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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4252504 No.4252504 [Reply] [Original]

Lets do this

I never come to this board but I've been watching this show as much as I could and it really is all making sense to me. I need to discuss this whole 2012 and how the ancient "gods" must have really been aliens.

This isn't some stupid /x/ shit, this is real.

>> No.4252511

Go on...

>> No.4252517


this board is for science, implying that there needs to be proof beyond, "this one thing, combined with this other totally unrelated thing, mixed in with superstition is TOTALLY TRUE GUYS"

>> No.4252526

they're not smart over there though

I want to talk about this with some truly intelligent people.

>> No.4252538


aliens have never visited this planet. If they did, where would be the reasoning behind just dropping in then never coming back? surely we would see some residual signals, or some evidence of technology they used to get here, or leave.

besides, the sheer size of the universe, is extremely prohibiting to any sort of intelligent cultures coming into contact with one another, if there were a culture as far advanced beyond ourselves, as to the point where they could master intergalactic travel while we were still learning to write, we would have seen signs by now.

It is much more likely, that if intelligent species are close enough to reach us, (within our own galaxy) and as far advanced to be able to travel enormous distances through space, they would have set up a colony here, or something.

Using ourselves as an example, when we find other cultures, we assimilate them into ourselves, "for their own good," we have no reason to believe that an alien species wouldn't do the same.

if they were here, and recognized us as life, they would have stayed.

>> No.4252555

you must not have watched the show

the basic idea is that, we were created by E.T's and put on earth by them for some reason, which we really don't know yet

Look at the anceint egyptian "gods", that came from the "sky"

they gave them technology and helped them according to the hieroglyphs and writings

I mean isn't it weird how PLENTY of ancient civilizations had gods like this.... I don't see how it isn't true

>> No.4252573

>we were created by extra terrestrials

disregarding everything we know about biology and evolution, and the fact that we can track our development to pretty much the exact point life first evolved on earth.

>"gods" come from the "sky"
early humans, same intelligence we have today, with far, far less information or technology available, try to understand the universe as best they can.
they see the sun, the moon, and the stars, OMG GUYS! GODS! THEY MUST HAVE CREATED US!
these pagan beliefs further evolve into a plethora of separate religions, including all religions today.
however, as we gain better understanding of how things work, the "evidence" these ancient people used to explain how they thought the world works is proven to be false. We now know that the sun is not a god, but rather, an enormous ball of radioactive gases. neither is the moon our "god mother," but rather it is a giant hunk of rock orbiting the planet

>gave us technology and taught us to write
we can also track our development of technologies, and writing.
from the club, to the spear, to bows and arrows.
as well as from huts and cave paintings, to adobe/stone and parchment. If aliens truly "gave us technology," we would have been flying around the stars by now, because that's what those aliens would need to have been capable of.

>PLENTY of civilizations had gods!
humans all come from the same place, evolved in the same area, and had the same initial beliefs. As we spread out and diversified, some of those beliefs marginally changed, but essentially stayed the same.
the moon can be seen from everywhere, so they all had a "moon god," as can the sun, so "sun god" nature is everywhere, "nature gods."

>> No.4252574

If aliens came here, they would
a-be nothing like ourselves, thus depictions of them as humanoids is likely wildly false

b- be so far advanced, that if they gave us any technology, or if we even SAW that technology, there would be an obvious, super-fast jump in technology development, that we would easily be able to see, by looking at our history.
This has not happened.

no aliens.

>> No.4252578

OP doesn't understand size of the universe

Even if aliens could travel at the speed of light, they had better be not more than half our own galaxy away, or they will never reach us before dying of old age.

>> No.4252584
File: 125 KB, 800x600, 1284797894033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Earth is 4 billion years old

>light from earths birth still hasn't reached vast majority of other systems.

>life about 2 billion years old

>humans only about 50,000 years old

So.. the aliens are right next door to us?

