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4203291 No.4203291 [Reply] [Original]

lesbians can reproduce on their own and thus constitute a species
> yfw lesbians are the master race

>> No.4203298
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master race indeed

>> No.4203303

I remember reading something somewhere about how male humans will go extinct somewhere in the future since and females will be able to reproduce with each other or someshit

How true is this?

>> No.4203309

I doubt they will extinct in every backwards country, but ignoring that it's a certainty as long as we don't transform straight into machines or otherwise become immortal first

>> No.4203313

It's a good thing women are stupid and addicted to cock, or they would have already exterminated us.

>> No.4203314

It's just about as true as homeopathy.

>> No.4203320

>implying artificial insemination doesn't work

>> No.4203321

Yeah eliminating a large part of the gene pool is always a good idea.

>> No.4203326

Humans can't clone themselves yet.
The term specie isn't defined by the ability of a specie's individuals to reproduce between themselves since individuals in a same gender can reproduce between different species.
Not everyone can become a lesbian even if male's aren't needed to reproduce (sexuality is strongly biological).

It's possible though that males disapear more quickly than woman in the near futur due to this factor.

>> No.4203328

>implying that's what's being implied.

>> No.4203334
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lesbian thread?

>> No.4203350

if you can't become lesbian you are not master race

>> No.4203358

>Implying the world won't go to shit if ruled by women.

>> No.4203362


>> No.4203366
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but i want to become lesbian

>> No.4203375
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most of my lesbians are naked

>> No.4203388
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>> No.4203400
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it's hard to find non naked pictures..

>> No.4203409
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>> No.4203432
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>> No.4203634

There's still a chance for the survival of penises... The creation of fully functioning hermaphroditic dickgirls!
That, or artificial wombs so we can also make children without women.

>> No.4203639
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>penises in 2012

>> No.4203657
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Because futas!

>> No.4203669
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>> No.4203675

>on 4chan
>not liking futas

I hope that's because they have a vagina, you fag.

>> No.4203679
File: 340 KB, 1024x768, blonde_duo_kitchen_lesbians_lollipop_sexworld_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. There's only one thing more beautiful than a woman sucking a cock, and that's a woman sucking the cock of another woman.

>> No.4203686
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>> No.4203892

Women depend on men, if men were to go extinct I guarantee that a male-phenotype of women would begin to evolve and take over the roles that men once filled.

Women are biologically inclined to desire men, making the lesbian jump would be impossible for all women.

Also any remaining men would probably be glorified and worshipped

>> No.4204000

Well penises are pretty funny things to play with. Being a woman would let me get away with sucking my own tits for milk, but I don't think tits would be as good at straining against my underwear when they get hard. On the other hand, it's easier to make good artificial penises for sex toys than artificial vaginas. I think it'd be a good deal overall, but I don't see any reason not to have both.

>> No.4204841
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>Also any remaining men would probably be glorified and worshipped

The number of times this scenario has cropped up in sci-fi over the years...

>> No.4204879

It's true dawg

>> No.4204898

Well, we're not too far from mastering male/male reproduction either.

>> No.4204942
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Tell me how THAT works? Wait, not sure I want to know.

>> No.4205002
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>> No.4205024

Good that means we can invent robot wives without risking the species.

>> No.4205029

actually i just had a dream about this
i had a robot wife or slave whatever you want to call it
and she served me for years but i never got to make her naked
so i finally did and she was perfect except too dry....

>> No.4205041
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I for one welcome our new all female catgirl overlords.

>> No.4205042

>buying into feminist dogma
>thinking women are capable of overthrowing men
Guy's it's 2012, it's time to stop humoring their delusions of grandeur.

>> No.4205045

I was thinking of some sort of osmotic lubrication system, with some sort of disposable cartridge of lubricant. Of course the next step (after real doll technology) is making a walking endoskeliton. After that its just a matter of small qualitative improvements until finally I've removed women from my life completely.

