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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4249661 No.4249661 [Reply] [Original]

I'm addressing you, people of /sci/ who possess measured IQs of over 140:

How does it feel to be a genius?
How do you see the world?
What mental abilities are your most prized possessions?
Can you share some insights that you've gathered in all of these years?
What is your attitude towards life, humanity and the universe?

I'd very much appreciate your input.

>> No.4249664

Either you are troll or an idiot noob.

>> No.4249673

>How does it feel to be a genius?
Self-satisfying, but frustrating.
>How do you see the world?
I could go on and on about this for hours. Most importantly, though, I view the world from a standpoint that causes me, for better or for worse, to dismiss most things that aren't physical truths and to dismiss most people.
>What mental abilities are your most prized possessions?
An aptitude for math and physics as well as a general intuition about the universe. Skepticism is also an underrated virtue which I possess.
>Can you share some insights that you've gathered in all of these years?
>What is your attitude towards life, humanity and the universe?
I think this was adequately covered in the how do you see the world question.

>> No.4249691

>IQ of 134
>Barred from participating in this very fine thread
Fuck you OP

>> No.4249694

>Skepticism is also an underrated virtue which I possess.
Hipster detected

>> No.4249716

IQ of 148 and a misanthropy level that could bring Oscar Wilde to shame.
Are you happy?

>> No.4249717

>How does it feel to be a genius?
Fine. Understanding shit at once while others are struggling with it gives me a lot of free time, which I unfortunately spend doing jack shit.
>How do you see the world?
I don't really think that I have any special insight into life and universe and everything.
>What mental abilities are your most prized possessions?
Natural talent for math, which is unfortunately unused; generally I 'get' shit much, much faster than other people and I'm able to memorize them thoroughly by associating concepts I'm learning with ones I learned by now. Pretty neat.
>Can you share some insights that you've gathered in all of these years?
Life is pointless and then we die.
>What is your attitude towards life, humanity and the universe?
Something like nihilism.

Can somebody remember that short story about a guy who is waken out of coma by neuron-growing chemical/hormone/something and gets an enormously high IQ? I forgot the name, could somebody post a link.

>> No.4249733

Funny, I took skepticism all the way and I ended up accepting anything as a potential truth (seeing as how I don't even really know if you exist).

>> No.4249756

>How does it feel to be a genius?
I don't really feel to be a 'genius'. But having high IQ is a double edged sword, tbh. Sure it feels nice to have a deeper understanding of many things than 95% of population, but it's very hard to talk to people without coming out as a pretentious prick.
>How do you see the world?
with my eyes, smartarse. Be more specific
>What mental abilities are your most prized possessions?
empathy, obviously.
>Can you share some insights that you've gathered in all of these years?
>What is your attitude towards life, humanity and the universe?

>> No.4249766

>accepting anything as a potential truth

This is completely asinine. Obviously at some level everything relies on axioms that are philosophically unprovable; that doesn't mean you have to give equal creedence to every possible belief. Ideas which are logically consistent and consistent with the axioms deduced from observations of the physical world hold more water than those that 12 year-olds on the internet propose because "hurr, durr my teacher says u can't prove or disprove anything #pseudointellectual #hippiegarbage".

>> No.4249769

>12 year-olds on the internet propose because "hurr, durr my teacher says u can't prove or disprove anything #pseudointellectual

Oh god this. Irritates me to no end.

>> No.4249781

Objectivist faggots detected

>> No.4249782

Absolutely, you can give any creedence to anything youd like.
But its important to understand that fundamentally these are unknowns, if you don't, you set up yourself up for delusional thinking, which again, is your choice.

>> No.4249787
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>classifying genius based on iq score

>> No.4249789

If those delusions are on par and consistent with the rules of physics we've observed thus far, I choose to be deluded until such time as newer observations disillusion me.

>> No.4249791

>Using a costanza.jpg image in favor of false ideals

>> No.4249792

Nigga, if that's what you are into, I'm perfectly fine with it, just don't come to me after your Intro to Philosophy and start spilling your new and fresh and unique insights that nobody else ever thought of (save the every other god damn kid your age). After 10 such faggots, you reaaaaly start to get pissed off.

>> No.4249794
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People with any 'real' intelligence wouldn't bother writing in this thread.

No one gives a shit about your autistic pattern recognition IQ

>> No.4249797

>low iq subhuman detected

>> No.4249807


Hurts, doesn't it?

What about your social intelligence? musical and emotional intelligence? No, no, no?

The "IQ" intelligence is most worthless of all

>> No.4249808

Thats fine, but how the physical world is described has constantly been changing.

>> No.4249809
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>> No.4249812

>False premise
>Red herring
Keep it up, you really don't belong ITT.

>> No.4249821

14 year olds and neets claim that they are smarter and have a better understanding of the world than richard feynman

>> No.4249827

Pretty similar to my face while typing that shit out.

