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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4165696 No.4165696 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci/, ever since I was old enough to control my bowels I can remember being deeply fascinated by the world. Unlike my parents, I was lucky enough to not be born in a war torn, semi-third world shit hole. Consequently, growing up with a 11" TV and an extremely temperamental dial up connection I was exposed to several liftimes worth of documentaries, sci-fi and Carl Sagan. Thinking that I'd never have the opportunity to see the (100 year +) future, I spent my early teenage years as an oh-so-deep edgy faggot, but was knocked back into the real world after discovering the life extension community, and a new purpose - But I'll stop there since I'm drifting off course and the purpose of this thread was not to share my entire fucking life story.

I recently graduated high school and will be starting university next march. I originally intented to study physics/math, but am now planning on completing a double major (Biochemistry + Molecular biology and genetics), followed by a PhD, which will (hopefully) allow me to pursue a career focused on life extension.

If there are any people here who have, or are planning on following a similar path I'd be interested in hearing your experiences or guidance, whatever it may be.

> Feel free to discus anything related to life extension/transhumanism/singularity etc.

>> No.4165701


Just don't nurture the belief you'll live forever.
Because you won't.

>> No.4165704

i look forward to my death.

>> No.4165708


Forever? Most probably not. However I wouldn't mind being around for a couple of thousand years, if not more.

>> No.4165717


That will never happen. Even moderate forms of life extension will not be available to regular people within your life span. You'll live 'til ~80 just like all other humans.

>> No.4165721

There was a gene that appears to be causing other cells around it, which causes them to age. They're working on something to disable the stuff those cells excrete to slow down aging.

Then there's oxidation to worry about.

Even if we can slow or stop aging, it won't stop the human brain from withering. 200 years is the average estimated lifespan of the human brain in perfect conditions. After that you'd start suffering from dementia etc etc. Only once we can transcend our flesh and blood bodies will we be able to "live" forever. Imagine a near immortal Il-yong kim, because mostly the extremely rich will be able to purchase these services.

>> No.4165741


Would you care to provide us with your reasoning?


Assuming exponential growth, the technology available to us by that time should make this issue trivial.

>> No.4165751


Costly research, costly product. I'm going out on a limb and saying OP isn't ultrarich, ergo I don't believe he will be within the spectrum of people who will benefit from (potential) life-extension therapy that becomes available on the market within the coming ~sixty years.
Even if cheap LE becomes available, I believe it will take a long, long time, and we will all be in the ground before that day. My reasoning for this is simply that the world isn't a caring place as it is today, and I don't believe it'll turn any better.

>> No.4165753

>semi-third world

you cannot be in a semi third world country. either first, second or third. stop using words where you dont know the meaning behind them.

>> No.4165754


>Man will never fly, they said.

>“Fooling around with alternating current is just a waste of time. Nobody will use it, ever.” Thomas Edison, 1889.

>We have reached the limits of what is possible with computers. John Von Neumann, 1949

>“The ordinary “horseless carriage” is at present a luxury for the wealthy; and although its price will probably fall in the future, it will never, of course, come into as common use as the bicycle.” Literary Digest, 1899.

>“Everything that can be invented has been invented.” - Some guy 100 years ago

etc. etc.

why so pessimistic?

>> No.4165765


Oh, did I offend you? Good, now fuck off and take your pedantic bullshit somewhere else.

>> No.4165766


Most of the stuff you mentioned costs money. Only after mass production of cars did cars become afforable for everyone. Down the line I believe mass production of life extension products will also become a reality, but, as I said in >>4165751 , I don't believe it'll be within our lifetime because the world is driven by profit et cetera.

>> No.4165772


>The term Third World arose during the Cold War to define countries that remained non-aligned with either capitalism and NATO (which along with its allies represented the First World), or communism and the Soviet Union (which along with its allies represented the Second World). This definition provided a way of broadly categorizing the nations of the earth into three groups based on social, political, and economic divisions.

>> No.4165782

be honest and ask yourself why are you dedicating your life to study life extention?

>> No.4165789

>>4165782 see >>4165701

>> No.4165792


its ok to be wrong. you were wrong. its not ok to act like some huge cunt when someone points it out, kid.

>> No.4165810


I admit I don't know enough about the subject to debate your point, but all I can say is that (almost) nothing is certain. While what you're saying would most likely be true, given the present circumstances, you cannot accurately predict what the world will be like in 50+ years.

In the meantime I'll do everything within my power to make sure that I am granted access to life extension treatments. If I die in the process, at least I'll be content knowing that I did everything I could.

