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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4209746 No.4209746 [Reply] [Original]

From a psychological viewpoint, why are these things so fucking cute?

>> No.4209754

they have features that resemble human babies.. hurr

>> No.4209752

they have a mouth and eyes, act almost human but are very far from uncanny valley

>> No.4209764

But what are the physiological traits that make these characters (and all anime characters, if we may) so appealing? An actual pony isn't as 'cute' or 'interesting' as these figures.

>> No.4209766
File: 2.47 MB, 1920x1080, rainbowdash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because just because it's not conventional doesn't mean it's not hot.

>> No.4209775
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Seriously? That's crazy. Is there any sort of mathematics that go into the design of physical traits?

>> No.4209780

The expressive features of the face are emphasised (ie. they have big eyes). Also, neoteny.

>> No.4209795

really now?

>> No.4209802

Because of the same reason cats are cute OP.
you want to fuck it

>> No.4209806

Interesting, thank you.

Yes, really now. It's a serious question, I'm not trying to troll.

>> No.4209840

>Dr. Thomas Lamarre, professor of East Asian Studies and Art History at McGill University, claimed that after World War II Japanese people as shown in their manga (漫画?) and anime (アニメ?) became "fascinated" with "neoteny" and "cuteness".[39]

Is there a causal link between the concluding events of WWII (Hiroshima and Nagasaki) and the onset of kawaii in Japan?

>> No.4209843

get this cancer off my board

>> No.4209855

Psychology is a science.

>> No.4209862

That would make an interesting analysis. Perhaps it relates to drafting of men into the military and isolation from women?

This is a legitimate question regarding psychology, which is science. Fuck off.

>> No.4209869

Maybe it's because as a nation they felt violated and the cultural response was to recede back into their childhood.

>> No.4209879
File: 66 KB, 380x391, winner_cirno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do understand that this is straight from the Institute of Pulling Shit Out My Ass, but I would imagine that the relatively high losses suffered by children in Japan during the war would have something to do with it. A few of my customers, elderly people who've emigrated after the war, are immensely protective towards children.

With familial ties so strong in Japan, it would stand to reason that the children of the ones who experienced the war would have inherited(or got it beaten into them) this idolization of juvenile characteristics.

>> No.4209880

juvenile mammals have big heads and eyes etc, which fosters a nurturing instinct in adults. combine those cartoons with neckbears who have zero chance of reproducing, and you get a confused nurturing instinct tied to the cartoon. this must feel really good for the neckbears, because they love that fucking show.

>> No.4209889

Something something on japanese art sharing impressionist treats (thank frechmen for that), and adding neoteny to it.