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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 96 KB, 638x294, 1324577548015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4220189 No.4220189 [Reply] [Original]

why hasn't science taught us how to talk to beautiful women, /sci/?

>> No.4220191

They are there for your eyes. What's to say?

>> No.4220206

It has but you have to take the leap into psychology. Make women know you think they arn't good enouph for you. Life is a competition.

>> No.4220210

> Implying social sciences aren't sciences


>> No.4220213

Actually, I'm pretty sure science CAN explain how to, not just talk, but interact with women... it's just that the things that you have to do (basically act like a douche from Jersey Shore) most intelligent people just keep trying to find a way to fit "be intelligent and sensitive" into the mix as well... it doesn't work like that.

>> No.4220227

Science doesn't "teach" anything.

>> No.4220307
File: 20 KB, 300x315, newton the virgin fag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


pick one

>> No.4220311


i pick girls. until science can create artificial ones.

newton the virgin fag now what im talking bout.

>> No.4220315

One day women will be dispensable. Science will find a method for reproduction without sexual intercourse.

>> No.4220317


>implying they are

>> No.4220318

>implying they are not

>> No.4220321

Go to you-tube, search Richard gambler. Profit.

>> No.4220355
File: 1.81 MB, 2272x2783, Success with Woman.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well considering psychology and the like, there's much for you to study if you want to + in 4chan's information library there's a lot of stuff. Including one here. Personally I'm with this fella:

>> No.4220659
File: 61 KB, 400x388, Feels-Bad-Man-Frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat feel when no gf

>> No.4220668

that feel when reported enjoy your ban

>> No.4220676
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>> No.4220677
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I think I'm ready to have sex now.

>> No.4220692

reported. this board is only for pure virgins.

>> No.4220717
File: 34 KB, 400x517, 1290564330110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not out of there yet fucker!

>> No.4220773

It did, you just weren't listening.

Groom yourself well, eat healthy, and focus on achieving something other than girls. Also, STOP FAPPING. When girls are around talking to you, say to them something indirect, like "you should come over and watch a movie with me," or "let's have coffee sometime." Then when they do, talk to them about something other than themselves, but which they're interested in/respect, and that you're good/important at. if they're looking deep into your eyes while smiling a lot, excellent.

That's the Romantic Meeting.

Now you take your leave politely. The next time you see them, ask them on a Date. Spend money on them somehow. At the end, when they're looking into your eyes and smiling again, kiss them.

You can try to have sex on the first date if you want, but sometimes they don't like that. When you do go for it, be sure to warm them up first- make out at least three times as long as you think is necessary, before moving your hands somewhere fun.

Good luck!

>> No.4220780

Also: don't talk about yourself. Be a mystery. For damn sure don't tell her your insecurities, keep that under your hat until after she's your girlfriend.

>> No.4220793

> spend money on them
stopped caring right there, might as well just get a whore

>> No.4220799

Can we just cut through the bullshit?

Women want security from men in as many forms as possible.

Men want fertility from women.

It's not that fucking hard.

>> No.4220800


>> No.4220819
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Seriously. This can work if you wanna do it this way. Or just talk and be friendly to girls in general. Eventually you will come across one who has been looking at you from across the room for sometime and was waiting for you to say hello to her. It's how ive gotten with every girl ive been with since highschool. Just gotta man up and say 'hello' thats where it really starts - sometimes a girl knows she likes a guy before he even says anything to her they just waiting for that moment. It all boils down to confidence. Just say high and read the body langauge as casually and carefully as you can.

>> No.4220821

One day men will be dispensable. Science will find a method for reproduction without sexual intercourse.

>> No.4220824

Because this:


>> No.4220828
File: 74 KB, 380x385, 1278546403055-2684684864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry for all the typo's i just woke up and am sans-redbull

>> No.4220844

You niggas haven't seen the list of boards with the least amount of virgins?
Was made by a group of femanons on /r9k/ sometime ago.

1: /fit/
2: /fa/
3: /lit/
4: /mu/

take out a few unnecessaries.