>> No.4165816
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itt fanatics who fear death general

>> No.4165826


tl;dr you want to live longer.
Don't hide behind some "pursue a career focused on life extension"-bullshit.

>> No.4165837
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he should accept that he was wrong about some utterly trivial misuse of words in a trivial paragraph about his life story... a life story that is entirely beside the point

yeah, I'm sure he's really upset about you catching him off guard on that one, with projection being his only way of maintaining a cohesive self image at this point...

OP, you're going to die, relatively soon. Live with it, or... don't.

>> No.4165835


The guy probably just wanted to get a kick out of asserting his intelligence. Not that I wanted to come off as a cunt (the words overemphasize my emotions, I really couldn't care less) but it's irrelevant.


Because I want to live for as long as I possibly can.

>> No.4165848


Congratulations, you managed to discover my true motivation.

>> No.4165851

if you don't all continue dying at your regular rate, or quicker, then I'll no longer have a reason to live... except maybe to reverse the trend.

>> No.4165858


Considering I most probably have another 60 years of natural life left I'll take my chances with the latter.

>> No.4165863

Leonardo davinci probably thought his planes were going to take off in 25 years time after his first sketches in 1400's. In reality we had to wait 500 years - Aubrey de Grey

>> No.4165870

I never understood the whole life extension movement. Why live longer if you're still going to be human? Research into cognitive enhancement at least offers some, well, enhancement, instead of just "a ticket into a future where you may have enhancements".

Would you agree to gain Von Neumann's intelligence even if it meant living only ten more years?

(Because, seriously, that guy is still going to be above transhumanists even after sixth generation cognitive enhancement)

>> No.4165875
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>would like to live longer

>actually tries to accomplish this goal with science ,instead of just being delusional and believing in "magic" like most of humanity

The world needs more people like you OP.

>> No.4165890

A future filled with the kids from 4chan... forever.

I could take it or leave it, honestly.

>> No.4165888

>wiki Von Neumann
>Look on the side-profile under "Known For:"

jesus fuck

>> No.4165894


Haha, yeah, I couldn't sleep the night I saw that.

>> No.4165896
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>> No.4165901

>the world needs more autistic fanatics of science
No. No it doesn't.

>still using the word "win"
Are you fifteen or something?

>> No.4165904

A future where humans actually become proactive in there life, instead of just thinking "magic" solves all the big problems.

That is a future where shit actually gets done.

>> No.4165914
File: 25 KB, 281x291, strange-albert-einstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you actually become a scienist...to do science...to try and benifit yourself and humanity...YOU ARE A SCIENIST..not a fanatic....DURRR


>> No.4165917


The longer I live, the larger the chance that I'll have access to these enhancements. I very much support transhumanism but as it stands life extension is still the top priority. When I'm dead, I'm dead (von Neumann intelligence or not, although my jaw did literally drop while I was glancing over his wikipedia page).

>> No.4165921
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Great plan OP

>> No.4165923

Oh, so you are fifteen.

Anyway, this is not beneficial. OP is a short-sighted ignoramus, and you're a troll.

>> No.4165928

I too, like the OP, am pursuing a degree in biochemistry in order to join the fight against aging. My quest for this began when I was 13, when I found an internet forum called Immortality Institute. Things changed. I want to be biological immortality, and I will succeed or quite literally die trying.

And no, there's nothing you can say that will discourage from pursuing this course of action. It all starts with a degree.

We will prove the naysayers wrong. The singularity and SENS will come together in a paradigm changing way, and we will break free from the chains of death that have held us for so long.

>> No.4165931

No one's trying to change your mind.
We are, however, hoping you get skinned and raped to death for being an moronic ignorant simpleton.

>> No.4165932


>implying a degree is always needed to do science

>> No.4165934


I'd like to mention that I'm 20 now and I'm in a very high ranked science/research institution. I do research on DNA repair and its relationship to the aging process. There are many others like me, and together, with this common vision of ending aging, we will move ever closer to attaining our goal.

>> No.4165938


You're right, of course. Anyone with sufficient knowledge can contribute, and I have been having second thoughts on whether or not a PhD is worthwhile in our day and age.

>> No.4165950

>yfw i am going to live forever

>> No.4165952


>Ad hominem

Even though you're most probably trolling, I really can't see why you'd get so angry over somebody trying to improve the world for your benefit?

Anyway, good night fellas I'll recheck this thread in a couple of hours.

>> No.4165957

>Costly research, costly product.
We need to stop spending $ on war and start spending it on this shit.

>> No.4165958


You can call me a moron and be skeptical all you like. It is visionaries and optimists that change the course of history, those that go against the commonly accepted wisdom and question it.

