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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4179712 No.4179712 [Reply] [Original]

Geology is quite literally the most boring subject a person could possibly study.

>dude the world is made of rocks
>whoa look at these rocks
>let's use our autism and group the rocks into categories
>I bet these rocks came from these rocks
>whoa, did you see THIS PETRIFIED LEAF

>> No.4179717

I lol'd stupidly.

>> No.4179724
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>> No.4179737

Geology is quite literally the most exciting subject a person could possibly study.

>Plate Tectonics (ie where the continents are going to be and how they are going to be shaped in the future)
>Evolutionary History of Life (Species only found in two places separated by a huge body of water and they can't swim proves continents were all connected)
>Past Climates (Global Warming, how the temperature is going to be in the future and what we will have to do to survive it)
>etc etc it goes on and on

>> No.4179736
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>be geologist
>help engineers and architects design buildings that can withstand earthquakes and protect people inside
>be mathematician
>come up with complicated bullshit that no researcher in any field will ever need

>> No.4179747

I think you're confusing geologists with materials engineers

>> No.4179751

>Getting butthurt that mathematics is too hard for you to understand

>> No.4179761

>Not understanding the definition to exciting

>> No.4179763

I'm just gonna point this out here, even though op is obviously both a raging fa­ggot and a troll.

Every oil/fossil fuel company in the world needs geologists, and they are willing to pay through the nose for them. Base pay is around $80k US dollars / year, which is mediocre, but they also give performance pay (finding and correctly estimating capacity of fossil fuel bearing strata), loyalty pay, etc, which adds up to more than doubling the base pay per year if your performance is average.

Further, environmentalist and anti-oil groups needs geologists to study and lend validity to their sides of the issues.

It might not be exciting as a field, but it's lucrative as hell.

>> No.4179770

It's okay guys. OP is just butthurt cause he failed 2nd grade science.

>> No.4179783

>$80k starting

>> No.4179788

Any engineer makes more money and it's more interesting

>> No.4179811

>let's use our autism and group the rocks into categories


>> No.4179822


Not any engineer, but setting that aside for the moment, it should also be obvious that geology is not as difficult a field as engineering. The reward for geologists are far out of sync with the required effort to become one, whereas engineers work their nerdy little asses off to get their degrees.

>> No.4179824

Your reasoning is flawed. "Interesting" is subjective.

>> No.4179876
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I agree OP, geology is usually pretty boring. It's at least twice as boring if you do it for a living. Pays decent though. Wearing a hard hat and bright yellow vest is kinda fun too.

>> No.4180170

One of my hottest friends is studying that shit, why the hell she does that?

>> No.4180201
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Geologists get the best coats.

>> No.4180234

>Be studying geology
>Shit is boring as fuck
>I <3 math
>Don't give a fuck, gonna get dem oil jewgolds
>Glad field is boring as fuck so that no one wants to study it thus pay is wildly out of proportion to work
>mfw starting salary (with MS) is over $100k
>mfw when I have tons of family in oil business
>mfw when future looks fantastic

>> No.4180237

My hot friend does it too. It's apparently a very female friendly science.

>> No.4180238

Only Chemical Engineers and some types of Material science Engineers.

>> No.4180240

>let's use our autism and group the rocks into categories

>> No.4180242

>dat feel when you genuinely enjoy Geology
Also the average starting pay for Geologists not involved with oil/gas is around 50K. The other issue is that most major oil/gas companies are getting very desperate to find new patches of resources.

>> No.4180243


Mechanical engineers at the oilsands are easily +$100k minimum

>> No.4180251

Constantly getting mistaken for a construction worker wouldn't annoy you?

>> No.4180252

>Petroleum engineers at the oilsands are easily +$100k minimum
Petroleum engineers are Chemical or MS engineers depending on how you look at it.

>> No.4180259

Fuck off you prick I didn't say anything about petroleum engineers.


inb4 shitty averaged table

>> No.4180261

I am a construction worker.
albeit one that makes more than any five others.

>> No.4180262

>My post didn't get enough attention on /r9k/ lets post it on /sci/ as a thread instead

>> No.4180264

Engineers are also gay

>> No.4180318

tl;dr oil makes money for every one! God bless the petroleum industry!

>> No.4180703


>> No.4180713
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I guess you can say that geology....


>> No.4180716

>a hard science

>> No.4180724

it's not even a soft science, there's absolutely no math whatsoever

it's worse than psychology, at least there's some statistics in there

in geology you don't even make use of addition and subtraction

>> No.4180759


But unlike psychology, it's useful.

You mad bro?

>> No.4180791

this thread.....ALL OF MY RAGE

there's a fuckton of math in geology btw....ever heard of geophysics? and moving plates on a sphere? and experimental modeling....i use fourier transforms regularly.

how could anyone be bored by this? you get to work outside in cool field locations and drink beer.

oh wait, forgot this is assburger central, where everyone wants to hibernate in their rooms for life. have fun with that while i enjoy the hell out of my job where i get to travel, dive to the bottom of the ocean, and figure out how the planet works.

>> No.4180795

I'm studying and as to why I'm bored of it? Not nearly as much field work as I'd been lead to believe, getting drunk gets old, my classmates are all borderline retarded, and I don't really give a fuck about rocks, and my professors are scared of math or something. I wish we had more math... And more of a petroleum focus... Stupid environmental bullshit and hydro. I don't give a fuck though, I'm in it for the money anyway.

>> No.4180800

I find it interesting, but then again I've never taken a course before.

>> No.4180889

there's at least as much money in enviro as in petroleum, though enviro has tons more jobs.

>> No.4180897

Lol I agree.

>> No.4180901

You are going to hate life after a few years of shit you hate because you were money hungry.

>> No.4180909


40 year old geologist here.
money does in fact buy a fair bit of happiness.

also the more you make the less you have to work...

>> No.4180923

Without it we would never have Dwarf Fortress.

>> No.4180933

I'm wondering, should I study chemical engineering and broaden my knowledge or just go for petrochemical engineering like a money hungry corporate drone?

>> No.4180953
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>> No.4180960

it doesn't matter, jews will ensure you can't save any money long term regardless

>> No.4180966

Well, considering that one day you gonna be part of the earth's geology what they study is pretty important.

>> No.4180970

Also check;em

>> No.4180971


>> No.4180985

I'll second this. We are lead to believe it's such an interesting field but it's dull and most people studying it are fucking morons who think they are the coolest people on earth. Hopefully I'll earn a fair amount of cash once I'm out of college.

>> No.4181114

no fieldwork? wow, sucks bro. mind if i ask where you're at school? the place where i did my master's had field trips like twice a quarter, with a 2 month field camp required for graduation. also, if you wanted to do petroleum, no offense, but you should have enrolled in a school that has a link to industry. the school i work at now has exxon recruiters in all the time and the grad students help with a field course for chevron employees about modern carbonate environments.

as or the math bit, i minored in math....but my undergrad geo coursework didn't use much beyond calculus. once i hit grad school though, shit was EVERYWHERE. like i said, i use it all the time, and if you want to do any modeling work, you'll use an asston of complex math.

geology really is fucking awesome, but i admit that some of the intro coursework can get pretty boring. i just taught a mineralogy course, so i can empathize, lol. the fact that we know SO little about the planet we live on is just mindboggling....we discover new stuff all the time. i'd be so bored if i just sat in an office and wrote code for programs all day, but that's just me.

>> No.4181124

Lol'd hard at the OP.