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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4233617 No.4233617 [Reply] [Original]

>reddit has particle physicists, PhDs, and CERN employees who come on daily
>reddit has dedicated boards for every science (including math), engineering, and subsections like particle physics, astrophysics, biophysics, quantum mechanics, book requests, etc.
>reddit has an amazing community which is open for questions, science discussion, and chats

>physicsforums has thousands of active members, ranging from humble high school students who want a hand to retired physicists
>physicsforums has dedicated boards for every science with designated discussion, a dedicated homework board, and active moderation
>physicsforums has an extremely knowledgeable community which usually responds to new threads within five minutes

>stackexchange has a science community dedicated to Q&A of elementary to research-level topics in the sciences
>stackexchange has dedicated boards for every science
>stackexchange has amazing contributors who are usually at the graduate level or above

>4chan has high school students asking for help on calculus homework, trolls, costanza.jpg, "reported enjoy your ban", and ">that feel when no gf"
>4chan has one science & math board with basically no moderation
>4chan has retarded moderators who ban users for posting matrices in latex, shitty tripfags who literally ruin every science thread, major general discussion, seabro general, EK general, invalid math and pseudoscience, atheism vs. religion, and bullshit dissing of other sciences

Why in the name of sanity are you here again..?

>> No.4233622

Because esuaceb

>> No.4233623

so we can feel superior to those other websites of course! and obviously we know we are superior because we keep saying we are. is this your first day on 4chan?

>> No.4233628

because blackman still has yet to pie josef

>> No.4233626

The real question is why are YOU here? Go back to redshit and your other forums.

>> No.4233633
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>> No.4233635

I'm on physicsforums most of the time.

sci is the occasional gem of science, and some threads are so stupid that it's fun. Also, when I need to shit all over somebody, sci is the place to go.

>> No.4233639
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>that feel when no gf

>> No.4233640

I go on reddit sometimes, but they're mostly pseudo-intellectuals as well, except they're less self-aware. At least 4chan is funny. I don't go on the internet to expand my mind, I have class for that. I go here to blow off steam and laugh at stupid shit.

>> No.4233643
File: 256 KB, 500x500, dont-like-math.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one on /sci/ knows crap. At best there are a few undergrads/grad students who know a bit about the specific things they're working on.

/sci/, like any other 4chan board with a topic, is just a place for dumb idiots (myself included) to post their homework or talk about random crap vaguely related to science, without having to actually do any thinking.

If/when I have actual math questions that , I go to mathoverflow or somewhere similar.

>> No.4233646

Oh, do you still want my email address and make me go through bullshit stuff like pretending I am wanting to join boards where it is a poopularity contest? Or can I join something where it dsnt matter if I misspell a word or want to test a dumb idea or say something incredibly personal yet unidentifying

>> No.4233647
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one thing and one thing only: making fun of liberal arts and biology majors

>> No.4233652 [DELETED] 
File: 69 KB, 500x500, milky_twillight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm on StackExchange too. The level is of course way way way higher than 4chan, and it's helpful for university calculations or request.

I guess why I lurk on 4chan is that that site has no character. It's one questions, one answer, no discussion.
I also like that on 4chan (in contrast to a forum like physics forum) someone will always post what's new, and people will fight, even if it's just popsci or unnecessary cern news sometimes. Or philosiphy.

>> No.4233656
File: 1.45 MB, 500x334, boy_down.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm on StackExchange too. The level is of course way way way higher than 4chan, and it's helpful for university calculations or request.

I guess why I lurk on 4chan is that StackExchange etc. site has no character. It's one questions, one answer, no discussion.
I also like that on 4chan (in contrast to a forum like physics forum) someone will always post what's new, and people will fight, even if it's just popsci or unnecessary cern news sometimes. Or philosiphy.

>> No.4233658
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>> No.4233659

you gotta admit this place is the most fun though

>> No.4233678
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Also, I really like the pictures and the sarcasm

>> No.4233692


>> No.4233696


This. I enjoy spurting out bullshit, I can't do that in real life. I can't call someone a "retarded premed mouth breather" whenever they ask a silly chemistry question in lecture.

