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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 10 KB, 311x269, konigsberg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4257838 No.4257838 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone on /sci/ studied 'Graph theory'?
Picture obviously related.

>> No.4257843

Never heard of it.

>> No.4257847 [DELETED] 


now you have

>> No.4257848

Yeah, it was covered as a unit in my Combinatorics course. Shit's fun.

>> No.4257856

Shit's only fun when used with topology: Nielsen-Schreier ftw

>> No.4257860

Graph theory is pretty cool.

>> No.4257869

In which occupations can graph theory be useful?

>> No.4257895

There's a longer paragraph on applications in the wikipedia article.

>> No.4257955
File: 38 KB, 300x400, graph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this graph of the 5 room house puzzle correct?

>> No.4257959


>> No.4257962

Why does it have more than 6 nodes?

>> No.4257971

Because there are 16 doors in the house.

>> No.4257973
File: 236 KB, 1052x981, Emma_Flughafen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

over 9000 applications of graph theory.

From Finite-state machines to Feynman diagrams.

A graph with lots of random facts to know

>> No.4257977 [DELETED] 

Just to make clear we're talking about the same thing: The puzzle is about going through every door exactly once, right?
In that case the rooms nodes and the doors edges.

>> No.4257982

wait, so she flies by herself with no security or nothing?

you could just go up and rape her on the spot.

>> No.4257985

I'm not quite sure what you mean. Dots are the doors.

>> No.4257986

So many things... Some less obvious examples:
- Constructing error correcting codes,
- Constructing error correction code decoders,
- Proving that if <span class="math">\{1,2,3\}\times A[/spoiler] is in bijection with <span class="math">\{1,2,3\}\times B[/spoiler], then <span class="math">A[/spoiler] is in bijection with <span class="math">B[/spoiler] for arbitrary sets <span class="math">A[/spoiler] and <span class="math">B[/spoiler] without using the axiom of choice,
- Parallel computing,
- Distributed computing,
- Obvious networking,
- Study of certain ergodic processes,
- Game theory,
- ...

>> No.4257990

I'm sorry. This way of modelling the problem is of course also correct. Your graph on the other hand isn't. An edge connects exactly two nodes. The circle you made for the outside is not allowed.

>> No.4257991
File: 70 KB, 852x480, cutey_Emma-superbad_plain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh and you can only just smash random numbers into that machine:



Is she a better target than any other woman on the street? how do you choose your victims?

>> No.4257992

they have to have those round beaver like faces.

>> No.4257994

There we go again. You men driven by your animal instincts and urges immediately think of rape when seeing a woman.

>> No.4257997

sounds like someone is mad no one would ever think of raping her fat ass.

>> No.4257998

Instinct driven? They are talking about the CHOICE of their victims, clearly they are rationalizing, it's not instinct here, it's just a hobby.

>> No.4258001
File: 36 KB, 640x360, Implying_Implying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


(btw. my pic is resembling OPs original pic)

>> No.4258005

Typical male response. Judging women by their body.

Rape is not funny. These jokes are tasteless.

>> No.4258006

Oh. I'm sorry. What I meant with the circle was that you could walk however you liked on the "circle" since it's outside the house.

>> No.4258008

your body says a lot about you. a piece of lard with limbs such as yourself has no self control and is always on the lookout for instant gratification.

>> No.4258011

correction: rape isnt funny to you
to me it is

>> No.4258012

You didn't see me and I'm sure you'd think of rape again if you saw me.
Keep these sexist insults out.

>> No.4258014

Gtfo, ni­ggers.

>> No.4258015

i'd be more inclined to think of rape when looking at a meat grinder than some fat sack of shit like you.

>> No.4258016

I saw this. Unfortunately you'd have to connect each pair of them.
This is why I initially thought of making the rooms nodes and the doors edges. The resulting graph would have 6 nodes and would be much easier to handle.

>> No.4258019

This is NOT funny,

Racism is nearly as bad as sexism.

1. I am not fat.
2. This is irrelevant to what I poasted.

>> No.4258020

you are fat unless proven otherwise.

enjoy your fat rolls, fatty. do you have to grease yourself up to squeeze through doors?

>> No.4258024

Being fat is not an insult.

>> No.4258028

>Picture obviously related.
but op's pic is not a graph

>> No.4258030

Could you post a picture about your version?

>> No.4258036

being fat is an insult to yourself from yourself, fatass.

>> No.4258042
File: 61 KB, 400x496, 1275839562070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Racism is nearly as bad as sexism.

do you know where you are old man? This is the #20 most popular hang out for neo-nazis...

>> No.4258045
File: 29 KB, 382x487, graph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4258048
File: 61 KB, 750x600, rape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is NOT funny,

The post, yes, but rape is.

>> No.4258084

Thanks man!

>> No.4258091

>3 nodes with odd number of edges
So it's impossible after all, right?

>> No.4258112

Yup, it's impossible, unless you resort to troll science methods.
That's why it's often reposted by trolls.

>> No.4258110

>graph theory thread
>35 posts omitted
>half of them are about gender bullshit

change, /sci/

>> No.4258150

Then why do you look offended?