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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4274463 No.4274463 [Reply] [Original]

So, given the mind-body problem, and the evident failure of dualism, it becomes obvious that nonduality (monism) must be the case.

Here on /sci/, the vast majority of you are physicalists, but let me ask you:

If everything must be either matter, or mind, and you're conscious (thus directly experiencing mind), isn't it more logical to conclude that all things are facets of consciousness rather than material?

>> No.4274469

>the evident failure of dualism


>> No.4274470


If you think there is a soul, get the fuck out of /sci/.

>> No.4274471

Surely you must be joking.

>> No.4274478

If you think there is none, YOU have to gtfo.

Fucking troll.

>> No.4274480

Solipsism doesn't make sense.

Ironically, the mind body problem is illusory.

>> No.4274486


>Implying a false dichotomy between dualism and monism

>> No.4274487

What's the difference between mind and consciousness

>> No.4274489


I know you're trolling, but I'll do this simple and quickly:

If the mind can interact with the physical body, then it is by definition physical.

>> No.4274490


Why not?

>> No.4274492

>and you're conscious (thus directly experiencing mind)

Would I realize that I was experiencing something non-physical if I were raised by bears in the wilderness? Point being: the mind, especially as a concept which is distinguished from the physical world, has been made up by people through culture and storytelling, and has no logical basis.

>> No.4274493

No, if it can interact, it can interact. Nothing more. Don't jump to stupid conclusions.

>> No.4274496


There isn't one.

>> No.4274497

confirmed for full retard

>> No.4274498


>If the mind can interact with the physical body, then it is by definition physical.

By what definition?

>> No.4274501


If something causes physical changes in a physical system then it interacts physically.

Okay, done feeding trolls.

>> No.4274503

It being able to interact physically doesn't make the whole thing physical, dumbass. It is still a separate entity, even though it can use an interface.

>> No.4274505


You can be aware without having an active ego.

Also it's funny to listen to someone who (presumably) is experiencing qualia tell me that consciousness is a fallacy.

>> No.4274507


What do you think the difference is, then?

>> No.4274508


Confirmed for doubleretard

>> No.4274510
File: 21 KB, 736x278, LOL-I-TROLL-YOU006507.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4274512

u r so mad

>> No.4274517

buttmad autist detected

>> No.4274519


So what aspects of an entity that both reacts to the physical world, and acts on the physical world, would make it nonphysical?

>> No.4274526

Have you ever physically observed a thought?
I don't think so, Tim.

>> No.4274530

Look fa­ggot, everyone here is tired of your shit, in every fucking thread that consciousness is discussed you come here telling everyone that dualism is correct and that anyone who thinks otherwise is stupid. Do you know how many scientists consider dualism as something worthy of study? Almost no one. We are not in the 15th century, and if you want to talk about your ridiculous shit go back to >>>/x/. You are probably a religous fucktard, a new age fucktard or a troll. In any case you don't belong here you worthless piece of shit. GTFO.

>> No.4274539
File: 31 KB, 367x399, ahahafaggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you really think this is a SCIENCE thread?

>> No.4274540


Which is why I'm saying it is more sensible to believe everything is a facet of the mind.

>> No.4274543

OP was shitposting and claiming dualism is wrong. This is not the case.
You further prove my point by preferring to post insanity and madness over rational arguments.

>> No.4274544


To follow up, we know thoughts exist, because we have them, so to conclude that matter is a mental phenomena makes more sense to conclude that thoughts are a physical one.

>> No.4274545

>how many scientists consider

Argument by authority.


>> No.4274547

>You can be aware without having an active ego.
Aware of what? Of bears? Aware of some made up shit?
>active ego
Don't know how you're using ego here, but no one has mentioned ego in this thread (because it's irrelevant)

>Also it's funny to listen to someone who (presumably) is experiencing qualia tell me that consciousness is a fallacy.
Did I say consciousness was a fallacy? Consciousness is real, specifically, it is equivalent to the action of thousands of neurons in the human brain. How is this so complicated? Where is there even room for a non-physical entity which supposedly interferes with this process?

>> No.4274550


Well, I think you're wrong, because dualism is pretty obviously logically flawed to me, BUT

it doesn't really have anything to do with the thread, which is why those who reject it favor the physical over the mental.

So kindly fuck off.

>> No.4274552


Since you cant provide me the definition to which you refer to, your arguments are invalid.

>> No.4274556

>is pretty obviously logically flawed to me
>to me

Logic is not a matter of opinion, fucktard.

>it doesn't really have anything to do with the thread

It was OP's initial troll statement. Tell me this is unrelated to his thread.

>> No.4274557

Dualism IS wrong you fucking dumbass. Get off your high horse fucktard, you are not the rational here, you are just a fucking idiot who believes in supernatural shit. If you have a rational and scientific argument that shows dualism is even remotely probable I will listen, otherwise you are just an arrogant worthless fuck.

