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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 25 KB, 640x480, venus2_gal[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4258476 No.4258476 [Reply] [Original]

You are now aware that Venus' quite frankly ridiculous rotational period makes Mars a much superior candidate for colonisation.

>> No.4258489

can't we just speed it up

>> No.4258488

we already knew mars was a better candidate, candy-ass

>> No.4258495


That seems to have escaped several members of this board. There have been numerous threads about Venus' supposed superiority.


Not without great cost and time. A LOT of time.

>> No.4258510

You mean besides the lack of oxygen and an atmosphere largely out of carbon dioxide and acid clouds?

>> No.4258515 [DELETED] 

Is Venus's runaway greenhouse effect due to not having any significant magnetic field? Could Venus have developed a magnetic field similar to earths, if was spinning faster?

I've always wondered this but so far have'nt found any serious studies on this. Mainly guesses here and there.

>> No.4258519

Forgot to add the insanely high surface pressure and heat that passes even mercury

>> No.4258520

Is Venus's runaway greenhouse effect due to not having any significant magnetic field? Could Venus have developed a magnetic field similar to earths, if it was spinning faster?

I've always wondered this but so far have'nt found any serious studies on this. Mainly guesses here and there.

>> No.4258526

no, mercurys even closer to the sun, you fucking troll.
mercury is hottest, then venus, then earth.
the closer you are to the sun, the hotter you are (its a big fucking ball of fire, its pretty fucking obvious the closer you are, the hotter you are)

>> No.4258527

How fucking awesome would it be if there would a species of aliens living underground in Venus? And their current state of the planet was a result of nuclear warfare

>> No.4258531


AFAIK, the main factor is the distance from the sun, that is, Earth could have had runaway greenhouse as well if we received more sunlight.

>> No.4258533

>Not sure if troll or stupid

Venus surface is hotter than Mercury, despite being closer, check up on yo facts, dipshit.

>> No.4258541
File: 11 KB, 247x204, niga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's hotter due to the greenhouse affect you moron

>> No.4258539


Magnetic field generation has to do with rotational period but also the inner core has to be solid or at the very least partially solid.

Venus has an entirely liquid core but it may be on the verge of the beginning of crystallisation which may help strengthen its magnetic field (geologic time so not tomorrow or next week).

>> No.4258546

>mercury is hottest, then venus, then earth.

Venus Average temperature: 737 K (464 C)

Mercury Average temperature: 440 K (167 C) (590-725 K, sunward side)



The more you know.jpg

>> No.4258548

I say we all go there and then at the same time we walk to one directon and push the planet like a hamster wheel to spin faster.

>> No.4258563

Mercury has no atmosphere to speak of, and as a result, the side facing the sun is anywhere up to 700K, and the side facing away from the sun is anywhere down to 100K. For reference, 0C is 273.15K.

Venus is much more uniform due to its thick atmosphere and has a mean temperature of 735K (compared to mercury's 445K), so yea, Venus is a lot hotter.

>> No.4258567

Even if we didn't colonize Venus, couldn't we break the atmosphere down into it's composite carbon and oxygen so as to use it to give a habitable atmosphere to other planets and moons?


>> No.4258575


Good luck towing trillions of tonnes across billions of kilometers

>> No.4258577

I know, that's what I said...

>> No.4258586
File: 6 KB, 210x173, 4colourtheoremtroll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


looks like the spider caught a couple of flies! hehehehehehhehehe

>> No.4258587


>Is Venus's runaway greenhouse effect due to not having any significant magnetic field?

You got that backwards. The reason Mercury, Mars, and the Moon don't have atmospheres is due to their LACK of magnetosphere, which allowed the solar wind to slough them off.

>> No.4258597

>Act like a retard
>Realize you were a retard

>> No.4258604
File: 19 KB, 389x437, umad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i knew venus was hotter, you butthurt aspie.

>> No.4258606



>> No.4258603
File: 120 KB, 790x1229, 1306779364250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

use this for future events

>> No.4258611
File: 73 KB, 755x1255, how-trolls-really-work.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeaaa..... no.

>> No.4258618
File: 323 KB, 360x474, stillmad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying this is genuine ignorance pass off as a troll as an afterthought.

nope, troll from the outset.
guess how many fucks i give if you dont believe me.

>> No.4258648

>guess how many fucks i give if you dont believe me.

Evidently a lot, because you're still posting here.

>> No.4258656

so why is venus hotter than mercury, mister "troll"?

>> No.4258661

Please refer to >>4258611, bottom half of the image, final "troll" stage.

>> No.4258663

*psst* - somebody already posted the answer, so I'm pretty sure he'll find it... We need a better test for his ignorance lol.

>> No.4258678

Nope. Rose you aren't fooling anyone.

>> No.4258702
File: 150 KB, 321x354, 1326076806147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying rose visits /sci/ let alone 4ch

>> No.4258710

>implying you aren't Rose

>> No.4258726

>ruining the thread


Come on chaps this is /sci/, not /sp/

>> No.4258728

you mixed up your temp units, bro

>> No.4258734
File: 225 B, 65x22, 1325714628709.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

implying you aren't rose trying to imply that i am rose when neither of us are rose

>> No.4258732


To be fair, this thread was pretty stupid from the beginning.

>> No.4259144

>mercury is hotterrr derrr

>> No.4259270
File: 230 KB, 590x593, bear_murderology.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We choose to terraform Venus in this millennium and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win, and the others, too!

>> No.4259285
File: 63 KB, 928x385, thatfeelwheneroding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That feel when you realise in the far future, space bandits and space psychopaths will torture people by throwing them onto the surface of Venus

I can't imagine a more horrifyingly painful death.

SAW 8: Space Edition

>> No.4259291

Couldn't we just build some sort of ship that goes half the speed of light, and just travel to some other already habitable planet? They're all over the fucking place these days, chance are we'll find one within 20 light years.

>> No.4259300

How about dropping someone from an aerostat in the atmosphere of Saturn. Give them enough oxygen so they survive all the way to crush depth.