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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4220702 No.4220702 [Reply] [Original]

My new years resolution is to stop wasting time, and do something useful with it. Aside from studying properly and leaving /b/ for good, I am hoping to delve further into maths, physics and computer programming (all subjects that I am taking), as an aside to my studying for school.

Bearing in mind that I am 17, does anyone want to point me in a good direction?

My maths is probably a little lacking, my physics course is enough to put anyone off the subject - and computing is my passion.

Pic unrelated.


>> No.4220707

>Bearing in mind that I am 17
reported. enjoy your ban.

>> No.4220708

please go back to bee

>> No.4220710

/sci/ isn't subject to an age limit.


>> No.4220718
File: 20 KB, 366x144, Screen shot 2012-01-05 at 11.40.05 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes it is. now leave

>> No.4220726

Holy shit

Two underage faggots in an hour

Fucking why why why why why.

How hard is it to say
>im 18
Jesus fucking tapdancing Christ

>> No.4220725

>My maths is probably a little lacking
You probably haven't had a math course yet. An introductory book on real analysis is usually a good start, but if you're exclusively self-educating yourself with it it may become a little boring after a while. (Depends on your personality of course.)
>my physics course is enough to put anyone off the subject
I don't know any good English "nice introduction to physics" books, you better ask Anon about that. (I like Gerthsen, but it's only available in German.)
>and computing is my passion
As in "using computers" or "calculating by hand"?

>> No.4220729

>My maths is probably a little lacking, my physics course is enough to put anyone off the subject - and computing is my passion.

That you say maths means you're a britfag
At 17 you're doing alevels
Alevel Physics is piss easy, so how you can say that puts you off is beyond me
Maths lacking? Again alevel maths is easy
Computing is your love? go to /g/

Also, reported, enjoy your ban

>> No.4220731

What difference does it make exactly. Saying that I am 18 is not true - and therefore the answers to this question might not be helpful. Although, given the first four posts - I can safely assume that most won't be.

>> No.4220732

Please leave.

>> No.4220733

Hmm.. Physics putting me off - as in boring material. It's too 'applied.'

>> No.4220736
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>telling a 17 year old to dive into a RA book (they likely haven't a clue on what RA is) when they probably have yet to take babby calculus

>> No.4220738

Then study maths hard. Physics which isn't 'applied' is theoretical, which in the long run is very close to maths.

You're still reported though

>> No.4220740

>What difference does it make exactly.

It makes no fucking difference but it stops you from being a fucking faggot going


>> No.4220742

read SICP

>> No.4220744

Physics is applied mathematics. WTF are you doing?

>> No.4220748

>as in boring material

What? Even the simplest of shit in physics is fun

>> No.4220754

I was 18 when I read about the residue theorem the first time. I didn't understand anything, but it kept me highly interested.

>> No.4220758

Okay, well thank-you for the solid, helpful answers.

>> No.4220759

This. You don't actually need to understand it so much, just read the things you're interested in

>> No.4220762

Come back next year!

>> No.4220893

>You probably haven't had a math course yet.
19 year old here, had my first REAL math lessons last year. Before that it was boring shit and random stuff to get people to drop out of the subject before it actually started.

>> No.4220907
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>> No.4220915

7 year old genius here.

So how can I learn Maths. I'm taking GCSEs early and should be doing A level Further Maths when I'm 10.

What else do I need to do?

>> No.4220916
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>> No.4220927
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yes! rid this board of faggotry!

>> No.4220939

This is the justice /sci/ deserves.

Saging for politeness

>> No.4220954 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4220973


>> No.4220978
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>> No.4221003

What a prick! You might as well be a tripfag Blue anon.
He was 17 asking for help ffs!
I hope you enjoyed helping enforce the rules you little dicked Hitler.

>> No.4221011 [DELETED] 

and 17 year olds arn't allowed here.
and he didnt help enforce the rules at all, he just said he agrees with the mods banning them.

>> No.4221012
File: 22 KB, 314x467, Ludwig Wittgenstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my god, the mods actually did something right?

>> No.4221018


>and 17 year olds arn't allowed here.

