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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4276100 No.4276100 [Reply] [Original]

Femanon here.

Why are smart people ugly, /sci/?

>> No.4276105

Youve fucked up your causal direction there dumb slut. It makes sense since your weak woman brain can not into logic. The question is why are ugly people smart? And the answer is, because they have to be.

>> No.4276108
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[citation needed]

>> No.4276109

This anon knows what's up. /brofist

>> No.4276111

Why do you mistakenly consider yourself smart, OP?

>> No.4276118


>> No.4276121

I feel bad for ugly dumb people, they really have nothing going for them.

>> No.4276127

sauce please

>> No.4276131



>> No.4276132

Derailing the thread.

Anybody knows those perfect people you can't figure out? There was a guy in my highschool who was pretty as fuck, was offered to be a model and he refused. So he could go to fucking harvard.
How's it even possible to win the god damn genetic lottery so hard. He was a pretty chill guy though, always with girls, always the highest grades.

How. How the fuck. Yeah, I'm jelly.

>> No.4276134

instant boner

>Why are smart people ugly, /sci/?
if they were beautiful the would be fucking and not studding

there might exist some people that are beautiful but with mutated brains so that they won't think about sex so often
(in a way this makes them less human)

humans by definition have the urge to procreate
otherwise this spices will just be a dead evolutionary chain

>> No.4276135


Just pure luck.

>> No.4276143

That guy probably had dumbass parents who kept pressuring him, an incurable and/or very hampering disease, large confidence issues because everyone's expecting him to be the best or is insane/paranoid/schizoid to some degree.

I used to envy a dozen people before I became friends with them and realized how shitty their lives were.

>> No.4276146

I too am jelly.

>> No.4276147

I knew a guy like this as well. However smart I though I was, it was nothing compared to him. He'd fuck around days before exams, go to parties, fuck girls, then he'd show up and ace the fucking thing. I don't remember that in 4 years I went to school with him he ever got anything less than 95%.

>> No.4276152
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>implying 4chan is full of beautiful people

>> No.4276156

sounds like he's around the girls because they do his homework

he's probably a lot dumber than you think

>> No.4276161



>> No.4276166

Someone post that "smart people are the most beautiful too" article.

Anyway you're not really smart OP, you're just nerdy/geeky because it's the one redeemable quality you think you have and also the hardest to disprove, you'll discover the truth soon enough.

>> No.4276174
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I had a similar situation in High School. This dude was sexy as all hell. Almost every girl wanted him. He took only AP classes and had straight A's, and he could paint and draw like a god.
Instead of hanging out with girls on weekends, we used to LAN at his house and play DotA.
mfw he always wanted to play video games with me instead of hanging out with women.

>> No.4276178


Or he *was* actually that smart. You wrongly presume that I didn't know him. He was actually quite modest about everything, but fuck, he's the smartest guy I ever met.

Fucking ubermensch.

>> No.4276182


You fuck. You should've helped him breed!!

>> No.4276186


you're saying it like breeding is a good thing...

>> No.4276192

I'd rather have hundreds of people like him than hundreds of niggers.

>> No.4276196


>> No.4276201



>> No.4276205

this sums up the psychology thread from yesterday
psychology = shit

>> No.4276206
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>> No.4276214

These fuckers.

I had a girl like that, damn good looking and valedictorian. Too bad she was a frigid bitch.

>> No.4276234

Thank you kind anon, bookmarked for future reference.

sage for /thread.

>> No.4276607

bump for interest.

>> No.4276661

Fucking genetic lottery.

>> No.4276711

Good looking = healthier, better immune system, better upbringing, better genes.

Good looking people are more likely to be intelligent. You probably don't notice that ugly people are stupid too, which is most likely because you don't notice ugly people at all.

>> No.4276830

Intelligent people are actually prettier than average, but it's a cute kind of beauty, not the one that attracts sluts.

>> No.4277148

So cute, not sexy.

>> No.4277156

That's an illusion. When you see someone ugly AND intelligent, you automatically assume it's because he's intelligent.
In fact, the opposite is true. Intelligent people are generally better looking.

