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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4242393 No.4242393 [Reply] [Original]

How would one go about building their waifu?

>> No.4242396

PhD in robotics and be hired by Japanese tech company

>> No.4242407

Wait till virtual reality advances further, you will never look back.

>> No.4242410

From what I've seen all the tech is already there. I wonder what's keeping it back.

>> No.4242409

An ordinary pillow + the magic of imagination

>> No.4242414

I meant you connect your 'senses' into the digital world.
Pretty much like matrix.

>> No.4242428

So, why are robots attractive? I don't even get it.

>> No.4242437

No, we're talking about imaginary Japanese cartoon characters. Totally different and understandable.

>> No.4242448

Humans are just machines too, you know.

>> No.4242460


Lucid dreaming is amazing.

>> No.4242461

That's some deep shit right there.

>> No.4242620

start with a fleshlight, add stuff around it

>> No.4242640

i want to start with a AI. the body isn't really necessary.

>> No.4242641

>go to med school
>acquire currency
>get a real hot waifu

>> No.4243101


I think I just threw up in my mouth a little.

>> No.4243111
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>> No.4243126

better have an internal warmer and lubricant otherwise shit's gonna suck

>> No.4243133
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>this entire fucking thread

>> No.4243143

don't need a wafiu. just need a fleshlight.

>> No.4243150

why the fuck do you keep posting that dying chimp?

>> No.4243157

You'll need.
-Servo motors
-Circuit boards
-rubber skin
-a metallic skeleton
-hydraulic tubes
-A good AI
-Other things

>> No.4243159

because you are killing him. /sci/ is killing him with shit like this.

really? blow-up dolls and fleshlight discussion general?


>> No.4243165

how the fuck does that belong on /d/? ya fuckin idiot!??
do you even know what 'hentai' is??

>> No.4243176

this is a safe for work board. this isn't science. if it doesn't belong there, it belongs somewhere else. considering 'waifu' implies an anime character, i'd assume that would be its target location.

>> No.4243221
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fleshlight + "Splice" genomics + cyborg tech = profit

>> No.4243232

>said robot happens to look like a waifu
Waifu-themed sci is still sci

>> No.4243236

I'm interested in the technologies that would be used, current or spectulative - particularly the power source.

On another board they were questioning whether sugar could be used to power artificial muscle, so you could feed your waifu cake all day.

>> No.4243240

go back to /g/.

this isn't robotics, if you've noticed the discussion clearly derailed into shit posting and the use of masturbation toys.

stop bumping this crap to the front page. real science belongs there.

>> No.4243241

By hiring a disney imageneer.

>> No.4243265

I'm not going to. It might creep out my other robots.

>> No.4243291

>real science belongs there
>on sci

this thread has more science in it than half the stuff on the front page.

>> No.4243296

i'm sure the mods won't think the same when they come on and delete this thread and the others

>> No.4243298
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>EK defending waifuism

The body isn't the hard part. Creating an AI that would act like your waifu would be the challenge.

>> No.4243302


the only thing the mods come on is wadded up kleenex

>> No.4243305

That's not actually EK, you fucking retard.

>> No.4243309

Computer hardware and software simply isn't powerful enough to run an AI capable of using a body of human complexity. This is the only reason why our robots are still physically on the level of an insect.

As a perfect example, attempt to make a 'fly-by-wire' arm. With the right materials and equipment, you could make an arm that was indistinguishable from a real one.

I'm pretty sure you'll have to wait for advances in the aforementioned technologies, which I doubt will take longer then ten-twenty years. At that point, it'll be a simple matter of designing 'her' with a CAD program, probably using free templates, and then paying someone to put it all together. That last bit will probably be really expensive, unless there's a company or something that makes them like realdolls and takes highly custom orders.

>> No.4243327

>The body isn't the hard part
That's what sh-.. wait

>> No.4243339

How hard is it to synthesize our waifu's voices? Is it hard to make a text to speech program with her voice?