>> No.4233702

well i like the 4chan board better, its more fun and it helps me keep interest with my major

>> No.4233726

4chan has turned me into a sociopath (online at least), and any time I try posting anywhere else I wind up being hated and ignored by everyone and/or repeatedly banned.

>> No.4233752

Reddit is so horrible. Reddit being full of smart interesting people is like a tautology perpetuated by everyone just believing themselves to be smarter and more interesting than everyone else. Someone might occasionally prove themselves to be intelligent and everyone by default assumes themselves to be as intelligent on the basis they also frequent reddit, meanwhile the 90% of the website that is retarded get downvoted into oblivion. The whole concept that what is most popular should be most visible (upvoting) is flawed. Most people will recognize that popularity has no connection with truth.

Thats why I like 4chan.

>> No.4233756
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>> No.4233768

No upvoting.
No identity.
Everybody has a say.
Trolls trolling trolls.
4chan tunes my critical thinking.
I question everything.

>> No.4233769

>implying majority means right.

>> No.4233770
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lol u mad brah

>> No.4233773

People are pretty dumb. If I recall correctly, Alexis de Toqueville explained that democracy works until the people realize they can vote themselves pay raises (needless government entitlement spending), which bankrupts the government.

>> No.4233777
File: 21 KB, 280x287, Damn-kids-GET-OFF-MY-LAWN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>needless government entitlement spending

Right, people don't "need" food or housing or medical care.

Just lazy good-for-nothings sucking on the federal teat.

>> No.4233779 [DELETED] 


There are a ton of things wrong with democracy.

The first of which, has already been pointed out:

Majority != right

There is an economist named Kenneth arrow. Who pretty much proved democracy doesnt necessarily bring you to an optimal out come. To be more precise, he specified three fair and democratic criteria, and proved all three cannot be met.

>> No.4233781


There are a ton of things wrong with democracy.

The first of which, has already been pointed out:

Majority != right

There is an economist named Kenneth arrow. Who pretty much proved democracy doesnt necessarily bring you to an optimal out come. To be more precise, he specified three fair and democratic criteria, and proved that not all three could be met at the same time without becoming disfunctional.

>> No.4233780

And if everyone gets free food, housing, and medical care from the government, it goes broke. Like it's doing right now.

>> No.4233784

thanks OP, I had been waiting for you

>> No.4233788

Greece is going broke, America is not.

The "debt crisis" is made-up bullshit by republicans who've been dying to fuck over social security for generations.

>> No.4233789

Look at the data, America is as bad as any of the European countries. And our deficit isn't shrinking anytime soon.

>> No.4233791


Whether you think its a crisis or not we are 14 trillion dollars in debt. Its not much of a problem for an economics robust country, with a responsible government, but thats not something America is.

As for social security it is becoming unsustainable, in 20 years it is estimated to become 30% of GDP in the US.

We should get rid of social security all together. Its only virtue is that it redistributes wealth, which it is very inefficient at doing.

>> No.4233794

The only problem America's having w.r.t. paying its bills is idiot teahadists pulling stupid stunts in congress.

And there was ZERO deficit before Bush got a war-boner after 9/11.

>> No.4233796

>we are 14 trillion dollars in debt.

And no one in my entire life has explained to me why I should give the tiniest bit of a fuck.

Old people dying because they can't afford doctors? Yeah, I give a fuck about that.

>> No.4233797

One has to wonder why OP bothered typing all this. Moreover, if you don't like the board then why encourage the people here to go where you frequent?

>> No.4233799


Can you understand why it would be a problem if you were in $50,000 of debt, and lets say, you make $50,000 in a year?

The government pays its debt via taxes. If it wants to pay its debt it comes after you. Your taxes go up, and you have nothing to show for it.

>> No.4233802

haha, what?
Do you know that many of your states are on the verge of bankrupcy.

