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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4182526 No.4182526 [Reply] [Original]

Infinity = god

Disproof of all math and science

>> No.4182531

1/10. You aren't even trying.

>> No.4182530

disproof of all your post

>> No.4182532

this is the god equation

>> No.4182536


>> No.4182533

You should put a little more effort in your "troll" posts.

>> No.4182543


>> No.4182546

the only thing you can prove is lack of proof. Science and mathematics are perception. Lack of proof is infinity. Because we can not prove infinity is the only possibility

The god equation is stunning in it's simplicity and complexity at the exact same time.

>> No.4182548


>> No.4182560

nothing you know you can prove. That proves lack of proof. Lack of proof is infinity. All possibilities

Math and science are restraints because they are based on human perception

>> No.4182563

>Implying infinity is not an aspect born out science and mathmatics

>> No.4182566

infinity is proven because you can not prove anything, even infinity.

>> No.4182575

you can disprove because it's impossible to prove proof

Lack of proof is the only proof.

>> No.4182587

OP doesn't understand infinity
OP doesn't understand that there is only falsification in science
OP provides nothing to falsify
OP is a fail troll who got saged twice and bumped anyway
Everyone sage, everyone reported, do it now

>> No.4182600

you offer no counter argument. I don't know what infinity is? Infinity stretches in all directions and is direction itself

You hanging onto your blanket of measurements and theories -science and math. Because they can't be proven because proof is perception of measurements. Infinity is definite truth.

This is no troll

>> No.4182608

Science are math are not the path to the universal answer. The answer is lack of answer. The answer is the question

>> No.4182619
File: 153 KB, 600x450, stoner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure is bong hits ITT

>> No.4182616

if we understand that there is no proof, we open all possibilities

>> No.4182626

every theory that science has disproved is right along with the disproof. The fact that something exists in the mind means that it's possible. E=mc2. The mind is matter and energy. All thoughts are correct and incorrect at the same time on all possible levels

>> No.4182632

garbage mouth garbage face, posting this shit all over the place.>>4182626
garbage mouth garbage face, posting this shit all over the place.>>4182626
garbage mouth garbage face, posting this shit all over the place.>>4182626
garbage mouth garbage face, posting this shit all over the place.>>4182626
garbage mouth garbage face, posting this shit all over the place.>>4182626
garbage mouth garbage face, posting this shit all over the place.>>4182626
garbage mouth garbage face, posting this shit all over the place.>>4182626
garbage mouth garbage face, posting this shit all over the place.>>4182626
garbage mouth garbage face, posting this shit all over the place.>>4182626
garbage mouth garbage face, posting this shit all over the place.>>4182626
garbage mouth garbage face, posting this shit all over the place.>>4182626
garbage mouth garbage face, posting this shit all over the place.>>4182626
garbage mouth garbage face, posting this shit all over the place.>>4182626
garbage mouth garbage face, posting this shit all over the place.>>4182626
garbage mouth garbage face, posting this shit all over the place.>>4182626
garbage mouth garbage face, posting this shit all over the place.>>4182626
garbage mouth garbage face, posting this shit all over the place.

>> No.4182635

this is your brain on drugs
Do not post ITT if you are not going to sage or I will reported you too

>> No.4182641

an intelligent counter argument would be great. References to reading material that disproves my theory. Please don't be immature. This will be my last post if nobody wants to discuss

>> No.4182644


> ∞ * ∞ = ∞
> ∞ / ∞ = ∞
> x / x = 1 # any number over itself = 1
> ∞ / ∞ = 1
> ∞ = 1

>> No.4182652

Get a math book, idiot.
I have reported you 7 times.
you are trollen cuz no mods

>> No.4182659

An intelligent argument would be great. References to reading material that proves your theory. Please don't be immature. This will be my last post if nobody wants to discuss.

>> No.4182668

thank you 4182526

Where does x / x = 1 come from? How has it been proven? Since infinity is lack of definition how can it go into itself? Why can x/x not equal 2 or any other number?

>> No.4182672

RThe ppoerwerset of infintiy is ingfinity too thats what god is

>> No.4182675


lets say x = 3
> 3 / 3 = 1

now, lets try 5
> 5 / 5 = 1


>> No.4182678
File: 60 KB, 800x505, achmed dinnerplate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, he's talking to himself now.


>> No.4182679

what is 1? What is x? Do we perceive it the same as everything else perceives it? We can never know. Therefore we have no answers. If we do, prove what 1 is. Prove what x is.

>> No.4182683

we see three objects as three because of the way light reflects off of them. Thats why we understand three. But three is not proof. Something else can see three as four. Who is right? How do we know that we are right? We never can. Therefore there are infinite possibilies and infinity is the only answer

>> No.4182685

to prove anything, you have to prove that you are right.

Since there is no proof the answer is no answer - infinity

>> No.4182755

Sup guys.