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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 23 KB, 628x371, teacher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4266071 No.4266071 [Reply] [Original]

[spoiler]>Okay class, I think it's about time we all introduced ourselves.</spoiler>

>> No.4266073

[spoiler]I hate that shit</spoiler>

>> No.4266077

[spoiler]Instantly have to take a shit.</spoiler>

>> No.4266083

[spoiler]What's wrong, /sci/? Too socially awkward for introductions?</spoiler>

>> No.4266085

[spoiler]Instantly aware of the spaghetti in my pocket</spoiler>

>> No.4266090

[spoiler]jesus christ, you guys are real fucking nerds if you have anxiety about standing up and saying your name...</spoiler>

>> No.4266093
File: 16 KB, 255x352, laughing link.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4266096

[spoiler]Hi! My name is Valjean, and I'm going to fuck your curve.</spoiler>

>> No.4266105

>standing up
You seriously had to do that. Our professors just make us sit still and say our name.</spoiler>

>> No.4266110

[spoiler]ME! ME! I wanna go first, please, me!</spoiler>

>> No.4266114

[spoiler]"Hi, my name is David McDavidson, and my hobbies include dressing up like the grim reaper, and standing outside a window of a elderly home and looking in."

And instantly I'm a teacher favorite.</spoiler>

>> No.4266124

[spoiler]"Hello my name is (wouldn't you faggots like to know), and I'm an alcoholic"


>> No.4266126
File: 11 KB, 320x350, varg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

O U!

Hello, my name is Varg, pleased to meet everyone in the class. I'm sure music 205 will be a lot of fun.</spoiler>

>> No.4266127

[spoiler]>i have a pet dog and i like video games</spoiler>

>> No.4266132
File: 25 KB, 140x111, 1299334064391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[spoiler]>Be in 6th grade

>H-hi, m-my n-name is A-anon...
>I-I'm n-new to this c-city a-and I l-like to p-play v-video g-games...

>Oh, cool! What games do you like to play, Anon?

>Uh, Halo...

>lol awesome
>dude wuts ur gamurtag
>how far u get?


>> No.4266136

[spoiler]Hello, my name is Alec, and I decided to major in science for the wonders of the universe one can comprehend, and trying to discover more to our reality. But seeing a lot of neckbeards in this class is making me second guess my choice here...</spoiler>

>> No.4266145

[spoiler]I cringe in embarrassment as everyone introduces themselves with internet memes, 'FAIL', reddit shit, foreveralone, and >>4266114 this kind of shit. All said with the most pretentious voice possible. This will include the professor, for some reason.

I did not realize that high school students were actually less embarrassing than college kids. Jesus.</spoiler>

>> No.4266151

[spoiler]Yeah it sucks.

I have a class right now. Dead silent the entire class. The instructor is nervous as fuck and cant talk. We could have used some introductions, regardless of how ridiculous.

Seriously every day my eyes wander hoping that someone can look up so I can say hi to them. They would all rather text or listen to music or something stupid. I talk to at least one person, but it never seems to stick.

Whats wrong with people.</spoiler>

>> No.4266153

No, you just still have a high school mindset as most nerds/geeks, even after college, seem to be kept in.</spoiler>

>> No.4266155

Hey, why don't you people who love to do that start your own private club where you could all stand up all and introduce yourself all day long and leave us people alone with our fucking math problems? You social types always have to fuck everything up.</spoiler>

>> No.4266158
File: 22 KB, 720x540, 1326761131573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I know you werent joking. But you made me laugh.

>keep it up /sci/</spoiler>