>> No.4249828

>So many strawmen

>> No.4249829

Ignorance must really be bliss, then.

>> No.4249847
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1) i don´t consider myself a genius, but i know that i think much deeper about things than most people. We could say that i thought outside this so called thing we called reality.

2) I don´t really see the world in any specific way. I take nothing too seriously. To me, trivial matters are a joke, and it entertains me to see people talk about shit that doesnt matter whatsoever to anything near the concept of something thats supposed to serve a purpose.

3)I don´t process information very fast, but it must be in return because i digest it in such a meaningful manner.

4)Which is better, to serve others, not questioning the values on which you live your life by, or to serve yourself while being aware of the values others expect you to have?

Most of the things you believe are true and have meaning, really serve no meaning, except for the impulses of your brain telling you that you need more, or that you need to make this or this better for the sole reason of satisfying your own selfish needs of things you don´t really need. Human nature is all about never having anything good enough.

5)To me, life is all about finding reasons to do the things you do, which means living in complete self denial.

most of humanity is pretty fucked up. Everyone is a slave to things they don´t understand the purpose too. Without even realizing it. People become so caught up with their little limited so called "reality" that they completely ignore the reason for the values they live their life by.

The universe is fucking amazing.

>> No.4249862

I don't have an iq over 140 or nothin but i see the world as a pretty cool place to hang out w/friends and just kinda chill ya know

>> No.4249872

This I do not understand. The world is so much more then just friends and love and work.

>> No.4249884

I know two people who tested over 140 and are pretty average (well, as much as people in Oxford are average).

IQ isn't the most important thing, far from it - although being above average definitely is better than the reverse.

Also - most geniuses achieved fuck all because they never had to work for their success early in their life, and got complacent. Most 'legendary' people were above average with a strong drive and a fair bit of luck.

>> No.4249897


TL;DR: Lol'd


>> No.4249916

147 here.

Didn't read the thread but over 160 is considered genius.
Fuck you.

>> No.4249918

Read the definition, faggot.

>> No.4249921
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>trying to post
>part of your comment cannot be posted
>repeat with changed x1000
>pic related

>> No.4249928

>How does it feel to be a genius?
Intelligence isn't a scientific concept to me. Height is a descriptive term, beauty is an evaluative one. Memory capacity or speed an area of the brain is stimulated is a descriptive term, intelligence is an evaluative one.
How does it feel to have traits some people arbitrarily think are best? Not a single fuck.
>How do you see the world?
Mostly with my eyes, (i don't really know how you want to me answer this question).
>What mental abilities are your most prized possessions?
Probably memory.
>Can you share some insights that you've gathered in all of these years?
Not briefly, and probably not here.
>What is your attitude towards life, humanity and the universe?
I am constantly and completely bewildered by life and the universe, the intricacy and simplicity and the stuff i cannot grasp.

>> No.4249929

I like the definition of 180 best.

I hate being called a genius by people of normal and sub-normal intelligence for being able to solve simple problems.

>> No.4249930

I lol'd
How about pastebin?

>> No.4249941

No one is smart, they have just practiced a specific skill more. Get with the program plebs.

>> No.4249944

I got tired and just deleted most of my response, thus the "and probably not here".

Cannot be bothered typing it up again, it's quite late where i live.

>> No.4249951


>> No.4249954



>> No.4249968

Genius is recognized by achievement, and that isn't quantified by a number.

ts;dr if you're smart and don't do anything worthwhile, u mind as well be dumb

>> No.4249980

>How does it feel to be a genius?
I have a problem seeing certain kinds of green with my left eye. I notice that problem all the time. My IQ I never notice. May as well ask what it's like being subject to gravity. I just get on with it.

>How do you see the world?
Apparently very differently than anyone else, because no matter how much I try to achieve intellectual communication with other people, they all seem quite crazy to me, and presumably I to them.

>What mental abilities are your most prized possessions?
Dreaming; dispassionate evaluation; clear thought.

>Can you share some insights that you've gathered in all of these years?
One stops learning when one decides that one has the final answer.

>What is your attitude towards life, humanity and the universe?
Life is like a baby gorilla; essentially playful, but it doesn't know it's own strength. Humanity are a big disappointment most of the time. The universe is interesting.

>> No.4249983

>Most importantly, though, I view the world from a standpoint that causes me, for better or for worse, to dismiss most things that aren't physical truths and to dismiss most people.

That's not genius, that's aspergers.

>> No.4249998
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A person "suffering" from a condition such as aspergers, is much more likely to achieve the status of a genius, than a person that is too caught up with the feelings the person is experiencing all the time. Feelings have a way of creating complete delusions for people, such as; never thinking about anything more than your meaningless life, which you give purpose too, for reasons that you havent thought about yet.

Why think about things when you are happy emotionally enough about things in your life? Feelings satisfy the fulfillment of the definition of a life, for most people. And why chase something that wont come of any help for you. All we humans ever do is to do things to satisfy our emotional needs. Be it curing cancer or taking care of an infant.

