineering/mechatronics guy myself (however I make more money by doing this)

>> No.4297248

How can you say that they're sfw when they're obviously about to explode out of their clothing at any moment?

>> No.4297249

Reported for posting a picture with > 1plaet!!!11!!
enjoy your ban and awesome life

>> No.4297250

> Yea, I get paid to tell people how to get laid.
> Not understanding this shit will work in any bar, in any college town in America.

>> No.4297254

reported for making me lol
enjoy your ban and tasteful sense of humor

>> No.4297258


I guess I can try that.

>There is no easier way to lose a girl's interest than giving her the interview.

Please explain, /fit/izen. I need your help.

>> No.4297259

> They're understanding of actual scientific knowledge ...

> Retard level grammar and spelling.

> Claims to be intellectually superior to others

>> No.4297260

reported for "They're"
enjoy you're ban

>> No.4297263 [DELETED] 

reported for "you're"
enjoy you are ban

>> No.4297264

Remember when /fit/ banned everyone who took a hard science or math course once? Oh wait, that never happened, because /fit/ doesn't give a shit.

>> No.4297267 [DELETED] 
File: 31 KB, 360x236, 1325950038409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4297269


reported for "you are"
enjoy yore ban

>> No.4297273

reported for posting
enjoy your ban

>> No.4297274


Really? So how many girls have you engaged in sexual activity with in the past week?

No, that's too much? I thought you just said it was easy.

Alright then, how many girls have you bounced to a new location in the last week.

None? Well you must have AT LEAST moved a set, right?

No? So you're telling me that you "know" that this works, even though you haven't actually seen it work for yourself, and someone who gets flown around the world to talk about this is telling you what you're doing has a low percentage chance of working, and if you engage in sexual intercourse because of it, it's because you "got lucky".

>> No.4297283

reported for assuming he doesn't put any of his knowledge to use and for only assuming this within a one week span.
enjoy your ban

>> No.4297286

>I'm superior to /fit/izens because I browse I browse /sci/ and can pretend that i'm smart, the fact that i'm a disgusting manlet doesn't matter.

>> No.4297289

reported for trying to make /fit/ look bad
enjoy your ban

>> No.4297303

>CTRL-F: reported

Goddamnit /sci/

>> No.4297305

Look man, the point of my post was to encourage him, to point out you don't have to be super suave to go out and meet girls in college. Simply being confident and striking up a conversation with a girl is usually enough, he's smart, I'm sure he can come up with witty things to say while making small talk. Side note, the whole point of feigning interest is not to get caught, b/c the kind of girls you meet at a college bar are not likely to want to engage in stimulating conversation from his perspective. Or mine for that matter, shit.

>> No.4297308
File: 26 KB, 537x720, 29e17yu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're taking a math exam and this guy comes up to you and slaps your ass

what do you do?

Keep in mind that he's 6'9" and weights 350lbs

>> No.4297317

reported for being taller than 6'4" master race
enjoy your ban

>> No.4297325


The interview:
>What's your name?
>Where are you from?
>What do you do?
>How many brothers or sisters do you have?
And any other bullshit like that that you can think of.

Assuming that a girl goes out 3 nights a week and gets hit on 10 times in a night (a low estimate) in a country where the drinking age is 21, by the age of 23 she will have been hit on 3120 times (and that's just the number of times she gets hit on in a club over those two years. That's not including everything else). Most of those times she will have heard the interview. It gets REALLY. FUCKING. BORING. after the first few times.

Be yourself, tell interesting stories (DON'T brag though), be clear with yourself about whether you're being direct or indirect, etc.

>> No.4297329

I'm a long time lurker of /fit/. I remember a quote that should apply to us all.
"Make civil the mind and savage the body"
Maybe not verbatim, but the meanings remains unchanged. I plan on expanding myself in more than one dimension. I'm always eager to learn about science, music, life and physical fitness. I see no reason to go around being proud of the fact that you're only good at one thing, and anyone else who does anything else is a moron. Fuck you, 4chan.

Yeah, I'm flustered.

>> No.4297333

reported for trying to help someone that is clearly too smart for your advice in soft sciences
enjoy your ban

>> No.4297338


I asked in the past week, because that's a reasonable time span. I was originally going to ask tonight, but he obviously didn't go out tonight.

But I'll go easy on him. Let's extend this to the past month.

