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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 110 KB, 417x658, Stevens-johnson-syndrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4249805 No.4249805 [Reply] [Original]


To make a long story shot, i am the person Wikipedia used for that image. That's me. I thought i had Strep, i went to the VA hospital with a sore throat and 12 hours later all the skin on my arms fell off, to be quickly followed by all the skin on my hands, feet and crotch. I lost 65 lbs in 3 weeks as i bleed out through my crotch, mouth and eyes.

I lived but i want to ask: Are there any health care folks on this board who have dealt with SJS? I've never met or spoken to anyone else who got this,. i'd like to know if there are things like survivors groups.

>> No.4249813

What do you look like now?

>> No.4249820

>most cases are idiopathic
Dude. After being in disaster-response teams and other shit, I can stomach pretty much anything, but getting pieces of you start to drop off due to no discernible reason gives me the creeps.

That's like something right out of the Cthulhu mythos.

...are you sure you're not part... fish?

>> No.4249826
File: 15 KB, 260x354, 1267590795538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rare obscure disease
>thinks /sci/ will know all about it

I applaud you on your survival. BUT YOU ARE DUMB AS FUCK. Why don't you just google that shit? I'm sure you will find SJS survivors groups on google! WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU?

>> No.4249840

I look normal, i have scars over my ass and torso much like a smallpox victim would have. As long as i don't take off my clothes i can hide the scars.I got really lucky in that it was identified really quickly and my face and eyes were protected.as much as possible.

I had 2X daily doctors scraping out the pus from my eyes so i didn't go blind. The girl who did it was a fucking wizard, she somehow convinced me that i was OK with her sticking tweezers into my eyes.

Despite her efforts i have severe scaring on the inside of one of my eyes and in 5-10 years it might lead to scarring one my corneas. So far it look like i lucked outt and i don't have to worry about vision loss.

I do not have finger or toe nails, they all fell out with my skin.

>> No.4249842
File: 92 KB, 350x309, Z0b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I do not have finger or toe nails, they all fell out with my skin.

>> No.4249843

wow. sorry to hear that.

don't know anything about it.

>> No.4249844
File: 23 KB, 599x486, 1299925056220.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit bro, that's pretty intense. like the other poster said, sounds like something you'd get after reading the necronomicon. stuff like this kind of highlights how we really know jack shit about how the immune system works half the time

>> No.4249851


Nope. SJS actually only happens to christians.

>> No.4249860
File: 33 KB, 604x453, 1259418374072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey assohole, it's rare enough where you might actually have a better chance of finding someone on 4chan than on google who know what the hell it is.

Seeing as 3 teams of the best students the Veterans Administration has to ofter at three of their teaching hospitals don't know how the the fuck it happens i figured that i'd see if anyone here had am idea how the fuck it happens.

Do you really think i didn't google the thing that made me lose all the skin on my dick and almost bleed to death because of it?

>> No.4249861

Are you Han Chinese or Thai?

>> No.4249866

Why the black boxes over your eyes?

>> No.4249873
File: 86 KB, 528x600, 1303278143422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you really think i didn't google the thing that made me lose all the skin on my dick and almost bleed to death because of it?

Yes, I think that. BECAUSE IT IS FUCKING TRUE. You are a true dumbfuck.

I just googled that shit, and the first thing that comes up IS A FUCKING SUPPORT GROUP!
You should have fucking died (figuratively).

>> No.4249874

Sorry to hear that OP, it's like winning the lottery. The bad kind of lottery.
I don't know where you are from or what the people there think about it, but in Indonesia people typically think malpractice and try demanding compensation from the hospital.

>> No.4249876

His eyes are tiny dicks.

>> No.4249878
File: 11 KB, 180x231, 1267858543958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP gets SJS
>OP's post spreads cancer

SO MUCH DISEASE! It is like i'm in /b/ or /x/!

>> No.4249881

I actually was so out of it i that wondered if i had the Inssmouth Taint. Imagine my disappointment when i only had my dick peeling off.
Raised as a 7th day Adventist, proud atheist. I actually had a bunch of Christian Veterans praying over me at one point, my father died in the same VA hospital that i was in and i had a catholic preacher trying to do last rites over me. I freaked out when i realized it was the same guy who did my dads last rites. I hate thast guy even if he is a decent priest.

>> No.4249887



>> No.4249889


>Decent priest

Isn't that some kind of oxymoron?