I mean, if they could see the planet forming,
then get here,
then help out humans,
then leave.

they best be really fucking close. otherwise that's impossible.

if they are so close, as to even KNOW THE EARTH EXISTS, then wouldn't we have seen their signals by now?
yeah, we would have.


fuck OP, there is a reason this guy is meme status, HE'S FUCKING RETARDED

>> No.4252586

>we can track our development to pretty much the exact point life first evolved on earth

yeah bro, who sent that first rock here with the bacteria on it

>If aliens truly "gave us technology," we would have been flying around the stars by now

would you give a chimp an ak-47?

Look at the past 100 years, we went from horse and buggy to going to space and having a scientific explanation for almost everything

I mean, not trying to sound like an /x/ faggot right now but at area 51, that could be a current place where aliens are working with humans

whatever it could be, it is beyond our understanding....

>> No.4252587


I watched this gay show a couple time to see how it was.

Fucking hick-stupid, that's all I can say. Yeah sure some things are obviously alien but some are just shit. The worst part is when you know deep down most of these fuckers sitting on the chair talking to the camera don't have a fucking clue of what they're talking about. Especially OP's choice of a faggot.

sincerely, captain Dick-fuck from /y/.

>> No.4252592
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Aw shit, you caught us.


>> No.4252599
File: 102 KB, 400x576, 1324441112963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>rock, bacteria
it's called abiogenesis dumbfuck.
read a fucking book.

>would you give a chimp blah blah blah
yes, people have fucking done that.
and besides, if they REALLY wanted to give us technology to "help us along," they would have remained behind to slowly phase it in, as we gained understanding of it.

or rather, they would have just made us infinitely more intelligent off the get go.
has not happened.

>look at last hundred years
combustion engines - better combustion engines - jet engines - SPACE TRAVEL DERP


>whatever it could be, beyond our understanding
you were just arguing aliens taught us, and gave us technology, and showed us how to use it, but then, BUT DERP HERP WE DON'T KNOW HOW TO USE THE STUFF TEHY TAUGHT US TO USE! GEDERP

you sir, are a major fucking retard
please don't breed.

yes, i mad.

>> No.4252600

yeah im like you, but we dont know shit.

>> No.4252602


so, where's the earth stargate?

>> No.4252604

what is a black hole, we see em on the news lately, the biggest one and the smallest one

>> No.4252608

ITT: people that don't understand basic scientific principles, trying to fit in on /sci/

black holes?

do you even hear yourselves.

>> No.4252612

being sarcastic sorry, saying it would take an alien a billion years using light speed as a governer, well thats just using limitations. not that stargates are the way it could would or may or may not be done, no doubt there is a way, and it is highly guarded, because 4 billion years is not a long time for the first to develop the right technology

>> No.4252622

I feel that there is a link between wikileaks, area 51, and that guy that said if he told people about what was in the wikileaks, the world as we know it would change

people from area 51 also say if they told anyone anything, the world as we know it would change

>> No.4252638

Hello, and welcome to this weeks episode of "understanding OP's view of the universe"

12 billion years ago-
matter created, some clouds of gas, some already formed planets with complex civilizations already complete and traveling through space

6 billion years ago-
aliens all throughout entire universe already, can travel from one edge to other in seconds, no limitations due to speed of light or anything else

4 billion years ago-
council of aliens decides to build planet, name it "earth" and seed it with life for the lulz

2 billion years ago-
for some reason, seed it with life by hitting it with asteroids, that are covered in already feasible cells that somehow can live in space.

50000 years ago-
humans evolve in african Sahara, just as aliens planned all along, aliens give ancient humans lots of technology and teach them how to live.

after that- all aliens ever decide never to go near earth or send signals or anything at all ever again

again, this is done for the lulz.

aliens everywhere, just hiding from us due to intergalactic "hide and go seek" game, we are it.

>> No.4252658

is that you, OP?