>> No.4250028

I score 150 and have (mostly right) mixed hemisphere dominance.
Two cool effects of the way I'm wired up:
I have this incredible "beginner's luck" thing. When I was nine I went bowling for the first time. Someone was telling me and showing me how to throw the ball. I couldn't understand a single word they were saying but watched closely. After 5 minutes I picked up the ball and threw 3 strikes in a row.
Sometimes with mechanical problems I just stare in that same stupid, wordless state I learned to bowl in and after a time my hands just fix it. Of course when someone asks me how I did it I can't answer them.
There is also a huge downside. I really struggled with math before geometry.

>> No.4250032

>How does it feel to be a genius?
I wouldn't consider a 140 IQ as sufficient for a genius. A genius usually has 160+ iq which includes exceptional achievements and extreme cognitive dexterity. Exemplifying figures of genius would be Terrence Tao, Von Neumann, Newton, etc. If I was on the shoulders of giants as they are, it would be my priority to uncover the mathematical and physical truths governing the universe (Platonist here).
>How do you see the world?
Speaking both figuratively and literally, I would say through sensory perceptions.

>What mental abilities are your most prized possessions?
Constructing mathematical/abstract structures while listening to music.

>Can you share some insights that you've gathered in all of these years?
Don't bother with philosophical questions until one has a strong grounding in logic and the sciences.

>What is your attitude towards life, humanity and the universe? Insert some counter intuitive zen koan and that should sum it up.

>> No.4250036

Whenever people imagine someone looking at the world in a logical manner, some of them think of someone like Data from Star Trek who is out of touch with society's emotional values. That's a faulty stereotype.

The thing is, whenever there is an issue at hand, and you don't start injecting some emotional persuasion into your words, some people think that your argument and viewpoint are weird. And it's clear that those people, who speak the loudest due to their strong emotions, didn't join in the debate to find truth, they joined the debate to "feel" right, or to "feel" in power.

It is simply a normal action for any human to take, and so we've segregated ourselves into microcosms, which reflects our tribal nature. The problem with these 'tribes' is that, through peer pressure, they are able to inject a ton of false information into their members. This leads to people trying to act rationally based on irrational assumptions.

If a person does not want to act like a fool, and wants to think logically, he will reject those assumptions and doubt everything. But how can he trust himself? It is easier to trust something when there is an entire group backing it. He tries to join a group of rational thinkers, but he finds that even those groups fall victim to the mob mentality. Relationship wise, he remains connected to the world and its loving friendships and its offering of "power in numbers". In terms of beliefs, he belongs to no group, and is left happy knowing that no matter what type of propaganda is shoved down people's throats, he will always remain logical and questioning.

>> No.4250322


>> No.4250329

so to be a genius you only have to get an IQ over 140? easier than I thought

>> No.4250335

well I dont see myself as jenious even tho I have an high IQ of like 89 but I see the world as a nice place it has nice things and nice people but other then that nothin speciel with being jenious

>> No.4250350


This dude knows his shit.

That being said, I don't know my actual IQ, but I doubt it's highly above 130. Probably somewhere around 120-130 judging from how I compete with people who boast about their figures.

I never really cared, anyways. As long as I have fun studying math and as long as I see a realistic chance of contributing to the scientific progress, I don't see a reason to doubt my intellect. Not much I can do about it, anyways - except working hard, which everyone should do regardless of their IQ.

>> No.4250381

Fact bitches: I took an IQ test when I was 8 or something. My score was 128. Most of the subscores were the same, except the one which determined my ability to function socially, which was like 97. Also, my mathematical reasoning was really low; they thought I had a learning disability because of it.

I took another test when I was 14. Between the first and second tests, I did a fuckton of math. I was almost obsessed, I'd just casually run through problems in my free time. I went through precalc (not something amazing or anything but my point is that I worked a lot harder in math).

My second IQ score was 121 overall. But the mathematical reasoning part was 145, well into the 99th percentile.

TL;DR: Your intelligence and pattern-recognition abilities are dramatically affected by hours of practice.

>> No.4250385
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>How does it feel to be a genius?
I forget whether my score(actually tested, not some internet BS) qualifies me as one or not, but I sure don't feel like one. It's more that the -normals- are fucking retarded, than me being particularly smart. I don't see people with IQs under 115(based on personal estimation of the individual, not actual data) as fully human anyway.

>How do you see the world?
Be more specific? Reductionist-Materialist, anyway. Anyone who takes a view contrary to 'Reductionist-Materialist' probably doesn't have a good sense of logic. Yes, I fucking said it. You're a fucking idiot if you are willing to believe in supernatural fantasies. You are also a fucking idiot if you think intellect revolves around subjective, 'make-it-up-as-you-go-along' pseudosciences. I'm looking at you, French universities!