>> No.4249891
File: 63 KB, 500x500, religeonlol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats your dick like, op?

do you believe in god?

>> No.4249892

No, i am Northern European with a blood group that gives me two maternal grandparents (or great grandparents) who are Mongolian of all things, blood type B-. So apparently in terms of inheritance i am Asian even though i'm pretty damn white. Thanks Genghis Khan, i think my being related to you is awesome.. Your hereditary diseases, not so much.

They are supposed to hide my identity so my case can be used to teach doctors how to deal with SJS without invading my privacy. They do a shitty job of it.

>> No.4249896
File: 48 KB, 1280x1024, 1267798914965.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reported for what? Being a little mean?

Grow a fucking pair!!!

>> No.4249899

>implying anyone believe in fairytales on /sci/


>> No.4249906

He was a good guy and when i said i was a atheist he just started to try to make me comfortable and asked if there was anything he could do to help me. He also kicked out the Christians who were bothering me, he was as good a priest as a Atheist could ask for. He didn't>>4249891
try to preach too much, once he realized who i was and that he was friends with my deceased father he stopped the last rites shit and just talked to me.
My dick was down to the last layer of skin for a few weeks and bleed alot, it basically just oozed out like sweat. .Now it's super sensitive, there is no scarring but it's all new skin. My hands and feet are the same way, it's like i have baby skin. I wear two layers of socks because normal shoes hurt the super thin skin on my feet.

>> No.4249911

OP here, so i can assume /sci/ has no health care folks, medical students or their ilk who have any idea whatsoever about SJS?

>> No.4249912


How long since the incident?

Also, post your no fingernails fingers please.

Also, can you masturbate, if not, do you have bad blue balls?

>> No.4249914


No, this is an "ask someone who suffered from SJS anything"-thread now.

>> No.4249939

4 months since i i got back. I will not post pics of my fingernails, they are all weird. the ones that fell out first are regrowing, the ones that didn't are growing in unevenly and really thin. I'm also loosing a bit of hair as my immune system tryed to kill my scalp, either i'll go bald or lose a bit of hair then it will grow back.

My penis is super sensitive, i will not lie i jerk off alot more now that it has a new layer of skin and my hands have lost 30 years of calluses.It's like i'm suddenly 14 again.

Fine. Besides detailing the eye stuff and giving you in depth knowledge about how my hemorrhoids bled what do you want to know? I spent 2 days in a medically induced coma so i can't give you details about that time period, the best i can do is tell you how it feels to pull a feeding tube out. Hint: It feels exactly likje you imagine it does.

>> No.4249955


When you get sexually abused in a coma, do you know it's happening and can't do anything about it, or do you just not know what's going on?

>google it

>> No.4249957


Why won't you post a picture of your fingernails? We pride ourselves on skepticism here, how about you provide us with a reason to completely let go of it in this case?

>> No.4249959

OP please do 23andme.com

They do a full genetic scan and tell you where your families are from, propensity for traits, and record things in a database. Rare diseases are so hard to learn about, we need to record everything we can.

Immune system suddenly attacking things could be a mechanism we can use to cure AIDS or sickness in general, if we learned to control that effect!

>> No.4249969


I wanna do that. I'm already participating in an extensive experiment, stretching over more than 6 month, with all kinds of tests where I get to know stuff about my body, like that my bone density is above average (and that I'm skinnyfat...)

>> No.4249979

Actually when you are in a coma you kinda fade in and out of reality. They tried a anti-depressent drug (for the life of me i cannot remember the name of it) and all i can remember is that i had shit myself, i was crawling on the floor and was convinced that my doctor was a Russian agent because he was Libyan and didn't have a DoD ID card. Suffice to say i was out of it that day and the drug they tried worked poorly with my personnel chemistry. Apparently i somehow managed to throw him across the room and across the hallway while crawling on the floor in a pile of my own shit. A few days later i apologized to him, all my knowledge of the incident is from him.

>>4249957 because i don't have a camera handy.

>> No.4249989


You crawled around and threw doctors around? Doesn't sound like a medically induced coma.

>> No.4249990


Several more things: What are you doing with your life now? What are you studying, and did you only come to /sci/ for answers?

>> No.4249992
File: 33 KB, 646x501, 1269379341075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: OP mentions a previous illness SO PEOPLE FELL SORRY FOR HIM.