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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 37 KB, 497x492, maths.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4192569 No.4192569 [Reply] [Original]

Just ordered a new shirt. Gonna harass the mathematics majors in my quantum physics class because they're a bunch of arrogant fucks.

Fuckin' hate math majors

>> No.4192582

itt: freshmen pissing contest

>> No.4192584
File: 17 KB, 648x518, autism2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4192586 [DELETED] 

I wish it was real and not shopped. It would be so much win.

>> No.4192587


a bunch of butthurt math majors

>> No.4192598

>mfw math majors actually believe this stuff

>> No.4192599

> shirtfags can't greentext

>> No.4192606
File: 441 KB, 825x482, hatersgonnahateindokidsmoking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I'm a math major with a concentration in actuarial science and thus never take said useless classes (quantum physics)

>> No.4192611

We have this problem at my university. The math majors bomb all the upper division physics classes, and the engineers bomb all the astronomy and astrophysics classes (namely the aerospace ones, because they believe so firmly that they'll use it).

>> No.4192618

I knew a math major who failed Gen Chem.

>> No.4192621


>quantum physics

You know what. You're absolutely right. I'm gonna go back to playing with my abacus.

>> No.4192635

I love it when they claim to be "applied mathematicians" without the brains to just get a degree in physics.

>> No.4192657

It's fake but the text should be green.
fucking newfriends

>> No.4192716


it was made on a custom shirt website. greentext doesnt show up on white that well. Don't assume everything goes through photoshop, fucking old fags

>> No.4192727

I don't know what you mean, but I know applied mathematics in the UK very much is a term for theoretical physics

>> No.4192731


even more useless.

>> No.4192735

Just a name brah, no need to hate

>> No.4192743

I bet those math majors would die to get into a string theory class lol.

>> No.4192788

> Math is not science.
> Physics/QM is science.
Lets not compare apples and oranges. They're different and thus have different meaning/taste/use.

>> No.4192859
File: 25 KB, 418x418, 1281068099947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i miss those posts.

>> No.4194773

why not focus on your own degree, rather than someone else's?