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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4255890 No.4255890 [Reply] [Original]

What health/mental conditions do you have /sci/?

>> No.4255893

Asthma, and schizophrenia.

>> No.4255899

hear voices and see things.

i try to ignore people..seriously.

>> No.4255910

spontaneous erections

>> No.4256755

being a sick cunt

>> No.4256760

Asthma, OCD, and my high school counselor called how I described my classmates "sociopathic"

>> No.4256761

Dysfunctional by choice.

>> No.4256762

slightly crippled foot from climbing accident
light narcissistic personality disorder
sex addicted

>> No.4256764
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asthma, phimosis, went through a few months of Pure OCD/extreme anxiety/psychosis (had to be on medication for 2 years)

>> No.4256767

I get nervous tics a lot.
probably have tic syndrome, haven't gotten in diagnosed because it closes some doors.

also, I have this overwhelming sense of intellectual superiority.
mostly because when I talk to people casually, they don't seem to understand what i'm saying.

honestly, i've said "that would be called delusions of grandeur"
and they respond "WHAT DID YOU CALL ME?!"

I think I am better than most people, because people be dumb.

not sure if that's anything though.

>> No.4256772
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I have aspergers. It's actually quite nice because I get $1000 a month from SSI that helps me pay for school, and buy animu figures.

>> No.4256776
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mild sunken chest, it looks more like someone broke my ribs and i didn't go to a doctor or something
kyphosis idk if its structural or postural, either way looks bad
i probably have marfans syndrome but it doesnt really matter i guess cause they say my heart is fine

>> No.4256777

Lupus, Schizophrenia, Heart arrythmia

>> No.4256779

>animu figures.
cant have one without the other

>> No.4256780

Male pattern baldness and depression. They go hand in hand.

>> No.4256781

I don't have my left testicle and my lateral meniscus has been removed, resulting in osteoarthritis.

>> No.4256784

Type 1 diabetes
Asperger's syndrome.

>> No.4256785

I probably have that as well.

I have a sunken chest although it isn't too noticable.

Also have bi-polar, general anxiety, OCD, social anxiety, ADD, anemia, hypothyroidism, profoundly deaf in right ear and mild hearing loss in right, dermatitus and basically fat intolerant because I had my gallbladder taken out.

My genes hate me.

>> No.4256789
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if you fit like 3-4 of the major signs you should probably go get it checked out
its not really a big deal till you drop dead from your aorta tearing in half

>> No.4256794

Sociopath, fake left knee, fused left wrist, fake left eye, large amounts of painful scarring, seveal metal plates and many screws in my bones, wired ribs, arthritis, carpal tunnel, and finally i cant feel most of my left foot.

>> No.4256805

i suffer from competitive smartness

when i see someone smarter than me in class
i talk trash to him and insult his family and take a shit in his house.

>> No.4256813

same guy here
i also suffer from distraction studying syndrome

its when i get annoyed by some annoying noise while studying i go apeshit. did that in the library when this fag annoyed the hell out of me for talking loud in the library. almost killed the librarian for not doing shit.

>> No.4256815

I would but it requires bringing it up with either my mother or my doctor and my anxiety makes that near impossible.

>> No.4256820


It seems that I'm the minority

Althoush some people might count being a misanthrope as some kind of mental condition, but I don't give a fuck

>> No.4256821

Mild instances of ADD, OCD, and autistic behavior.

My only real concern is that I may have more serious mental health issues in the future. While the mental health on my mother's side is relatively clear, both of my father's parents suffered from schizophrenia later in life. His dad blew his brains out and his mom died in an institution.

Fortunately nowadays there are much more effective treatment options for diseases like schizophrenia... but still, the thought of losing my mind is terrifying.

>> No.4256825

weird, i have anxiety pretty bad too but it's more of an agoraphobic/claustrophobic nature. is your general doc kind of a dick to you or something?

>> No.4256826

Not at the moment. Which is nice.

>> No.4256830

No my doctor is lovely and is very tolerant of me. I just have anxiety with basically everyone but my partner, even my parents.

>> No.4256834
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I also love that i have all this metal in me. Would pay to get more if it wasn't illegal. I like the way the scaring looks although bumping them can sometimes be annoying and i would love to get some sort of bionic prosthetic for my empty socket. I know i dont really need it (got another eye) but i love the thought of having electrodes wired to my brain.

I dont think this is normal :\

Pic related. The Omar from Deus Ex.

>> No.4256840

derealization and probably some sort of schizoid personality disorder.

derealization blows

>> No.4256844

Mild confusion in moderately busy environments. Aphasia when somewhat tired. Occasional fibrous nodules. Pollen allergies.

