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File: 146 KB, 300x300, 1323910752154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4171661 No.4171661 [Reply] [Original]

Do you repeat events in your head after they have already happened? That's a sign of autism.

>> No.4171662

A sign of autism?

>> No.4171667


I'm a high functioning autist.

(It's also a symptom of PTSD, AvPD, and a host of other disorders.)

>> No.4171669

It's quite hard to repeat events that haven't yet happened.

>> No.4171672

So if you're not autistic you have no memory of past events?

>> No.4171676

News flash: OP confirms that memory is a sign of austim

>> No.4171677

Do you repeat events in your head after they have already happened.
>>implying I just fucking did.

>> No.4171679


>> No.4171682

You have memory, but you don't spend an hour repeating it in your mind.

>> No.4171690

Who said anything about spending an hour repeating something?

>> No.4171697

Exactly. Glad to know I'm talking to a person free of autism.

>> No.4171698

What if I repeat events that I thought went well in order to do as well in similar, future situations? Like repeating a funny joke I told that went over well?

>> No.4171703

I get flashbacks.

>> No.4171711

If you repeat them outside your head, it's a sign of Groundhog Day.

>> No.4171726
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>> No.4171735


>> No.4171738

yeah. Like studying or exercising.

OP, we kind of get what you're trying to say, but you need to define it more rigorously.

>> No.4171741
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>> No.4171755

>family guy repeats jokes over and over again
>family guy is popular with normalfags
>normalfags are autistic fucks

>> No.4171761

have fun on maaaaarsss

>> No.4171764

logic fail

>> No.4171768

>not being an autist
step up dullards

>> No.4171769

best thred on sci ever

I lafed so hard

>> No.4171776

Off to Mars with you

>> No.4171780


but mars is just an social constroct, even top scientiests say so

>> No.4171784


>Like repeating a funny joke I told that went over well?

Confirmed for autistic.

>> No.4171787

That's true. We cannot know for sure if mars exists.

>> No.4171797

Has anyone ever felt really proud after something went really well?

That's very characteristic of being autistic.

So is unintentionally rhyming.

>> No.4171800

mentally deficient family guy fan detected

>> No.4171807

well, what's the matter if that is true? As if an autist couldn't get a normal life. If not a better one than that of a "normalfag"

>> No.4171809
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>implying I watch that piece of shit cartoon

>> No.4171814

Psychology will always be on my fail book, along side philosophy.

>> No.4171832


but that can't have been unintentional.

>> No.4171916

Let's be fair now. He was not simply implying it. He _said_ you do.

>> No.4171926

This thread is really invigorating to me. Would you say a double major in philosophy is a good idea guys?

>> No.4171952

I do that a lot.

>> No.4171995

Let's say you just had a difficult interview, one that might have consequences for your entire life, going thru your memories might be crucial for you.

>> No.4172020

Do you post on 4chan? that's a sign of autism.

>> No.4172281
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No way!

>> No.4172290
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>> No.4172308
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>> No.4172314

What OP said has nothing to do with autism. It wouldn't even be considered one of the six needed symptoms to qualify a diagnosis of autism.

Saying you are autistic on an image board, however, is a sign of being immeasurably pretentious.

>> No.4172326


>> No.4172388

Spacesuit.... Check
ISRU life support system... Check
Inflatable hab module... Check
Handheld lab.... Check
Data transmission system... Check
American flag.... Check
Backup American flag... Check
Hilarious video of mentally handicaped... Check

NASA here, we are ready to begin Mars matter transmission

>> No.4172398

>brings two american flags
>forgets to bring water
Silly amerifags

>> No.4172451


gdi I lol'd

and I was doing so well, too

>> No.4172455
File: 29 KB, 420x472, 1549-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when I was little, I would say something and then whisper it under my breath. i think my parents said it was like the computer game putt putt because the characters would say something and then the character animation would lag.
did anyone else do this?

>> No.4172469

Silly british person, doesn't know how to live off the land.

>> No.4172608

Everyone is on the autism spectrum, if you didn't know. Some people are just higher up on the spectrum. I'm actually a high functioning autist. Apparently I have a high functioning form of Asperger's, which is a high functioning form of autism.

>> No.4172672