>What mental abilities are your most prized possessions?
Being able to listen to/read an idea and almost immediately know where there are flaws in the logic, or reliance on unproven assumptions, things like that. I wish other people would do that more often. We would really have a different world if others could do that.

>Can you share some insights that you've gathered in all of these years?
Aside from that the vast majority of people are unthinking boobs? Asking people with high IQ isn't the best way to look for wisdom, we're smart, but that doesn't guarantee wisdom. So I won't answer that one. Aside that most people are unthinking boobs.

>What is your attitude towards life, humanity and the universe?
It's all fucking amazing, but the actual experience can be pretty shit.

>> No.4250404

I'm gonna samefag here and ask how this resonates with everyone-
>It's more that the -normals- are fucking retarded, than me being particularly smart.
>It's more that the -normals- are fucking retarded, than me being particularly smart.
>It's more that the -normals- are fucking retarded, than me being particularly smart.
>It's more that the -normals- are fucking retarded, than me being particularly smart.
>It's more that the -normals- are fucking retarded, than me being particularly smart.
Fuck, I can't repeat it enough

>> No.4250432

I scored >144 on a mensa IQ test, but calling myself a genius just because of good genes is incredibly stupid and arrogant.. I'll use a different word.

>How does it feel to be a plopon?
Nothing special. You wake up, go to your classes, come back home, watch funny cat videos, do some learning and then sleep.
>How do you see the world?
Just the way it is. We can't see the real face of the universe, as we're limited to our senses, so there's in my opinion no point in philosophizing.
>What mental abilities are your most prized possessions?
My ability to write backwards, fuck yeah!
>Can you share some insights that you've gathered in all of these years?
Yes. Don't let "low" IQ discourage you. My IMO contestant friend scored only average.
>What is your attitude towards life, humanity and the universe?
Live and let die.

>> No.4250433


Flowers for Algernon

>> No.4250436

>How does it feel to be a genius?
Just like being a normal person but i find certain tasks are much easier. Particularly academic ones.
>How do you see the world?
With my eyes
>What mental abilities are your most prized possessions?
The ability to adapt and apply knowledge in abstract or novel ways almost without conscious thought. I just see a problem and a suitable solution and proof pops into my head. This was extremely useful in school where I could do no work and simply learn the basics and then solve problems. I think I did perhaps 20 hours of homework in my final year for all subjects.
>Can you share some insights that you've gathered in all of these years?
Not really. If you want philosophy then read a book on the subject. I don't like to give broad generalizations on how people should think or behave.
>What is your attitude towards life, humanity and the universe?
Humanity are self important, insignificant bundles of atoms driven to mindlessly self perpetuate and reproduce. But I cant help but love them.

>> No.4250446
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I dont take IQ tests seriously. I scored a 127, 148, and 152 on three different tests a few years ago.
>How does it feel to be a genius?
I wouldnt know how to describe it, seeing as I have no other experience to compare my current state with.
>How do you see the world?
Im a nihilistic asshole that has been getting progressively worse over the years. I see everything as a resource. Knowledge is the only thing worth striving for.
>What mental abilities are your most prized possessions?
My ability to replicate almost anything I gain knowledge of with a small margin of error. This can be something really simple or something really complex. The ability to do simple arithmetic really quickly. Manipulating objects in my mind. Deduction feels so fucking good when I get things right. My dreams, nightmares, and daydreams.
>Can you share some insights that you've gathered in all of these years?
Don't search too deep into what you don't know unless you know you can handle it, you might depressed (like me) and/or kill yourself unintentionally or intentionally like some people that I have read about.
>What is your attitude towards life, humanity and the universe?
Everything is pointless
>inb4 intelligence IQ bullshit circle jerk

>> No.4250448

I can't fucking believe this thread. Grow up aspies.

>> No.4250453

This is why nobody likes you.

>> No.4250460

How does it feel to be a genius?
>It's interesting. Being this smart is normal to me, but when I talk to average people, it's a bit strange how they think. I don't mind though.
How do you see the world?
>I see the world as something to be explored and discovered. I have my entire life to learn, love and live.
What mental abilities are your most prized possessions?
>My ability to love, to understand and to care about others.
Can you share some insights that you've gathered in all of these years?
>That nothing really matters. And I don't mean that in a nihilist way. You should speak your mind, not because people should be forced to listen to your views, but because they actually do care, and they will listen if you're worth something to them. You shouldn't be worried about deadlines or getting a job or college. You should take life slowly because what else is there to do? If you consider every second you live as a blessing, then even when you're bored, you can still think and realize new things. You can enjoy your dreams, your work, your school, your friends. Every moment, even if it's painful at the moment is worth something and you can learn from it.
What is your attitude towards life, humanity and the universe?
>Life will end someday, humanity will end someday and the universe will end someday. Does that matter to me? No, I will learn all I can, perhaps invent some stuff, perhaps not, perhaps I'll be famous or maybe not. If I enjoy my life, if I learn all I can and understand all I can, if I meet loyal and caring friends, then what more do I need?

