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4278624 No.4278624 [Reply] [Original]

How soon until we become immortal? Would it be possible biologically? What about technologically?

>> No.4278633
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Never, it's impossible

>> No.4278636

Probably not going to happen. At least not for the forseeable future, if for no other reason than because we already have more people than we can sustain without everyone becoming immortal all of a sudden.

>> No.4278637

1. science scans and saves your brain down to the last atom
2. turn that into a robot
3. immortality

>> No.4278644

First, you would have to make the universe immortal

>> No.4278647
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I think its possible.

>> No.4278648

But will that really us? The being with out memory would think and woukdn't nitice anything but that wouldn't be us.

>> No.4278650

the guy who is responsible for porting tetris to the west is working on that

>> No.4278655

>invent artificial gravity
>stop universe expansion and subsequently the big freeze

>> No.4278656
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Once we can grow a genetically engineered body and surgically place your feeble little brain in it.

>> No.4278657

>implying it isn't entropy ending the universe

>> No.4278660

We just need to invent a new, nonshitty universe.

>> No.4278663

Have they made any progress? What's the situation with those guys?

>> No.4278668
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You wanted immortality not a conscience. The world around you as a robot will passed so fast you wouldn't notice, except your brain since thats all you'll be.

>> No.4278671


Entropy isn't ending anything.

People gotta remember that entropy is a CONSEQUENCE, not an ACTION.

The natural tendency of energy to flow from a high place to a low place, and the impossibility of the reverse, is what causes entropy to increase. It is not "entropy" by itself.

>> No.4278676
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>in science

Looks like we've got an Engineering major here.

There are animals that don't age, and researchers have extended the lifespans of animals in lab experiments by severalfold. It's entirely possible.

Die in a fire you piece of human garbage.

>> No.4278678

Full body transplants, OP. I give it 50 years, tops.

>> No.4278685

We can sustain an obscene amount more of people. Also all those smart people being born can only help scientific pursuits.

The only countries with problems resource-wise are third world with terrible infrastructure. At least as far as food goes, we could feed multiples of the total world population, if we wanted to and didn't have to wasted precious, precious money trucking it to people in Africa.

>> No.4278694

40 years, give or take a decade. Although, it won't really be immortality. It will just be life extension treatments. The thing is, the life extension treatments will progressively get better faster than people age. This means that as long as you keep getting the modern treatments, you keep on living. This will all stop when prosthetic technology starts being used instead of age-reversing treatments. The only problem is that it's bloody difficult to change the structure of the brain to a non-biological medium.

Of course, if the singulitarians turn out to be right, then it could be that immortality will be discovered much sooner.