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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4169677 No.4169677 [Reply] [Original]

>school finally posts grades
>4.0, straight A's up to this point
>Calc 3 -- A
>Intro to Systems Software -- A
>Assembly and comp organization -- A
>Galaxies And Cosmology -- A
>Intro to Feminist Theory/Women's studies -- A-



>> No.4169679

>Intro to Feminist Theory/Women's studies
>Taking this class in the first place.
>Almost 2012
You don't deserve to live.

>> No.4169681

How did you get an A-?
What question did you not answer correctly?

>> No.4169682
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>Intro to Feminist Theory/Women's studies

>he thought he was gonna get laid by taking womens studies classes

>> No.4169684
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i don't know. It must have been on my final and at my school the teachers almost never give them back unless it was online

>> No.4169685

i know that 3.99 feel bro.

>> No.4169686

no effect in long run. move on /sci/tizen.

>> No.4169688

The GPA number is just for masturbatory purposes.

You just want to aim for a range, like 3.5-3.7, or 3.8-4.0. The rest will be your letters of rec and most importantly, research.

>> No.4169690

Well do you remember some of the questions given in your final?
Would be interesting to discuss them here on /sci/.

>> No.4169691

>straight A's up to this point
>still in Calc 3

for you to have been in school over a year and still be in calc 3 confirms you're a dumbass

>> No.4169694

>Intro to Feminist Theory/Women's studies
>Intro to Feminist Theory/Women's studies
>Intro to Feminist Theory/Women's studies
>Intro to Feminist Theory/Women's studies

on /sci/

>> No.4169695

It's science related.

>> No.4169696


Multiple choice question:

Are women attracted to intelligence?
[ ] yes
[ ] no
[ ] implying you're intelligent

>> No.4169699



hahahaha sci related hahahahaha

>> No.4169698

>>Intro to Feminist Theory/Women's studies -- A-

Yeah, you take classes like that you're going to get fucked over by bullshit subjective grading. Don't take a minority study unless you are said minority.

>> No.4169700

Basic shit, dates of important events, explaining certain ideas within their study, bullshit like that.

The class was 50% male:female ratio

>> No.4169703

Says the guy who thinks the theory of common ancestry is not science.

>> No.4169709

Why do schools even offer Women Studies?

>This course offers an introduction to the critical study of gender in a transnational world, emphasizing gender’s imbrications with race, class, sexuality, and ability. The course will investigate several sites for the production of gendered bodies, identities, and discourses including histories of Western science and the emergence of sexual and racial difference; the invention of the modern nation- state; nationalism, colonialism and imperialism; the invention of sexuality and race in modernity; activism within and beyond identity politics; visual culture, technology, and media representation; and contemporary processes of globalization, war, and displacement. The course will provide students with methods for critiquing a binary and ahistorical conception of gender, as they will learn how gender is produced in historically and culturally specific ways and acquire a multidisciplinary understanding of how ideologies of nationalism, state institutions, legal frameworks, and cultural productions are active producers of gendered bodies. Further, the course emphasizes a transnational approach to women and gender studies, insisting that gender cannot be understood alone but is rather part of a larger constellation that includes histories of colonialism, contemporary globalization, transnational mobilities, and capitalist production and consumption. Students will learn the skills to become critical participants in their contemporary world, and critical readers of the variety of legal, medical, cultural, and political texts they engage with on an everyday basis.

>> No.4169713

So there was a 1/2 male/female ratio? There were 2 females for every male?

>> No.4169729

it's a she
conflict of interest of course

>> No.4169737

that would be 50% male:female, yes

>> No.4169740

This text makes me want to take the course.
Gonna have to see if it's also offered by my university.

>> No.4169748

That's odd. I don't know the distribution of genders in individual classes but at my school there are 87 females majoring in women's studies and 0 males majoring in it. I would assume the classes would have more females in them.

>> No.4169755

you don't have to major in it to take the class

>> No.4169789
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>> Surfing between 2.5 and 3.0
>> Dat smile ;-)
>> Dem interviews
>> Dem impressed interviewers
>> Gets better jobs than the 3.8+ bunch

This is truth

>> No.4169806

>Don't take a minority study unless you are said minority.

>> No.4169829

I recognized that in my post. Considering, however, that everyone in the major probably has to take the class, it would make sense that if the gender-major distribution is very skewed then the class distribution would have a good chance of being skewed.

>> No.4170325

in mass.

>> No.4170333

In math.

>> No.4170352

>caring about letter grades they give you and not about what you learned

>> No.4170387
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>not cheating in all your exams

lol, you must all be too damn stupid to cheat without being caught

>> No.4170398

>3rd year of high school (18 years old)
>Have 4.00 GPA all life
>Receive report with last grades that matter when applying to colleges
>Get B in biology
>Goodbye MIT, goodbye Ivy league, goodbye camrbidge and oxford, goodbye international studies

I hate the system of education in this country. I'm fucking forced to take 13 subjects where 9 of them are liberal arts.

>> No.4170408

Wtf. I got a B+ last semester. What does that do in terms of GPA? Is it going to be better than a B or the same?

My brain is full of fuck

>> No.4170410
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>in EE
>have to take one chemistry course
>get a B because of no curve due to thousands of pre-med retards
>average was a 67 for the class
>tests were all multiple choice
>tests were all multiple choice
>had all As, expect for two A-s before

I'd have a perfect GPA if I only had to take Math + EE + Physics

>> No.4170416

B+ > B

>> No.4170434

>failing general chem

No excuses.

>> No.4170440
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So THIS is why /sci/ hates the humanities

>> No.4170453

I know
I didn't fail though
I was just lazy
I should have done better
Fucking genchem

>> No.4170456

So you're assuming anything under an A should be failing?

Sounds good to me

>> No.4170524


>implying multiple choice tests aren't easy as fuck and just asking to be dominated

Fuck I should have been a biologist or something. That shit is so easy to me. Maths makes me work