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4164757 No.4164757 [Reply] [Original]

Finals are over, what are you gonna study between now and next term?

>mfw when leisure science reading

>> No.4164764

I'm goin to brush up on thermodynamics and LaPlace transforms for advanced thermodynamics and Control Systems next term. It should be pretty sweet.

>> No.4164768
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>control systems

engineer detected

>> No.4164774

\rlap{\mathbb{FUCK, THAT, ATTITUDE}}
\rlap{\lower{1em}\mathbb{YOU, CAN, DO, ANYTHING}}
\rlap{\lower{10em}\mathbb{LOOK , I , JUST , LEARNED , HOW , TO , DO , THIS}}

>> No.4164773



>> No.4164787

Picked up a text for a 600 level class on game theory (econ major), haven't taken the undergrad level game theory class yet and all my actual exposure to game theory was a three week unit in intro microeconomics so I don't know if it's really going to be as interesting as it seems but I've always thought that the concept of game theory is pretty much the coolest field of study along with quantum physics.

But the girl I've been in love with for a year just told me she's breaking up with her boyfriend so I'm not sure I'll get to it.

>> No.4164792


Freshman engineer here (i know, i know), teaching myself integration by parts/substitution and reading up on electricity / magnetism

>> No.4164796

Have fun getting fucked by root locus/loci

>> No.4164801


That's a topic I plan to read up on since a lot of my friends had trouble with it when they took the class... Thanks for the heads up.

>> No.4164805

>But the girl I've been in love with for a year just told me she's breaking up with her boyfriend so I'm not sure I'll get to it.

nigga u just went full cozy

>> No.4164804


>> No.4164810

late calculus will sneak up on you no matter how good you may think you are. vector calc is a serious ass-whupping of a class.

>> No.4164819

if you havent retained much from linear systems i suggest lots of studying out of class on topics like finding transfer functions using signal flow graphs, solving their differential equations by hand with laplace x-forms etc

make sure you know how to do partial fraction decomposition for all types of rational equations you will need this skill to do laplace x-forms

>> No.4164828
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>> No.4164836


I took a signal processing class for the hell of it and actually learned a lot about this kind of thing, so I'm fairly optimistic about it. Thanks for the tips. I'll definitely look into those.

>> No.4164841
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I've got to work through this entire book: http://www.amazon.com/Understanding-Physics-Michael-Mansfield/dp/0470746378/ref=pd_sim_sbs_b_1 because I realized I'm a junior physics major but actually know very little physics.

>> No.4164899

Reading literature and investigating results related to dynamical systems theory. Particularly chemical dynamical systems, one of which I must choose to make the topic of my honours thesis.

Also studying up on some financial mathematics, as I've taken something of an interest in it of late and am considering pursuing it in the future, if I continue to enjoy it as much as I am at the moment I'm thinking I'll draw my Ph.D. topic from the area.

Other than that I'm always looking to improve my computational abilities and to that end I've been learning C++ and solving computational problems (primarily using MATLAB) of all varieties. I hope to be fairly capable with C++ before beginning my honours.

>> No.4164923

>math finance

read his website ->

>> No.4164934

Yeah I know the website, I'm currently working through his books, as well as a couple of others he recommends. Very good stuff.

>> No.4165038

Holy shit, different hopeful quant here but thanks for the link, looks pretty awesome.