The genome project was an example of this. They said it couldn't be done in 15 years and they too were proven wrong. You will also be on those to be proven wrong.

>> No.4165973
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>If there are any people here who have, or are planning on following a similar path I'd be interested in hearing your experiences or guidance, whatever it may be.

Yes, I am on a similar mission. Although my research for "life extension" focuses on our actual understanding and manipulation of "time". I am relativlty young, have undergrad degrees in physics + maths, masters and Phd degrees in experimental particle physics. My research has led me to CERN, where I am currently working at the LHC.

There are actually alot of physicist/biologiest/scientists with goal similar to ours. Life extension should actually be a priority for anyone with half a brain. Most humasn feel like they need more time. Not to live forever mind you, just some more time.

The sad thing is that we live in a world where people delude themselves into thinking that belief in bullshit fairytales will some how extend your life forever...LMFAO. The only reason we haven't figured out how to live much longer already is becuase most people think it is not needed, as magic will fucking save them. They have totally fucked us over. Yes, RELIGION IS TO FUCKING BLAME!

The sad truth is that everyone dies, and that is it. There is nothing "after". If you want more time, you need to get off your fucking ass and work for such advancement. This is the only life you have, so make it fucking count. This reality IS THE ONLY THING YOU WILL EVER FUCKING KNOW, SO LIVE FOR IT, Expereince it to its fullest. Don't fucking brush this life aside, in favor of some fucked up childrens fairytales.

And if you actually aren't able to make that "breakthrough" to extend your life, ehh. At least you fucking tried, and your work will aid others and humanity in general (that is how science works). Good luck.

Any questions?

>> No.4165980

I'm glad there are people like you. I'm not a science person but I think the first step is to get the masses behind life extension; and hopefully abolish religion while we're at it.

>> No.4165982
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>> No.4165989
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You know, Einstein at one point refused invasive medical treatment to die naturally and also believed in God

(you faggy pseudo-intellectual teen without any degrees)

>> No.4165990
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>> No.4165993
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>undergrad degrees in physics + maths, masters and Phd degrees in experimental particle physics
>I am currently working at the LHC

>can't spell, works at the LHC

>> No.4165994
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Am I the only one who thinks that, should someone from /sci/ actually make significant progress in life extension... the only wise course would be to form an immortal oligarchy?

This is a good idea.

>> No.4165991

Thinking of double majoring in mol bio and bio chem here. Already freshmen mol bio. Very interested in this thread. The main reason I want humans to live longer is so that we can get OTHER shit done. The great minds of every science could live maybe 30 years more perfecting their research instead of dying just before their epiphany. We're educated from birth to 25. We have a terrible job for a few years, then IF we get the dream job to help the world we're only doing that until retirement. By the time we start to get the ball rolling we're not in our intellectual and physical prime. Everyone living longer has more time to think about methods to support humans having a longer life ie new agriculture styles, living in different planets, breakthroughs in medicine and food etc.

>> No.4166001


lol if /sci/ became an oligarchy I'd kind of be scared for the world though

>> No.4166007


you know I feel bad for saying this, srryanon

>> No.4166018
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I don't think it'd be so bad. There would be bickering, but things would improve because of it. It's a good idea.

>> No.4166024
File: 69 KB, 480x768, einst_20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does it matter what einstien's religius beliefes were? How does that make any difference to anything I stated?

You have made no point, just stated irrelationed nonsense (probably bullshit too).

I posted Einstein becuase he was a great scienist, who FUCKING PIONEERED THE STUDY OF "TIME". Not becuase he believed in "x" philosophy, "y" religion, was from "z" country.

You need to learn how to make a relavent contribution to a discussion. Something with actual bearing on the content being discussed. Did you fail 2nd grade or someshit? It is like you have go grasp of fucking context at all.

>> No.4166034
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You have given me hope for humanity.

>> No.4166039
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>> No.4166046
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>> No.4166083 [DELETED] 


We? Don't try to talk for people, because you're but an one ignorant fool. Science has come a long way in surpassing morality and ethics derived from religion, in which you obviously base your opinion, and it's progress will not be stopped by the opinions of insightless, ignorant dumbasses like you.

The great thing about immortality is that for the first time in human history, you may be in time to be among the people who have a choice between their continued existence or death. People will cling to life, if they truly see value in it, and they will make the choice of becoming immortal. Even, if their lives had sucked, they will choose life, as life has infinite possibilites.

When first significant results in life extension will be published, it will attract even more ambitious people like OP to do further research on the subject. And people suddenly millions of people, both young, and old will be full of hope. Maybe likes of you will try to pass laws to ban life extension, but if democracy is become to happen, such laws will be shitstormed to hell by a exponentially growing amount of supporters of immortality.

