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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4189268 No.4189268 [Reply] [Original]

Alright, so who's EK, who's Harriet, and why are they cunts?
Tell me the story.

>> No.4189271


>> No.4189277

Haha, well let's see here. For one, she knows almost nothing of true math or science. She doesn't know anything about sentence structure.
she has stoner parties.

>> No.4189278

Harriet=Teapot=EK=Fat Scottish neckbeard living with his mom

>> No.4189285

I've always wondered who's in the pictures she always posts. Anyone know?

>> No.4189290

EK is:

A tripfag who shitposts on /sci/
Borderline and takes many meds for it
A Zoology major
A London resident
A pot smoker and drug user
A slut who has slept with around 20 guys but isn't sure exactly
A slut who has many "fuckbuddies"

Harriet lives in the same house as EK

>> No.4189294

It is some chick that does atheists videos on youtube. I found the link one day, but then lost it.

>> No.4189295

Eh, actually, Harriet is somewhat obviously more intelligent than EK. It's not saying much, but still.

>> No.4189299
File: 40 KB, 604x453, ek with hipster faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, she uses "Fact vs. Religion" screencaps as avatars.

Pic related is EK IRL, seriously. (the whore on the right)

>> No.4189308

She also insults Harriet strongly. I don't know why they are friends.

EK also barely understand male anatomy and physics. She also hates Muslims with a fucking passion.

>> No.4189312

Which is on youtube. Exactly what I said. I always though that EK was hot enough for a Northern bird (not saying much). Did they suddenly develop higher standards so she has to come here?

>> No.4189343
File: 17 KB, 250x250, costanza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guy sleeps with 20 girls, fucking alpha
>girl sleeps with 20 guys, fucking slut

>> No.4189372
File: 211 KB, 800x606, 1310794407072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it takes more skill to sleep with 20 women (presumably) if you are a male, as opposed to women just opening their legs to anyone.

I would think that a decent looking girl will find it easier to get laid than a decent looking guy, assuming they're both around 20yrs old.

>> No.4189378

I must say that she's more attractive than other women I've seen on these boards...

>> No.4189381


Easily 7/10

>> No.4189382

it's easier for women to get laid, therefore it is bad if they take advantage of this and actually like to have sex. i know it's true, because my tv box tells me so.

>> No.4189409
File: 243 KB, 388x587, geroersef.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>key opens 20 locks, fucking master key
>lock is opened by 20 keys, fucking shitty lock

>> No.4189426
File: 117 KB, 750x600, fractal wrong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lock and key metaphor
>thinks a woman's mission in life is to avoid having sex

>> No.4189448

If she doesn't want to get called a slut it is. Welcome to reality.

Sage for incessant fucking /sci/ gossip, you little preteen bitches.

>> No.4189502


Men have to work hard to get laid.

>> No.4189521


see ­­>>4189029

Pic related.

>> No.4189528

I'd give her an 8, but in terms of hot women where I am, I'd give her a 9

>> No.4189530

>Girl is 20 and still a virgin: wow what moral character
>Guy is 20 and still a virgin: lol what a loser
I don't see you complaining about this.

>> No.4189535


>Men have to work hard to have sex, so it is bad and calls for disrespect to be a woman who demands less work before having sex.

come on, this is woman logic standards

>> No.4189538

that's just as stupid; it goes back to this >>4189426

>> No.4189539


I'd tap that

>> No.4189549 [DELETED] 

And yet nobody is bothered by it.

>> No.4189557

> society is retards
> let's keep it that way

>> No.4189576
File: 334 KB, 1104x660, 1310044127982.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hasn't seen the other pictures of EK.
Everyone has that one flattering picture that in no way is indicative of their looks

>> No.4189579
File: 70 KB, 600x600, yoda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get called a slut it is
get called a moron you are

>> No.4189590

EK and harriet are two females.

Proving that they are cunts is now trivial, since we've already stated that they are both females.

>> No.4189601

>can't into english

>> No.4189604

She still has blue eyes.

>> No.4189620

here's some babby english since you are apparently uneducated.


>> No.4189633
File: 55 KB, 247x249, wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thinks a lock's aim is to avoid being opened.

>> No.4189640

>doesnt know why people make locks

>> No.4189644

Truely an epic thread.

Even better was the one a few months later when she returned.

She kept saying shit like "im closing this thread now goodnight" dropping her trip to pretend she was anon and defend herself and then coming back. Then about the 3rd time she forgot to drop her trip and proved us right.

I mean if you have to pretend to be someone else to defend yourself what good are you?

>> No.4189661

Welcome to the Internet! Enjoy your stay!

>> No.4189701

>can't [translate gibberish] into english