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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 561 KB, 1076x1654, dontbelongsci2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4225352 No.4225352 [Reply] [Original]

There's a disturbing amount of normalfags on tonight, ruining our /sci/ - science & math.

>> No.4225354

0. If you are EK and won't offer your juicy thighs for the betterment of society

>> No.4225353

i'm reporting as many as I can. i hope you're doing the same.

>> No.4225357

its the only way

>> No.4225355

>not in the actual rules
>no1 gives a fuck what you think

>> No.4225360

reported for EK. reported for woman. reported for drug user. reported for slut. reported for borderline. reported for zoology. reported for tripfag. enjoy your ban and take your pills

>> No.4225362

Please... I will be your slave for life just let me... let me see those juicy thighs just once before I die

>> No.4225363


you go on this board

>> No.4225370

Last warning EK.....

>> No.4225371

Don't you ruin /ck/.
/ck/ is a cool and useful board.

>> No.4225378


reported for /ck/ sympathizer, enjoy your ban

>> No.4225379
File: 85 KB, 500x436, IDGAF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come get, bitch.

>> No.4225382

I will. Then I will cut you and cook you and eat your juicy thighs until I die

>> No.4225383

please leave, or at the least remove your trip code.

>> No.4225384

reported for trolling and swearing. enjoy your ban.

>> No.4225387

I only have one of these, fuck you.
Considering the kind of posts here, I bet most of you fall under 7 anyway.

>> No.4225388
File: 308 KB, 660x723, throat079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u mirin son?

>> No.4225390

reported for physical activity. back to /fit/ enjoy your ban.

>> No.4225393

dat throat

also, why cant I like law? and is political science politics or science?

>> No.4225401
File: 31 KB, 371x400, lift.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4225400

it's a social science therefore it doesn't belong here

>> No.4225396


>"We shall fight against EK, we shall defend our /sci/, whatever the cost may be. We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender"

>> No.4225398



>> No.4225402

What's wrong with transhumanism?

>> No.4225406

but is political science science or politics?

it doesnt exist?

>> No.4225417

According to this, I belong to sci.
But faggots, encouraging these rules would make sci even more of an aspergers shithole

>> No.4225423

>transhumanism doesn't exist
Oh, I'll just go tell everyone in the movement that it's over

>> No.4225426

Throat or traps?

>> No.4225428
File: 407 KB, 1076x1654, 1325893801922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess I don´t belong here because I work out 15 minutes a day, too bad. Guess that means you can´t be a scientist and healthy at the same time and Mens sana in corpore sano is bullshit.

Also every scientist should be curios about new things and therefore be interested in the things listed under 7. Wasn´t Carl Sagan also a science fiction fan?

>> No.4225430

It's been like that since day one, got a problem with it?

>> No.4225435

>I work out 15 minutes a day,

>> No.4225443

>even more

>> No.4225458

Again, got a problem with that?

>> No.4225461


>> No.4225497


>That feel when /sci/ oldfag

>That feel when get an inane amount of women because I keep myself in shape

>That feel when majoring in physics/math

>That feel when GPA is 4.0 and undergraduate research/senior thesis is "promising, and if [I] continue, [I]'ll get in to a prestigious doctoral program."

>That feel when OP is a butthurt prejudicial imbecile.

>> No.4225503

Sure is /r9k/ in here.

>> No.4225507

>/sci/ oldfag
isn't sci a relatively new board?
I've been browsing 4chan since 2007 I think and it didn't exist then

>> No.4225519
File: 560 KB, 4000x3262, 8IB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feel when science universities like MIT have a 5.0 grade scale, even for undergrads
Enjoy flipping patties for the rest of your life.

>> No.4225529


>That feel when I go to CalTech which has the best physics program in the world, and is tied with/ahead of MIT in maths. Enjoy wishing you were me for the rest of your life.

>> No.4225536

>that feel when reported enjoy your ban

>> No.4225539

>that feel when you're only capable of getting a 4.0 at the maximum
Enjoy being a failure.

>> No.4225544

geez, lighten up

>> No.4225560


>That feel when CalTech's grading scale is out of 4 points and they don't artificially inflate grades like MIT fagz.

>Average GPA at CalTech is 2.8.

>Average GPA at MIT is 3.6.

>Both receive the same caliber students.

>That feel when butthurt; enjoy not being a professor of physics.

>> No.4225561

reported for normalfag.