>> No.4274566

It seems you don't know what argument by authority means.

>> No.4274568

I've always felt like a dualist, even though I know there isn't a shred of evidence supporting it.

Hey, at least I don't crash into buildings because of it.

I guess I don't want to accept monism, not because of a fear for death, but because of a highly escapist imaginative mind.

>> No.4274571

>shifting the burden of proof

No, you fucker make a fallacious claim. Now it's up to YOU to prove dualism wrong. (Obviously you can't, because philosohy is not science and you are retarded anyway).

>> No.4274573


Ego as in personal identity. I was getting at the fact that you don't have to realize you're aware to be aware.

And how do you explain the actual experience of being conscious?

If everything is mind, the apparent physical world can logically be considered a figment.

If everything is physical, how do you explain the apparent mental realm of experience?

>> No.4274575

I do, you don't.

>> No.4274590

Oh shit, oh shit, OH SHIT! You are even more fucktarded than what I tought. We already know what produces conciousness, and that is -in the case of humans- the motherfucking brain, and thats is supported by a colossal amount of studies and evidence, saying otherwise is like saying gravity is fake. I don't have to disprove dualism, because that was done centuries ago, you fucking arrogant pseudo-intellectual fa­ggot.

>> No.4274595


Explain qualia.

>> No.4274597

Nope. I won't waste my time with you. Educate yourself idiot.

>> No.4274602

>We already know what produces conciousness

How about you publish your religious revelation and give your knowledge to all the serious neuroscientists who don't know what produces consciousness?

>> No.4274607

How should my education make up for the lack of yours?

>> No.4274614

For fuck's sake, can we have ONE thread on /sci/ without everyone jerking themselves off and insulting the person they're arguing with? Do you think actual philosophers and scientists call each other faggots during debates? This isn't goddamn middle school. FUCK, you should be ashamed of yourselves.

>> No.4274621

Can we have a /sci/ - science and math board without philosophy shit threads?

>> No.4274625


Sure, just make a philosophy board.

>> No.4274627

Explain dualism.

>> No.4274629


Would love to hear a response to this, as it was the actual point of the thread.

>> No.4274633


I'm not a dualist. I'm a monist, but I think it is more rational to assume everything is mental than everything is physical.

Thus: Explain qualia.

>> No.4274634

Where in the brain is consciousness? Where am "I"?

>> No.4274636

I didn't claim to have an "explanation" for dualism. In fact you cannot explain it, just state that it is a viable hypothesis.
YOU on the other hand made an enormous claim, saying you can explain consciousness.
I'm looking forward to having good laughs while seeing you coming up with more troll logic and fallacies.

>> No.4274645

Demonstrating that Mind is caused by Matter does not mean that Mind is not separate from Matter.

>> No.4274649

I didn't say I can explain consciousness you fucking fa­ggot, I said that consciousness comes from the brain and not from a magical "soul" like you are claiming. Just because we don't know everything about a topic doesn't mean that we should invoke supernatural mythological claims to fill the void, like you are doing with the whole dualism shit. Dualism is dead, get over it.

>> No.4274657


Why do you assume a false dichotomy between dualism and physicalism? Mental monism doesn't have a problem explaining the physical world. Physical monism has a doozy of a pickle trying to explain the mental world.

>> No.4274667

>"I didn't say I can explain consciousness"
>makes half-assed troll attempt in explaining consciousness

You suck at trolling. Dualism has nothing to do with magic. It is one rational hypothesis. Your pseudo-religious fanaticism is sick. Science explains physical things, the soul is a subject of philosophy. Fucking deal with it, faggot sucker.

>> No.4274670

ITT: I'm an atheist debate me .jpg

>> No.4274671

Okay, I'm going to try this again:


How do you explain the actual experience of being conscious?

If everything is mind, the apparent physical world can logically be considered a figment.

If everything is physical, how do you explain the apparent mental realm of experience?

>> No.4274674 [DELETED] 

Wait, you're that same exact fucking guy posting in every thread about free will? Do you have a job, a hobby or something?

>> No.4274675

Because induction would be useless.

>> No.4274676


How so?

>> No.4274680

Nope, you suck at trolling. Making strawman arguments and being a pseudo-intellectual hipster won't lead you anywhere.

>Dualism has nothing to do with magic. It is one rational hypothesis.
>the soul

Go fuck yourself, you worthless troll.

>> No.4274682

This is the first time I am actively posting in a philosophy thread and the only reason for doing so is that I was seriously appalled by the ignorance presented by your person.

>> No.4274685

Because solipism does't account for the unexpected.

Like muons, or accidental flatulence.