21: /sci/
51: /r9k/

>> No.4220850
File: 211 KB, 900x790, 4251055871_6f43f09f96_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Technically, men are dispensable this very second. The only reason men are still around is because they lack the know-how, the ability and the desire.

-The know-how because they are stupid
-The ability because they are terrible at anything useful
-The desire because a parasite needs a host to survive

But when the technology is developed to replace women, men will have all of those things.

>> No.4220859

All the typo's what?

>> No.4220861

>The only reason men are still around is because they lack the know-how, the ability and the desire.

I should clarify the 'they' is women.

Kind of needlessly ambiguous...

>> No.4220862

talking? what am i, and english major?

>> No.4220888

>Implying surveys regarding virginity bring honest results

Really, though, why aren't the traits of virginfags extinct?

>> No.4220940

Yeah that too. I was giving more explicit instructions because it seemed necessary. But you see the guy who was like JUST GET A WHORE. Some folks are uneducable.

>> No.4220963

You admit to paying for pussy (actually worse, paying for the *chance* of pussy) and then criticize me for calling you on your bullshit? Cash4cunt is cash4cunt broski. Skip the awkward effort and get a whore.

>> No.4220968 [DELETED] 

ah, but a whore is a one off, maybe they want to play for keeps!
...more profitable investment in the long run.

>> No.4220991

No, you're signalling that they're valuable to you. The exchange isn't "cash for pussy." It's more like the statement, "I have resources and the capacity to gather more, and I value your company (in a romantic context) enough to spend some."

You seem unable to perceive the nuance. You also seem very opposed to spending money on women. I'd reckon that you spend most of your money on weed, video games, pizza, et cetera. That's okay, if that's who you want to be, but it's also a statement to any potential date: "I am a man-child, I invest only in myself, and you are not going to benefit from this relationship."

Why would they want to be around you?

Also, in response to the OP's question about how to talk to a beautiful woman: I know how to do so. I say, "good morning, my wife, did you sleep well?"

>> No.4221004 [DELETED] 
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>good morning, my wife...
>"my wife"
if thats actually what you say, thats a bit wierd, call her by her name.

>> No.4221014

I like women just fine, as friends. I like women just fine, for sex. But when you mix the two, suddenly money gets involved, and in that case, I'd rather just have a whore. You call it "nuanced" to hold that there is some third position here. I think you'll find that the lifetime investment in a woman, versus the return on sex you get, is very poor compared to prostitution. But, it's your money.

>> No.4221022

This. People like to hear their own names.
[citation forgotten and I'm to lazy to find one]

>> No.4221023

Would you prefer
>Good morning my juicy thighed life partner?

>> No.4221025 [DELETED] 
File: 3 KB, 126x126, thatswrong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying girls in this day and age arnt expected to be as self sufficient as males are
>implying you wouldnt be getting regular sex
>implying they'd want anything significant from you financially, other than perhaps taking out of V-day, and a birthday present.

>> No.4221029

One of these days they'll find some cologne that will attract women. We just need to find out how to make cocaine aromatic.

>> No.4221033

lulz I do not need relationship advice from camwhores.

Anyway, she likes it when I say "my wife."

>> No.4221034
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>being married

>> No.4221051

I was stressing the cash angle, and that's my fault. Usually I go on the more abstract "cost" angle, because a lot of the costs in a relationship are non-monetary (as are a lot of the benefits, of course).

>> No.4221053 [DELETED] 

oh does she??

it sounds condescending as fuck, knock it off.

>> No.4221057

I'll knock one off on your juicy thighs if you want :)

>> No.4221056

Are you married?

>> No.4221061 [DELETED] 
File: 242 KB, 474x357, 0129843084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, what 'costs'?
if you see hanging out with her, and listening to her talk as 'costs' rather than 'shit you both mutually enjoy' then you are clearly a douchebag who isnt gonna get along too well with girls anyway.

yeah...whores might be YOUR best bet after all...

>> No.4221065

So I take it you aren't married?

>> No.4221068 [DELETED] 

no, but even if i was, i wouldnt want to be called 'wife', id still want to be called by my name.

