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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4142998 No.4142998 [Reply] [Original]

What is a good major to go into with the prospect of being picked up by a company right after graduation?

>> No.4143005


engineering of any kind
or math.

>> No.4143007

computer sci, but don't pick a major for money, that is fucking retarded.

>> No.4143024
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Not for the money, just for the quick job prospects. Like my father before me I don't do social connections very well, and I have do not have the gift of diplomacy.

He got around it by getting a Master's in physics, which got him a job the day after graduation.
I don't have the same level of dedication (different childhoods and all that), so I'm hoping to find a similar result, but with a Bachelor's degree.

>> No.4143025
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>pick major for money


You need to go kill your parents for the shit job they did raising you. Then you need too fucking shoot yourself in the head.

Make sure ya'll are organ donors first, as that is the only possible positive impact MISERABLE PEICES OF SHIT LIKE YOU CAN MAKE ON THE WORLD.

>> No.4143034


comp sci

stay away from the pure sciences
do more applied math than pure math courses

>> No.4143035

>job with masters in physics

He must have had some connections, b/c a physics master's gets laughed at now.

Go mechanical engineering. I wish that I had done that. It's the best of almost all worlds.
Practical skills
Can get a job after bachelor's
can get into any math-intentsive grad program if you choose

I'm a 4th year physics and I regret not being a ME because I only have a 3.2, which could easily have landed me a job if I was an ME, but if I can't get into grad school, I'm fucked.

>> No.4143041
File: 132 KB, 549x362, TheMoreYouKnow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>quick job prospects

You seem to have a very fucked up world view.
Please follow these steps, and get your fucking head out of your ass.

1) Find something you love doing
2) Turn that into a carrer/job
3) You are very sucessful since you love your carrer/job

If you don't follow these steps in order, you will fuck up your life and end up miserable.


>> No.4143044


this ^

do any engineering, specially mechanical

you can go into any pure science or engineering masters/phd program from there

or just work a ton of different jobs

>> No.4143056
File: 34 KB, 500x500, troll-bank-gr1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do any engineering
>you can go into any pure science or engineering masters/phd program from there

Why the fuck are you lying to OP? No Masters/Phd science program is gonna fucking hire an engineer. Where the fuck are you getting such nonsense from? Trollin?

>> No.4143061
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>> No.4143066
File: 67 KB, 392x450, 442680-Royalty-Free-RF-Clip-Art-Illustration-Of-A-Cartoon-Laughing-Guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obvious troll is obvious


>> No.4143069


Wrong. I know plenty of engineers who have been accepted to pure science graduate programs. It's not as easy as that guy makes it out to be, but it can and does happen.

>> No.4143077

computer science
it is the new law degree

>> No.4143087
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>> No.4143093


If you're purely concerned with job prospects, go with any of the "core" engineering disciplines (mechanical, electrical, civil, chemical, the like). I really think you shouldn't put all of your stock into job prospects though. Do something you love or at least don't hate. I'm a mechanical engineer because I love it, not because the job prospects are good (though they are).

>> No.4143101

agreed. im getting job opportunities already with still two to three more years

>> No.4143110

i know right
just get ready for the good life of attempting to interpret poorly designed uml diagrams made by expensive consulting firms and looking over a code base that mostly consists of msdn samples pasted together

>> No.4143113

>1) Find something you love doing
I have no particular love for any subject.
Which may explain my 'fucked up' worldview.
>He must have had some connections, b/c a physics master's gets laughed at now.
No, he just graduated and got picked up by Shell as a make-do geophysicist when they were in demand.
I love anything I can do well. I do not like anything I cannot do well.
I take a simple joy in doing something efficiently, effectively and quickly, knowing that I did the job right.

>> No.4143115

oh and CLOUD, NO SQL, SOCIAL MEDIA, WEB 2.0 in every single job description

>> No.4143122
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Archeology, become an academic. But you actually have to follow through with it man, otherwise you're fucked.

>> No.4143127

You mean that's what you have to slap onto your resume to get noticed?

>> No.4143130


In what academic areas do you excel?

>> No.4143138

ITT: people who don't pay bills.

Don't listen to the people in this thread, I bet you dollars to doughnuts they're still living off the teat of their parents. When you get to 25, you'll be begging for that degree that would have got you a good job.

>> No.4143141

Mathematics, if I had to choose.
I'm slow, though, and prone to overthink my way from a passing grade to a failing grade on tests.

>> No.4143143

yea and whenever you go to meetings the speaker just strings together a bunch of buzzwords or talks about "design patterns"

>> No.4143151


Well I obviously don't know the degree of your mathematical abilities, but I can tell you if you aren't the most adept at math you might have trouble in technical fields. That said, in the industry it's more about problem solving than hardcore math abilities. I would suggest giving engineering a shot.

>> No.4143152

I'll be honest, it induces physical pain whenever I have to do that.

>> No.4143159

+1 for engineering

If I could go back in time, I would tell my 18 year old self to choose chemical engineering over chemistry. I would have had a $60k+/yr job working for an oil company right out of my bachelors rather then just having finishing my masters and living in my parents basement looking for a job.

>> No.4143202


are you in high school? you have no idea how masters/phd programs work do you

any engineer with a good gpa and relevant undergrad courses can get into pure science, pure math masters/phd

>> No.4143215

So if I want good job prospects with a Bachelor's degree, go Comp Sci or Mechanical/Chemical Engineering.

>(161 Answered