>> No.4274686

Do you realize that you just dismissed the whole field of philosophy as trolling?

>> No.4274688

Confirmed for not having a soul.
How does it feel to be a robot?
Oh wait, you don't have feelings.

>> No.4274690


If all your feelings are figments of your mind, why can't surprise be too?

>> No.4274691
File: 67 KB, 954x661, b52-bomb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> What I feel like doing to this dumbass thread

>> No.4274692

No, I dismissed a fa­ggot that appears on every thread saying "dualism is right, you are an idiot and should go back to >>>/x/ if you don't believe in the soul!!!1!!1!" as trolling

>> No.4274693

If you don't have consciousness, then how can you troll this thread?

>> No.4274696

See? You are a shit-tier troll.

>> No.4274697

ITT: Physicalists don't realize they're just as indoctrinated and stubborn in their beliefs and retards who believe in souls.

>> No.4274703 [DELETED] 

This is the first time I ever post in this thread, what the fuck is your problem homie?

>> No.4274704

Projecting much?

>> No.4274705


No one in this thread has claimed or implied to be such thing.

>> No.4274709


See: All the people who claim consciousness is a physical phenomena

>> No.4274710 [DELETED] 

kill all niggers kill all niggers kill all niggers kill all niggers
kill all niggers kill all niggers kill all niggers kill all niggers
kill all niggers kill all niggers kill all niggers kill all niggers
kill all niggers kill all niggers kill all niggers kill all niggers
kill all niggers kill all niggers kill all niggers kill all niggers
kill all niggers kill all niggers kill all niggers kill all niggers
kill all niggers kill all niggers kill all niggers kill all niggers
kill all niggers kill all niggers kill all niggers kill all niggers

>> No.4274712

Mind is primitive substance. The Physical is an emergent property of Mind.

>> No.4274713


Let's make out.

>> No.4274715

That does not implies physicalism.

>> No.4274717


I'm not talking about my feelings, I'm talking about things that I could not ever predict existing in the first place.

Like muons.

But Solipsism is logically unassailable. However I don't use it because it assumes too much and demonstrates nothing. It does't work.

>> No.4274718

meant to reference >>4274710

>> No.4274722


Solipsism doesn't assume that you have any power over the construction of your world.

>> No.4274725


That or dualism, but no one seriously believes in that nonsense.

>> No.4274734

Out of the THREE philosophy threads on the front page this one is the worst.
The anti-dualism troll really has potential to make people mad and he actually reminds me of the "logic" troll.
At least I've been long enough on 4chan to know that the only winning move is not to play.
Good luck with him, /sci/.

>> No.4274739
File: 27 KB, 500x333, 1324518413811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calling others trolls

>> No.4274740


I'm OP, and I honestly didn't think that people on a science board would have an issue with assuming dualism to be false as a premise. It wasn't even the point of the fucking thread.

>> No.4274754


You are ignorant of philosophy since the 17th century. A distinction between mind and body doesn't mean to imply the existence of the soul past the decay of the body; it only means they can be conceived of as necessarily separate ontological categories.

The data contained in a feeling or a perception is not simply the physical data which causes it.

>> No.4274757


Did you even read the OP? I'm think both dualism AND physicalism are wrong. Mental monism is the only way to rationally explain the experience of consciousness.

>> No.4274758

He is not ignorant, he is trolling. Stop giving him attention.

>> No.4274760


>someone disagrees with me

>> No.4274761

You have your beliefs, other people have other beliefs. Now fuck off.
This is a science board.

>> No.4274763

You are not satisfied with having your opinion/belief. You want to force it upon others.

>> No.4274764


How is using reason and analysis to explain reality not science?

>> No.4274768

Because science deals with things that are objectively quantifiable.

>> No.4274769


Are you... are you retarded or something? I've gone this whole thread without insulting anyone, but for fuck's sake, do you really think an attempt at rational argument is some sort of personal attack?

So far I've been called ignorant, and a troll, but NO ONE has actually explained why a physical explanation is more reasonable than a mental one.

>> No.4274771

Wow, now religion is science in your opinion?

>> No.4274774

No fucking shit is more reasonable. It is fucking philosophy and doesn't belong here.

>> No.4274775


No, religion is not philosophy. It is irrational.

>> No.4274778


Scientific propositions are the collective subjective interpretation of Mental qualia. Objectivity in the sense which implies a mind-independent reality is a nonsense concept.

>> No.4274783

That's because the thread was derailed by the DualismGuy that floods /sci/.

>> No.4274786



I am so goddamn sick of people on this site being unable to have actual discussions. It's all trolls and insults and knee-jerk reactions.

>> No.4274787

1. This thread has no right to exist here.
2. There is no "dualism guy".
3. Your trolling is obstinate but lame.

>> No.4274789


why do you so readily assume that rationality is important/desirable

>> No.4274792


Because it is the primary means by which we orient ourselves in and understand our world.