>> No.4243345

whos voice?

>> No.4243351

Not incredibly hard. Take a look at Vocaloid. That technology can be applied to different voices.

>> No.4243353


it would probably be far easier to shower more often and have conversations with actual girls

>> No.4243356


>> No.4243369

reinforcements has arrived, waifu experts are here.

You cannot recreate your waifu as a robot, a waifu is something ethereal, not something to be solid.
It is a way of life, it is a almost religious type of theory.

VR on the other hand might be good, but so far we only have AR available.

>> No.4243371
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You could always work backwards.

>> No.4243373
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But how would one recreate his loli waifu?

>> No.4243374

you'll need 2 things
1. artificial intelligence
2. working human-like body

you program the AI to have you waifu's personality
and mold the body to look like your waifu (note that molding 3D object to look like 2D object may have negative effects on your perception)

at the moment we're nowhere near of crating a true AI or building a human-like synthetic body

>> No.4243378

So time to wait for another 10-20 years then?

Well, as long as the world doesn't end this year I'm good.

>> No.4243379

Luka > *

>> No.4243380

Which is why we probably see VR available to the general public, much earlier than actual cyborg-robot things.

>> No.4243381

Not in NA or Europe.
I think a converted offshore oil-rig/small island in SE Asia would be best.
An illegal cloning factory where they take hair sample from celebrities living and dead and clone sex slaves form them.

>> No.4243385

>kidnap little girl
>brainwash in your basement
You know what you need now...
I suggest you start planning...

>> No.4243387

Someone post the "loli sex toy" creepypasta. I dont have it sadly.

>> No.4243391

>officialy you are onii-chan

easier than building one

>> No.4243429

Ohh look at the pseudo-moderator with a chip on his shoulder.

Just report it and move on.

>> No.4243445

>at the moment we're nowhere near of crating a true AI or building a human-like synthetic body

Well, she doesn't have to have an AI, she just needs to be moe.

And a human-like body is the last thing I want.

>> No.4243465

I recall seeing a rig consisting of a widescreen LCD TV, a fleshlight, some kind of motor, and a lot of PVC wrapped with some kind of cushioning.

It was assembled so that the TV made the "body" while the cushioned PVC was arranged to appear like limbs, while the fleshlight was attached at the approximate location for genitals. The motor made the whole contraption bounce back and forth as if it were having sex, and the TV displayed a looped image of an anime girl in orgasm.

All in all, it was very disturbing, the amount of work that went into it.

>> No.4243503
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Impending bans, I can smell them

>> No.4243508
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>> No.4243538

we did it!


>> No.4243565
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>> No.4243688
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Oh, the things I'd have her do!

>> No.4243842

The processing power bit could be solved if the robot is connected through wifi and relies on a remote server to do its processing.
Still the waifu wouldn't have to be a genius or anything, just an expensive sex toy.

>> No.4243858

I like how the derpy netbook version is better than the full laptop model.

Would building a childlike AI be easier than something more adult?

>> No.4243874

Take a real girl, put her in a coma and burn her face off. Bring her to a cosmetic surgeon and provide a fake testimony in the form of diary or something saying she wishes she looked like mai waifu. Somehow, make her forget everything, somehow train her to act like mai waifu.

Stuff I think about all the time.

>> No.4244215
File: 153 KB, 600x1417, humies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. raise an AI
2. copy/move to a robotic/cybernetic body
3. ???
4. Love!!!

>> No.4244530
File: 34 KB, 566x424, 566px-Odd_clip_image025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not recognizing the intelligence of cetaceans, apes, or cephalopods.

>> No.4244545
File: 30 KB, 380x287, mistakeinc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw the AI was lying and kills everyone anyway, but humans are so fucking dumb that they just take the AI's word as truth

>> No.4244583

Oh, yes. I'll build all the supply depots you want, waifu.

>> No.4246064

This sounds rather late-20th century.