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File: 70 KB, 620x620, 1327137242745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4283508 No.4283508 [Reply] [Original]

req image showing types of atheism and why you can't be agnostic


>> No.4283510

>implying you can't be agnostic

>> No.4283511

Fuck off. That image is invalidated by checking a fucking dictionary.

>> No.4283515
File: 53 KB, 500x429, agnostic:atheist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4283514

I'm too lazy to find it but there is a spoof of them saying "there are no atheists, you are an antitheist".

>> No.4283517
File: 25 KB, 712x956, agnosticsLOL.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4283519
File: 159 KB, 867x634, agnostic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4283521

yea it's got a graph like this half-way down the image, at the top it's like 'there is no such thing as agnosticism, blabla'

>> No.4283522
File: 476 KB, 1275x3601, agnosticism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4283523

And yet, you would by shocked from how much tenacity some people show defending some bullshit they have read on 4chan. No wonder religion has so much following, just write down something and some people will automatically consider it credible.

>> No.4283526
File: 204 KB, 800x1584, 1319038293057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its in the god delusion, i know its not very respectable but its better than 4chan lol

>> No.4283527

Agnostics are cunts. They wouldn't (though I've seen some do it) entertain the possibility that there are rainbow colored flying talking toasters, but they do think it possible one of thousands of proposed humanoid sky wizards might be real.

fuck agnostics

>> No.4283529
File: 8 KB, 417x429, agnosticism2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>insists 4chan atheists are wrong
>can't explain what agnostic is that isn't atheist
stay classy

>> No.4283531

rainbow colored talking flying toasters would be fucking awesome though

>here is your toast, sir wheeeeeeee (barrel rolls)

>> No.4283530

winrar, thanks bro, also thanks err1 else for cool religion images

>> No.4283534
File: 166 KB, 801x801, atheismharris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw you're going to post all these on r/atheism

>> No.4283535
File: 145 KB, 600x700, agnostics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4283536



>> No.4283537
File: 478 KB, 1000x1160, explanatory.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4283539

I'm an atheist, but this kind of bullshit really crushes me.
First of all, it's incorrect, who wrote this hasn't even bothered to check the dictionary - agnosticism is not "I don't know lol". It's the position claiming that the nature of reality might be beyond our understanding.
Second, I hate the "you are not a full fledged atheist because you are afraid of death or because you want to sound less threatening".

Fuck you. Some people disagree and think the idea of god is worth evaluating deeper than I do.
Is this fact so deeply scary that you have to pretend the entire world secretly agrees with you?

>> No.4283541

Then you are agnostic atheist. Atheism on its own it outright denial of god.

>> No.4283543

And yet, he defines himself an atheist.
He should man up and call himself an antitheist.

Signed: proud antitheist.

>> No.4283544

> It's the position claiming that the nature of reality might be beyond our understanding.

true but what the agnostic fails to acknowledge is that in 'neither believing nor disbelieving' he is in a state of NOT BELIEVING. 'Not believing' is different from disbelieving. and 'not believing' and disbelieving are both definitions of the atheist

>> No.4283546

Most people who call themselves "atheist" are agnostic atheists. So are most people who call themselves "agnostic".

>> No.4283547

But what if I believe in all the gods but the abrahamic one?

>> No.4283549

Actually, my point is that the word atheist has been interpreted for centuries as opposition to theism and privative alpha can both means lack of or opposition to. Words are not math, they don't have one single, absolute and undisputable meaning.

>> No.4283550


Atheism doesn't mean claiming to know that god doesn't exist, atheism means the lack of belief in a god.

>> No.4283553

I hope you'll admit that most people believe atheist to mean "disbeliever" rather than nonbeliever. If it wasn't the case these little charts wouldn't even be necessary, right?

Words are defined by their usage mostly, so, yeah.

>> No.4283556
File: 76 KB, 453x604, 1319313497986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

troll thread general?

>> No.4283557

Or belief in the non existence of god.
Yes, believing something doesn't exist is a belief, even iof a rational one. And we have a word for it because it happens to be very influential in our society.

You can "lack belief" only if you aren't aware of the concept.

>> No.4283563

Wait, why does he call himself an atheist then?

Also, we have a word for "lack of belief in god" (or watever the fuck you want atheism to mean) because religion has a prominent role in our socienty, unlike cattle mutilating UFOs

>> No.4283564


>Or belief in the non existence of god.

No, it doesn't mean that. It's a simple negation of theism.

Belief in the non-existence of god is gnostic atheism. Atheism by itself does not mean that.

>> No.4283565

I call myself Agnostic because the term "Atheism" has gotten to the point that it may as well be referring to a religion and it's fucking embarrassing.

>> No.4283568
File: 47 KB, 560x174, 147742.strip.print.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4283569

Pick up a dictionary, turn to atheism, and type word for word what you see. Or alternatively, stop using "Belief" because its original meaning wasn't what it is now, it was to cherish and hold in faith.

>> No.4283570

the webster and the encyclopedia britannica disagree. They list your definition as well.

Also, gnostic atheism is CERTAINTY in the non existence of god.

