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File: 206 KB, 480x645, christopher_hitchens.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4147704 No.4147704 [Reply] [Original]


Not a scientist in the strict sense, but since he argued against religion, he did his part to advance science.

RIP Mr. Hitchens!

>> No.4147710

>Believing in Conflict Theory


>> No.4147709

>drinking a glass of Johnnie Black in his honor

>> No.4147718

.... .... no.

>> No.4147716

No jokes here, just sads :(

RIP Hitch you confrontational bastard.

>> No.4147723

Now his heathen ass is in Hell getting his.

Suck it atheistfags.

>> No.4147727
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>Hitch's face when he discovers what comes after death.

>> No.4147729
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all of my sad.

>> No.4147731



>> No.4147732

Hitch is now discovering the final frontier!

>> No.4147733



>> No.4147738
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But Hitch even experiencing "nothing" is an experience in itself, hence proving consciousness survives bodily death.

>> No.4147739

>still believes in fairytales

>> No.4147744
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mfw people will say he converted on his deathbed

>> No.4147743

That makes me sad.

I found that man hilarious, what with debating people in front of countless people while drinking and smoking. And nothing I can say will do his manner of speaking justice. The man was born with a birthmark that spelled out "eloquent".

>> No.4147742

Can we name a planet or a newly discovered animal in his honor? I think he deserves it.

>> No.4147745
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but... but... im only on chapter 3 of God is Not Great... he... he cant die yet...

>> No.4147748


>> No.4147749


No, it doesn't prove anything, it just means the poster assumed that "christopher hitchens" still existed after death. And it was probably a joke anyways.

>> No.4147752

Christfags: 1
Hellbound fags: 0

But seriously this is kinda sad. I've never read any of his stuff though. Rest in peace

>> No.4147753


>He didn't see the trollface

Lol, seriously bro?

>> No.4147754

It's sad that he had to die so early. He was a smart guy and did the rational world a lot of good.

inb4 Christian nuts make claims about smiting etc.


>> No.4147757

why even try to say it better than the man himself?


>> No.4147758

RIP is a catholic thing btw.

>> No.4147759

So is Christmas.

But no one cares

>> No.4147763

>Getting mad at an obvious joke


>> No.4147765


> Christfags: 1
> Hellbound fags: 0

That doesn't even make any sense.

>> No.4147767

This is a tragic loss, he managed to put into words with much skill the horror of religion. RIP Hitch, you were a true gentleman and a scholar

>> No.4147769

he was nothing but a sophisticated attention whore and one of the main reasons there exist so many pseudo-intellectual 15 year old atheists

I hope you died a long, painful miserable death.

>> No.4147775


Agreed with the first part, but second part just killed it brah.

>> No.4147777

Well, technically it used to a pagan festival but christfags hijacked it and kept some of the symbolism.

>> No.4147779

>attention whore
He wrote articles and books for a living. Getting attention was his livelihood. By your standards everyone who has tried selling something or who has appeared on television is an attention whore.

>> No.4147780

Usually only pseudo-intellectuals call others pseudo-intellectuals.

>> No.4147785


> implying any of that is a bad thing.

A 15 year old psuedo intellectual pinned you in an argument, sorry I don't know that butthurt feel.

>> No.4147789

I'm seriously sad right now, the bastard was a shining light in a world full of darkness and crazy.

>> No.4147791

I'm going to agree there.

What turned me was some conspiracy video when I was like 13. Now that was total bullshit, but had that bullshit not changed me early I might be one of those crazy Christian fucks

>> No.4147792

Have you ever debated a theist? It doesn't take much intelligence to break their arguments, but putting up with the shifty debating tactics and insulting ignorance for an hour without exploding in anger requires a special mind.

>> No.4147798


Exactly, we all have to start somewhere.

>> No.4147799

Don't worry guys, we still have Richard Dawkins. He will continue to defend the atheist faith.

>> No.4147806


>Get raped by William Lane Craig
>Get raped by John Lennox

Hitch confirmed for...?

>> No.4147811
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You aren't succeeding at trolling here.

