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4166378 No.4166378 [Reply] [Original]

>go to the bathroom to take a piss
>nearly finish pissing
>suddenly, intense shivers
>brief entire body spasm

I've never been able to figure this out why this happens -- can you explain this, /sci/?

>> No.4166404

Congratulations, you are experiencing post-micturition convulsion syndrome.

>> No.4166415

What about the fact that when I pee and feel I'm done, I'm actually not really done and there's some piss left that goes out all of a sudden, giving me a great feel?

>> No.4166420
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>> No.4166424

without me controlling it, I should add

>> No.4166425

It's because you're suddenly cold. Your pee was acting as a heatsink.

True story, I used to believe it was the devil who was making me wear down the ground to get me into hell.

>> No.4166428



>> No.4166436

lol no, I had this before I had sex for the first time

>> No.4166445

>lol no, I had this before I had sex for the first time
...that you know of....

Really, though, that happens to me too (OP). I call it "after-piss" it's like I let out one huge stream of urine, then pause for 3 seconds and then let out a little burst... only then am I done.

This actually makes sense, I was thinking it may be something like this. It's just weird though, it happened last night and I kinda hurt my neck when shivering.

>> No.4166446

I have that too. But only if it's a really good long pee.

>> No.4166465

>It's because you're suddenly cold.
That's one theory. There isn't much consensus on the reason we shiver after urinating though.

Are you talking about that last bit of urine that remains in the urethra until you squeeze your penis like a tube of toothpaste?

>> No.4166466

Just a theory but perhaps a rush of endorphin as a reward for successful completion of a bodily function? Perhaps you have a disorder that over rewards that particular action.

>> No.4166477

>perhaps a rush of endorphin as a reward for successful completion of a bodily function

I don't know why -- but this made me laugh pretty hard.

>> No.4166482

>just a theory
I hate how people always prefix theory with 'just a'. Theories are substantiated even if not proven. There is no 'just a', theories aren't conjecture, faggot. They're credible.

>> No.4166484

>Are you talking about that last bit of urine that remains in the urethra until you squeeze your penis like a tube of toothpaste?
nope, it's another thing; the piss feels different, it doesn't always happen. It's as if some pee just came out of nowhere.

>> No.4166491

It's more or less the equivalent of a bodily defense mechanism / adjustment to intrusion.

>> No.4166535

ghost pee

>> No.4166549

Its to do with the parasympathetic reflex of passing water (micturation). Though the parasympathetic reflex is not an all or none relfex(unlike the sympathetic or "fight or flight" which is synergistic with the parasympathetic), catacholamines are released and these trigger that "shiver" feeling through the body!

>> No.4168791

that was an orgasm

>> No.4168798

Pee shivers. Happens to everyone.

...or at least me and OP.

>> No.4168989

>I kinda hurt my neck when shivering.
Damn bro. Everyone gets some shivers after pissing but yours sound pretty extreme. I've never heard of anyone actually hurting themselves from these shakes before(and I've talked to a fair amount of people about the 'piss shakes')

>> No.4169121

Do vaginas experience the same problem?

>> No.4169131

Happens to me 95 percent of piss sessions, and it seems only to happen to males for some odd reason.

>> No.4169138

Believe it or not, some people have never experienced piss shivers. They should kill themselves and start over, they're missing the most fundamental of life's experiences.

>> No.4169141

>post-micturition convulsion syndrome.

In medical school, we called it by it's scientific name, "piss shivers." Nobody knows why it happens.


The following key facts have been unearthed:

- Women — some, anyway — also experience PCMS.
- That's it.

Theory productivity has been a little better. Here's what we've got so far:

- Heat loss due to several ounces of warm fluid leaving the body. Maybe, but then why don't we experience it during defecation, vomiting, etc.?
- Heat loss due to exposure of the nether regions. Not likely; as one netter points out, babies snugly clothed in diapers may be observed to experience PMCS.
- It's caused by the passage of spermatozoa into the urinary canal. Guess that explains why it happens to women.
- It dates back to pre-civilization days when men hadn't learned to do their own shaking.
- It's all the fault of the parasympathetic nervous system. The parasympathetic nervous system is up there with the Babylonians as the default explanation for anything you can't think of a good reason for (e.g., photic sneeze reflex, closing your eyes when you sneeze), but I throw it in for the sake of completeness.

>> No.4169143




>> No.4169144

Yes. It's annoying.

>> No.4169148


this happens to me too, I thought there was just something wrong with me?

>> No.4169149

Since when does the vagina function as a urethra?

Regardless, no I personally have not had the pleasure of OP's depiction in my ladyplaces. I do get pre-piss shivers quite often though...

>> No.4169147

who shat on your shishkabob?

>> No.4169161

>implying depressurisation of the bladder doesn't obey the laws of thermodynamics

Shit just got cooled son

>> No.4169165

This person takes golden showers seriously.

>> No.4169168


Vaginas force you to sit down when pissing. Cold seat offsets the difference felt in bladder cooling so your body is more ready and less likely to shiver.

>> No.4169172

>kinda hurt my neck when shivering
How do you piss in public? Do you just start quivering like a spaz when there are other men around?

>> No.4169173

>might be true
I sit down to piss and don't shiver at all.

>> No.4169175

>implying that water is significantly compressible.
>implying that the change in temperature is significant compared to the heat production of the human body, or even measurable using conventional means.

It's a function that used to be useful, but is only barely useful now. Maybe it's the body stretching the sphincter.

>> No.4169176


I've had involuntary jolts when yawning that felt like they nearly crippled me. 2 days recovery because of a twitchy yawn is a pain...
...in the neck *ba dum tish*

>> No.4169178


Your bladder doesn't change in temperature.

>> No.4169179

>Are you talking about that last bit of urine that remains in the urethra until you squeeze your penis like a tube of toothpaste?
I fucking hate that, to the point of taking a piece of toilet paper and soaking up every last drop of piss that comes out. I stand there for 5 minutes sometimes just wringing my dick like gold's going to come out of it.

>> No.4169180

>implying there is zero gas in your bladder that doesn't expands

>> No.4169181

I helicopter dick that shit out

>> No.4169183
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>gas in your bladder
I think you've got a problem, dude. Should see a specialist about that.

>> No.4169186
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Mine's not long enough for a rotor.

>> No.4169191

>where intellectuals come to talk about dicks and piss

>> No.4169202


The bladder is not rigid. It doesn't depressurize when it empties because it changes size.

>> No.4169203
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>> No.4169208


Bladder has and inlet and an outlet. You open the outlet and the contents begin to flow while the inlet stays closed. Vacuum is created on residual gases/space. So unless you can keep your inlet open at the same time to balance everything there will be some level of cold feeling.

Yes volume of the bladder will reduce BUT a distended bladder will not return to original size in the time it takes to take a piss.

>> No.4169209

piss shivering only occurs when you try to close your bladder back up, when you force that last bit of urine out of the bladder.

You can get two shivers if you open back up and close up again if there's urine in there.

Nothing to do with heat exchange.

>> No.4169225




>> No.4169227


Too bad the bladder is wrapped in muscle that squeezes the liquid out. It's pushed out, not sucked out, not to mention the fact that it's elastic, so there's no way any semblance of a vacuum can form in your bladder and even if it did, a vacuum does not magically drain heat, rapidly expanding fluid does, so the aerosol can analogy you're trying to push is complete bullshit.

>> No.4169234

>>4169209 two shivers

Unheard of. Falsifying or postulating experimental data that goes against all other evidence is a poor way to reinforce your point.