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File: 92 KB, 847x529, blind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4224972 No.4224972 [Reply] [Original]

Why is this considered troll science?

I think it would actually work.

>> No.4224982
File: 135 KB, 500x608, 1286630042011[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you would have to close the box faster than light for it to work

now, someone explain why this wouldnt work?

>> No.4224986

Sure. If you close the box faster than the speed of light

>> No.4224989

this is so wrong i can't even imagine why you would think it might work

why do you?

>> No.4224991

B-b-but doesn't light dissipate?

>> No.4224992

Mirrors aren't 100% reflective

>> No.4224995

it's called a gyroscope broski, and it would work for the dust particles and whatnot in the air, just not anything remotely human sized.

>> No.4224997
File: 250 KB, 1024x768, man128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck man what about this one?

>> No.4225002
File: 102 KB, 676x600, microwave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4225005
File: 44 KB, 479x317, 1290378526500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh come on, that one's just complete bs

>> No.4225006

Oh, man. 10/10.

Reverse trolling at its finest.

>> No.4225008

go read wikipedia on how lift is created.

also, stability.

>> No.4225012

If hula's weren't affected by gravity, yeah. With high centrifugal forces tho, and no friction.

>> No.4225016

There's a back rotor on that picture.

>> No.4225017

There are some mirrors that will allow light to pass when going from one side, but not from the other.

Build your box with those - free light source! Or stole shitload of light inside - you can blind anyone! Or create kind of a prism out of it, and store fuckload of light - you've got light sabre!

Or build it very vig, and leave it on a sunny place for a few years - you've just created artificial sun!

>> No.4225023

It's not a correct argument because you could let the flashlight inside. The correct argument is that mirrors don't reflect light perfectly, they absorb a small percentage of light. Suppose the mirrors reflect 99%, after a ray has been reflected 100 times there's only 37% left. And that's only after 0.3 nanoseconds assuming a box width of 10 cm.

As for the centrifugal forces, their contribution in your example is purely horizontal so it doesn't affect trollface's vertical acceleration: he falls.

>> No.4225025

the hoolas or whatever they're called have kinetic energy
by shifting your body you let them climb upon you

but while climbing they exert a downward force on you which you counter with your legs on the ground

in the best case scenario you can only delay your fall with a tiny bit before falling down but this will be a really tiny bit cause the rings/hoolas/whatever have small mass

even in gases the more energetic particles need to push other particles down in order to go up

>> No.4225027

energy is volatile and changes the forms it takes constantly.

it's wrong simply because there would be heat and it would dissipate.

closed systems do not exist in real life, they are just a simplification.

there are no self-sustaining infinite energy generators or engines.

>> No.4225032
File: 32 KB, 761x552, 1285770751942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you could do this, then this pic is also possible. Since light can be crammed in an infinitly small space, you get thousands of those cubes made of one way mirrors/glass. When they have enough light you poke a hole in them one at a time. Each time you poke a hole in one, you'll get a boost of acceleration. Eventually you could reach the speed of light.

>> No.4225037
File: 36 KB, 500x375, 1323156815795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't disprove this one!

What is fire for that matter? As in, what's the physical 'composition' of it? I know that it's mainly carbon and oxygen, but how come that the fire takes certain shape and not the other etc?

TL;DR - fucking fire, how does it work?

>> No.4225041

flames, or "fire", as you may call it, are just the gases burning.

>> No.4225042

that's fucking simple but to long to explain
and i'm fucking lazy read it on wikipedia

>> No.4225053

Fire is just very hot air. As anything sufficiently hot, it emits visible light. It's lighter than cool air so it goes up, and as it does it cools down until it doesn't emit visible light anymore.

>> No.4225054

burning is the sudden break of electron bounds in molecules
the light you see is from gases forming new molecules(smoke), emitting photons
that's why different things burn with different color

the shape of the fire is due to gravity
hot air wants to go up that's why it's elongated upwards

fuck me i ended up explaining the shit

>> No.4225070

different color fire is due to a different element being oxidized.

herp derp.

>> No.4225078

what do you think oxidation is?

>> No.4225085

i fail to see where you actually mentioned oxidation.

>> No.4225087

thanks brah, seems logical

>> No.4225101


Mirrors still absorb some of the light.
So no.

And yes, all troll physics comics will never work. If they do, then you wouldn't call them "troll" physics comics.

>> No.4225113


>> No.4225116


>> No.4225126

Why would you need to close the box faster than the speed of light? What if the box was 299,792,458m long, then you'd have a whole second to close it. Fucking morons, you should at least be able to properly debunk these things.

>> No.4225151


Thanks these are fresh

>> No.4225155
File: 89 KB, 450x299, cutcaster-photo-100025885-Burning-Match.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>forming new molecules
notice that most of the light comes above the place that is burning

for example the light bulbs with wolfram wires
shine because their molecules are vibrating really fast
and there the light comes directly from the metal wire
and it doesn't matter what metal you heat
they all start glowing from red to white

and finally in LED light comes from excited electrons recombining with holes
there you can only have 1 color

>> No.4225198

being on the subject you should never try to extinguish a fire if the metal near it is glowing white or almost white

the water molecule will break and hydrogen explosions may occur

also when i said 1 color light i meant 1 wavelength physicists call it monochromatic light (i'm no physicist)

>> No.4225235
File: 31 KB, 833x625, blackholeftl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]