Basically its the workers pensionsfund keeping them up.

>> No.4233805
File: 547 KB, 698x1024, 20090211144011!Kowloon_Walled_City_1991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your taxes go up, and you have nothing to show for it.

>All right, but apart from the sanitation, the medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, a fresh water system, and public health, what have the Romans ever done for us?

Here, this is what your libertarian, no-tax no-government utopia looks like:


>> No.4233807

>this is what fox news viewers actually believe

>> No.4233811


Who said I was a libertarian?

Listen, if we need to spend money we dont have for something we need, than I think thats great.

The current problems are:
1. We incapable of managing or handling debt, and its only going to get worse
2. The money we borrowed was spent on nothing good, hence "we have nothing to show for it."

>> No.4233813
File: 16 KB, 334x367, reactionmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan is funny. if all i wanted to do was look at relevant science there are a million better places to do it than reddit. reddit is like a messageboard for soccer moms.

>> No.4233818

also physicsforums is full of fail. its a mix of angsty over achievers asking if their 3.8 is enough to get into harvard, homework help, tight ass humorless chinks and oldfags, and science that is way over my head.

>> No.4233820

>1. We incapable of managing or handling debt, and its only going to get worse

Clinton managed to do it without completely fucking over the old, poor, and sick. And he still had money left over to bomb Iraq every now and then!

>2. The money we borrowed was spent on nothing good, hence "we have nothing to show for it."
The "nothing good" was massive military spending, so therefore to fix it we should slash the one thing keeping millions of people from starvation and homelessness?

>> No.4233825

This. 4chan made me much better at critical thinking.

>> No.4233830


>Clinton managed to do it

Okay, but that was almost 15 years ago. Besides Clinton was just president during a period when the debt was going down, I dont think that suggests that we are capable of managing our debt. We currently face economic problems and the looming problem of social security which the US government during clinton didnt have to face.

I remain unconvinced that the current US government can handle these problems.

>The "nothing good" was massive military spending, so therefore to fix it we should slash the one thing keeping millions of people from starvation and homelessness?

I belive massive military spending constitutes "nothing good."

Also you cant slash military spending that has already occured. Yes, I would like to see a severe reduction in military spending in the US, but nothing the US can do today will change the fact that the US did spend money in the past on military.

>> No.4233832

Because we have a guy with an underwater hamster city

>> No.4233839

if you take off 6 zeroes from the actual figures it is even worse than that. It's something like having several hundred thousand dollars of debt on a 23k income, with "spending cuts" being less than $500 in a budget of around 50k.

>> No.4233845



Its ridiculous. You could easily get rid of 60% of the budget by axing obvious culprits, like social security and military spending. But all I heard on the news is some politician getting everyone upset because some million dollar project is of questionable value.

>> No.4233846

The old people expecting their social security would vote for elected officials to keep social security. Would it be fair to take their total contribution and not do as promised? It would be fair to refund it all in inflated value, but there's no funding for that either. What's the most realistic way social security could possibly be eliminated in this government?

>> No.4233855
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Boom bing badda bang.

>> No.4233859


>The old people expecting their social security would vote for elected officials to keep social security

I file that problem under "reasons democracy doesnt work."

>Would it be fair to take their total contribution and not do as promised?
>What's the most realistic way social security could possibly be eliminated in this government?

Typically when governments reform social security they phase things out so that no one is suddenly without their promised benefits. With that said, the first generation of people on social security paid nothing and got everything. Thats hardly fair either, although no one complains when they get thousands of dollars of money.

>> No.4233897

Reddit is a shithole with a crappy layout there's not much more to it than the attention whores that frequent it.

physicsforums is great- I always go here when I have a serious question.

Don't know much about stackexchange- at a glance it doesn't look like it gets a lot of traffic.