>> No.4147818

I'm going to wake up in a slightly darker world today.

Goodnight sweet prince ...

>> No.4147821


> Mentions William Lane Craig & John Lennox

Wait was it you who was complaining about 15 year old psuedo intellectuals?

>> No.4147831


No, but I don't care if you're an atheist, Christian, Muslim, whatever. Hitch lost both of them. End of story. At the end of the day, Hitch was no philosopher or scientist.

>> No.4147846



Pretty sure in the Craig/Hitchens debate craig didn't even know the difference between agnosticism and atheism. So the two ended up arguing over each others heads. If you didn't notice this you're probably just some mindless theist who worships the ground craig and lennox walk on.

>> No.4147852


>If you didn't notice this you're probably just some mindless theist who worships the ground craig and lennox walk on.

Irony. Keep on poisoning the well while you're at it, bro.

>> No.4147861


> Keep on poisoning the well while you're at it
Now THAT'S a religious irony...

>> No.4147869


In fact I'm pretty sure Craig would call Hitchens an agnostic because he wasn't making arguments for atheism. I'm mean come the fuck on, how fucking stupid was that guy.

>> No.4147872

>poisons the well
>makes assumptions too


kk. stop replying.

>> No.4147891


Craig was really dense in that debate, Hitchens said he was unconvinced by arguments for god and Craig would just say that made him an agnostic LOL. WTF how clueless do you have to be on the literature about agnosticism and atheism to make that kind of statement.

>> No.4147899


> thinks craig won the debate
> stops replying because people are being mean to him

Come the fuck on man, you're such a pussy.

>> No.4147903


No, actually, if you wish to have a real discussion I would rather not have it in this thread because it will inevitably lead to Theism vs. Atheism where I am banned for a month.

Reply to Hitch's thread on /int/ and I'll reply.

>> No.4147929

I have to agree with this, and I'm an atheist. But Hitch had wit and charm, and I love the fucker anyway.

>> No.4147936

I watched the debate with Craig yesterday.
>you redefine atheism to mean a sort of "ah"-theism
>You say that Atheists can be just as moral as Christians but you don't tithe and you don't praise god

Really? Really.

>> No.4147945

>you redefine atheism to mean a sort of "ah"-theism
Haha oh shit I remember laughing at that, Hitchens hardly even called him up on it though iirc.

>> No.4147976

I was a fan of this man. Its one thing to be a smart ass, its another entirely when you're using it to make a good point.

>> No.4147982 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4147986

He's in a better place now.

>> No.4147987

Fuck man, that attitude. What do they think they're achieving by acting like that?

>> No.4147990

What's fascinating about Hitchens is that countless >Christian apologetics were able to reach him.
>He witnessed his own brother dismiss Atheism and accept Jesus Christ as his Lord and Saviour
>He was given the opportunity to die on his death bed and repent before he passed away
And he refused to open the door every time God knocked. Many Atheists will never get the chance to die on their death beds. I don't know anyone who's received more chances than Hitchens and so vehemently refused.

>> No.4147991
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I love Hitchens. I recently rediscovered him and spent the entire evening watching his videos on youtube, then right before going to bed I learned about his death. These great men die quicker than new one comes. I love his position on feminism.

RIP smartass

>> No.4147998

May God rest his soul.

>> No.4147999

I read this a few hours ago, but it's only just really sunk in.

Although he would often times come across quite stubborn or arrogant, he was a deeply compassionate man, and he taught me a lot about the world and myself.

RIP, Hitch. The world will miss you.

>> No.4148006


What a little turd. Fuck I want to smack some of these edgy "well you'll find out when you're dead" types.

Funny how those who think they'll be rewarded in the next life are generally always complete arseholes.

>> No.4148015


You absolute fool. Why would repenting grant you any reward? Should it not be your actions and determination which grant you access to whatever pleasurable life awaits us? Simply saying "I accept Jesus Christ as my lord and savior" doesn't do jack shit, and you damn well know it.

>> No.4148025

All the twitter stuff going on right now is entertaining as fuck. "God is not Great" was trending earlier, and it was hilarious because all these people didn't know what it meant and were freaking out.