>> No.4256852
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spontaneous outburst of rage
but only when OP IS FAG

>> No.4256857

Social Phobia

>> No.4256860

Also suffer from derealization, along with DPD. I was diagnosed with schizophrenia and bipolar disease, but go untreated as I was admitted after having a rather unpleasant mescaline trip.

I should really ask for a second opinion.

>> No.4256865

I have a moderately sized osteochondroma on my shin. Sometimes I tell people it's the remnants of my parasitic twin fused to my skeleton.

>> No.4256884

i havent been diagnosed with derealization i just feel exactly what it describes. what did they tell you to do about it? did the mesc trip trigger all that stuff?

>> No.4256887

Well every interaction I have with any other human is based upon what they can do for me, or keeping them mollified for later use. All relationships are maitenance, I am not sure how else to describe it.

>> No.4256903

Gilbert's Syndrome, Liver shit, look it up.

Also I need to find a proper detox as my liver doesnt filter out the toxins correctly.


>> No.4256907

Aspergers, psychopath.

>> No.4256914

I have a fungus infection in my crotch, it was supposed to go away in 3-4 weeks, that's 7 months ago, my skin is completely ruined and I will be scarred for many years IF this ever goes away.

Also, I'm a misanthropist, but I guess that goes without saying here.

>> No.4256917

self diagnosed aspergers, dyslexia, bi-polar disorder, and attention deficit.

life is a struggle to me

>> No.4256924

Untreated otitis and sinusitis, and possibly an angioma in one of my eyes.

Also I could probably get some mental conditions diagnosed, if I had any respect for psychologists.

>> No.4256992

Untreated ADHD and chronic fatigue syndrome. I dropped out of school because of it.

>> No.4257008


>> No.4257021

health: Crohn's disease, eczema, lots of allergies (including a mild heat allergy).

mental: Diagnosed with sexual sadism (which has been present since I was 10, 4chan didn't trigger it). I was almost diagnosed with bipolar disorder when I was 14 (didn't meet the criteria for a major depressive episode). Do think I have a form of it.

>> No.4257025

>chronic fatigue syndrome
That is horrible. I had it for 2 years between the ages of 10 and 12, I was bedridden 70% of the time and I think I was basically living in a waking stupor, because I can't really remember much of it now that I look back.

Just remember it won't last forever and try to go back to school once it's over. Try to go out and do something once in a while too, yes you'll be fucked for a few days afterwards but at least you can look forward to those moments of normality.

>> No.4257027


(yes, it's a disease)

>> No.4257029
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>self diagnosed aspergers
>self diagnosed

>> No.4257043

How do you know if you have depersonalization?

>> No.4257053
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> self diagnosed aspergers

>> No.4257060


yeah, i know. bummer, isn't it.

>> No.4257068

Flat feet


that's it?

Also mild depression I guess but it's self-diagnosed and I'm probably just being a pussy.

>> No.4257073

ADHD, asthma, depression...hmmm...I scored really high on Eyesenck's psychoticism scale.

>> No.4257082


Im not either of those posters, but I've had depersonalisation/derealization and basically you have this really odd and scary feeling like nothing around you is quite right. Like nothing is really real, and you feel completely separated from the world around you.

Its a symptom of extreme anxiety and when you have OCD mixed with psychosis and you're on the philosophical obsession (involving brain in a vat type thoughts) then it is FUUUUCKING scary.

>> No.4257087

2 years into a.l.l leukemia treatment, chrones, wolf Parkinson white disorder
fucking not posting -.-

>> No.4257093
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the only times i suffer DR is because of pot and not sleeping at all for a number of days.

>> No.4257112

Self-diagnosed ADHD, and mild sex addiction.

>> No.4257122

Extensive dental carries
Possible Borderline

>> No.4257146

I used to have severe depression.
(clinically diagnosed) Asperger's Syndrome
I struggle with Cutting, although I do it a lot less now.
Insomnia(I have basically no desire to sleep, even if I am tired, clonidine helps with this.)

My Asperger's Syndrome was misdiagnosed as ADD for most of my childhood, they had me on Methyphenidate, shit sucked.

>> No.4257149

which means you're perfectly normal

>> No.4257164
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>mfw people think ADD is real, and think they have it
aspergers, probably bipolar or some other retarded depression

>> No.4257172

Sociopathy, social phobia.