>> No.4274795


maybe in post-enlightenment western society but to posit that as some sort of universal condition of humankind is kinda lulzy

>> No.4274796



>Hey, jumping off of tall things kills me
>I guess I shouldn't do it


>> No.4274803


Religion heightens the feeling of power in man, so that he is more able to combat suffering and impose himself further on the world. The guy who came up with it deserves an award for his brilliance and rationality.

>> No.4274805

How do you know it kills you, unless you try it?
Isn't it kind of religious to trust an authority who tells you it was dangerous to jump off of tall buildings?

>> No.4274806


if everyone had had that attitude we would never have gotten parahutes

>> No.4274810


No. You can observe the effects of large drops on other objects and induct that you would be similarly damaged.

>> No.4274812

>If everything must be either matter, or mind, and you're conscious
Wait, where did you demonstrate that premise?

>isn't it more logical to conclude that all things are facets of consciousness rather than material?
Ha ha, no. However, you can consider all perceived things to be facets of consciousness.

The two are not the same.

>> No.4274815


>Hey, jumping off of tall things kills me
>I guess I shouldn't do it
>However, I have observed that air resistance can slow down the fall of an object
>If I increase my air resistance, I can fall at a slower rate

Or do you think a guy invented a parachute by accident?

>> No.4274819

Who tells you that induction is a viable concept?
You have been indoctrinated by self-proclaimed "scientists".

>> No.4274821


If not matter, or consciousness, then what is reality composed of?

>> No.4274825


Its track record.

>> No.4274827


My dick.

>> No.4274828

Throughout history a lot of nonsense has been recorded too.

>> No.4274830


But your dick is only a figment of your imagination. That's what I'm saying.

>> No.4274831

Say that again when you feel it deep inside you.

>> No.4274842


The pleasure too, would simply be inventions of the mind.

>> No.4274843

You are saying the pleasure of being cummed inside is an illusion?
This renders my whole life meaningless.

>> No.4274845

So your life consists of being cummed inside?

>> No.4274847

JUST STOP THIS BULLSHIT. The reality that you perceive is formulated by an organism (made of atoms in currently incomprehensible arrangements and patterns) called the brain. That is where our limited perception of reality takes place, THAT IS YOU. you are your brain and other parts of the nervous system.

Now what the fuck is this shit about dualism? again, one word: atoms.

A problem that exists is the lack of knowledge about the meaning of consciousness and where exactly it resides within the functions of the brain.

inb4 i just said it, it resides in the way the brain works. Well no shit. Gravity, how does it work? "well it is just the way it is, but its caused from a mass's distortion of space and time" me- "ok so how exactly does mass effect space time"

>> No.4274849

Yours doesn't?
Are you one of these sick heterosexuals?

>> No.4274853

>Now what the fuck is this shit about dualism? again, one word: atoms.

Now what the fuck is this shit about gravity? again, one word: ice cream

>> No.4274854

>you are your brain and other parts of the nervous system

Your computer is only hardware, there is no such thing as software.

>> No.4274856

ice cream isn't fundamental to understanding the meaning of gravity.

understanding atoms is necessary, however, to understand reality.

>> No.4274861

If all that exists in actually one thing, then it doesn't really make sense to differentiate between mind and matter.

What matters is how the contortions and patterns in that one thing interplay.

Calling that one thing physical makes more sense from our scope, because leaving consciousness currently unexplained gives us more information than leaving how the whole of physical reality in all its intricacies becomes apparent to some observer.

Fuck dualists, though. Fuck 'em hard.

>> No.4274865

>understanding atoms is necessary, however, to understand reality.

PHYSICAL reality is what you mean. Consciousness / soul is not part of it and therefore can't be understood in terms of physical atoms.

>> No.4274867

if the mental world exists, and the physical world does not, what is death?

>> No.4274869


The cessation of experiencing one particular ego.

>> No.4274870


The ceasing of mental experience. durf

>> No.4274874

First off you need to explain why you think experiencing consciousness is not experiencing the physical world?
Second if reality is just mind, why can I not control you?
Third, what is death?

Clearly we are matter.

>> No.4274879

Experiencing consciousness is not limited to experiencing the physical world. Thoughts can be unrelated to and separate from physical references or causes.

>> No.4274880


>Consciousness is not physical.

"SCIENTISTS HAVE EXORCISED THE GHOST FROM THE MACHINE NOT because they are mechanistic killjoys but because they have amassed evidence that every aspect of consciousness can be tied to the brain."

The brain is physical, in the case you didn't know.


Not sure if troll.

>> No.4274886

What fucking irony that the article you posted says the exact opposite of your garbage post.

