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4138453 No.4138453 [Reply] [Original]

Cigarettes? Some type of recreational drug?

What do I get addicted to /sci/, I can't be addicted to nothing.

>> No.4138459

name biting is a popular choice.

Washing hands is a prudent one. Or brushing teeth.

I knew one guy who was addicted to breathmints. pleasant conversationalist.

>> No.4138460


>> No.4138463

>>4138459 name

>> No.4138466

Heh, funny. I'm reading a Infinite Jest, which is partly on addictions and the American need to be addicted to something.

Try reading or learning or something.

>> No.4138483

Alcohol. It's pretty easy to get addicted to it. Used to drink one bottle of vodka every 3 weeks, then every 2 weeks, then one every week.

Good thing I realized it and forced myself to spend the money somewhere else just so I didn't have money for vodka. I still get drunk every once in a while, but goddamn that almost got out of hand.

>> No.4138484

i am addicted to not having addictions

>> No.4138487

just don't do cigarettes, anything else
i just recently heard about people being addicted to chewing ice, that atleast sounds cheaper

>> No.4138491


That can't be good for your teeth.

>> No.4138492

If you're drinking ~1 cup of tea/day you have a chemical dependency in all likelihood. Without that small amount then you'll enter withdrawal.

>> No.4138497

From caffeine that is*

>> No.4138498


>> No.4138503


I have a moderately sensitive stomach and alcohol doesn't seem compatible. Ganja makes me feel like an imbecile so thats also off the table. Im thinking, pipe tobacco? Feel like a classy bastard while I read my ancient tomes?

>> No.4138505

Purely from a health perspective, caffeine is best.

>> No.4138510


Oh well, in that case, buy a wooden pipe, try not to get a cheap one, or a corn pipe if you're a cheap bastard, and smoke some flavored tobacco. Will feel good, man.

>> No.4138509

You should be addicted to training.

Maybe you'll be a man yet.

>> No.4138516

Tobacco is not good if you have a sensitive stomach

>> No.4138518

Why don't you become addicted to self improvement?

>> No.4138524
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I wish I was addicted to that.

>> No.4138564

What's your reasoning for that - as far as I see there is nothing in tobacco that has any impact on the stomach in any measurable way.

>> No.4138588

Try nicotine patches.

>> No.4138605

Aw man, I was going to buy a corn pipe. I cant spend a fuck ton of cash, how much is a decent pipe?

>> No.4138615

Caffeine, hygiene, computers, masturbation, chapstick, and playing an instrument are all very easy to get addicted to.

>> No.4138621



>> No.4138630

the fuck? weed is best. its used as medicine etc etc

>> No.4138637

Tobacco sounds classy but it isn't.

>> No.4138642

I smoked weed regularly for a few months, my brain literally fell apart. I was feeling mentally sluggish, I couldn't remember the things I usually remember quite easily. Avoid that shit, if you value your mental integrity.

>> No.4138644

*I used the word literally, when I shouldn't have.

>> No.4138643


>> No.4138655


Some people have this problem. I am one of them.

Ive been smoking all day erryday for about a year and a half or so. Recently though I just smoke at night after all my work is done and Ive been having 0 problems with it

My mind is a lot sharper and stuff.

The come down from weed is actually pretty rough if you need to hold any kind of focus or intensity

>> No.4138675

Just because it's been used as a medicine doesn't mean that is healthy, you wouldn't regard methotrexate as an elixir of life. Granted, I'm being facetious and cannabis does have myriad of medicinal uses, however, the way it is consumed (inhalation) is pretty fucking horrendous for the lungs.

Caffeine on the other hand is cardioprotective and anti-inflammatory to a degree.

>> No.4138686


Caffeine might also be a cognitive enhancer and improve physical endurance.

Enjoy the seven days of hell, though, when you try to go off the stuff. After that, you're probably in the clear.

>> No.4138693

According to this thread, I have a caffeine addiction, I drink a cup of black tea every morning. Considering taking energy pills instead, tea with milk gives me an awful taste in my mouth once i'm done with the tea, but only during the morning, for some reason.

To OP, these are more just legal "drugs" in general:
Café con Leche (I hate coffee and this shit is delicious)
Mormon Tea/Ma Hung
Energy Pills

You can Valerian Root if you want a downer. Chemically, it works in a fashion similar to valium.

Catnip, when smoked, gives a feeling similar to a mild marijuana high, with a refreshing minty taste. Unknown if other forms of ingestion can be used.

Damiana tea gives a mild marijuana-like high.

Ginseng is an aphrodesiac(not placebo) and can cause a mood boost.

"Lettuce Opium" can give a mild opiate like high. Potential health risks have been questioned.

Sage(Salvia officinalis, not Salvia divinorum) causes a head buzz.

If you don't want a "high", try miracle berry tablets, and have sour and bitter foods on hand.

Look into Nootropics, as well.

