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4283528 No.4283528 [Reply] [Original]

This is something everyone interested in physics should see!


It is called A Night with the Stars by Brian Cox and it is a television show about physics. I watched this last night after smoking weed and it blew my fucking mind! Watching physics while baked is always awesome! I then watched it again today and it is still very cool!

If you are even remotely interested in the weirdness of quantum mechanics and the theory of relativity, you should check this out some time! And if you really want to enjoy it, smoke some weed and it will be the coolest thing you have ever seen!


>> No.4283540


Doesn't he do the Wonders of the Universe shit? Did they cancel that? I loved that shit.

>> No.4283542

what channel, what time?
I've got 'The Wonders of' series on DVD, and I missed the lecture he did a few weeks back.

Also, learning anything is better when you're high, especially if you've got people to talk to.

>> No.4283545


There's four episodes on the Universe and six on the solar system. They finished a while back. They were sort of a mini series

>> No.4283548

I believe Wonders of the Universe was a four episode show in 2011, following his show from 2010 called Wonders of the Solar System.

>> No.4283551

sounds good bro, will consider it over watching the new harold and kumar movie

>> No.4283554

OP here
I watched the harold and kumar movie last night too dude! XD It is not as good as the first to, so you should be really baked while watching it. Still, some of the scenes with the waffelbot and the claymation part were fucking awesome!

>> No.4283559

OP your troll didn't go exactly as you hoped.


>> No.4283561

Now that astronomy is going mainstream it's time to delete nostalgia de la luz from my hard drive, tear down by poster of the constellations and trash my folder of galaxy desktops . :(

>> No.4283574

Ironic science hipster douchebag detected.

>> No.4283575

What the hell are you talking about?

>> No.4283589
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>OP didnt sound serious enough

>> No.4283613

Gee well sorry bout that? OP here

I guess I don't sound super serious, and I know my english writing is kind of bad, But I'm definitively not trolling.

I don't know if your aiming at the original post, or my opinion about harold and kumar. All I can say is I really enjoyed this science show and I would like to share it with others! Also, the new harold and kumar movie is decent, but not as good as the first two.

>> No.4283614


It's painfully obvious saw that debate about drug use and got an idea for a troll.

His mistake was being cheerful instead of obnoxious.

>> No.4283654


Or maybe he just wanted to share his drug use with us, and hes also a cheerful person?

>> No.4283715

Bumping this because it's a video people should actually see!