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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4264561 No.4264561 [Reply] [Original]

As with most teenagers, they contantly get told they could do so much better if they apply themself and all that bullshit.

I stopped thinking that years ago and have come to realize that I am simply of average intelligence. But I want to change that.

I have a pretty terrible memory, both short and long term, I have trouble wrapping my brain around concepts and visualizing concepts, I'm mediocre at both ends of the spectrum from language to math and everything in between.

Is is possible to become much more intelligent or smarter than you are? Is it similar physically working out your body, different exercises, strict regimine, diet, etc...?

How would I go about doing this? Any websites or tips or shit in general. My main goal is to major in something science related, I'm currently a freshman majoring in marine biology but I am definitely changing that. I just feel like I'm not smart enough to go down other more strenuous science careers.

>> No.4264579

Don't do any more drugs, to start

>> No.4264591

The biggest advice I can give anybody is don't go to college until you are sure what you want to do. Like you, I had a friend who was a Marine Biology major, graduated, and made nothing of it. He is now a receptionist at his families HVAC co.

Although I feel I learned nothing in college that I couldn't have taught myself, I did enjoy the girls, the drinking, the drugs, and the good times. They were just expensive good times.

>> No.4264592
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I get the strong impression you're a stoner.

I've got bad news for you. That terrible memory, yup.

Weed motherfucker, not even once.

You've thoroughly fucked yourself from ever accomplishing anything even slightly noteworthy. Congratulations, I hope it was worth it.
>mfw tokers and their "ITZ NACHRULL!"

>> No.4264596



>> No.4264603
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>> No.4264605

Read non-stop. Think before you do anything.

>> No.4264609


I started smoking about a month after I went to college. My memory has always been mediocre. I honestly haven't noticed a difference because of weed. Although I'm not saying it's not affecting me, I just don't notice it yet.


>> No.4264615

>I honestly haven't noticed a difference because of weed.
Typical scumbag pothead anecdotal evidence.

Face it faggot, you're worthless. Go play hacky sack on some other board.

>> No.4264616

you just needa stop and if you've been using it frequently, give it a few months for your brain to balance out. It's not good for you, but it's not as bad as some make it out to be. Basically, if you really want to 'reach your potential', you need to cut that kind of shit out of your lifestyle. Same goes for alcohol too, though getting hammered frequently seems to be perfectly acceptable still.

>> No.4264633

>hacky sack
>not broing out to CoD

you sure don't understand the modern stoner do you?

>> No.4264640


Way to take that completely out context you shitty troll.

>"Although I'm not saying it's not affecting me, I just don't notice it yet."



>> No.4264644

i used to get the lowest scores in the history of my school but then one day when i was walking home from school i walked into a lamppost. it completely changed my life, i managed to actually understand things. my education only really began at the age of 17 when i walked into a lamppost.

>> No.4264645

From what I've heard, all brain training games and exercises, á la Nintendo's games, are ineffective in boosting your intelligence. All except n-back games. You can find them online or as an app. When I play them I can almost feel my brain being massaged. Check it out: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/N-back.. Other than that I can recommend simply studying and keeping an open mind. The more things you know, the more you can apply that knowledge to other things in life. The swirling physics of a coffee cup is similar to what happens to forming galaxies, for example.

>> No.4264648

captcha: herpetic iganot
I think that sums up your post.

>> No.4264656

Ok fuck you OP. But seriously. Stop thinking you're retarded. Fucking focus. Have discipline. Try. Dedicate yourself to your cause, or whatever you call it. Fucking do it. And you need to do is work hard. It's gonna be fucking hard. You're gonna fail sometimes and it's gonna suck. But the thing that will fuck you the most is thinking you're stupid. I don't mean start going around thinking you're a genius and smarter than everyone. But understand that you have the ability to learn and get better at things. There are tons of people around who will say this and that about some are genetically stupid, you're limited, stop it. They'll argue all day and write books about that bullshit, but let them do it. Just focus on you.

Oh yeah, cut the drugs too. They aren't helping. Probably wouldn't hurt to get off 4chan either.

>> No.4264657

>The swirling physics of a coffee cup is similar to what happens to forming galaxies, for example.

>centripetal/centrifugal force of fluid dynamics is similar to general relativity

Get out.

>> No.4264664

>Marijuana causes memory loss.

Would you kindly provide evidence to support your argument?

>> No.4264661


Ok. I think I narrowed down my question even more now.

As I said my memory is not that good. Should I first focus on improving both short and long term memory, THEN start absorbing knowledge?

Or should I just start learning a bunch of stuff while simultaneously attempting to boost my memory?

>> No.4264659

If you are only looking at it from your perspective, how will you notice the difference?


Aside from that, your argument is anecdotal. Also known as the weakest form of evidence to support an argument.

>> No.4264660
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>> No.4264673

weed not even once

>> No.4264681


I lold. Thank you.