>> No.4225572

>only scales to 4.0
>has the best physics program

>> No.4225580


>Point scale determines the quality of education.

>More points mean smarter.


>> No.4225581

>implying some greentexting fag on /sci/ who thinks a meaningless extra grade point is important is an authority on anything

>> No.4225586


Reply to

>> No.4225597

>not science


>> No.4225600

Maybe a normalfag, but with trips (4225544) -_-

>> No.4225609

reported for emoticon. enjoy your ban

>> No.4225606


Reported for not knowing what trips are. Enjoy your ban.

>> No.4225616

Don't be sexist, OP. Women can be smart too.

I think the main rules should be

No questions about anything that isn't SCIENCE.

That means no school, no religion, no homework, no programming, no talking about degrees or jobs and no stupid inside jokes like "hurr engineers are all gay"

>> No.4225618

I fail 1-6.

>> No.4225621

You are a woman and had a girlfriend?
GTFO, lesbian.

>> No.4225625
File: 48 KB, 504x504, 1319180468917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Women can be smart too

>> No.4225633

>Women can be smart too.
But can they be smart enough for science, math, and engineering? There's a sufficient lack of females in all three.

>> No.4225639
File: 49 KB, 297x287, no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Women can be smart too.


>> No.4225644

>no science fiction
>no pop science
>no biology

>science board

Shut the fuck up, OP.

>> No.4225664


Who let you out of /jp/? Get back there.

>> No.4225663

No, YOU shut the fuck up, underage highschooler.

>> No.4225680

How is CalTech? What were your GPA's/SAT's/extracurriculars, etc. to get in?

I have a potential 4.2 right now once I finish this semester (which will probably be higher once I'm in senior year as well), 4.0 unweighted, and a 2090 sat. And I run track in the winter and spring and do marching band in the fall and am in the National Honor Society and do some community service every now and then. How do I stack up? I'm going to take math and physics SAT subject tests too.

Yeah, I know I just revealed that I'm underage but I don't care, as long as I can get a response before I'm reported.

>> No.4225687


>> No.4225694

1) Woman
4) Have lost your virginity.
5) Have had a girlfriend.


>> No.4225697

Almost correct but 6 should turn into regularly or daily.

>> No.4225707

>National Honor Society

In what extracurricular ways do you peruse science

>> No.4225746

If that means you think it's like hard or prestigious or something then you're wrong haha, it wasn't even that hard to get into. I guess sounds good though...

If you said that because you mean it's easy as fuck and worthless... then I guess you're right.

And as for extracurriculars I'm going to a robotics camp this summer with my friend... And he and I are probably going to compile a video of all of the shit we've done in his basement (built a gyroscope, made/ignited thermite, made sawdust cannons, made electronic sentry gun-type things, built a huge crossbow, etc. etc.) to put on an application if possible because I know some colleges allow videos. That's pretty weak/lame, though, I think. And that's pretty much it for the extracurricular stuff...

Looks like I need to work on that.

>> No.4225782

>Have a social life
>Attend parties
>lost virginity
>have girlfriend
>workout ~1 hour per day
>pop-science fan
>science fiction fan

>was one of the first 10 people on Earth to learn the key performance criteria of plasma actuators
>was contacted by Boeing Phantom Works for knowledge relating to active delay of stall (partially because of the above)
>doesn't belong here

>> No.4225787



>> No.4225785

Damn. What's your occupation?

>> No.4225789
File: 73 KB, 200x299, gtfosrs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, really, fuck off. Those aren't big accomplishments, either.

>> No.4225796

What have either of you done that's better?

Not the same guy, by the way.

>> No.4225812

Our achievements are not the point.
The point is him not belonging here.

>> No.4225819

Student. Colleague of mine identified the criteria in his Ph.D. work (partially funded by Boeing) at TU Darmstadt. However, the results are yet to be published (AIAA Nashville and Experiments in Fluids).

>> No.4225821

I mean you specifically had to mention that they weren't big accomplishments, so I was just wondering what you had that was better, which was nothing apparently.

So your first comment is now null and void.

As for him not belonging here... lol. It's an internet forum dude. Shit doesn't really matter that much.

>> No.4225833

meh, I probably don't count as a female anyway.
So since that's not an official rule, I'm staying here.
Majoring in physics and math by the way

>> No.4225841

That's sick.

>> No.4225846 [DELETED] 

reported for female

>> No.4225863

>>That feel when /sci/ oldfag

you don't know what that word even means. /sci/ barely been around for a year...