And for the inevitable 'overpopulation' card somebody might swap. The birth rates in western countries are quickly dwindling, and have already turned turned negative in many european countries and in Japan. There is no change in sight for this problem, as western civilization has reached a level of development in which people have more grander ambitions than the ever old 'get married, have children, die' and have no longer will to breed. This development may within few decades lead to a retirement bomb when over 50% of the population will retire simultaneously, fucking the economy, probably beyond repair. Muslims of course will still breed, but i'd rather have mankind go extinct than become an islamic theocracy.

>> No.4166098 [DELETED] 


We? Don't try to talk for people, because you're but an one ignorant fool. Science has come a long way in surpassing morality and ethics derived from religion, in which you obviously base your opinion, and it's progress will not be stopped by the opinions of insightless, ignorant dumbasses like you.

The great thing about immortality is that for the first time in human history, you may be in time to be among the people who have a choice between their continued existence or death. People will cling to life, if they truly see value in it, and they will make the choice of becoming immortal. Even, if their lives had sucked, they will choose life, as life has infinite possibilites.

When first significant results in life extension will be published, it will attract even more ambitious people like OP to do further research on the subject. And by then millions of people, both young, and old who will have more hope than they've ever had before. Maybe likes of you will try to pass laws to ban life extension, but if democracy is become to happen, such laws will be shitstormed to hell by a exponentially growing amount of supporters of immortality.

And for the inevitable 'overpopulation' card somebody might pull. The birth rates in western countries are quickly dwindling, and have already turned turned negative in many european countries and in Japan. There is no change in sight for this problem, as western civilization has reached a level of development in which people have more grander ambitions than the ever old 'get married, have children, die' and have no longer will to breed. This development may within few decades lead to a retirement bomb when over 50% of the population will retire simultaneously, fucking the economy, probably beyond repair. Muslims of course will still breed, but i'd rather have mankind go extinct than become an islamic theocracy.

>> No.4166102


We? Don't try to talk for people, because you're but an one ignorant fool. Science has come a long way in surpassing morality and ethics derived from religion, in which you obviously base your opinion, and it's progress will not be stopped by the opinions of insightless, ignorant dumbasses like you.

The great thing about immortality is that for the first time in human history, you may be in time to be among the people who have a choice between their continued existence or death. People will cling to life, if they truly see value in it, and they will make the choice of becoming immortal. Even, if their lives had sucked, they will choose life, as life has infinite possibilites.

When first significant results in life extension will be published, it will attract even more ambitious people like OP to do further research on the subject. And by then millions of people, both young, and old who will have more hope than they've ever had before. Maybe likes of you will try to pass laws to ban life extension, but if democracy is become to happen, such laws will be shitstormed to hell by a exponentially growing amount of supporters of immortality.

And for the inevitable 'overpopulation' card somebody might pull. The birth rates in western countries are quickly dwindling, and have already turned negative in many european countries and in Japan. There is no change in sight for this problem, as western civilization has reached a level of development in which people have more grander ambitions than the ever old 'get married, have children, die' and have no longer will to breed. This development may within few decades lead to a retirement bomb when over 50% of the population will retire simultaneously, fucking the economy, probably beyond repair. Muslims of course will still breed, but i'd rather have mankind go extinct than become an islamic theocracy.

>> No.4166109
File: 71 KB, 301x333, waiting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw OP in 300 years

>> No.4166116

>countered your argument
>he's sooo underage
stop making an ass out of yourself, it's embarrassing

>> No.4166221

what is the quality of the life you wish to prolong?

>> No.4166282
File: 65 KB, 227x219, didnt read.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this whole thread

>> No.4166327


You really need to learn how research grants work. Chances are, you will never study anything related to your interest before you hit emeritus. Even then, what you research as an emeritus professor is still heavily reliant on funding by outside sources.

>> No.4166434

OP, your goal is pretty much my own.
Regretfully, I spent my early years as an uneducated douche bag who spent his days playing vidya and watching tv.
The consequences of this are that I am now in my second year at a community collage at the age of 21. I don't have any plans of letting that keep me down though. It is my intent to study molecular biology, biochemistry, and genetics just as the OP is. My dream would be to find a way of keeping a person (myself) going indefinitely, but I fear that to be an unlikely outcome. But at the very least I should be able to do some cool shit, and as long as I get to contribute to science in some way, and not end up as a teacher or something, I could live with that.

>> No.4166502

Accept death. It's inevitable.

>> No.4166850
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Why accept the inevitability of death when we can work on a solution?
Even if we're destined to fail, there's value in the attempt anyway. We have no reason to accept death.