New question

>> No.4264684
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>Converging lines of evidence suggest an adverse effect of heavy cannabis use on adolescent brain development, particularly on the hippocampus
>Cannabis abuse is related to impairments in a broad range of cognitive functions.
>Among adolescents, the perception that cannabis can cause harm has decreased and use has increased. However, in rodents, cannabinoid administration during adolescence induces working memory (WM) deficits that are more severe than if the same exposure occurs during adulthood.
>Learning impairment by Δ(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol in adolescence is attributable to deficits in chunking.
>Neuropsychological deficits associated with cannabis use in young adults.

>mfw you feel the full force of the dick of science being rammed into your anus

>> No.4264691


Thank you.
>>4264664 here and I was genuinely interested in the science behind this but admittedly too lazy to do the PubMed search myself.

Thank you for providing scientific evidence to support your case, you have changed my opinion.

>> No.4264706

The Dick of Science, by the way, is the new name of my penis, just if anyone was curious.

>> No.4264716


I'll agree that that was more of an attempt at poetry than rigorous science, but you're as much at fault here as I am, for even mentioning the centrifugal force, which doesn't even exist (http://scienceworld.wolfram.com/physics/CentrifugalForce.html).).

Second of all, it was more of an example of how something so tiny can resemble something so large.

There's no shortcut. Smoke less. Then just start asking questions - how does this and that work? How does that form, what causes this effect? Then google it, go to wikipedia and just click around. Basically it's all about curiosity. If you're curious you will learn loads. And you won't have to memorize the info in a way you're implying, like a memory game, because if you're interested in how many stars are in our galaxy you'll remember that information automatically. You may never have the talent for math and the like (even though that too can be trained to an extent), but you can still become mighty "smart" by simply being attentive, curious, investigative.

>> No.4264723

>or even mentioning the centrifugal force, which doesn't even exist

What? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Centrifugal_force

>> No.4264720


Alright thanks.

Though I'm still going to try and look into any memory boosting exercises.

>> No.4264768
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>mfw there's a call for evidence, evidence provided, and anon changes paradigms

I've never been prouder /sci/.

This sort of thinking will save the fucking world.

>> No.4264780

As the evidence provide, I'm quite pleased as well. I've grown a large disdain for potheads because of their frequent use of bad science. They are probably the second biggest offenders, closely behind christians.

As an unofficial neuroscientist people's ignorance about the brain is always frustrating, so to have someone become a little more enlightened is always a good feeling.

>> No.4264786

As the evidence provider*

>> No.4264879
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Haven't read the whole thread and I don't really give a shit.


- I'll pretend you don't do drugs. If you do, give them away and never use again, your cortical functions are important to your purpose.

- "Intelligence" could mean different things in different fields. In psychological terms (they ARE the guys building the standardized IQ tests so I'll stick with them on this one), Crystallized intelligence - the factual knowledge that you earned over time through reading books, memorizing lecture notes etc. - is completely different from Fluid intelligence - the here-and-now ability to focus, locate the problem, put 2 and 2 together and come up with a strategy to resolve it; you could be talking about long-term memory, or maybe working memory; maybe you mean it's hard for you to grasp abstract things like math, or that you have poor verbal skills so building a temporary knowledge structure from written text is difficult. Also, if your verbal skills are good but your math is shit, but you want to be a writer, you're fine. So think hard about what is BASICALLY the problem you want to address, depending on what field you really want to get better at, then you're half way there.

- If you decide you want to try something, like taking a few classes or watching a series of formal lectures online - start small. Try something mentally demanding for two hours straight each day (no, reading funny shit online isn't demanding), and stick with it, and whatever you do don't stop. It's fucking torment, I kid you not. Firing in all directions will get you frustrated, fast, especially if you haven't tried learning anything new in a while.

Good luck you fucking stoner.

>> No.4264908

Almost every single one of the studies you listed relates to adolescents who are still undergoing brain development...

>> No.4264917


>if you really want to 'reach your potential', you need to cut that kind of shit out of your lifestyle

Not OP, but really?

I smoke weed because I find it fucking fascinating, the altered perception and all that. It's also refreshing to take a break from what sometimes seems to be a repetitive and tedious life.

Not to be a HURR WEED GOOD 4 U CARL SAYGAN SAY SO kid but-
>"I am convinced that there are genuine and valid levels of perception available with cannabis (and probably with other drugs) which are, through the defects of our society and our educational system, unavailable to us without such drugs."

do you really think of all drugs as just "some shit" that needs to be cut out of any lifestyle?

>> No.4264933

Watch Jeopardy and try your hand at the New York Times Crossword. You'd be surprised how quickly your trivial knowledge will benefit you and your ability to see the cleverness in the puzzle will also be a brain booster. This isn't for anything specific, like it wont make you a smarter scientist, but it will slowly up that IQ.

>> No.4266517
File: 126 KB, 561x370, the_more_you_know2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your brain isn't fully developed until your late 20s.

>> No.4267403