>> No.4257188

Diagnosed ADHD, don't take my meds, I don't believe in that bullshit softestscience.jpg

If I cared I could probably be diagnosed with a mild social phobia and whatever else doc comes up with. Once again softestscience.jpg

>> No.4257193


Oh, this is me.

I have a lot of weird(from a normalfags perspective) fetishes, too. Mostly BDSM stuff, being submissive. Not sure if this counts as a disease.

Im gay, but thats not a disease (anymore)

>> No.4257217

Bipolar on Seroquel and Valium

>> No.4257215

mild OCD and dyslexia

>> No.4257219

Cancer, missing one leg

>> No.4257224


>Im gay, but thats not a disease (anymore)

and this is why psychiatry is bullshit

>> No.4257229


>> No.4257258
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Professionally: aspergers and nearsightedness
myself: faint dyslexia

>> No.4257267
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unipolar disorder.
Also ocd.

>> No.4257289


>> No.4257305

nothing, because i go outside and realise i dont have to pretend to have aspergers or depression to be cool you bunch of 14 year old girls.

>> No.4257310

I've got nothing on anyone posting so far but I have a very low self-esteem and don't trust females.

I practice self-mutilation as well due to my low self-esteem and long battle with depression. I work a normal job so can't do my wrists. I started slicing at my gut so no one knows but me.

I also have an addiction to reading existentialist literature and will most likely attempt to take my own life with in the next 3 years.

>> No.4257322
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>> No.4257332

>Im gay, but thats not a disease (anymore)
Since when has being gay ever been a disease? I don't feel diseased.....

>> No.4257343

nah, its definitely a real disease, brah.

>> No.4257465

I was trying to be humorous. Psychologists considered homosexuality a mental disorder up until the 1960's or 1970's.

>> No.4257480

That's a very sexy learning disability.

>> No.4257540

IQ 167
Tall, handsome, have 2 GFs that love me to death.
Slightly muscular, graduated with honors, perfect health, sent simpler interpretations in QM in Yale and Standford and they are working on hiring me or send letter of recommendation to other great institutions.

>mfw when i really think about it i feel lucky but most of the time am pretty depressed.

>> No.4258334

>mfw when i really think about
>mfw when i really
>mfw when i
>mfw when
>IQ 167

>> No.4258860

Duuuuude,you can't even lie

>> No.4258870

I love that you guys are calling him out on his fake IQ instead of the idea that someone with two girlfriends would be wasting his time on /sci/.

>> No.4258911

Thats /sci/ for you.

OP here. I am surprised this thread is still going. and amused at the amount of self-diagnoised ADHD idiots on this thread.

>> No.4258930

lol I love you

>> No.4258950


>> No.4258992

Clinical depression
Severe anxiety
Gender dysphoria

>> No.4258999

Crippling fear of failure, fear of intimacy, fear of being close to others, fear of growing up.

Fear of applying myself and having it be in vain/a failure.

So I just wallow in self-pity, stay in my comfort zone, and vent on the internet when the depression and self-loating become too great. Drugs help too.

>> No.4259011

Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Social Phobia
Major Depression

>> No.4259033

None. Normalized.

>> No.4259075

I learned something today. People are all manners of fucked up in the head and its okay.

>> No.4259077

I learned something today. People are all manners of fucked up in the head and its okay.

>> No.4259122

lazy eye

>> No.4259138

Bi-Polar(+ADHD), Asthma, Psoriasis, retinal detachment in right-eye.

I would've posted earlier but ended up distracted then once I remembered I intended to post on /sci/ I thought - what's the point?

>> No.4259139


Remember, femanon, wipe front to back or you get poo on your beaver. :3

>> No.4259141


I think to a lesser extent everyone experiences those issues.

>> No.4259146

Can't get certain thoughts out of my head such as a razor blade cutting my toe nail off, I have had this thought for nearly five years now and it comes more when I am anxious or upset by something, I can almost feel the pain of it especially when cold. What is this?

>> No.4259156

>that feel when you get a papercut on your eye

>> No.4259158


I get migraines all the goddamn time, too, but I'm pretty sure that's not a condition or anything, just my students being retards.

>> No.4259159

ya'll niggas have issues

>> No.4259168



>> No.4259174

I have no major issues or disorders.

>> No.4259187


The level with which I have it is not bad. And it's not supposed to get any worse since I'm not supposed to grow anymore.

>> No.4259197

The only thing I've been diagnosed with was ADHD.

I'm sure I'm mildly autistic though, and I have horrible anxiety.

Funny thing is that my job requires lots of sitting still, reading, research and public speaking. All of which is fucking horrible.

>> No.4259320
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I know that feel bro

I know that feel