>> No.4274887

If consciousness is a result of the brain, and molecules create the brain, and quantum matter create the molecules, how does that create a consciousness?

"What is it that breathes fire into equations that provides a universe for them to describe?" -Stephen Hawking

Answer me that in a fulfilling manner and I will be very grateful, even if it is just your opinion.

>> No.4274892

No, it says we don't know everything about consciousness, not that there is evidence to suggest such thing exists outside of the physical world.

>> No.4274893


Particular arrangements of matter cause consciousness for the same reason there is a speed of light.

>> No.4274895


We do not know, simple as that bro?
It is a shame, but both you and I are not smart enough to come up with the answer.
Eventually people much smarter than us, may discover the answer, but probably not in our lifetimes. This is no reason to begin making things up without evidence.

>> No.4274902

>First off you need to explain why you think experiencing consciousness is not experiencing the physical world?
It is usually the same, however the experience of qualia is more primitive than the experience of an external reality. The idea of an external reality requires an interpretation of the qualia, so the physical world exists as concept.

>.. not control you?
Because you are not in control of the reality associated with your mind.

>Third, what is death?

The cessation of experiencing one particular ego.

>> No.4274904

Well yes and no. Incompleteness theorem comes into play here, but I've been reading about this kind of thing for a while now and I've come across two satisfactory conclusions.

1. Everything is sentient on its own level
2. Sentience can emerge from self reference

>> No.4274916


Can you autograph my book, Dr. Hoftstader?

>> No.4274918

With the answers that you are giving you are basically equating mind with matter to me.

For us to argue over whether everything is matter or mind, you need to explain exactly what is different between the two.

Because if the laws that govern them are the exact same, it does not matter which word we choose?

It seems like a whole bunch of pointless ramblings to me. We are all matter, when we die we die. If we still die being mind, then what is the difference?

>> No.4274919

Maybe you didn't read the article?

>Whatever the solutions to the Easy and Hard problems turn out to be, few scientists doubt that they will locate consciousness in the activity of the brain.

>> No.4274922

This was MY statement, retard.

>> No.4274923

I haven't finished reading it, does he also state the sentience is just on different levels? I know he does the self reference part of it.

>> No.4274931


Long story short, any system that maintains analogous structures to the outside world is bound to model itself, so consciousness scales with the complexity of the housing system.

Made me a vegetarian.

>> No.4274934


Doing philosophy doesn't change anything about the world or give you more power over the world. It simply changes how you think about the world and there can be value in that.

>> No.4274936

Huh? You said that consciousness isn't part of the physical reality, yet the article shows that all the studies regarding consciousness show that it's tied to the brain, a physical thing, and that talking about "souls" doesn't help at all.

>> No.4274942

So it seems I wasn't completely wrong then... Thanks bro. Anything else you think is cool that I should know?

>> No.4274957


Our minds basically exist for the same reason our computers work (symbol structures existing in physical systems with manipulations in the system being analogous to a shift in semantic content), which I think is hella neat.

>> No.4274962

<div class="math">\mathbf{Summary~of~thread:}</div>
Category mistake: people looking for a specific part of the brain that "makes consciousness", but in not finding it, claim that no such part of the brain exists-- necessitating the addition of a non-physical mind. The category mistake is that it is more likely true that the brain or the brain and the body as a whole produces consciousness, and that in looking at specific parts it is impossible to see how an entire consciousness is produced.


>> No.4274973

Hella neat indeed. It's weird learning that you will never know truth, and even weirder to realize that knowing absolute truth is never possible.

>> No.4274980


No, people are looking for an explanation of qualia, not how the brain works.

>> No.4274981

What I am asking is what is the difference between mind and matter?

I say reality is made up of matter.

Apparently OP thinks reality is made up of "mind".

What is the difference between my matter and his "mind"?

I feel the fact that he does not have a distinction between the two is causing him problems.

>> No.4274986


Describing mental experience as purely physical misses the point of the discussion. It's like saying that a novel is nothing more than the collections words on the pages.

The meaning of a novel can be mapped to a particular ordering of words, but the ordering is not the meaning of the text. These are separate entities.

>> No.4274989

No answer then? Do you still believe in the soul or what?

>> No.4274994

But we do know truth.

I know that if I fall off a building I will die. That is one truth. I know that if I take two steps in one direction I will be roughly two meters away from where I started. That is another truth.

How can you say we do not know truth?

Yes there are certain things we do not know, and maybe never will; but that does not mean we do not know anything.

>> No.4275013


He probably adopts some form of transcendental idealism. Mind would be the substance of the concepts we employ to help interpret our sensations. It avoids the epistemic problem of knowing things as the are and not as they appear, by suggesting that the thing-in-itself isn't necessary or fundamental.