>> No.4252662

no, but the fact you think it actually could be speaks volumes about what he/she is coming across as.

>> No.4252699

so, sorry to ask /sci/, but..
do you think that aliums are real? like, moderately intelligent, capable of developing technology aliens?

I mean, even on our planet, we have dolphins, they just don't have thumbs or legs.

and when you take in to account the vastness of the universe, there just HAS to be right? right??

>> No.4252702

it's very likely.
it is even likely that there are species much more intelligent and capable than ourselves.

however, the universe is so big, and since intelligence isn't necessarily required for evolutionary success, they are probably very rare, and extremely likely far apart.

>> No.4252708


Let's suppose you travel to another planet with only a battery. It runs out. What do you do? you chuck it on the ground.

2000 years later, no one is going to find that battery.

Same thing with alien tech. If they came here in a shitty craft, then they likely didn't have repair facilities for certain things.

>> No.4252718

a battery that generates enough energy for intergalactic travel would easily be found by scanning for signatures.

we have done that.
no batteries. or engines, or any residual traces to tell us that anything has even been within millions of lightyears near us.

>> No.4252732

""The first scenario assumes that it is difficult for life to be formed but easy for it to evolve, and suggests there are 361 intelligent civilisations in in our galaxy alone according to Drake equation.

A second scenario assumes that life is easily formed, but it struggles to develop intelligence, and suggests that as many as 31,513 other forms of life are estimated to exist.

Finally, it was examined that the possibility that microbial life could be passed from one planet to another during asteroid collisions, which gave a result of 37,964 intelligent civilisations in existence.""

>> No.4252739
File: 126 KB, 386x461, gfsdfg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they even say george washington had contact with aliens, and it's kind of weird how he was involved with the freemasons and technology fucking JUMPED in this time area with people like ben franklin

look over georges right shoulder in this picture, jacobs ladder going up to a strange light source in the sky...hmmm, why would he want to go up there, and include it in a real painting

>> No.4252748

thanks man, this is some of the shit I was looking for

>> No.4252762

38,000 intelligent civilizations spread out over the entire universe?

fuck, good luck every meeting anyone else.


>> No.4252784

Can be calculated here by anoyone with their own personal views.

>> No.4252907

>I never come to this board but I've been watching this show as much as I could and it really is all making sense to me. I need to discuss this whole 2012 and how the ancient "gods" must have really been aliens.

My advice to you OP - if you're going to watch History and Discovery Channel - try watching the shows that actually have to do with science and history... not the ones about ghost hunters and aliens and the occult.

>> No.4253018
File: 15 KB, 250x250, future_george.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How can any sane person fall for these cheap tricks in manipulating people? Is OP really such a faggot that he thinks that every show which has bald-headed and smart looking old men citing and modifying ancient mythologies in a way that they fit to their theories about asian aliens must be true????

You know what's my theory? You are actually a faggot because you are OP. Actually if you look into the history of /b/ you find clear evidence. Actually ancient /b/tards predicted the arrival of an OP who would be a faggot. And if you look further you will actually find tons of recordings and messages which refer to OP as a faggot. Thus it's all crystal clear and proved. q.e.d.

>> No.4253228

when people want to have a laugh they go to >>>/x/
Please OP try to keep it there.

>> No.4253236


Let me put it to you this way....

People have been shitting bricks over the past 4 years because they honestly believe an ancient prophecy from the Mayan calander because it ends on December 21, 2012.

These were the same Mayans who also believed that cutting out a persons heart while they were still alive made corn grow.

Just trying to put things in perspective, that's all.

>> No.4253244

You know what really gets me about the whole 'hurrdurr Mayan calender' thing?

If you look into Mayan mythology, you'll see that the end of the calender does not in any way signify the end of times. It just means that it's time to go back to day one on the calender.

>> No.4253760

>This isn't some stupid /x/ shit, this is real.
Prove it.