>> No.4250466
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>> No.4250474

No, I must be the only one with IQ>140 who is not an aspie, seriously, I don't like dumb people either, but fags like you are terrible too.

>> No.4250483
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>> No.4250488

Link to a free, credible IQ test?

>> No.4250496

IQ tests are not credible by definition. There is no quocient to intelligence whatsoever.

>> No.4250502

ITT: Pseudointellectual faggots whose biggest achivements are their scores in online IQ tests.

>> No.4250510
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-g- has been mathematically isolated. IQ, in the absence of confounding factors, directly correlates with life achievement.

How does it feel to be 30 years behind modern-day psychology?

>in after bullshit 'tabula rasa' social dogma

>> No.4250522

IQ 142, but IMO IQ tests are bullshit and don't mean anything. I don't consider myself a true "genius", that title is reserved for people who are both very smart, and have proven their intelligence with meaningful discoveries. I still consider myself more intelligent than many people.

>How does it feel to be a genius?
Mostly good. I enjoy being able to understand things quickly, but there are times where I see others making blatant logical fallacies and feel powerless against them. Sometimes frustrating when other people don't understand things as quickly as I do.
>How do you see the world?
Something to be improved. There are lots of smart people working on improving the world, and I intend to count myself among them. The scale of how much I improve it will depend on how my life unfolds.
>What mental abilities are your most prized possessions?
Ability to quickly internalize abstract concepts, and to quickly form abstractions from concrete data. I am skilled at recalling large amounts of conceptual data, as well as the technical data that fits in with those concepts.
>Can you share some insights that you've gathered in all of these years?
- Don't assume other people think the same way you do.
- People only know what you tell them; it's easy to misinterpret an action as rudeness if you assume someone knows something they don't.
- Believe in (but don't overestimate) your abilities, and never be afraid to speak your mind.
>What is your attitude towards life, humanity and the universe?
Humanity, or more accurately, intelligent life, has nearly infinite potential. Our biggest problem is that there are many humans who have not fully embraced rational thought as a way of life. In the long term, the universe is the limit, and we may even find ways to go beyond that.

>> No.4250524

A lot of pretention in this thread.

>> No.4250531

Of course this!

>> No.4250538

ITT: Assburgers.

Seriously are you guys for real?
5/10 for you OP. Trolled these guys softly.

>> No.4250560

You're just jealous you're not as smart as me.
I suppose it hurts, being inferior, but what can you do about it?

For someone like you? I recommend getting a job maybe in construction. Or sales.

A good honest job for someone like you.

>> No.4250969

u mad?

>> No.4251033


>> No.4251297

>Being able to listen to/read an idea and almost immediately know where there are flaws in the logic, or reliance on unproven assumptions

I've got that going on, too. It's very helpful. For example, I read
>Anyone who takes a view contrary to 'Reductionist-Materialist' probably doesn't have a good sense of logic.
and immediately realized that you're a retarded narcissist.

>> No.4251319

The fucking arrogance is astounding

>> No.4251415

Had my iq tested at 18, got 145. That was 6 months ago.

>>How does it feel to be a genius?
That's like someone who's been blind from birth asking what it's like to see. Everything's just there, and it's funny to imagine people not being able to see what's right in front of them
>>How do you see the world?
Kind of just answered this. In addition to that, I intensely dislike nearly everything in the world. I find flaws in everyone and everything, to the extent that I nearly always find it hard to be around most people
>>What mental abilities are your most prized possessions?
Extremely good memory (short term and long), excellent ability to learn anything very quickly, good with language and can communicate, so am witty and liked
>>Can you share some insights that you've gathered in all of these years?
Fuck any notion of patriotism or love for the human race, because humanity's crap, and the members of your country are certainly no better
>>What is your attitude towards life, humanity and the universe?
Nihilism. Shit doesn't matter one fucking tiny little bit

If you want to ask me questions (ie abuse me), feel free

>> No.4251428

>How does it feel to be a genius?

I feel very self-satisfied, and think of the rest of humanity as sheep-people, or "sheeple" as I have taken to calling them.

>How do you see the world?

I see the world through the lens of pure logic - do not attempt to grasp this fully, it is almost certainly far outside your capabilities and you would only confuse and anger yourself.

>What mental abilities are your most prized possessions?

I can look at a situation and reduce it to its elements. I am free of emotional weakness clouding my judgement - once I have decided upon a certain point of view I can rely upon it 100%

>Can you share some insights that you've gathered in all of these years?

It is difficult to put my knowledge into terms understandable to you. All I can offer you is this advice - question everything.

>What is your attitude towards life, humanity and the universe?

Life is quest for understanding, humanity is overrated. The universe? I'll get back to you in 500 years.

>> No.4251429

I think Adderall puts me over 140.