>> No.4275048


>> No.4275059


>> No.4275060

But if you do not know everything, how can you say you know anything?

>> No.4275074


This. There is no reason to invoke non-physical things to explain consciousness.

>> No.4275084


>> No.4275097



>> No.4275111


>> No.4275112



>> No.4275128

>If everything must be either matter, or mind, and you're conscious (thus directly experiencing mind), isn't it more logical to conclude that all things are facets of consciousness rather than material?

This doesn't lead well to falsifiable predictions. How does this offer better predictive power than the usual convention of a physical reality?

>> No.4275130


>> No.4275135


A word with no actual meaning.


>> No.4275137

This seems fairly obvious. Anyone claiming the mind or anything in it doesn't come form the brain or the physical body is probably following some form of backwards sprituality.

Qualia are just how the brain organizes different forms of pleasure and pain. It seems fairly obvious.

>> No.4275140


It offers the same amount of predictive power by positing the existence of the physical world secondarily. It does offer more malleability in our fundamental assumptions leading to less dogmatic assertions about the the "true" nature of reality.

>> No.4275141


And a book is no more than the ordering of the words on its pages!

>> No.4275143


You're missing the point. Why there is an observer at all in your biological system? Why do you have the experience of consciousness if the sum of your existence are the machinations of your biochemistry?

>> No.4275144

>This seems fairly obvious.

It is, but sadly we still have people believing in "the soul" and dualism.

>> No.4275149

OK so get this, dualism is incorrect, but since we still have a cultural inclination towards metaphysics and spiritualism, let's do some mental contortions so we can convince ourselves of what is essentially dualism.

10/10 for getting lots of responses

>> No.4275151


Keep patting yourself on the back there, chief. You can have a nonphysical reality without having dualism.

>> No.4275155

We can. But we don't.

>> No.4275157

thanks guys for understanding my post

not understanding my post? I guess that makes me feel a little frustrated, but I really don't care if a bunch of stubborn retards miss the point, because you're all going to die anyways.

>this thread

>> No.4275165

No john, you don't understand your post.

>> No.4275166

Alternatively, maybe you are really bad at explaining what you think your point is.

>> No.4275168

So, no new predictions? Thus far, methodological naturalism seems like it's worked quite well thus far. And thus you seem to be pushing an agenda. You are the dogmatic one.

>> No.4275176

Well you see it's popular to believe in spirituality, therefore we should accept it as a scientific principle without evidence, instead demanding that its opponents prove that it doesn't exist.

>> No.4275179


>> No.4275182

I think you're being sarcastic, but I will vent anyway.

Ugg. I hate this. It's the most annoying moving goal post argument ever. There's the kinds of spirituality that one can observe, and the "magic" ones have been falsified. For the unobservable ones, you are an idiot claiming it to exist, because, by definition, it's unobservable, and thus you have no evidence about it.

>> No.4275185


Strawman circlejerk much? Since when was philosophy "spiritual"?

>> No.4275191

Honestly, what are you trying to say? I missed your point.

>> No.4275200


I was saying that no one is claiming to be spiritual, but you guys are pretending someone is and then bashing that fictional person to further your (fallacious) argument.

>> No.4275204

I think we're arguing over the word "spiritual".

I'll give you the short version. If someone has an empirical claim unsupported by evidence, then I will call him an idiot. If someone has an empirical claim contradicted by known evidence, then I will call him a huge fucking idiot.

This includes claims that god exists, dualism is true (whatever the fuck that even means), and other ambiguous claims that straddle the border between observable and falsifiable, vs not.

>> No.4275213

Hey guys.

I'm drinking again.

I'm probably gonna go pass out or cry myself to sleep or something soon. I just want you all to know that you're wonderful people and I enjoyed spending time with you. Anonymous members of 4chan... you're the only people I've ever really connected with.

I probably won't remember this in the morning, and you probably won't either. But I love you, /sci/. You're my best friend. Whatever you learned from this board, treasure it. Remember it forever. Become better for it. I guess what I learned is that... life is bittersweet. Although I guess I knew that already. No matter what unfortunate, unavoidable problems come your way, remember that there are good parts too. Happy feels, and friends that understand you. Learn to accept the bad and appreciate the good.

In the end, that's all you can really expect.

>> No.4275215

HAHAHA drunken ramblings on 4chan - how typical...

>> No.4275220


Empirical, eh?

"Cogito ergo sum." With that you can prove your mind exists.

Now prove a physical world exists outside of your mind. Good luck.

Which of us is more empirical, again?

>> No.4275232

>I think therefore I am.
Hidden is an implicit premise, "For all X, if X thinks, then X exists".

Here's my "implicit premise": A physical world is an incredibly useful model because of its predictive power. Slipping into casual usage of referring to a "real world" is for brevity only. Those who deny the "real world" usually have a hidden agenda that is unsupported by the evidence.

