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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4198132 No.4198132 [Reply] [Original]

You know what i don't understand /sci/?

why is it your science "facts" are always changing.

lets take the universe for one. at one point scientists thought it was expanding. the way they came up with this is measuring the distance of light from one star to the other and found some of them gone or in different spots.

then the scientists say it is imploding upon it's self. they used the same method to firgure this out. now they say it is doing both? why can't you guys make up your mind about your facts?

even the bible doesn't change this much.

>> No.4198190

the tentative nature of scientific knowledge-its always changing and evolving. (sauce: as level physics book)

>> No.4198202

We still think the universe is expanding, and most likely it will expand forever. Go suck a dick.

>> No.4198214


no, scientists believe it will implode on it's self creating another big bang. kinda like a yo yo.

>> No.4198230

He's right
first law of thermodynamics right here fellas
btw sage this shit, don't feed the trolls

>> No.4198232


>> No.4198237

The best model for the end of the universe is conformal rescaling once there is only energy left.

Does anyone else fancy the hell out of girl in OP

>> No.4198245
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>uses wikipedia has a source

>> No.4198248

The universe cannot end unless energy is added or taken away from an outside source

>> No.4198254

>no source at all
>criticizes wikipedia
>doesn't know the goddamn Nobel prize in physics this year was awarded for the very discovery of accelerating expansion

>> No.4198258


>Cannot express himself without the aid of pictures
>Cannot provide any source for his claims

You are hilariously pathetic.

>> No.4198264


and give it a 100 years and this theory will change too.

face it, science facts and theories are always changing. they are never constant.

>> No.4198270

And that is the beauty of our method. I hope you realize you just conceded to the argument I made. You have a good day now.

>> No.4198274

Like I said at the beginning, when they find better evidence for theories they become accepted, so they keep changing

>> No.4198278


>still thinks wikipedia is a reliable source.

probably believe everything you see on the discovery channel too, huh?

>> No.4198287


Now what you refer to as "facts" are in fact "observations" and from them we theorize "conclusions" based on what we see.

Now, if we were all knowing we would never be wrong. Then again, we wouldn't need research in the first place.

>> No.4198295



so if it keeps changing, that would mean scientists have no idea wtf they are talking about and just trolling the fuck out of us, right?

why do you guys constantly accept this? why does everything have to change all the time?

if science isn't so sure of something, wouldn't that mean religion is just another theory also and that the two are the same essentially?

>> No.4198304
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what's with science? i mean, come on.

>> No.4198319

What if the energy is so spread out that it is essentially impossible to find? I'm not saying that the universe will end, but "our universe" certainly will. The space will still be there, with all its dark matter and crazy shit we don't understand. Then new matter will some-fucking-how boom into existance.. And so it goes! maybe

>> No.4198322
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>> No.4198323

Science changes when we discover something new that broadens our understanding of the world. Religion remains stagnant, fixated around what primitive people 2000 years ago worshiped. Science is based on evidence. Also, you don't understand the word "theory." Google "scientific theory" please.

>> No.4198325


science, wut.

>> No.4198333
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<span class="math">\underline{\bf ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Troll~Line~~~~~~~~~~

>> No.4198340
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>even the bible doesn't change this much

Lies! It seems just like yesterday I was stoning disobedient children and disciplining my slaves, and now churches are telling me I can't kill off my kids and that colored folk have equal rights.

>> No.4198341


why are you getting so hostile? someone has a question and you got to attack them for why? to feel more intelligent? to feel like a big man? what is it with you /sci/ nerds when someone questions something and just looks to learn and talk?

you are a very bad person.

>> No.4198342
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>> No.4198343

If we don't have new theories we won't evolve (I'm not saying all theories should change,etc). Science isn't always right thats why we change.

>> No.4198347
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>> No.4198349


so some mad quack can come along and come up with a theory that is totally wrong just so long has the facts he finds are to his liking?

>> No.4198354
File: 239 KB, 1023x963, 1325194732112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go to /b/, bring back a souvenir!

>> No.4198362

To most scientists liking who have reliable results.

>> No.4198374


well thank, thank you for proving my point. science isn't a 100% correct, and neither is the bible but people look to both for answers.

>> No.4198383

i used to be a firm believer in science but reading this thread has opened my eyes to the power of the lord

>> No.4198396

the lord god and jesus christ are the only real facts in life

>> No.4198409


I don't think you know what the word theory means, but regardless of that basically yes.

>Something happens we can't explain
>scientists come up with possibly explanations
>they start testing to see whether explanations are correct
>if the results repeatedly point in the same direction, formulate a more detailed explanation and explore how it works
>then write a thesis on it
>other scientists who are also specialists on the field will look at it
>they try to reproduce the results
>if they succeed repeatedly, it becomes accepted that doing A will always result in B

A theory is like a really complicated, well built explanation for something and it comes with a lot of proof and how to reproduce results.

>> No.4198426

facts don't change, theories based on facts and shit do.

>> No.4198433

okay, op here. this was a good troll thread till the edgy lil kids came in and ruined it.

i'm out of here. too sick to keep playing this game. time to down some nyquil and take a nap

>> No.4198437

thank you for contradicting this facetious bastard

>> No.4198445


The difference is that religion freely gives out those answers unchecked. It isn't based on anything, results are unreliable and cannot be reproduced. If you disagree or claim and prove something a religion states as law is just plain wrong, you will be shunned and ignored.

If you were to tell me that the earth is round and I were to say it is flat and you'd show me pictures of earth from space, the logical response would be "oh that makes sense, so that is why we have a horizon". The religious response involves some sort of torches and pitchforks.

>> No.4198455


Interpretations of physical phenomenons that we name "Facts" do chanqe in time.

>> No.4198533

fucking science fa­gs need god in their lifes