>> No.4277166


>Be a chemistry major with a strong self-taught background in computer science
>Be a curlbro and cross-country runner
>Not fit into any overly general categorization of people
>Be angry at vapid whores/trolls who post generalizations on an imageboard primarily populated by those susceptible to this kind of shitposting.

Fuck off, OP.

>> No.4277181


Moar stories about these faggots.

>> No.4277187
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U mirin?

>> No.4277194

Do you even lift?

>> No.4277195
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yeah tell them
all scientist are hotties
and all models are PHDs
all good looking movie actors publish papers
and the club of beautiful people helps the advancement of science

/sci/ - full of ugly dumb people

>> No.4277196

>curls for gurls

GTFO my /fit/

>> No.4277197

Show us more of you feet. Toes preferably

>> No.4277203
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>> No.4277204

Physically, smart people shouldn't be ugly at all because they realize the value of being physically fit and clean.

Of course, I define intelligence as capacity to learn, openmindedness and curiosity. Those are all things I find extremely attractive in men. I suppose, then, that intelligent people can never be truly "ugly".

>> No.4277218

You are mixing up common sense of hygiene with physical looks. You can be clean as fuck, but if you have a shitty face, you are still ugly.

Or like me, have an 9/10 face, but skin so shitty that I have acne at 21 and will remain very scarred whenever they decide to gtfo

>> No.4277227


You should dip your head into a vat of benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid all day eery day.

>> No.4277230

>You can be clean as fuck, but if you have a shitty face, you are still ugly.
I think "ugly" is a very subjective term. All I look for in guys is basic physical maintenance. It's common courtesy to be clean and being healthy indicates discipline and self-awareness.

>> No.4277243


why cant i hold all this bodyfat

>> No.4277246

clean, funny, self-aware have nothing in common with intelligence
i think that you're on the wrong board if you're here for the guys

>> No.4277251

Doesn't work :(
Nothing actually works and my dermatologist refuses to put me on accutane. It's too late now anyways, my skin is already fucked up permanently.

>> No.4277254

>clean, funny, self-aware have nothing in common with intelligence
Those were my physical standards and I don't understand why any intelligent person wouldn't be clean and self-aware.
The most world-renowned scientists are charismatic and not physically unattractive.

>i think that you're on the wrong board if you're here for the guys
I'm not here for the guys, but I appreciate your concern.

>> No.4277284
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>This thread
>All that's wrong with the world

Pick all!

>They think being intelligent or beautiful is what truly matters
>They don't know that what matters is the practical application of the thing opposed its embodiment; i.e. being smart or beautiful

I recommend that you guys get yourself acquainted with a little known invention called the mirror. A mirror is a reflective surface, often made of glass, which creates a reflection. Stare it for a few moments and realize how dumb you are for thinking that you are in the least intelligent, and how average looking, or ugly you are for thinking yourself beautiful. The truth is most often seen, not heard; i.e. keep telling yourselves whatever makes you feel comfortable. But remember: at the end of the day, you are what you are, which more often than not isn't anywhere near whatever "truths" you keep feeding your egos.

>inb4 troll, frustration, outrage, fag, etc, etc, etc.

Chances are you are nobody, and out of all the frustration that which afflicts you, you've taken to online anonymity with the hopes of making you feel better, but are only propagating your issues.


>> No.4277304

You're butthurt is showing.

>> No.4277318
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>> No.4277345

good, good, let you're butthurt flow

>> No.4277377

So is it genes?

>> No.4277381

you win the supreme jelliness award

>> No.4277397

>tfw the hard working and beautiful girl says stupid things all the time and you feel the embarrassment that resonates in the room that is produced due to the uneven clashing of people's belief of Hollywood's depiction of perfect, infallible beautiful females with the terrible reality that is being presented before you

sucks for her, she has to live up to so many expectations

>> No.4277415

one thing i learned : never generalize.
Not all niggers steal.
Not all white people steal.
Not all niggers work.
Not all white people work.
Not all models are stupid.
Not all models are intelligent.
Not all smart people are ugly.
Not all smart people are beautiful.