I don't think there has been any studies on the effect of Adderall on general intelligence, but what about other nootropics? Does anyone have any actual numbers like increases in IQ (arguments against the usefulness of IQ aside).

>> No.4251433


Confirmed for edgy teenager

>> No.4251440
File: 47 KB, 500x333, 1326281751144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everybody on /sci/ answers
>74 posts and 11 image replies omitted


>> No.4251495

I think he is just confused on what nihilism means. It is in no way edgy to believe that the life has no objective meaning. I've heard many people refer to this as nihilism.

>> No.4251517

I certainly wouldn't call myself a genius. I think that title is earned. The Andre in this film shares a lot of my world view.


My most prized "mental ability" (confusing term) is the ability to meditate and achieve a state of bliss just by willing it.

I don't have many insights other than to attempt to tap into man's tribal nature and to avoid living habitually.

>> No.4251558


Not picking on you specifically just a general comments on all the smarty pants replies to "How do you see the world?" If you can't deduce the semantics of his question in that context then chances are you aren't of the measured IQ his question was addressed to.

>> No.4251574

>everybody on /sci/
Exactly how many people are on /sci/ right now and how do I get your moddly powers?

>> No.4251596

has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

>> No.4251660


Is me... I'd be interesting in reviving this thread with people posting something they did that required immense intelligence of some kind.

I made an excel spreadsheet that mimicked an insurance companies method of calculating rates on an IBM built RPG IV system. I did this the year after I left second level education. It was nice to see the management giving me sideways glances at team meetings like "Who is this kid?". They offered me an attractive promotion when I told them I'd be leaving to attend university.

>> No.4251683

>I'm addressing you, people of /sci/ who possess measured IQs of over 140:
I don't know my IQ (and won't discuss the correlation between IQ and whatever you think IQ shows). I objectively do quite good in problem solving, so I'll answer anyway.

>How does it feel to be a genius?
I don't consider myself a genius. I do think I'm good at what I do, though, but I have met people that were clearly better than I am. Anyway, I really feel good in mostly two kinds of situations:
- Whenever I have a discussion with a friend or coworker on a problem that we know we would have a hard time solving if we worked separately, but it goes fast, and after anything from 30min to a few hours of correcting each other's mistakes, approving the good ideas and dismissing the bad ones, we end up on a nice solution,
- When I find a problem hard, leave it for later, then think about it again while driving, or in a bath, or in my bed before going to sleep, and figure out an approach I hadn't seen before. Even better if the approach indeed works.
>How do you see the world?
I don't spend that much time doing science and maths. I take a lot of vacations, spend a lot of time with my friends. I don't have many many good friends (with my definition of "good friend", I have 7), but that's enough for me, and I have all those normal friends that I really enjoy seeing in parties as often as I can.
>What mental abilities are your most prized possessions?
The ability to diagnose others' ideas as good or bad, the ability to produce many ideas even though I'm not good at diagnosing them by myself. Which is why I love working in pair with someone like me.
>Can you share some insights that you've gathered in all of these years?
Getting a decent Ph.D. is possible even without being very clever provided that you find a good advisor and work as much as your contract tells you to. Getting a decent Ph.D. is possible working 2 hours per day (maybe less) if you're good enough.

>> No.4251685

>>4251683 (cont)
>What is your attitude towards life, humanity and the universe?
I'm an atheist, I'm very materialist, and I don't really think about it that much because I'm just not looking for an answer. There's no reason to believe that if there's a higher power, it's one of those described in any religion. Whether the laws of physics have been put here by a higher power or not, why would it matter? They are here.

I have some "faith" in humanity, but I think that successful people are often vain. Successful people are often powerful, and vanity in powerful people have undesirable effects on the weaker.

>I'd very much appreciate your input.
No problem.

>> No.4251695

How does it feel to be a genius?
Hypothetically, and essentially it feels good!

How do you see the world? r
I see things people cannot! I see many things that I cannot verbalize.

What mental abilities are your most prized possessions?
AH yes, The mind theoretically initaially is not a possession but an asset, my youngin.

Can you share some insights that you've gathered in all of these years?
Are you implying that old people are the smart people?

What is your attitude towards life, humanity and the universe?
As jesus says, life is adequate for those who are temperate.

>> No.4251705

I just realized I read "how OFTEN do you see the world?" here... Disregard that answer.

>> No.4251707


How does it feel to be a genius?
>I don't care about it, most people are sheep anyway, if you have this level of intelligence you become a misanthrope because you have better understanding of everything compared to the plebes
How do you see the world?
>The world can't satisfy me, everyone's stupid, predictive physical interractions
What mental abilities are your most prized possessions?
>I wouldn't know, its mostly a cure, you can't ejoy life with this level of intelligence, sometimes i wish i was dumber
Can you share some insights that you've gathered in all of these years?
What is your attitude towards life, humanity and the universe?
>Bad, people suck and so does the universe, people try to find the physical laws but they will never get a theory of everything, scientists are stupid.