Actually, you can't prove whether or not he's actually underage so they usually don't do anything about it.

>> No.4221030

He told us he was underage.

>> No.4221038

He reported him initially. And then kept replying to him???

Hey, I like you EK, I just think his attitude is childish as fuck, just sayin'!

>> No.4221042 [DELETED] 

could have lied

>> No.4221044 [DELETED] 

you dont know it was the same person. more than 1 anon might be reporting and saging.

>> No.4221045

I want to enforce your rules, if you catch my drift you juicy bitch ;)

>> No.4221047

you are a fucking retard. that's like going to a trial and saying you're guilty, then stating "oh, i was just joking!" reported.

>> No.4221048

That's like saying someone who admits to murder shouldn't be arrested because he 'could have lied'

fuck off juicy

>> No.4221069

Perhaps, /sci/, maybe more than any other board, has an abundance of idiots who don't have a fucking clue.
No disrespect to valued contributors who are genuinely intelligent.

>> No.4221076

I'm 5.



>> No.4221077 [DELETED] 

yeh, it is stupid to lie and make yourself younger. if i was an underage fag i'd just lie and say i was older.

OP's ban isnt for being underage...its for being stupid enough to declare that hes underage.

none taken. =p

>> No.4221081

Incorrect use of grammar and capitalisation. Reported.

>> No.4221092

Who's underage now?

>> No.4221124


You guys obviously don't understand the policy, moot said this himself.

>> No.4221136

reported for underage. enjoy your ban.

>> No.4221151


You are a fucking retard! That's like BEING on trial and PLEADING guilty, then stating "Oh, I was just joking!" Reported.

Fixed that for you. You're either 12, or an illiterate fuck.

You decide...

>> No.4221163

lawfag mad?

>> No.4221187

Lol, you think I'm a lawyer? No, I'm just semi-intelligent and I think you are a little bit silly.

>> No.4221301

No, you are clearly just autistic.
You knew what the post meant, and could have just let it be, but no, you had to fucking nerd up the place, didn't you?

>> No.4221409

So I'm an autistic lawyer now it seems.
I'm not usually a grammar Nazi but blue anon made me rage with his "extreme reporting"

>> No.4221415

The mods should make an example of people who report frivolously and 'USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST' them, to make people stop being such faggots with the report system.

>> No.4221427

This anon is correct.
I agree, I'm sure the mods are sick of pricks like blue anon.

>> No.4221430

I'm 19 and don't even know basic Calculus yet.

Am I welcome here?

>> No.4221433

>don't even know basic Calculus yet.
nope. reported

>> No.4221434

Doesnt mean that people dumb enough to spout "hurr durr, i are 17, i can haz ban?" arnt going to be preened, also.

Rules are rules.

>> No.4221452


>> No.4221449

>rules are rules

Shut the fuck up you ISTJ scum. You are useless.

>> No.4221461


He wasn't aware the sfw boards are 18+.

People like blue anon are just power hungry wankers, if the OP hadn't been reported he wouldn't have been banned.

It's a sad person indeed, who feels the need to contact the admins of a board because someone is just short of the minimum posting age and request a ban.

>> No.4221462

Hey OP. If some one hasn't already...


>> No.4221464

Threads are "preened"

People are banned.

>> No.4221472

I'm sure OP would have appreciated that, if he hadn't been BANNED.

>> No.4221473 [DELETED] 




>> No.4221481

stop bumping this thread
op was an underage fraggot who is probably responsible for half the homework threads and they're pretty pathetic
so get over it and go on

>> No.4221482

Orh man.

Now why would you guys do that. The little man only wanted to learn.

Whoever reported the little tike is one sad bastard.

>> No.4221489

Blue anon confirmed for sad bastard

>> No.4221500

Bluefag has some issues.

>> No.4221510

You could have helped him, now he'll spend all his time on /b/, scarred by your harsh treatment
He'll most likely become a drug addict and sex offender because of your actions.
I hope you're proud of yourself, I hope you can sleep tonight because I'm sure OP wont be sleeping as he looks forward to his desolate and ruined future!
You did that blue anon, you.