>> No.4138695


Interesting side note here

Pro brass player here. Smoke weed constantly, and so do all my friends (all also play wind instruments, and many of them chainsmoke practically)

Not saying it disproves that inhaling combustible material is bad for your lungs, just pointing out something interesting in that most of these guys even when their older never have lung related health issues, and it also doesnt affect their playing

I wonder if the profession has something to do with it?

>> No.4138699


My preferred method is orally, with the THC molecules bound to lipids in peanut butter. I can't smoke, my lungs are just too sensitive.

Not the person you were quoting, btw, just weighing in.

I use it maybe once a month, more like once every six-eight weeks. No noticed drop in focus, intellect, memory, coordination. I'm not saying that this is true for everyone, nor did I actually do a test, but I did not notice a drop in any abilities.

>> No.4138700

personal anecdote does not equal fact

also, your NOT SUPPOSED TO FUCKING SMOKE "ERRYDAY" godamn highschoolers. I smoke like once a week or so, and its amazing. it's to give me that extra glorious mental push for whatever reason

yea it makes me smarter. also for fucks sake dont smoke like the world is ending. i dont understand the people who smoke a gram a day holy shit i can make a gram last WEEKS

>> No.4138709


Whats not to understand? We smoke more, therefore it takes more smoke to get us high...

At this point, much like smoking, the mental effects arent the only thing being sought after when blazing dat shit erryday.

Its often times the social act of smoking with friends that is enjoyable

>> No.4138710

both are really shitty brain enhancers

look up nootropics. hydergine, paracatam even NGF if you have the money are far ,far better options than caffeine or nicotine

>> No.4138718

Lungs are impressive organs that can really take a beating and have a lot of redundancy. Takes a lot to finally tip them over the edge and develop severe COPD.

Takes about 20yrs of smoking 20/day (or 10yrs of 40/day) to get anything resembling long term damage (though cancer and CV events are still at increased risk).

Like you say about the profession though; I wouldn't be too surprised if many of the greats in brass and woodwind got to where they were on account of spectacular lungs. Spectacular lungs to start with means there's more that has to be destroyed prior to disability.

>> No.4138716



You can try valerian root.

>> No.4138727

Don't start smoking. I smoke and I hate it. I just showered less than two hours ago and I already smell bad. Sometimes after a long day, my own odor makes me want to vomit.

>> No.4138731


I did 30 mg Methylphenidate a few times during a stressful day with a lot of work, and a couple times because of exhaustion.

It's amazing. It makes you feel so awake, alert, up, focused. It gives you a push, makes you more outgoing(not in an Alcohol way..), "unlocks your potential".

But, the crash makes none of it worth it. Holy shit, its literally like all that tiredness and shittyness the Methylphenidate prevented was stored up and released when you crash. It makes it really, really not worth it, in almost all situations.

Given a few select situations, would I take it again, to enhance my academic and artistic performance? Yes.

Is it worth it to just help you stay awake? Hell no.

>> No.4138737


As another interesting side note;

Most wind players are probably born with the same lungs as everyone else. However, the lungs have a unique ability to expand and become larger over time with certain kinds of use (may as well be infinitely larger for our purposes.

There are many breathing exercises we do daily to do this. For instance, in my highschool years, I had approx a 4L lung capacity. I now have a 6.5L lung capacity and that is not considered uncommon

>> No.4138740

I'm addicted to Indonesian clove cigarrettes.

>> No.4138747

Everyone experiences a lack of clarity in thought and focus when using cannabis, it's called being high and it's why people do it. It's a neat pharmacological process that we can visualise and modulate. Next day grogginess can also be explained purely from a drop in endogenous cannabinoid production.

However, has anyone experienced issues outside of this timescope post being high that they have attributed to cannabis?

>> No.4138762

stimulants are useful if you have sometihng that you need to do right away and its fine to crash... like duct taping your bumper. it will do in a pinch but its not a long term thing. research nootropics and synergistic vitamin stuff. choline cocktail is another really good product.
erowed has a pretty good nootropics vault. its a good start anyway

>> No.4138768


I consider being high when smoking weed to be a state of super lucidity and awareness I enter for about a 30min period after smoking

After this, there is usually grogginess lethargy and lack of focus.

The next day these symptoms will persist even if I do not smoke weed. Generally after 2 or 3 days time not smoking, I will feel very sharp and aware--to the point where other people notice.

Also, I do not dream or cannot remember my dreams on nights where I have smoked during the preceding day

>> No.4138809
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>> No.4138822

I said regularly, not ERRDAY. Every 3-4 days would be more precise, if that.

In the days after I smoked the weed, I felt mentally sluggish. Not while I was high, goof.

>> No.4138879

I love how this skipped over any discussion of alternative drugs and nootropics, and went to Pro-Weed/Anti-Weed circlejerking.

>> No.4138960

i agree. the reason is because most people are dipshits.

>> No.4139017

Because most nootropics are a load of snake oil and weed is a common recreational drug many people have experience with.

Besides, all the other main ones were mentioned earlier on.