>> No.4251710

150 here; once you hit around 130, IQ is nothing but a way to gloat like a douchebag.

there's a reason the smartest people in the world are so humble; they realize it means fucking nothing except that they aren't retarded.

>> No.4251712


Have you tried going outside. No matter your intelligence, let your criticism leave you. Just dance or have fun. :)

>> No.4251714


"I see many things that I cannot verbalize"

Me too, sometimes when I am way out there in "deep thought" I try to verbalise an idea and I can't. Which usually leads me on to thinking about lexical gaps and how language suits the most average minds best. Surely if we knew the words we could use them...

>> No.4251717

Shut up, you dont how is it to have this enourmous intelligence, knowing everything is crazy, sometimes i feel like a god.

>> No.4251719


shit doesn't work like that bucko; when you get smarter it becomes harder to turn your brain off.

personally I just play videogames.

>> No.4251727

How does it feel to be a genius?
>I'd rather not think my self above anyone else, that seems cruel and possibly disheartening to others.
How do you see the world?
>I see and feel the world as a very beautiful place. That is also full of wonders waiting for me to discover and enjoy.
What mental abilities are your most prized possessions?
>My mental dexterity, I was born left handed but grew up using my right hand as well to write and draw as my left. I can do different tasks with each hand with ease. I keep trying to improve and maintain this to this day. I use martial arts to fight away my depression and meditation to solve problems.
Can you share some insights that you've gathered in all of these years?
>Life is full of surprises, not to be cliche but handwork really does pay off if you start with yourself first. Work on your mind and your body, be conscious of your health and your surroundings as much as possible. This will help you be more aware of problems that arise and have the ability to problem solve anything in mind or in reality.
What is your attitude towards life, humanity and the universe?
>Life is energy and alive in every sense of the word to me. Everything I look at is alive, perhaps not conscious but certainty alive in the sense that everything is made up of the same energy I am. I am at peace with this and very happy to see the world this way.
>The universe almost the same as above except that its a mind expander to me, I'm always exploring it with my imagination, trying out silly universes where our laws don't exist and so forth. Its good to be silly sometimes, it helps relax the boundaries I set on my self and loosen up.

All and all. Don't let negativity rule your life. Fight it off, its not enough to just avoid it.

>> No.4251748

>What mental abilities are your most prized possessions?
Adding this:
Give me a game (board game or something) I have never played before. Tell me the rules of the game. I'll tell you a rule you have forgotten to tell me. If I'm wrong, I'll find a way to exploit the fact that the game designer forgot to put a rule for that particular situation. It's amusing, sometimes people don't understand how I guessed that a rule existed given the other (apparently unrelated) rules.

>> No.4251800


that's quite interesting.

I play board games quite avidly and some of them have quite complex and situational rules.

Are you willing to prove this? I could create a document with the rules for Twillight Imperium and blank out one or two rules in such a way it would be hard to find them by comparing.

>> No.4251825

This thread reminds me of something that happened to me a few years ago.

>Basic biology class
>High school level
>Don't pay much attention in class
>Do well on a test
>Guy next to me sees my grade
>He announces this to everyone
>Someone in the back yells "Are you like a genius or something?"
>Everyone is looking, spotlight is on me
>My spaghetti instantly coats the school walls

Looking back on this still makes me cringe. How would you answer that?

>> No.4251844

Well I'm not saying it's true every time, and it's certainly harder if the game has a huge lot of rules. And anyway, I could certainly google the rules if I were unable to find what's missing, so that wouldn't really prove my point. But I like playing the devil's advocate in arguments, and it's quite similar: instead of understanding what's wrong with someone's reasoning and destroying it, you understand what someone wanted to do with the game, and you usually see something missing, if something's missing. Also, you know where to look with experience. What people forget to mention in rule sets are:
- The exact initial conditions,
- The exact ending (win/loss) conditions,
- What happens when two "rare" things that involve the same object interact.
The ending conditions are often easy to guess. What happens when two rare things happen at the same time is often undocumented and sometimes exploitable.

For instance, a game that I really love is Pandemic's extension (On the Brink). The game's creators are really good, so most questions that you'll wonder during your games are answered in the rules even though you didn't notice it when you read the rules, because the wording didn't seem that important back then. But when some questions eventually arise, I have fun discussing them here: boardgamegeek.com/forum/2236/pandemic-on-the-brink/rules . The game's creator answers most non-trivial questions. It's kinda cool.

I'd take your test for fun though, but without seeing the board and handling the cards, I'm not sure if it'll be easy.

