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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4292144 No.4292144 [Reply] [Original]

For those of you who missed Gingrich live on C-SPAN

>By my second term, we will have a permanent American base on the Moon

>We will have a fleet based on current airlines taking Americans to and from the moon

>New equipment to get to Mars a priority

>Once base has 13,000 permanent residents, it becomes an American state

Why are you not supporting Gingrich? Dont you want an American space empire?

>> No.4292152

>useless permanent moonbase


>> No.4292155


>> No.4292173


>Implying it wont be self-sustaining with solar power and plants
>Implying a meteor couldnt hit earth at any moment and kill everyone except the moon base people who could come back to re-populate the earth. Thus saving humanity

>> No.4292182

>implying the meteor can't hit the moon, sending the moon crashing into earth

>> No.4292186


Thats what the mars base is for

>Implying the mars base wont be fully operational at this point

>> No.4292192

Wouldn't people on the moon be much weaker due to the lower gravity?

>> No.4292198


Well, they would have to work out to keep from atrophying.

>> No.4292200
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No, I don't want to live in Newt Gingrich's American space empire. He'd be dressing like Ming the Merciless in seconds flat.

>> No.4292219

There will be freedom and space bases. There will be mass colonization of space.
But it will not be this time.
Do not vote for Ron Paul or Gringrich. Obama is fair, if not smart. We may postpone our ascent to the heavens, but it will happen. Do not let these tyrants rule the USA, however. That will lead to unfortunate results.

>> No.4292220
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>> No.4292224


Obama is more of a tyrant than Newt would ever be.

>> No.4292228

yes, this would be epic. mankinds only advancement will be through space exploration

>> No.4292231


Who isn't a tyrant? Who will build our space bases, fix the economy and give us rights to be gay engineers?
I wish religion would get taken out of politics...

>> No.4292232

>Newton Gingrich just pledged to have a permanent moon base by the end of his second term, called for 5-8 space launches a day, and said America should duplicate the World War 2 era manufacturing of airplanes with spaceships.

I know you faggots want it.

>> No.4292237

i don't think america will be able to achieve permanent space colonization on its own or that gingrinch has the vision to do it. a joint effort by japan, china, europe and america will be needed. also i don't think federal funding of a space program will work as well as the private market. also gingrinch is a slimy cunt who would push his mother off a cliff for five cents.

>> No.4292241

I chuckled a little.

>> No.4292244

>actually believing anything a politician says
>actually believing anything a politician that's trying to get elected says
>actually believing any of this would happen once he gets elected
>actually believing that middle class will have any chance at going to the moon in the next 20 years

I thought you were smarter than this /sci/

>> No.4292247


>also i don't think federal funding of a space program will work as well as the private market

Funny you should say that


>> No.4292249
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I find your lack of faith disturbing

>> No.4292250

>Why are you not supporting Gingrich? Dont you want an American space empire?
How fucking gullible are you?

>> No.4292251

>wanting manned mission to mars
>we don't even have base on the moon

are these people retarded?

>> No.4292253

Okay, well, what if the sun goes supernova? Now I know everything science tells us says it won't, but we don't KNOW that it won't, we could be wrong. Anyway, if it does, we'd need to be at least to the next star over (Jupitor) in order to avoid its wrath (Jupitor, being a sun itself, will use its solar influence to protect us, just like any good sun would do for it's constituents... even suns want to get reelected)... man, I think I took it too far on this one. No more drinking for me.

>> No.4292256

I'm going to vote for the politician who promises free ice cream for everybody and to abolish taxes forever!

>> No.4292259
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Yeah. That was stupid as fuck.

>> No.4292265

>as if one of us neckbeard losers will be among the elite and beautiful moon people

>> No.4292267

>Once base has 13,000 permanent residents, it becomes an American state

Isn't there a treaty or agreement or something saying no govenment can claim a part of the Mon?

>> No.4292266
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>Not voting for Newt Skywalker
>Not wanting a more efficient government
>Not wanting to colonize space


>> No.4292270

what are they gonna do about it

>> No.4292272


isn't this the same guy that wants to invade Iran? Actually all the GOP nominees want to invade Iran.

Then he's gonna do something like this that would take tons and tons of funding?
You know it's sad that this is actually going to convince people to vote for him. Enjoy dat false reality.