>> No.4205046

Why don't we have artificial wombs yet?

also male/male reproduction can have both male and female offsprings

>> No.4205049
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>> No.4205052

>After that its just a matter of small qualitative improvements until finally I've removed women from my life completely.
>implying there's any women in your life

>> No.4205112

lol but my goal was not to remove women form my life
you can fap to remove them
at least that's what i do lol

>> No.4205119

all your lesbian are belong to us

>> No.4205137

But the robot wife, once sufficiently advanced will say nice things and cook your dinner and clean the house. She will always be happy to see you and will never mad at you. She will never get old or complain about your hygiene. With fully customisable personalities and fully self maintaining your robot wife will mean you never have to fap again.

>> No.4205138
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for a brighter future

>> No.4205148

yes but that's the least a robot could do
a robot will be so much more than a human
- thinks faster
- perfect memory
- move faster

if i ever crate something like this why would i want it to do such mundane tasks

even one such machine could take over the world, we're just no match for it

it doesn't mean that i don't want a servant robot for these tasks too
it's just not a priority

>> No.4205189

>thinks faster
It doesn't think, it just runs its program, its program is to serve you, while initially that would involve various sexual acts, as time goes on that would involve more of the traditional female actions in the house. There is no requirement to think since women do not think.
>perfect memory
Perfect recording limited by storage space, it doesnt remember things its just records data.
>move faster
Yeah we arn't making robot ninjas, getting them to shuffle across the room seems like a pretty big deal thus far.

I think you need to A. Grow up or B. get laid, building some sort of maniacal super robot to take over the world does not serve anyone, what sort of market is there for such a thing? Make lovebots not warbots, because its more profitable if nothing else.

>> No.4205193


The technology is improving, but its not there yet.

From Real Dolls
To True Companions
To robot wives.

>> No.4205203


this is getting closer, thank God for the Japanese.

>> No.4205206
File: 31 KB, 400x500, disapoint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't think, it just runs its program
>implying thinking is something more than that

>Perfect recording limited by storage space, it doesnt remember things its just records data.
the system doesn't need to be localized
your brain might be on the other side of the world
computing the 100ms delay is not that hard for computers

>Yeah we arn't making robot ninjas
you don't need a strong robot to kill you
all the martial arts are just mechanics taken one step further, but a human can think only that fast, a robot brain even with todays technology could kill you even if his arms are tooth picks

>getting them to shuffle across the room seems like a pretty big deal thus far.
yes because the approach is flawed in itself
you don't let the robot learn
you program everything, and yeah you can't anticipate every situation
if a robot has the capacity of a super computer, learning to walk would take him just a few minutes
something that you learn for years

>> No.4205303

Well you've got all the answers, of you go to build your robot ninja to rule the world, im sure the investors will be lining up behind you with your advanced knowledge of robotics

You do know you have to be 18 to use 4chan right?

>> No.4205305

>build robot
>tell robot "learn"

This is what retards actually believe.

>> No.4205309

well building a learning algorithm is not that easy
and few people are actually working on it

>> No.4205310
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>You do know you have to be 18 to use 4chan right?

>> No.4205312

>if a robot has the capacity of a super computer, learning to walk would take him just a few minutes
My 4 year old computer is slightly more powerful than a Cray 2 supercomputer, why cant my computer walk yet? By your logic it should have figured out how to hack credit cards and buy legs off ebay, hired a guy to install them while im out of the house, and have taken off to rule the world.

Why hasn't it done this yet oh master of robotics?

>> No.4205315
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>> No.4205316

I dont need my robot wife (or my warbot for that matter to learn), I need it to have downloadable software.

>> No.4205396
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A challenger appears!

>> No.4205405
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what about video game characters??

>> No.4205406

>yfw lesbians can only exist because the society we live in is capable of supporting their incapable asses

>> No.4205407
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>> No.4205414



>> No.4205436

You do realize that it was less than 15 years ago that they first made a computer that could beat a grandmaster at chess? From a computing standpoint, chess is a lot less complicated than doing almost anything in the real world.

>> No.4205472


yfw we already have robots that teach themselves to walk and balance themselves