>> No.4251846

136 here, it's close enough.
>How does it feel to be a genius?
I really don't feel smart most of the time. It's annoying though, you can't describe your thoughts and sometimes you just don't have the words for things. I think too much and act too little. I think it influences my humor as well, and my emotions.
>How do you see the world?
With eyes.
>What mental abilities are your most prized possessions?
I'm pretty good at mathematics. I consider my inductive reasoning way above normal and my visual intelligence is really good. I can come up with some really good ideas as well.
>Can you share some insights that you've gathered in all of these years?
Don't think too much about stuff, or you'll get depressed. Don't take things too seriously.
>What is your attitude towards life, humanity and the universe?
Most humans are really dumb and very shallow. A lot of them take things too seriously and seem upset about something at all times. People tend to talk like they know a lot about something, but they really don't. They will believe the stupid stuff you say that was intended as a joke (people don't see me as intelligent for this reason). The universe is interesting and that is reason enough to study it. Life has no objective meaning.

>> No.4251859

How does it feel to be a genius?

Alright, I suppose.

How do you see the world?

In 3-D

What mental abilities are your most prized possessions?

My ability to dream, honestly. It's when I'm the happiest.

Can you share some insights that you've gathered in all of these years?

Don't take life too seriously, it's a limited-time offer.

What is your attitude towards life, humanity and the universe?

Life is a joke and death is the punchline, but you should really enjoy yourself while you're along for the ride. You can be an inch away from crying at the futility of it all or in awe of the infinitely detailed place we live in, it's up to you.
Humanity is disappointing when I imagine what could be but to produce someone who could imagine a better world says something.
The universe is a wondrous thing that can fill me with such awe that I don't need any spiritual things.

I doubt having a really high IQ really means anything aside from intellectual advantages in certain situations; if you people spend your time posting on an imageboard together and still haven't found a cure for AIDS or greed it can't be that useful. I'd rather be roomies with a guy with an I.Q. of 70 and friendly as hell than a genius who can't stand being around people.

>> No.4251909

134 here, feels bad.

IQ is just a number though, extensive learning is more important. Intelligence can't be quantatively measured by a single pattern recognition test. It's a nice indication of intuitive logical prowess, but not much more than that.

>> No.4251971

Supposedly 152...

How does it feel to be a genius?
>Somewhat boring yet extremely awesome at the same time.
How do you see the world?
>Probably the same as anyone else, except I may have better problem solving abilities. Also none of the retarded emotional issues a lot of people seem to have.
What mental abilities are your most prized possessions?
>Logic, rational thinking, level headedness, calm/relaxed all the time, etc.
Can you share some insights that you've gathered in all of these years?
>Study hard, do well in school, get a good job, make money, enjoy all the things you can now do with said money
What is your attitude towards life, humanity and the universe?
>I would have to write 1000 pages on this but to sum it up: Feels good man.

>> No.4253160

Confirmed for angsty subhuman whole cannot deal with the overwhelming construct of existence.

>> No.4253173

>How does it feel to be a genius?
I don't feel like a genius. It is easy to remind me of what I don't know and what I'm unable to do.
Most of the time it's other people seeing me as a genius.
>How do you see the world?
Perceptions of visible light by receptors in my eyes are interpreted by my brain.
>What mental abilities are your most prized possessions?
The abilities to learn quickly, to link related objects of knowledge, thus enabeling me to form generalizations and abstractions allowing deductive inference.
And all this while multitasking.
>Can you share some insights that you've gathered in all of these years?
An IQ of 140 is not enough to be successful. Hard work and social skills can be much more important.
>What is your attitude towards life, humanity and the universe?
I'm posting on 4chan. This should answer the question.

sage for not science

>> No.4253182

>How does it feel to be a genius?
kinda shitty. I don't show it off so I don't look like a pretentious fuck, and the comments of "omg anon you're so smrt" when I just try to act normal get annoying.
>How do you see the world?
it is a sphere.
>What mental abilities are your most prized possessions?
counting. it got me my job in inventory.
>Can you share some insights that you've gathered in all of these years?
don't really have any, I'm just a dude in his young 20's. ask someone older and wiser.
>What is your attitude towards life, humanity and the universe?
have fun, seek out people to enjoy your life with, and forget about the universe.

>> No.4253197

>thread for smart people
>you posting

using difficult words that mean nothing to enlarge your trippenis much?

>> No.4254387

One bump for every sage

>> No.4254416

IQ above 300 reporting in.

>How does it feel to be a genius?
Being a genius of my superior level comes with the burden of knowing the deepest truths while simultaneously knowing that all other people will never be able to grasp them.
>How do you see the world?
I don't see the "world", I see the universe. I see it clearly and in all its more or less hidden interconnections and interactions on observable levels as well as meta-levels. I transcend reality.
>What mental abilities are your most prized possessions?
There are no words for the kind of mental abilities I possess. No genius before me has ever reached my perfection and a non-genius will never come even close to imagining my mental processes.
>Can you share some insights that you've gathered in all of these years?
I am constantly sharing my insights all over /sci/'s threads. Read them carefully.
>What is your attitude towards life, humanity and the universe?
I was able to control all of them as soon as I fully understood them. Explaining this is too hard for simple minds like the ones reading this post.