>> No.4292275


>Intergalactic empire
>Caring about some stupid treaty


>> No.4292276


>> No.4292277

Nice Dubbs OP

>> No.4292281
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>> No.4292282

>going to the moon when people on Earth are still starving to death

>> No.4292283

because he's lying OP.

Bush said we were going to Mars, Obama said we were going back to the moon.

All politicians lie, all the time.

>> No.4292291
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>> No.4292293
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>MFW you guys will never get to experience the dagobah system
>MFW you guys will never learn the ways of the force

Support our glorious leader.

NEWT 2012

>> No.4292297

Isn't there that one guy that actually doesn't want to invade Iran and wants to pull our troops out of like every country?

>> No.4292299
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>> No.4292300
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don't dare mention his name or I will report you to the JIDF

>> No.4292302

George Bush ran on a philosophy of stopping overseas interventions and nation building. Obama said he would repeal the Patriot Act and pull us out of foreign conflicts.

>taking campaign rhetoric at face value

I assume you're underageb& and this is the first election cycle you've been at all paying attention to.

>> No.4292304


>> No.4292305


Allowing some poor rudy-poos to slow down the progress of humanity.

>Sailing across the ocean when people are starving to death

Im glad you werent spanish royalty back in the 1700s

>> No.4292309

ron "the doctor" paul will give us a space program considering he's an actual educated man and not some slimy fat fuck with no principals.

>> No.4292310
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nice dub dubs

>> No.4292317


>> No.4292319

>still using faces that redditors stole and raped

>> No.4292323

I like Ron Paul more than most of him, but this is just patently false. He's clearly against government doing anything. I'm sure he'd support the privatization of space, but he's not in anyway going to support a federal space program.

>> No.4292327
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>trying to justify the non-use of something we crated

>> No.4292335

>edit: more than most of *them*

>> No.4292341

>considering he's an actual educated man and not some slimy fat fuck with no principals.

Outside of a few narrow subjects, he doesn't seem like an "educated man" at all. Ron Paul doesn't give a fuck about space. And if he did, he still wouldn't want the government to have anything to do with it.

>> No.4292339

thats the point. i don't want a federal government program. gingrinch himself said that much of the 60's moon landing took place through the private sector. ron "the doctor" paul would make it easier for that to take place.

>> No.4292343

>Permanent Moon base
>Private fleet of spacecraft shuttling people to and from the Moon
A little ahead of oneself, but okay.
>13,000 Americans on the Moon
Like I said, you are getting ahead of...
>America will claim the entire Moon as its 51st state
>by 2020
Why would anyone vote for this nutjob?

>> No.4292345


Not the whole moon. Just part of it.

>> No.4292348

>you will never be governor of the moon

>> No.4292353


Why would anyone vote for this nutjob?

Im sure the moon base state will unanimously support him for creating their utopia

>> No.4292355

We do these things <div class="math">because</div> they are hard, nigger!

>> No.4292357

Presumably those are the long term plans, and the only thing that would happen by 2020 is the moon base.

That could easily happen if we made it a priority.

>> No.4292358

The moon is a harsh mistress.

>> No.4292382

Even that is outlandish. What human space exploration needs is a steadily increasing presence in space. What it doesn't need is a new, short lived Apollo Program every 50 years. There is no way he could garner enough support to keep such a bold initiative going into the foreseeable future.

>> No.4292387

>haven't even fully explored the depths of our oceans
>want to set up new state on the moon

>> No.4292389

Cool opinions, bro.

>> No.4292398
File: 15 KB, 293x242, jfk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


o man can fully grasp how far and how fast we have come, but condense, if you will, the 50,000 years of man's recorded history in a time span of but a half-century. Stated in these terms, we know very little about the first 40 years, except at the end of them advanced man had learned to use the skins of animals to cover them. Then about 10 years ago, under this standard, man emerged from his caves to construct other kinds of shelter. Only five years ago man learned to write and use a cart with wheels. Christianity began less than two years ago. The printing press came this year, and then less than two months ago, during this whole 50-year span of human history, the steam engine provided a new source of power. Newton explored the meaning of gravity. Last month electric lights and telephones and automobiles and airplanes became available. Only last week did we develop penicillin and television and nuclear power, and now if America's new spacecraft succeeds in reaching Venus, we will have literally reached the stars before midnight tonight.