>> No.4221074

You aren't married and have never been married, therefore your opinion is invalid.

As a femanon who IS married, I do prefer to be called wife - it makes me feel that me and my husband have a more secure relationship. And as we all know; women want security and men want fertility.

>> No.4221078

You name is Juicy from here on in. Dubs proclaims it true in the name of our lord jesus christ

>> No.4221083
File: 95 KB, 500x500, newfag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he can't get dubs on a slow board

>> No.4221084 [DELETED] 

wat? it sounds pretty fucking impersonal...
if you like it, then fine, but i bet you're rare.

and stop being creepy.

>> No.4221087

but i do talk to beautiful women, and do quite well with them.

but i'm not particularly bright by /sci/ standards and not currently studying any of the true sciences. this may or may not be related.

>> No.4221090

take your pills.

>> No.4221109 [DELETED] 

>You aren't married and have never been married, therefore your opinion is invalid.

>"have you ever been married!?"
>"well them you don't know what you're talking about!"

>> No.4221114

Women are whore as a zoologist you should know this is a biological constant.

>> No.4221122

>Your opinion
>Well researched or reasonable
I bet you use anecdotes in your debates too. Just stop posting.

>> No.4221128 [DELETED] 
File: 3 KB, 125x95, zh1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yay! someone actually watched the whole video i posted!

>> No.4221129

What's impersonal about it? People share her first name. I only call one person "my wife."

>> No.4221143

reported for image macros. enjoy your ban

>> No.4221153

>an image macro is a picture captioned with superimposed text for humorous effect

>> No.4221158 [DELETED] 
File: 28 KB, 512x517, HGH2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

butthurt anons gonna be butthurt (and prove how moronic they are at the same time...)

just ignore them.

>> No.4221159
File: 7 KB, 300x300, 1262165878655.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll never be able to watch Ed Byrne again.

>> No.4221164

Everyone is trying to ignore you but you keep shitting up the entire board

>> No.4221167

Reported for posting inane garbage. Enjoy your fucking ban.

>> No.4221174 [DELETED] 
File: 6 KB, 201x172, 1323331639236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4221190

EK, enough is enough. Stop shitting up this boad please. Some of us actually want to use this board to discuss Science and Math topics.

>> No.4221200

Because your all beta fags. Enjoy only getting women I don't want.

>> No.4221205 [DELETED] 

all right sorry, i'll go for now. cya later.

>> No.4221216

Thankyou EK, have a nice day.

>> No.4221219


My sweet Juicy Thighs, come live with me in the Mother Land.

>> No.4221224

u a shitstain? (russian)

>> No.4221234

Actually, intelligent males are alpha males at the age that we are in now. And go back where you came from, that would probably be /b/.

>> No.4221249
File: 19 KB, 350x272, HA_HA_HA_OH_WOW..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4221251

This is what people suffering from autism spectrum disorder actually believe!

>> No.4221275

>people are still dumb

>> No.4221306

So why could I steal your girl in an instant if I decided I was in to stinking fat monsters? Your the sort of person who would walk in on me showing your wife what a real man is capable of and you'd still carry on giving her your cash and being in denial about the whole thing.

>> No.4221336

"One definition of insanity is to keep doing something that you know doesn't work."
You are just being insane now.

>> No.4221374

So...you just asked her nicely to leave and she actually did?

>> No.4221479

I reccomended this site:


It's much the same as pua blogs but for both sexes, and much more orientated towards finding a long term partner rather than casual sex.

>> No.4221578
File: 122 KB, 600x603, gtfo-bitch-im-doing-science.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread

>> No.4221592

>long term partner rather than casual sex

>> No.4221635
File: 62 KB, 543x333, my two cents.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because all casual sex gets you is a fleeting moment of pleasure, and so many guys waste so much of their lives chasing said fleeting moment of pleasure. What lasting meaning can you get from casual sex?
The ego-boost/status-boast of having had x amount of people sleep with you?
Seems kinda shallow and pathetic.
And if you're a female then the boast means nothing, because girls can have casual easily (and btw if you're a guy all those girls you fucked were probably most likely below your "relationship league" or they would not have been willing to fuck you).