>> No.4275234 [DELETED] 
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What is the equation for a square/rectangle?

>> No.4275247


The world doesn't have to be physical to be a useful model. Assuming the world is a facet of your mind does not alter its behavior.

We both reject dualism. And yet, you must admit, as a mind who can claim that you think, that you must exist to do so. So, if the mind exists, and a mental world doesn't alter the predictive power of the present model, why assume a superfluous objective physical reality?

>> No.4275275


Also, I should note that pigeon-holing your opponents and dismissing them offhand without hearing their argument is precisely what the "spiritual" you so detest do.

>> No.4275289

I fail to see how one would make a model of physics, etc., if you say "it's all in your head". Especially when I know that by altering my brain I can alter my mind. How would one model this in your "it's all mental" model?

Do you care to present arguments that we can discuss, or are you going to continue to object to what I consider to be quite reasonable positions to hold?

>> No.4275304

>I fail to see how one would make a model of physics, etc., if you say "it's all in your head". Especially when I know that by altering my brain I can alter my mind. How would one model this in your "it's all mental" model?
Okay, look at it like this.
You can prove deductively that your mind exists.
You cannot prove deductively that the physical world exists.

Knowing those two things, consider these:
The mind is a facet of the world.
The world is a facet of the mind.

Since you reject dualism, ONE of those two must be true. The former, however, is more rational to believe because you've already proved logically that a mind exists.

To make a model of physics, all that is required is testable predictions. If an imagined world follows certain rules unyieldingly, those rules can still be canonized into a model.

To answer your question about altering your brain to alter your mind, have you ever had a dream where you take drugs? Even if not, I'm sure you can imagine a dream in which your mental state changes because you dreamt you've taken a substance which you have not in reality.

>Do you care to present arguments that we can discuss, or are you going to continue to object to what I consider to be quite reasonable positions to hold?
...I just did. You responded to it.

>> No.4275357


We've come this far, at least concede if you aren't going to respond, you're the only one in this thread who even attempted an argument.

>> No.4275374

>Since you reject dualism, ONE of those two must be true. The former, however, is more rational to believe because you've already proved logically that a mind exists.

>> No.4275377

Playing LoL now.

>> No.4275386


Which part do you object to, and why?

>> No.4275390

To judge whether one is more likely to be true is to judge probability. One can only judge probability given some information about truthness and falseness. You do not have the required information to judge between your two suppositions on probability in any conventional sense. Such a thing would at the very least require the equivalent of a physics that would allow us to make predictions. In other words, such a judgment of probability is a falsifiable prediction of sorts. As it cannot be falsified, I don't even recognize its meaningfulness.

>> No.4275411


It is rational to believe something for which there is evidence (that a mind exists).

It is not rational to believe something exists that can be explained by the thing which you DO have evidence for. The apparent world can be explained as a phenomena of the (proven) mind, so why assume a superfluous objective physical reality?

So, I misspoke. I should not have said MORE rational, because believing in physical reality is wholly irrational.

>> No.4275418

mfw /sci/ gets trolled by epistemology

>> No.4275430

>It is not rational to believe something exists that can be explained by the thing which you DO have evidence for. The apparent world can be explained as a phenomena of the (proven) mind, so why assume a superfluous objective physical reality?

Again, I'm not sure what we're arguing over. Do your ideas have any falsifiable predictions at all? Or any falsifiable predictions distinct from mine? If it's an empirical claim, which it is, which lacks falsifiable predictions, then I really don't care. It's meaningless.

>> No.4275437


We're arguing over metaphysics, which while quite useless, are worth thinking about.

I'd think a /sci/entist would be more interested in the NATURE OF ALL OF EXISTENCE and what we can reasonably conclude about it.

>> No.4275445

+ 202 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

I swear, this and deterministic vs random universe threads are ultimate troll grounds


>> No.4275454


I wasn't even trolling.

>> No.4275502


>> No.4275513

why is it one or the other, why is it not half way in between? just because you cannot explain consciousness with words dosent mean its something inherently mystical or mysterious and on the other hand just spouting that the brain can be explained entirely via neurological interactions is a load of shit to. Assuming that our senses are the be all and end all is just arrogant, something which cannot be observed currently dosent make it inherently false.

i implore you /sci/ read between the lines and realise that language isnt reality

>> No.4275601

As opposed to religion threads?

>> No.4275618

Monism (as consciousness) would help explain entanglement and wave-particle duality, interesting.

>> No.4275638

Husserl solved it. It just haven't been noticed widely. He just proposed transcendental ego which consitutes both scientificaly psychological counsciousness and scientifically physical brain.

>> No.4275640

Can you elaborate?

>> No.4275692



New Age/Idealist/Hack Detected.

