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4212650 No.4212650 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone got any ideas on the impact or events that will occur after thorium reactors become widespread?

how much cheaper would everything get?

would we have a utopia or are there other issues besides energy that would hold us back from this?

>> No.4212663

>other issues besides energy that would hold us back from this

Ignorant people?

>> No.4212668

> he still thinks people will go nuclear
Not In My BackYard, buddy.

>> No.4212677


im saying after they already allow them to become widespread

what would happen if we had unlimited energy?

>> No.4212680

Nuclear isn't that much of a panacea, bro.

>> No.4212686

Not anytime soon friends. Especially in the U.S. we have LOTS of oil. They are projecting that the U.S. will be the biggest EXPORTER of oil by 2020.

I don't think you guys understand what it means when they say we have a trillion barrels of oil reserves. That's a trillion barrels of known, recoverable oil. A TRILLION.

The "thorium age" MIGHT happen at the tail end of your life, I doubt it though.

>> No.4212693

cool story bro

im not worried about when , im worried about WHAT it means

>> No.4212707

>They are projecting that the U.S. will be the biggest EXPORTER of oil by 2020.
[citation required]

>> No.4212711



Now go back to your cum stained pictures of Carl Sagan you fucking basement dwelling neckbeard FREAKS

>> No.4212714

>isn't that much of a panacea

but thorium kind of is , bro.

>> No.4212720

I suppose you also believe Tesla's genius was held back by some energy cabal in league with the government to ensure broadcast power for the people would not become a reality, too. Because it sounds about the same kind of shit.

>> No.4212722


"They" being Goldman Sachs. You can look it up. They are projecting us to lead the world by 2017.

>> No.4212725
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>They are projecting that the U.S. will be the biggest EXPORTER of oil by 2020.

>"They" being Goldman Sachs. You can look it up. They are projecting us to lead the world by 2017.

>> No.4212727

you dont know SHIT about it

go sucka dickhole

>> No.4212728
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> he listens to banking firms' prognostications

>> No.4212740


Different fags

>> No.4212753

>Implying every type of nuclear energy will not be perma banned around the world with only few exceptions

>> No.4212757

>implying we can't already transfer electricity completely wireless to power electronic devices or at least recharge batteries

Well, maybe not to the coo-coo size implementation that Telsa was possibly aiming for; but it's all viable.

>> No.4212765

>still believing thorium is a viable fuel source while there is still oil and coal and natural gas in the ground


>> No.4212776

> implying that's the anti-Tesla conspiracy
power to the people man, for like, free

>> No.4212783

I have a better idea. What if we stopped using all energy sources except the sun? We know the sun is hot and we can use this heat to do work for us.

>> No.4212790

> implying all energy sources are not ultimately from the sun anyway

>> No.4212804

but its expensive

>> No.4212807


>natural gas

>> No.4212825
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> he still thinks people will go nuke
Best move to Iran if you want nukes.

>> No.4212926

Not much cheaper. The capital costs of building the thorium reactors is still going to be immense. That also presumes the billions of investment required to finish the research to develop LFTR materializes. The political climate is also not yet ripe for nuclear research.

>> No.4212947

>Thorium age
>No reactor developed that can work in the long term
>Lol, learn to reality.

>> No.4212954
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derp it is a conspeeeeericy!

>> No.4212991
File: 159 KB, 416x355, thorium motherfucker!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4212992

>implying the world isn't run by economics

Thorium and solar power will never fly until economists die out. Either we speed up their extinction or we wait it out.