>> No.4297343

Not reported
enjoy the correct state of mind

>> No.4297347
File: 1.59 MB, 1920x1200, 1326767555728.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Civilize the mind but make savage the body"

>> No.4297352

reported for replying to obvious troll with a sound argument
enjoy your ban

>> No.4297359


>> No.4297365 [DELETED] 

>I'm always eager to learn about science
probably only soft science or popsci

>> No.4297369


>Look man, the point of my post was to encourage him, to point out you don't have to be super suave to go out and meet girls in college.
Which is great, but I'm trying to avoid him getting crushed when he does go out. It might not affect you, but rejection can really be a bitch (especially to those who have never felt it.

>the whole point of feigning interest is not to get caughtt, b/c the kind of girls you meet at a college bar are not likely to want to engage in stimulating conversation from his perspective.
You'd think so, but I've had legit conversations about the economic state of the world, stock predictions for companies, mechanical engineering, and all sorts of other things. If you're passionate about something, talk about it. She'll feel your passion, and it'll get her attention. Hell, I've talked with a girl about google maps and ended up bouncing her back to my place. How? Because I was passionate when talking about it.

>> No.4297375

Perhaps it is time for a metaphor. What's-his-name baseball guy who had the highest amount of home runs also had a very high number of strikeouts.
reported for being pessimistic
enjoy your ban

>> No.4297386

Are you saying it is better to not try at all rather than try and then fail? The only real learning comes from the latter

>> No.4297395

I'm that poster. Seriously, I just want to expand my mind. Fuck your hipster shit "only this science is good science". I've read several Michio Kaku books on string theory. I'm currently reading books by Stephen Hawking. I'm just curious. Damn it, now I just wish people knew each other and not the facade we (for what ever reason) create on 4chan.
Why am I getting so butthurt right now?

But anyway, continue being jealous of me, my 10 years of musical training, my 10/10 aesthetics and my eagerness to make neckbears jelly.

Captcha: asumme thought

>> No.4297398


I'm not being pessimistic, I'm trying to arm him with knowledge before he goes out. Why bother going down the wrong path and being discouraged when you can start out on the right path and get there quicker?

Also, the quote you're thinking of is by Michael Jordan (I believe it was for a Nike commercial): I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.

>> No.4297402

refer to>>4297386

>> No.4297404


No, I'm saying try and fail. But I'm giving some pointers in the right direction.

Also, I'm warning him that the first few rejections will feel brutal. Push through it.

>> No.4297411 [DELETED] 

>calling others hipsters
>reading Kaku
reported for hipster and popsci fan
enjoy your ban

>> No.4297412

Gotta fall to rise, dawg.

>> No.4297417


*A lot of people get trapped in this mode where they put up a mask so that it's not actually them getting rejected, it's their persona, or the drunk them, etc..

Kezia Noble has a good (albeit very basic) video on this (of note is the story about her friend). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TN3_urefvk4

>> No.4297418

Jelly detected.

>> No.4297425

>implying anyone would be jelly of someone bragging about reading Kaku
confirmed for popsci fan

>> No.4297432
File: 36 KB, 400x301, ronnie-coleman-squat[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.4297435

reported for being narrowminded and not accepting that other people have different opinions
enjoy your ban

>> No.4297439


Of course, but why fall to the bottom of the Mariana Trench when you can just fall to the base of Mount Everest? If you fall to far, you might not make it up.

>> No.4297443

reported for thinking that's it's narrowminded to be critical of hipster popsci fans

>> No.4297444

Oh man I got a good laugh of out that.

>> No.4297453

You're right. I'll avoid the pit entirely and die a virgin. Being too afraid to take risks is why he's still a virgin in the first place

>> No.4297461

> Being too afraid to take risks is why he's still a virgin in the first place
reported for self-declared omniscience

>> No.4297463

Why not be both smart and fit? The routine I follow takes me 90 minutes in the gym 3 times a week, tops, and often less than that. Almost anyone can spare that amount of time, and you'll look and feel a lot better, too.

>> No.4297469

reported for not reading the tread and finding where the argument started.
enjoy your ban

>> No.4297475


You completely missed what I was saying.

Right now he's falling out of an airplane. He can either land on some cushions at the base of Mount Everest, or he can land in the Mariana Trench and then try to climb up Mount Everest.

Also, the best advice that I can give you is that sex is nothing special. It is HIGHLY overrated (same can be said about threesomes)

You're not losing anything.
You're not giving her anything.
You're gaining sexual experience.

>> No.4297478 [DELETED] 

reported for lack of comprehension.
enjoy your ban

>> No.4297482


We're both talking at a poster up there who said quite explicitly that he's never had sex and has terrible social skills due to a lack of practice.