>> No.4275698

pseudointellectual detected

>> No.4275710


>Impotentently insults instead of trying to defend his position

Confirmed for New Age/Idealist/Hack.

>> No.4275714

>transcendental ego
Empty words. How do you measure "ego" or "transcendental"? How do you define ego or transcendental in way which can be operationalised?

>> No.4275716

Ditto, seems were both just swimming in a big pile of shit, but can we trancend our own lazyness?

>> No.4275719

define: consciousness

and do attempt to keep it scientific, rather than phishing for unfalsifiables via question begging

>> No.4275750

>Implying a mind body problem with no evidence.
>Implying consciousness is direct and not delayed
>Implying Qualia are real

Implying so many implications here guys.
Why do we have to have this conversation daily, Why is it not enough that damaging your brain causes consciousness to be altered (significantly in some cases)
Why? WHY? why? Why? Why? WHY? why?

>> No.4275754

>thread posted: 19:29
>latest reply: 6:57

>mfw it has been on for 7,5 hours

>> No.4275764

>hurr I are retarded
>durr I can't read

>> No.4276572


>> No.4276582

>bumping this horrible troll thread

All my why.

>> No.4276602


Because I'm OP and not trolling, obv.

>> No.4276603

Motivated reasoning. If reality is counter to what we want to believe, then we tend to reject reality.

>> No.4276627


Actually, I'd prefer a physical reality. A reality of nothing except awareness and illusions is profoundly disturbing.

But I've provided an argument as for why it is more rational to believe it to be the case, and no one has yet offered a counter.

>> No.4276631

>not trolling
>says dualism is wrong

Fuck you.


I am mad.

>> No.4276645


What aspects of an entity (the mind) that both reacts to the physical world, and acts on the physical world, would make it nonphysical?

If the mind and the body can interact, they are of the same substance.

>> No.4276650

Are you really trying to revive this shitty troll?
Your crap has been refuted several times ITT.

>> No.4276676


Link me to it. No one has actually answered that question.

Or the one about why it is more reasonable to assume mental monism than physical. The best I've gotten on that front is that they have the same predictive power so it doesn't matter.

>> No.4276682
File: 391 KB, 1000x874, 1322319247256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

troll thread

>> No.4276685
File: 95 KB, 764x764, trollface_trolling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related, it's OP

>> No.4276687

>mfw people have their ideas challenged and can't offer a response so they call me a troll instead

>mfw when the people that do respond just stop replying when they can't counter my argument

>mfw I'm responding to trolls to bump my thread in hopes of a serious response

>> No.4276689
File: 11 KB, 184x184, everyone-is-trolled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is a successful troll, you've all been trolled hard XD

>> No.4276694
File: 304 KB, 300x441, successfull_troll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw successful troll is successful
>mfw you ignore every counter argument
>mfw you keep repeating the same inane garbage over and over again
>mfw I am mad

>> No.4276700
File: 56 KB, 500x339, troll_op.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4276708


>mfw I actually responded to all the stupid arguments

>mfw you're just giving me someone to respond to

>> No.4276718





>> No.4276724

You're trying to use scientific principles to examine something inherently unscientific and reach a conclusion which isn't really supported by anything except Occam's Razor and a load of premises which are not universally accepted. I don't think anyone's even brought up neutral monism.

That said, since your position of mental monism isn't falsifiable I suppose you can assume that the world is entirely composed of some kind of non-real mental substance since nobody could disprove it, just like you could assume that you are in fact God and you've caused this reality to come into being and you've simply erased your own memory of being God or some such. Your positing that this mental reality isn't necessarily controlled by the observer leads me to believe that the mental reality may be more or less the same as a physical reality anyway, since we don't know what the underlying "substance" of either of them is.

My philosophical position is one of practical materialism that assumes the universe is essentially a physical objective reality that I perceive because that's basically the default position I take whenever I do anything or think about the universe anyway and it's the only really useful one for my purposes. I can't deny mental monism like I can't deny solipsism but don't really see any value in it.

>> No.4276725
File: 570 KB, 616x1024, troll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never presume trolling. OP actually believes that he is a spirit floating in nothingness and is simply imagining the rest of the universe.

>> No.4276750


Thank you.

I actually tend to agree. The argument I make is really more an illustration the failure of logic than it is an earnest philosophical position.

We experience a physical world, regardless, so even if we were to assume it was an illusion of the mind we would, on a daily basis, have to treat the illusion as an actual reality. I think it is actually reasonable to assume the world is as it generally appears to be, since induction evolved much earlier than deduction. The world isn't discrete or axiomatic, and all formal systems complex enough to describe it are necessarily either unsound or incomplete.

So, yay science and induction in our continuous reality.


>> No.4276771


>244 posts later
are you fucking kidding me