Then, of course, there's the people saying shit like "Well, he knows now".

>> No.4148035

How is this science related? If bawing about religion is some scientific achievement then every edgy teenager who ever smoked to spite their parents would have honorary doctorates. What has this guy contributed to the whole of human knowledge and technological advancement?

Oh, right, nothing.

>> No.4148043

You seem lost. I will pray for you. :(

>> No.4148047


simulcron. activated.

>> No.4148061

Atheist's don't understand that it has nothing to do with rewards. It's about being with Christ. If the only reason you accept Christ is to gain some kind of reward you don't know the first thing about Christianity.

>> No.4148074

For rage or lulz go read some of the comments on the article about Hitch on yahoo, the "Christian love" is overflowing.

>> No.4148078


The vast majority of people on earth won't do that. They also won't help roll religion back to the shit-hole that is the minds of hill-billies. Hitchins did the latter. It's important. And atheism is an integral part of /sci/, because modern atheism is largely predicated on the success of science.

>> No.4148092

You should tell that to your fellow Christians. Maybe then I might stop hearing pascals wager every time some Christian comes knocking at my door.

>> No.4148106

His views were kinda shallow, but he was just great at plating his dishes of philosophy.
Even when I disagree with him, I feel like I love listening to him because he was so in your face and contrarian.

>> No.4148105

Jehovahs Witness =/= Christianity

They have their own book they follow and it isn't the bible.

>> No.4148127

> Implying JW are the only ones to do so.
There have been plenty of evangelical preachers that roam my school who pull out pascals wager as soon as I mention that I'm an atheist.

>> No.4148150

The following was posted recently on twitter:


How Christian-like.

>> No.4148153

he''s the guy who wrote the jurrasic park books right?

>> No.4148156


You realize you're calling him a pseudo-intellectual right?

>> No.4148163


It sounds exactly Christian like.

Just goes to show you don't have to be a good person or achieve anything in your life, just believe in Jesus and you've got everything set.

>> No.4148176

Fuck, my uncle posted on Facebook about ihs death.
How sad. Fucking loved Hitchens. ;'(
>mfw watching all of his debated tomorrow

>> No.4148181
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RIP you extrodinary piece of matter. Thanks for everything.

>> No.4148360

I'm very interested to hear what his final words were.

>> No.4148377

>"jk christianity FTW"

>> No.4148380

All of these mainstream media types pretending they were chums with Hitchens and saying things like "RIP" and "miraculous wit" and "He was a gift from God" are intentionally disrespecting at worst and ignorantly posturing themselves at best before the memory of a man that can no longer rip them a new asshole for doing so.

>> No.4148382

I'm willing to bet he kept his stance in the face of death.

>> No.4148383

Thats exactly why they're doing it now.

>> No.4148388

"Final words are for assholes."

>> No.4148390

"Last words are for fools who haven't said enough." - Karl Marx as he drove the person out of his room who asked for his last words

>> No.4148395

Well this is sad.

>> No.4148396

I think in an interview he said he would try to have cameras and tape recorders present as he died because he knew people would claim he converted on his death bed.

I'd really like to see those recordings if they exist.

>> No.4148404

I don't think I'd want to listen or watch them. When you read that he was "surrounded by friends" it makes it sound tranquil, even comforting. The guy was probably in blinding agony, not making much sense in his last hours of consciousness, and unconscious for some hours before he died. Death isn't a tea party, and it's certainly not something to make a circus out of, no matter if we are on a website whose denizens sometimes delights in masturbating to gore porn.

>> No.4148425

>>4148404 not something to make a circus out of
I have a feeling Hitchens would be pleased if it did. Being quiet wasn't his style.

>> No.4148434
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I usually wear a long sleeve shirt anyways, and I never get stuck with grace so it never comes up.
Kind of, the bottom part is intentionally left open to symbolize that "not all is known", the agnositc side of agnostic atheism.
I'm still only 20, and if it's that_ easy/not that dangerous I might consider trying that.

asdfasdnhfaskdfasldfskdh_abnormal reply_WTF