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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4226291 No.4226291 [Reply] [Original]

my math teacher keeps making fun of engineers. keeps saying how high tech companies consult him for help while their engineers fail and are terrible at math

he actually put this on his CV:
"I have completed numerous projects for several high-technology firms which are located here on *****, on behalf of their clients who are located on all seven continents. These projects usually involve solving an applied mathematics problem in a real-world or engineering setting. Usually, the firm has exhausted all of its contacts in Asia, Europe and North America and has concluded that the problem is unsolvable. These solutions permit these firms to compete globally and hire locally"

>engineers conclude problem is unsolvable
>but he can do it


>> No.4226305

see, OP? /sci/ prepares you to deal with people in the real world.

>> No.4226306

engineerfag here

he is right

>> No.4226308

>implying you would hire a stubborn senior citizen instead of a 'play-dough' grad student

>> No.4226311


implying you wouldn't

>> No.4226312

This is Robert. Go to bed.

>> No.4226317

>implying you want to watch a grandfather drop dead in your workplace
>implying you are intelligent enough to know how to 'imply' let alone green text

>> No.4226331


no :(

>> No.4226347

You teacher is right. He is just telling it like it is.

>> No.4226352
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Engineers conclude problem is unsolvable, yet mathematicans can do it.

DURRRR. The only thing an engineer is good for is to get the coffee.

>> No.4226361
File: 42 KB, 500x415, 479fb16d-88db-4944-95e0-c4d13c2014ac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Homosexuals aren't good for shit. If you have a problem you better take it to a physicist or mathematician.

>> No.4226368
File: 32 KB, 272x245, 1318277995051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first day of calc 2
>"This class will be the hardest math class for some of you, it's a bitch"
>"My exams will be extremely hard, most of you are most of this class is made up of engineers and several other majors that require it and a few that just want to be here for fun."
>"My main goal is to weed out the morons so that when i'm driving over a bridge I know it isn't going to collapse because one of you asshats couldn't even do simple math."

10 people dropped by the second class

>> No.4226374

I would love to see a pure physicist or mathematician develop a working industrial process complete with structural supports, mechanical layouts, pipe specifications, equipment selection, electrical load distribution, instrumentation, control systems, and telecommunications.

>> No.4226383

I would love to see an engineer do it without fucking up

>> No.4226386


i guarantee that if a math major spent a year doing engineering subjects, he could design a better one than 90% of engineering graduates

>> No.4226391


I would love to see an engineer unify the weak nuclear force and electromagnetism.

>> No.4226394

It is hard to stay in contact with the other disciplines when you're working. Especially when different disciplines have different work breakdown. Guaranteed there are going to be errors across drawings for Rev A issues.

>> No.4226397

I'd love to see an engineer do something other then get coffee and clean the lab.

>> No.4226400

So you're saying it's ok for engineers to fuck up but not mathematicians or physicists?

>> No.4226404

I'd love to see an engineer try "straight sex".

>> No.4226406

I'd love to see an engineer do any of that shit without the direct supervision of a physicist or mathematician.

Engineers are nothing more then glorified technicians. They are good at following orders, but that is all.

>> No.4226408

k, kids. An engineer working in consulting is obviously not going to unify a large part of physics. Most engineers get their Bachelors, their PE/P.Eng stamp and do project work.

Some get their M.Eng, but they take more industry related courses and thesis projects.

Depends on the discipline of engineering. He still would not be legally allowed to seal drawings for construction, though.

Stay in school.

>> No.4226409

>lolz icanhas google

>> No.4226411

>>get a load of this guy.

>> No.4226415
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I don't think it is very P.C. for him to be making fun of homosexuals. He should learn tolerance.

>> No.4226418


You've proven my in >>4226391.

I admit I was being slightly facetious, but don't you fags get sick of building things all day? Or working in "consulting?" Why not try sex with women and do real science?

>> No.4226422
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>> No.4226423

reported for nsfw

>> No.4226429

Real science doesn't make me cake.

I actually enjoy plant-wide control schemes and instrumentation.

Also, some of the things we do are real science. We invented a new process for tailings management. That project is scheduled to be operable next year some time.

>inb4 i actually enjoy gay sex and huge orgies.

>> No.4226427
File: 25 KB, 296x350, 0060-0807-1220-5847_A_Beat_Up_Man_Waving_the_White_Flag_of_Surrender_clipart_image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>try sex will real women

Nope. I would rather be an engineer.

>> No.4226436

>engineer complains about an attractive (fully clothed) woman

Why am I not suprised.

>> No.4226450
File: 139 KB, 720x1080, Burqa_Afghanistan_01..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she is not fully clothed. only women like this should be posted on sfw boards

>> No.4226453

itt: butthurt $30k a year science majors. No, really. Why so butthurt $30k year science majors. Tell us politely, we might tell you how to make $$.

>> No.4226464

>all seven continents
He has clients in Antarctica?

>> No.4226466

>Tell us politely, we might tell you how to make $$.

Act you you know stuff and fail in real life why having buttsex with my boss to keep me employed?

>> No.4226473

waiting for your reply faggots....
>implying your mom hasn't discovered you on the computer and hence b& you.

>> No.4226476

Understand that it is not buttsex with your boss you should be concerned about: it is buttsex with your client. You need to keep them happy so they will pay your 150$ per hour charge-out rate.

>> No.4226477

>arguing about majors

All you undergrads dont know shit about the world and you dont even know shit about your area of study.

>> No.4226479

>implying you know how to reply in coherent English.

>> No.4226480

>mad unemployed shitty engineer

>> No.4226484

>implying I'm unemployed

Seriously arguing about majors is juvenile as shit. Maybe once you get past your sophomore year you will realize this.

>> No.4226488

and arguing on /sci/ about how you're better than others isn't?

These are clear signs that you aren't what you say you are.

enjoy being dumber than most math undergrades

>> No.4226736


>mfw OP has to consult a mechanic for even the most minor problem with his car

>> No.4226741

>mfw he doesn't
>mfw you believe auto mechanics is hard

>> No.4226761


>mfw OP is a glorious shining mathematician

>> No.4226779

What is up with this shitstorm /sci/?

>> No.4226804

math major here, there are many engineers who are terribly good at math, awe inspiringly good, i deal with them every day. if you need to see yourself through the lens of your major(humanities not included) you are such a failure that i weep for you.

>> No.4226806


what other lens is there?

>> No.4226867


scholar? Basically what I mean is if you buy into group personas / skill sets you are a fool. At the end of the day your major is just a label. Sure it is indicative of interest but if you think that you somehow inherit certain attributes based on what you are doing, if you wear it as a personality, you are ultimately limiting yourself. This major bashing stems from people needing to justify themselves, they are just feeding their own ego by externalizing themselves to their major.

>> No.4226873


oh ok. I thought you were going to say something stupid like "friends and happiness" or other trivial things

>> No.4226906

He has clients in America, Eurasia, Africa, Oceania, Antarctica, Atlantide and Faggotlandia

>> No.4226911


I'm an undergrad and I'm so very sick of listening to people arguing about this shit and getting NOWHERE. They're all hypocrites wasting their time arguing over kiddie shit instead of actually accomplishing anything.

>> No.4227752

>abstract science majors assume blindly they can do absolutely anything an applied science major can
>ignore obvious data that they cannot, and rely on speculative and unscientific "i could after x" arguments
>spurt worn-out memes in an autistic fashion in an attempt to intimidate opponents to their flawed argument
>mfw the abstract scientists are the most unscientific of all

/sci/ as usual.