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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4215209 No.4215209 [Reply] [Original]

Computer Science

This list is not ordered in any way.

>> No.4215240

you lie

>> No.4215252

Computer Science

This list is not ordered in any way.


>> No.4215277

Computer Science

This list is ordered by average salary and job opportunity.

>> No.4215286

Computer Science

I ordered it for you. Thank me later.

>> No.4215304

You look surprised.

>> No.4215319

>implying medicine could exist without either chemistry or biology or mathematics
>compartmentalizing disciplines instead of being a multi-disciplinary badass like Aristotle


>> No.4215345

>thinks he's Aristotle

>> No.4215504

You're a cat.

>> No.4215510

My turn:

Computer Science

>> No.4215518

Computer Science


>> No.4215520
File: 23 KB, 400x300, 453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw aristotle had the 2012 equivalent of a 4th grade education
Can i get fries with that?

>> No.4215523
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for an extra dollar fifty
I can super-size that for you

>> No.4215527
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gtfo >>>/an/

>> No.4215530

Computer Science

This list is ordered roughly in order of precedence, i.e. what you must know in order to understand the subject below. The bottom three subjects are outliers, not fitting in any particular spot.

>> No.4215576

I can see what you are trying to do, but you failed when you put computer science as second and failed to understand the impact of economics.

>> No.4215577
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>> No.4215600
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both horribly wrong


>> No.4215608

>Biochemistry in
>Biology still out

>> No.4215612
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Counter Fixed

>> No.4215614

Complex Numbers

These fields are not ordered in any way.

>> No.4215622

biochem/molecular biology deal with the dynamics and properties of biological compounds and systems. there's combinatorics, computation, potential quantum effects on macromolecules, etc. hard science.

biology deals with memorization of cat anatomy. soft science.

>> No.4215623

But if that does then R^n = Nroot R could it not?

>> No.4215626

neuroscience is not a sub-field of biology. it is classified on its own. biology is not a hard science.

>> No.4215627

That would be cat anatomy that deals with cat anatomy, not biology.

>> No.4215629
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lol NOPE

>> No.4215633

neuroscience is more psychology than biology/science

>> No.4215634

>That would be cat anatomy that deals with cat anatomy
that's completely nonsensical and isn't coherent. i'm assuming your a bio major, so it's okay. we forgive your mental roadblocks.

biology is not a hard science, and not /sci/ related. do you want me to list reasons on why this is a legitimate statement?

>> No.4215637

please do

>> No.4215642

Neuroscience deals with the structure, chemical processes, and mathematical formulation of the human brain and neurological structures.
eg: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum_brain_dynamics

Psychology deals with made up statistics, memorization, and "dream analysis".
eg: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sigmund_Freud

>> No.4215654
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>> No.4215656

Yes, but an actual neuroscience degree is geared more towards psychology. You only take a few actual science courses, namely neuroscience. The actual degree is generally called "behavior, cognition, and neuroscience" or just "neuroscience" for short.

>> No.4215674
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you must go to some shit tier university

>> No.4215686
File: 207 KB, 455x290, flop3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets see your sources for 1-3,
4 is directly wrong: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fundamental_science
5 no
6 no
7 no
8 what is vanilla biology?
9 obvious trolling
10 source
11 models of what
12 biologists? no
13 assuming he means biology majors, and the courses are not necessarily harder, just longer (i.e 2 semesters).

oh, and...
>mfw cant make your own arguments

>> No.4215703
File: 74 KB, 1468x479, lolsci.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice edit, faggot.

> 5 no
> 6 no
> 7 no
>9 obvious trolling
would you like sources on any of these?

>10 source
competitive exclusion principle is one i can think of off the top of my head. feel free to use a search engine.

>12 biologists? no
listed right in the wikipedia article buddy, unless you changed that too. i'm not even going to bother to look.

>13 assuming he means biology majors, and the courses are not necessarily harder, just longer (i.e 2 semesters).
there's dedicated classes to life sciences at almost all universities. they use different books and are taught using a completely different approach (memorizing formulas, derivations, and proofs) as opposed to actual mathematics.