>> No.4221514

22 here, angst teen mod is in here.
I hate kids more than you, especially when the kid is technically an adult, that makes it even worse, you are such a case.

In other words you are a retard.
Not in the strict sense, you're not actually a retard but an aggressive-child-minded-slightly-below-average-intellect adult.

You are disgusting.

>> No.4221517

I'm <span class="math">\Gamma\left ( \frac{21}{5}\right ) +\frac{16\pi}{3}i[/spoiler] years old is that underageb&?

>> No.4221534

Lol, nice!

>> No.4221537
File: 40 KB, 752x398, blueandredboards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He wasn't aware the sfw boards are 18+.

suprisingly, ignorance isnt an excuse!
if he'd have read the second fucking rule, he'd know he wasnt allowed to be here.

>"2: If you are under the age of 18, or it is illegal for you to view the materials contained on this website, discontinue browsing immediately."

>> No.4221549

>ignorance isn't an excuse
One of the most hypocritical arguments ever. Guess we should all have a law degree by the age of 18.

>inb4 hurr it's not a complicated rule
Your logic is flawed, therefore you cannot use your argument.

>> No.4221556

very few people have law degrees, we still all follow the law. you pick up the important parts bit by bit,

>"but your honour, nobody told me killing a man was illegal? what is 'murder'? ive never heard that word before! This is news to me! How about if i just don't do it from now on?"

>> No.4221564


>if he'd have read the second fucking rule, he'd know he wasnt allowed to be here.

It seems he didn't.

You are right, /sci/ is not a suitable place for an interested 17 year old asking for honest advice, everyone should contact the mods if they suspect a man, who could be married with children is asking for help on a board which focuses on math and science.

I hope they recorded his i.p. and contacted his isp, jail's too good for these rule breaking criminal scum!

Bring back the gallows!

>> No.4221569 [DELETED] 

I'm 1.

>> No.4221573

Just out of interest, did you report OP?

If you didn't, why not?

>> No.4221577

>mods banning underageb&


>> No.4221576

Ignorantia juris non excusat

>> No.4221579

Someone attacks me in a back allay with a knife. I pick up a stool bar that's lying there and hit the guy on the head. He falls inconscious. I hit him again because I don't want to take the chance he might get up and stab me, and because of the adrenaline in my blood. I kill him and - oh shit - it was no more self defense.
On my trial, I relate the facts exactly as they happened. Guess what? There will still be a debate about what rules I broke if any. But the facts are known.
And that was just a bad exemple out of my ass.

So yeah. Killing is forbidden. And the fact that killing is forbidden is common knowledge. But you cannot be expected to know the law. Not entirely. Never. Especially not when it's not your speciality.

>> No.4221580

I lol'd but murder is hardly on the same scale.

A lot of bars turn a blind eye to 17 year old drinkers, do you really give a fuck if a 17 year old is posting on /sci/ or are you just being pedantic for the sake of it?

>> No.4221581

Thanks for adding to the discussion.
>Nul n'est censé ignorer la loi.
See? I did it too lol

>> No.4221582
File: 54 KB, 573x960, vanned.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I say we send the police to his house/dorm room immediately, we can't take any chances after all.

>> No.4221586


Blue anon should learn English first before using Latin.

>> No.4221591


I think we need to take this to /b/.

This is worse than putting a cat in a shower!

This guy is fucked, /sci/ is legion!!1!

>> No.4221596


If you can't even be bothered to read the basic rules for a website, you shouldn't be allowed on it. It's like going to a bowling alley and start kicking soccer balls at the pins or something.

>> No.4221599


Who knows what else this evil motherfucker is involved in!

I am now genuinely afraid, if he isn't posting on /sci/ WHERE THE FUCK IS HE?

>> No.4221604


>One of the most hypocritical arguments ever. Guess we should all have a law degree by the age of 18.

It's a perfectly reasonable argument when the list of rules don't even fill a single page of text.

>> No.4221605


Yeah, that's exactly what it's like.

It's also like getting a KFC and detonating a nuclear bomb because you didn't know any better.

It's just like getting on a bus without looking at the planned route and asking to go to the moon.