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File: 81 KB, 320x267, Walter_Lewin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4177550 No.4177550 [Reply] [Original]

My Physics professor is better than your Physics professor.

>> No.4177573

My physics professor wears a cape on Fridays.

>> No.4177575

Gentleman, I do believe, that this anon just won.

>> No.4177579

my physics prof wears nothing on fridays.
my physics prof is Zooey Deschanel.

too bad my class only met tues/thurs.

>> No.4177580

if lewin is seriously your professor please tell him for me that he is an x-ray loving whore.

>> No.4177585


Gentleman, I do believe, that these anons are the same person.

>> No.4177590
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My physics professor, dancing.

>> No.4177591

>Doesn't know how to check for samefag
go back to /b/ idiot.

>> No.4177592

My physics professors were ass.
But my physics TA is a "distinguished professor" that helped lay the foundation for superstring theory and has a wikipedia page.

He also told jokes every week to help keep us interested, and listening to him bitch about the textbook layout being too busy was hilarious.

>> No.4177602


What's a /b/ idiot?

>> No.4177615

what sort of physics curriculum have you taken besides the rudimentary babby's first classical mechanics? most of the lower level courses have horrible professors who hate the university for forcing them to teach such elementary material.

>> No.4177628

eh, my college has a nobel prize winner teaching one of the e&m lectures

>> No.4177625


That's all I took. It is horrible terrible. There is no reason for that. There are plenty of ways to make physics interesting; professors just don't do that. I'm sure my TA does something at the university besides TA for general physics 2, and I really thing he should be teaching the class. There's just so much wrong with the way general physics is taught at my university, ESPECIALLY considering that it's a troubling subject for plenty of people.

>> No.4177635
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My physics professor was a repeated guest on Jay Leno as the "Mad Scientist," teaching the unwashed masses science. Show me ya moves!

>> No.4177641

that's an exception. i personally would contemplate suicide on a daily basis trying to teach that to undergrads.

>> No.4177646

My physics professor died halfway through term.

>> No.4177699

My physics professor, i shit you not, has a fucking theme song.

A. Theme. Song.

Not just any theme song, friends: a PRIZE-WINNING theme song. Won Best Song by a New Artist at some weird alt-music festival in Baltimore.

Stick that in your Nobel Prize winning pipe and smoke it.

>> No.4177704

Big whup. I have my own wikipedia article for ruining a St. Patrick's Day parade in my town.

>> No.4177725
File: 23 KB, 400x400, areyouawizard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You go to the University of Wisconsin.

Your physics professor is Julien Clinton Sprott.