This is a breathtaking pace, and such a pace cannot help but create new ills as it dispels old, new ignorance, new problems, new dangers. Surely the opening vistas of space promise high costs and hardships, as well as high reward.

So it is not surprising that some would have us stay where we are a little longer to rest, to wait. But this city of Houston, this state of Texas, this country of the United States was not built by those who waited and rested and wished to look behind them. This country was conquered by those who moved forward--and so will space.

>> No.4292405


No gravity in space is much easier to deal with than OH GOD WATER PRESSURE

>> No.4292408

tell that to the manned underwater research lab thread

>> No.4292410

Good to see Gingrich lying out of his ass to get in another term.
The chances of him fulfilling these promises and not raising taxes are next to fucking nothing. If any of you buy into this then you are clearly retarded.

>> No.4292412
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merica, intergalactic empire?

>> No.4292415

>Good to see Gingrich lying out of his ass to get in another term.

He's running for president... he's never been president before...

You full retard.

>> No.4292416

>Oh God Vacuum pressure!

Srsly though, I think Mad scientist's ideas are kinda gay. Exploration of the sea would be far more productive with robots. As would most of the solar system.

>> No.4292420

What part do you disagree with?

>> No.4292426
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The ocean is a dead end. You cannot argue with that.

>> No.4292427

Whoops, my mistake. I meant "To get into office".

But still, if you buy that he can fulfill anything he promised tonight, it is you who is the full retard.

>> No.4292435

>Dead end
>Largest deposits of oil are under the ocean
>Closest we can get to the Earth's mantle is under the ocean

>> No.4292440
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>> No.4292451

The world runs on oil right now, It is a NEED. Now if there would be alternative power source that was cheap your argument would be valid.

>> No.4292452
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Is it finite in all aspects?

Space on the other hand is infinite. One can never finish exploring space.

>> No.4292461


>> No.4292465

First of all, we have access to more oil than we need, and alternatives are very close indeed, most of them just require adequate implementation.

>> No.4292467

>moon base
>massive solar farms
>crazy sophisticated military base

>implying anyone would fuck with us EVER if we had control of the moon

>> No.4292468

>implying spaceships run on fluorine

>> No.4292480

>Is it finite in all aspects?

Have we learned all there is to learn about the Ocean?


Then we still have work to do, I don't see why you want to label it as something that isn't worth our time because "OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG I'M IN SPAAAAAAAAAAACE".

Are you worried we'll run out of things to explore? Is that why you think it's a dead end? Do you think technology we'll develop exploring the oceans will have no purpose outside of exploring more oceans?

Are you clearly just grasping for reasons you want your sci-fi fantasies to happen?

>> No.4292487

this, I would really like to see some new marine life in the oceans. Also I like your point on how the technology would not be useless after exploring all of the oceans; we can always put that technology in a robot to explore Europa and see if there is life there

>> No.4292491

Okay /sci/, since you claim we don't need to explore the ocean, tell me what did this:

Go on, tell me why we should just ignore it so you can gather more gray rocks from the moon.

>> No.4292512
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I for one welcome our new dark lord

>> No.4292540

Why not do both?

/sci/ is too quick to jump on the bandwagon of something and then proceed to hate every single other option imaginable.

I have to assume this is a product of un-open, unintelligent, and uncreative minds.

>> No.4292598
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If new technology programs and a more overhauled version of the commercial crew programs are what Newt wants...

... then why did he so vehemently oppose the Obama Administration's original proposal for the space program which would have dramatically increased NASA's R&D budget as well as funding for commercial development?

>> No.4294055

I'm not familiar with this Gingrich figure but I don't really trust him.

>By my second term, we will have a permanent American base on the Moon

Worst phrasing of words ever. The moon is currently under a threaty that makes it so that none can lay claim on it. Placing an American base on the moon would start international troubles and may even lead to a second arms race where 2 or more economic powers race to have a base on the moon. If we are ever to place a base on the moon, it will higly likely be an international research facility like the ISS.

>We will have a fleet based on current airlines taking Americans to and from the moon

There are people already looking into this but it will be too expensive for the common man. Enjoy paying space taxes while a milionair gets to walk on the moon.

