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4252063 No.4252063 [Reply] [Original]

I haven't got any REM sleep for 2 nights straight
I only lay awake the whole night

whats wrong with me?

>> No.4252064

You're probably an engineer.

>> No.4252067

Fatal Familial Insomnia

>> No.4252081

You're not getting enough sleep.

>> No.4252082

go swimming, OP

>> No.4252087


I have a lot of trouble with sleep as well but if you have the will power there is something you can do. It will help profoundly to stop looking at screens a few hours before you want to go to bed. So if you want to sleep at 12AM you should stop watching TV/using your computer at 9 or 10PM. Computers are worse than TVs.

Also cut out caffeine and drink whole milk.

>> No.4252096

So, let us be a bit more specific.

Are you sleeping, but cannot remember that you dreamt and are more or less talking out of your arse that you got no REM sleep

Or haven't you slept in 2 days?

>> No.4252114


I haven't fell asleep in 2 days
like i said i only lay awake whole night

>> No.4252119

How do you know you haven't gotten any REM sleep. Do you sleep too much?

I only sleep 4-4.5 hours a night and I fall right asleep and wake up seconds before my alarm. A little groggy at first but I feel great once I get moving....contrast that with sleeping 6-8 hours a night where I wake up over the course of 2 hours, never feel fully awake and can't think for shit all day and am prone to depression.

Something tells me you need to rethink more than just your sleep buddy.

>> No.4252120

i couldn't sleep when i was suffering from pretty anxiety.

in addition to not being able to fall asleep, i also could feel my pulse which was more rapid than normal. that shit was annoying in itself and kept me from falling asleep.

>> No.4252121
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>I only lay awake the whole night

I know that feel, Had it happen to me for 2 weeks when i returned to my dorms after break.

shit sucks.I'm still recovering, i finally can get more than 4 hours of sleep but i'm still waiting up way to early (2 hours before my alarms even go off) and i can't get back to sleep.

Even on days that i get lucky and get a full night by mid day i'm still tired as fuck and need a nap

>> No.4252132

Do you feel tired the whole day but aren't able to sleep?

It might be painfully obvious and you will probably not do it anyway, but doing a bit of sport in the noon to get tired works wonders.

Though not sleeping for 2 days sounds pathologic

>> No.4252138

check list:

1.) No soda. Period.
2.) Maybe no caffeine if you are particularly sensitive...or at least none past noon
3.) Cut down on junk food and sugar. Period.
4.) Get some fucking exercise.
5.) Stop. Fucking. Worrying. I don't care what it is about. How? Simple: Knock it off. Simple isn't easy, but, it isn't complicated either.
6.) Wind down your brain for an hour or two before bed time...nothing stimulating and nothing where your brain goes into 'standby' like TV.
7.) ???
8.) Profit, niggar.

>> No.4252145


I feel like sleeping but I also feels like my brain and body are active and can be awake the whole day even if i don't feel like being awake

>> No.4252151

you need to cry

>> No.4252159


>> No.4252160

barely-sleeps-at-all-anon here. Try setting a later bed time and earlier wake time. Nothing crazy, but, 4-5 hours isn't unreasonable. The only downside is that I *have to* get to bed within 45 minutes or so of my usual bed time or it gets hard to get to bed cuz I get my next wind...which is great for the weekend, I can stay up all damned night and catch up at the next cycle by sleeping double...though it takes me hours to wake up.

Or try the uberman sleep schedule.

>> No.4252206

Don't try the uberman sleeping schedule as it is nothing more than bullshit with a fancy name to it.

But more than 2 sleeping phases throughout the day work, yeah. But OP's problem obviously is that he has problems falling asleep. Probably due to him sitting in front of the PC all day, mixed with a little depressive behaviour and malnutrition. No offense.

>> No.4252212

>Probably due to him sitting in front of the PC all day

I do this everyday for my entire life and never had problems sleeping. I only stop when I have to finally go to sleep as well.

>> No.4252214

It's not bullshit. I've done it, it's real and it works as advertised--eventually...after a month of psychological and physical hell.

It's just that it is completely impractical to anyone who has a job or any sort of obligation to the real world at all.

>> No.4252222

Have you tried exercising? It would probably help. Also avoid caffeinated drinks for a few days if you can.

>> No.4252223

Why you'd want to change your sleeping schedule to another one where you basically chain yourself by having to sleep every few hours (even if it's just a few minutes) is beyond me, moreso when you have 'no sort of obligation to the real world at all'. Hence me saying it's bullshit.

But I must say that I am suprised that somebody has actually been hardcore enough to try for so long to get it to work. So, what are the benefits you can tell me?

>> No.4252243

I was unemployed as were a lot of my friends...I just sat around making music and partying and making music and partying. In those 2 years I wrote so many goddamned songs and produced so many recordings and learned so much about audio production...there is no way I'll ever have as artistically productive of a time in my life again barring some insane luck that wins me the lottery or likewise.

I had so. much. time. I had friends stopping over at all hours, especially the few that had jobs on random schedules. I felt like I was always ready at any given point in time for anything...almost anything. Nothing that would keep me away from a safe bed for too long....but only having to sleep for 20-25 minutes made that a lot more doable than possible. any couch or car does the trick.

It would also be perfect for anyone who does lots of independent research/studying or any other artistic discipline, for the most part.

Breaking out of it sucked, but, nowhere near as much as getting into it.

>> No.4252540

>OP supplies no useful information
>plenty of good replies with good information
>OP replies to only worthless posts
most boring troll evar