4chan is and always has been for dicking around in leisure time, /sci/ gives you an opportunity to dick around with people like you.
Also, we have physicist that works on the CMS experiment that posts here (along with PhD's and even a few professors) so I'm not to impressed by the "PhDs, and CERN employees who come on daily" on reddit- there are better ways to get in contact with those people if you want to(professional societies etc.)

>> No.4233904
File: 27 KB, 637x359, 1309355148367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Visited Reddit sci for the first time now, there are no images in the comments section at all which is alot boring in the long run.
Seems to be alot of interesting articles posted tough.

.. seems like all the talk is around articles of different kinds, maybe makes every topic a bit narrow doesn't it?
I like /sci/ for the randumz of it.

>> No.4233990

>Seems to be alot of interesting articles posted tough.
Yes, but they're all pop-sci articles that you can get at a myriad of other sites, most comments I've read are really idiotic too with the occasional proper opinion, really boring like you pointed out...and they actually have a board dedicated to atheism- I can just imagine the closet-christfag, insecure teenagers that lurk there.

>> No.4234018
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>atheism board

A board dedicated to the idea that extraordinary claims should require extraordinary proof. The idea that you shouldn't just blindly accept old fairytales as fucking true, just because your dumbass mom told you so.

Sounds like scientific thinking to me.

>> No.4234019
File: 25 KB, 500x375, Here Forever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why in the name of sanity are you here again..?

>> No.4234022
File: 16 KB, 319x410, reddit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You give/make content for Reddit. They get money. You get a gold sticker. Serious Business? On the internet!?

That, and Egos and restraints aren't in the way here.

>> No.4234034

>A board dedicated to the idea that extraordinary claims should require extraordinary proof.
You mean a board dedicated to skepticism and debunking? Yeah no, you'll be disappointed. I'm willing to bet you'll mostly find pseudo-intellectuals here with a poor grasp of the real world.

>Sounds like scientific thinking to me.
Don't mistake to childish need to belong to a distinct group as scientific thinking.

>> No.4234036

Most heartwarming epiosde ever

>> No.4234049

I am here because my job is "Science & Math" and I get enough of it there. /sci/ is relaxing fun which is sometimes interesting.

>> No.4234062

4chan is fast food. It's quick and easy.

In and out.

>> No.4234184 [DELETED] 

I made a "that feel when no gf" thread on stackexchange. It got deleted ;_;

>> No.4234185 [DELETED] 

Same here. I got b& from physicsforum for starting a thread with "Hey atheists".

>> No.4234195

Because reddit is confusing and I'm too lazy to figure out how it works.
I had the same thing in 4chan when I started visiting. I browsed /b/ and switched pages. I was like "the fuck? This thread was on page 0, why is it on 7 now?"

>> No.4234193 [DELETED] 

/sci/ has some people who actually know a lot. They just don't post it, because troll threads are more interesting.

>> No.4234196

One can not ethically get rid of social security since people paid money into it under the guarantee it would be there for them. You can at best phase it out.

>> No.4234211

How much of a dumbass are you?

>> No.4234675 [DELETED] 
File: 40 KB, 377x378, 1320644999323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/sci/ has some people who actually know a lot.

give or take, i'd say roughly 80% of /sci/ is 1st year freshman and community college students who cannot into remedial calculus

>> No.4234676

>4chan has a comprehensible layout

>> No.4234681

The key word is "some".
Not disagreeing with you, but there are a few people roaming around /sci/ on occasion that actually know their shit.

>> No.4234691

Wasn't it $17 trillion like a year ago?

Britfag here, I remember Googling it a while ago and it was like $17 trillion and then a few weeks ago I looked again and it was $14 trillion.

>> No.4234694 [DELETED] 

If you had as much sense as you had reaction images, you'd realize there's about three homeworkfags and the rest are just rejects from other boards.

>> No.4234703 [DELETED] 

that's only applicable on reddit's bullshit boards. sure, there's a bit of 'garbage' in the reddit community, but they have some pretty cool people on their science boards. i would make the same claim that 90% of the site is retarded, same percentile with this place (look at the boards/users/content).