>> No.4221640

and how are relationships better?

wasting time, energy, and money on a relationship that will eventually fall apart once you get bored of each other? no thanks. casual sex all the way.

>> No.4221645


Which leads me on to my next point: In the casual sex scene, it's essentially a small percentage of guys fucking all the women, so a lot of guys get left out. I would say there is a moral argument towards a society in which everyone has the chance (if they wish) to
>get laid
>fall in love
>raise children.
Not only would i argue there is a moral imperative towards this, but i would say the breakdown of monogamy is causing a lot of problems in today's society (the flip side of this is that monogamy is what allows cooperate non-oppressive civilisations to work effecitvely in the first place). Everyone has certain needs in their lifetime, and if these needs aren't met they will fight to meet them for themselves, this is how we have evolved.
Think about this: how does a guy get laid? : The answer is by having status.
If you can't legitimately aquire money (because money is a sign of status) what do you do? either find illegitimate ways of making money (criminal activity), or assert you dominance through other means (anti-social activity).

Then if you want to have children, monogamy seems like a good way to do it (because your partner will probably want them to so the best solution seems to me to be to raise them together).
Couple with the theory i have that people's reward systems readjust themselves according to past experience, so if you have lots of experience of casual sex and short flings, you will imo find it harder to stick with the one person later on should you decide that is wh you want to do.

I normally spend time on my posts but i wrote this in a hurry as i need to go to bed. I hope it is sufficient.

>> No.4221648
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> lasting meaning
oh lol, did you grow up watching disney movies or single mom or something?
> lasting meaning
I'm fucking dying over here. Have you actually met more then ten women?
> lasting meaning
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh wow

>> No.4221664
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>Has never been in love

Well enjoy your shallow life.

>> No.4221732

>wasting time, energy, and money on a relationship that will eventually fall apart once you get bored of each other?

only it doesn't have to. That's my point. By taking a casual approach to sex and relationships over a period of time imo your brain weakens a lot of it's self control when it comes to those areas. If 17yo me heard me saying this he'd be screaming, but i think it's true. If you really rationally commit to the idea of monogamy, even if you don't have a relationship, by the time you get one i think your brain will find it easier to stick with the one person. By getting down a strong rational ideal, you're helping your brain fight it's lower emotional urges later on.
A relationship isn't a purely hedonic endeavour (although good luck trying to get sex without a partner when you're old).
And besides, if it's merely reward system activation you're looking for then imo you should be shooting heroin, not wasting your time trying to find sluts willing to have sex with you.

Personally i like the idea of having someone i can properly share my life with and have them really share their life with me, someone i can trust, someone for whom i don't have to compete with others for their affection, someone for whom in this vast sea of selfishness i will actually care about as much as i care about myself.
Also, i would like to raise children someday. I think i've a lot to pass on, and i really think i could show my kids how to view things, in a way most other people probably wouldn't. I'd like to think i could raise children who'll be an asset to human civilisation. And i think monogamy is the easiest way to go about this.

>> No.4221790

You're a faggot probably into engineering.

>> No.4221791

Has any form of science really "taught" you anything at all?

But ...would you agree, that accepting the fact of all of us being relatively equal in each and every way, is significant for your success? Because I sure think so.
If you approach a woman, or a man, just any other human being regardless of their gender, believing that you have to fear them for being someone else that you can't read like you can read yourself, or that might be "better" than you, or even "worse" than you, will keep you from connecting to them.

>> No.4221910

I wish science would just teach me how to not feel any attraction to them whatsoever.

>> No.4222224

i'm in engineering and i still find what he's saying a load of shit.

people are selfish by nature, and the only reason anyone will stick with you is because then know they can't do any better. i've seen plenty of relationships and marriages fall apart, and those that usually don't, both or at least one of the people in the relationship are typically unhappy.

a family friend in his twenties got married 2 or 3 years ago. his wife filed for divorce late last year (2011) because she fancied some greek fuck with two kids, who is/was married.

go monogamy, amirite?

>> No.4222362

> thread about relationships
> no link to the misandry bubble