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File: 48 KB, 600x642, digbick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4196941 No.4196941 [Reply] [Original]

The mere fact that you read it wrong proves that psychology works and should be regarded as a hard science from now on.

>> No.4196944

>implying psychology wasn't hard science before

>> No.4196946
File: 7 KB, 198x212, 9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


OP, you're silly.

>> No.4196947
File: 17 KB, 352x250, thegame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, it's funny how the the brain doesn't process the the fact that I used the the word 'the' double each time.

And now you read the file name.

>> No.4196949

How does this have anything to do with psychology?

This is systems of hierarchical computation.

Bick is not a word (that I know of), and usually a phrase that looks like that is "I got a big dick". Therefore to be efficient, as soon as that pattern was recognized, the brain automatically fed my conscious that construct, instead of having to parse each and every word again, when it was 99% likely that the phrase was indeed "I got a big dick".

Learn branch prediction and cache misses.

>> No.4196950


Well mine did. Explain that.

>> No.4196953


>the brain automatically fed my conscious


>> No.4196956

It must be broken. I would see a doctor as soon as possible because you probably have cancer.

>> No.4196957


The computer automatically passed the cached data representation to the natural language processing functions.


>> No.4196958

Are you a fucking wizard.

>> No.4196961

There, here is why. We can move on now.

>> No.4196963

>cached data representation
The brain is not a Von Neumann computer.

>> No.4196964

Neuroscience problem bitch

inb4 harriot reports thread for breaking rules

>> No.4196972

I read it 'I got a dig bick' and was trying to understand what the hell does that mean. Maybe it's a word in English I don't know (bick).

>> No.4196969

Neuroscience student here. You'd be hard pressed to come up with a good mechanistic explanation for the type of phenomenon OP posted, using only neuroscientific knowledge and without using psychological cognitive constructs. Very little is known about language representations in neural dynamics.

>> No.4196975

Yay this thread is fun!

>> No.4196984


Computational models of conditioning.

This is easy if you take the brain as a biological AI.

>> No.4196987

What you just said means absolutely nothing. And how the fuck is conditioning related to this?

>> No.4196992



>> No.4196993

Surrender accepted.

>> No.4197034

you sir won the internet

>> No.4197038

I readed it right, lol.

>> No.4197311
File: 127 KB, 401x354, 1310039258589.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.4197324


>> No.4197335
File: 5 KB, 242x238, nojuzno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then that would make it:
>i retarded it right, lol

>> No.4197338

I read it and simply related it to something I already know to be true, hence "I got a big dick."

>> No.4197358