>New equipment to get to Mars a priority

This is a very good point. I've always been in favor for building a small Mars base. There's no need to man with anything other than 'robots' but it but it will make exploring Mars easier, could delve into resources and could serve as a first pitstop for spacecrafts exploring beyond Mars.

>> No.4294057

part 2


>Once base has 13,000 permanent residents, it becomes an American state

And here we arrive at point one again. The threaty is the only thing that makes the moon just the moon. If America breaches it, every nation in the world will want to make claim on it.
It would be way too ironic if the moon would become the second America but only with the world acting as its colonisers.

TL;DR: Too much fiction and too much international conflict on this road. Moonbase should be science/resource related and above all an international project.

>> No.4294071

He won't live up to those fucking promises. He's stupid as fuck to even suggest such a thing.

Seriously, will you guys believe everything/anything a candidate says? Do some fucking research and READ. Look at the current economy. Do you think by his ~second term~ he'll even have the funds to perform these ventures? The man power? Holy fuck, do you even think he'll have the ability to do this, given world affairs?

It's like society is getting dumber and dumber. Even the science majors are becoming pretty fucking stupid nowadays.

>> No.4294073

The US should collaborate on this project. We may be able to accomplish a lot on our own, but imagine the combined might of the US, Canada, Russia, China, Japan, and the EU working together on a project to establish a base on Mars.

This could truly bring about the next great human revolution. A shift in thinking. Less time and money and lives invested in blowing up brown people (nuke their ass, take their gas!), taking starving niglets in Africa, and raising and culturing them to be upstanding citizens in the Royal Earth Fleet.

The middle east was once the centre of Man's advancement - it is not because they are inferior that they've fallen behind, they succumbed to fanatical religion, and fell from grace. Let them see what we accomplish. See the wonder at the first time they get a phone call from Mars.

Half of this was in jest, but I truly believe the frontier of space could unite humanity. Why fight for control of a tiny part of a tiny planet... When the entire universe is at your fingertips? I wish to see humanity colonize the galaxy in our lifetimes, and as anti-senescence technology, and our understanding of things increases, the progression will do nothing but accelerate.

>all hail the singularity - information is our faith, technology our messiah, the advancement of humanity our god.

>"We are a way for the cosmos to know itself." - Who Am I Kidding, You Know This Quote.

>> No.4294077

For the Imperium! For the Emperor!

I, for one, nominate myself as a candidate for Supreme God-Emperor of the Imperium, 2024. I will rule this galaxy with a velvet-gloved iron fist.


>> No.4294078


>Placing an American base on the moon would start international troubles and may even lead to a second arms race where 2 or more economic powers race to have a base on the moon.


>> No.4294101

Obviously America needs to do something that makes us the shinning beacon on the hill again. Ever since the mid 20th century we have done nothing amazing, internet, computers, etc. i guess.

but it would be so fucking boss if we, America, claimed the moon and all the butthurt eurotrash, vodka drinkers, and chinks get mad and anal crusaded as fuck

>> No.4294104

We need a new space race. Good American capitalists led by SpaceX, Bigelow, Boeing vs. evil Chinese communists.

>> No.4294115
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>We will have a fleet based on current airlines taking Americans to and from the moon

I haven't laughed so hard in ages.

>> No.4294120

For them to see rocks on the moon, yeah.

>> No.4294131

Of course it's just pandering. Playing lip service to space exploration allows him to gain some support without sacrificing much. He already has the conservative credentials otherwise to prevent those who hate spending money on space from attacking him on the issue. Supporting it helps him gain the support of a small demographic, based mostly in Texas, Florida, and California, of people in and involved with the space industry. And while they don't carry many votes, they have money, which is something Gringrich desperately needs - by some accounts he's currently fourth in funds raised, and his Super-PAC is currently supported by one socially-liberal Jewish gambling magnate.

However this may also be a bit of personal issue with Gringrich. He is heavily influenced by the Foundation trilogy, and Hari Seldon is his hero and role model (Newt is also huge on history - if he was not a politician, he would have been a historian). He also has quite the case of meglomania; from his personal writings and sketches he often talks of himself as a reformer and savior of human (and American) civilization.

>> No.4295501

Magnates, how do they work?

I'm not voting for him, but I would honestly deal with this horrid little cunt if I thought he would (or could) make good on those promises.