>> No.4283572
File: 256 KB, 1440x1426, 1319311295032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4283573



>> No.4283576

Stuck in the past.

>> No.4283578

I feel your pain man.
I'm an atheist people who are too exited about the culture warshould call themselves antitheists.
Just out of coherence, if they want to bitch about the meaning of agnostic.

>> No.4283579

Both atheist and agnostic mean both nonbeliever and disbeliever in different social circles. It's just a matter of using whichever term is appropriate for the discussion taking into account other's perceptions. I don't have a problem with using either word. of course I never actually have these discussion except on the internet so I have lots of room to elaborate. I wouldn't call myself agnostic-atheist since it's a bit pretentious. But the graph is useful for clarification of terms.

>> No.4283581

Thank you, kind sir.
You are a light of reason in this otherwise dark shithole.

>> No.4283584

Ignostic master race reporting in

>> No.4283588

kiss more ass, please

>> No.4283591
File: 160 KB, 550x550, 1319138454928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>proper usage of words

>> No.4283594

Just out of curiosity:
How do you call someone who believes god committed suicide to create the universe and that it will coem back together at the end of it?

>> No.4283596
File: 288 KB, 800x600, 145_1324853990488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurf durf I think agnostic isn't a philosophical position not specific in any way to religious belief?

>> No.4283600

>can't read

>> No.4283601

you don't think someone announcing in the middle of religious discussion that he is an 'agnostic-atheist' is a bit pompous?

>> No.4283603

Tell me anon, do you prefix your "agnostic-atheist" with "culturally-american-heterosexual-"? It'd be about as relevant.

>> No.4283605

i dont know but you're wrong. god did die when the universe was made but he won't come back. a higher order being will be created at the end. higher than the universe and higher than god.

>> No.4283606

If the terminology and context is accurate...how can the timing of the statement make it pompous?

>> No.4283608


Whether one claims to know whether God exists or not is not irrelevant in a discussion about religion.

It would only be irrelevant if someone simply asked you "Do you believe in a God?" and nothing else.

>> No.4283609 [DELETED] 

The SPaG in this picture is awful, but whoever made did a pretty alright job of explaining why gridfags are fucking stupid. I'll make a more complete version myself when I get my arse in gear.

tl;dr why do you want an incorrect picture OP?

>> No.4283610

I mean, is he an atheist or a theist?
He believes god has existed and he will exist, he just doesn't exist right now.

>> No.4283618
File: 371 KB, 664x1714, Agnosticism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The SPaG in this picture is awful, but whoever made did a pretty alright job of explaining why gridfags are fucking stupid. I'll make a more complete version myself when I get my arse in gear.
tl;dr why do you want an incorrect picture OP?

>> No.4283619

wow, just read that, what an ultra-bitch

>> No.4283620

You could say 'I'm an agnostic atheist' and it would be fine.

But it's unnecessary because you achieve the same result by saying 'I'm an atheist' or I'm an agnostic'. Most people don't care beyond that. If they do care and enquire further or trying to incite an argument or misunderstand your position, then you make it clearer.

But coming out with the full precise definition in the company of someone who asks a simple question like 'do you believe in god' would be pedantic. most people who ask the question casually wouldn't even know of a distinction between 'agnostic-atheist' and the words 'agnostic' or 'atheist'. They'd have to enquire as to which one you were.

>> No.4283622

>Whether one claims to know whether God exists or not is not irrelevant in a discussion about religion.
Straw man. Whether one claims to know whether toasters are objectively better than kettles is not irrelevant in that discussion, but you wouldn't call yourself agnostic tosterian.

>> No.4283623

I did it. What is SPaG?

>> No.4283626

you believe gods do exist though so you're a simple theist.

>> No.4283629

Spelling, punctuation and grammar.

>> No.4283630


>Whether one claims to know whether toasters are objectively better than kettles is not irrelevant in that discussion

What kind of point are you trying to make here? Toasters and kettles are not relevant to a discussion about religion, whether one is agnostic/gnostic is relevant.

>> No.4283633

It's a hypothetical question, I don't believe in the kamikaze god.

Point is, x doesn't believe god exists. He bleieves he will. Given how vague the definition of god is, if I believed we'll eventually reach the technological singularity I would be a deist because nearly omnipotent supercomputer = greek god.

>> No.4283635

Sorry, english is not my mothertongue.

On a vaguely related news, I got a ton italian words in the catcha today. Weird.
Captcha: ottiene facenti

>> No.4283641

Well...if the question was framed as simply as you just stated I'd just say 'No' and be done with it.

No fucking around with definitions people don't apparently understand.

>> No.4283650

>another straw man
>ignores the first one

you don't warrant the thought it would take to explain.

>> No.4283678


Is using "agnostic-atheist" pretentious in every situation?

>> No.4283681

If you decide to make a better version, add a not on how a as a preposition can mean both lack and opposition to.

>> No.4283762

Seriously, that was just a thought experiment, there isn't a single shred of evidence to back it up besides human reasoning about a explicitly stated nonhuman entity with nonhuman motivations.

>> No.4283791

It was a hypothetical question, not my actual belief.