>> No.4215716

quantum theories of the brain are the biggest bullshit since freud and 99% of people in the field know it

>> No.4215723

>durr i'm not even in the field or probably haven't even taken a neuroscience course
neurons work on electrical potential. with such, there are coulomb fields. neurons fire simultaneously, and the mechanism supposedly responsible for consciousness (thalmo-cortico-thalamic circuits in the frontal lobe) have large amounts of neurons firing in synchrony. Parallel E-fields add. Who is to say that this isn't the conscious aspect of the mind?

>> No.4215727

which all happens on time and size scales so large that, empirically, quantum effects are irrelevant

>> No.4215738

>nice edit, faggot.
l2read edit history retard

>listed right in the wikipedia article buddy, unless you changed that too. i'm not even going to bother to look.

Where does it say biologists have a strong case of physics envy? All i see is "and some areas of biology."

>would you like sources on any of these?
yes please

>competitive exclusion principle is one i can think of off the top of my head. feel free to use a search engine.

Its been a while since i took ecology, but i am pretty sure that its only valid if everything is equal, making it more hypothetical than anything.

>there's dedicated classes to life sciences at almost all universities. they use different books and are taught using a completely different approach (memorizing formulas, derivations, and proofs) as opposed to actual mathematics.

I didnt know that, i never bothered with the shorter classes because medical schools prefer the normal ones.

>> No.4215745

except that's wrong. we observe macroscopic quantum effects, and quantum effects that are time invariant, too. manipulation of a quantized e-field isn't any wizardry. QBD itself does not infer the usage of quantum tunnelling or BECs, just that the consciousness has the potential to be a quantum system; a quantized field of particles.

>> No.4215752

I dont know about other biology majors, but the fields i am focusing on right now are molecular biology, medical microbiology, and a bit of neuroscience.

>> No.4215754

Going to bed now, goodnight /sci/

>> No.4215759

One thing I find funny about people on this board is that they are under the impression that because you are doing biology it is because you are less intelligent, not because you actually find biology more interesting then physics or mathematics.

>> No.4215763

>Where does it say biologists have a strong case of physics envy? All i see is "and some areas of biology."

there's plenty on physicsforums.

by this he means, based on my knowledge, that statistical models in biology change quite regularly. i'm sure you can look this up and see it is evident.

the highest math course required at my university (i'm sure it's true at others, too) for biology is 'algorithms for computational biology', or whatever the hell that is. they don't even take the ODE/PDE sequence, nonetheless abstract mathematics.

>> No.4215766

>not because you actually find biology more interesting then physics or mathematics.

impossible reported for trolling enjoy your ban

>> No.4215770

Well then, I am the impossible. I enjoy biology far more then mathematics and physics.

>> No.4215775

>this thread
>everything that is wrong with /sci/
Pick both.

>> No.4215777
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>that statistical models in biology change quite regularly
>statistical models change quite regularly
>statistical models change

>> No.4215785

Forgive them, for they simply do not yet understand that all areas of science are intertwined and interrelated.

Also, praise god, for without him, no science would exist.

>> No.4215797
File: 159 KB, 300x375, obama2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do realise that the guy who posted that list in your pic was trolling right?
He wasnt serious.

>mfi you took him seriously

>> No.4215798

They are indeed intwined and interrelated. Which is why I always found these people amusing.

Do they not realize that studying biology is just as important as studying mathematics. Through biology we have been able to extend our life span and are able to live at a better standard tthen before, surviving many diseases and illnesses which might have killed them in the past. Not to mention it has helped us understand the world around us.

>> No.4215806

>curing diseases
pick one

>> No.4215811

You cannot deny that biology has helped cure diseases. How would one even start to cure something when it has no understanding on how the disease spreads, lives, repoduces? Not to mention, is you do not have an understanding of the body of humans, how can you cure what is wrong with it?

Similarly someone who has no understanding of a computer, has no hope of getting rid of a virus without understanding how a computer works.

>> No.4215816
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>germ theory
pick one

>> No.4215819
File: 2 KB, 126x120, 1322176224981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still no cure to baldness
>mfw biology

>> No.4216223

LOL at math. Go look at these ugly goofballs.
