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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 8 KB, 304x208, higgs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4136033 No.4136033 [Reply] [Original]

Official higgs announcement thread, keep religion out of it.

So, announcement is in 1.5 hours, excited?

link to webcast:
stuff to read while we wait:

>> No.4136035
File: 10 KB, 501x103, CERN seminar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just wanted to start a thread and you beat me to it.

Excited as fuck btw.

>> No.4136041

To what degree are we expecting it to be discovered? Like, are they probably about to say "oh fuck its the higgs boson right there in the flesh" or more like "well it might not be something we thought would appear to be it does but it doesn't"?

>> No.4136046

According to the BBC and Guardian they have "strong evidence" for the existence of the particle/force and expect to announce its discovery some time next year.

>> No.4136052

According to Physics Guy:
"The only thing I will say is that I believe the gamma gamma channel really needs further study."[1]


(He's proved to us that he works at the LHC many times before if you're the skeptical type)

>> No.4136056

Well this is exciting.

Im sitting excitedly.

>> No.4136063

Also there's a jackie chan movie on tv.

>> No.4136067

Inb4 antigravity boats made out of negatively charged higgs bosons

>> No.4136091

inb4 they announce the Higgs handgun which causes planets to implode

>> No.4136096

inb4 they prove Higgs doesn't exist, the standard model is severely flawed, and quantum physics must be entirely re-written.

>> No.4136103

Inb4 antigravity penile implants

>> No.4136105

Has it started yet!?

>> No.4136106


they announced they captured a higgs boson for long enough top record its existance, but not long enough to work out its magic

>> No.4136109

thinks it's in one hour

>> No.4136110


Tits, can't get onto the webcast, is it still going? What link do I use?

>> No.4136111

Inb4 countless hordes of unspeakable abominations pour from the fiery gates of hell and the legions of the Eyeless One deluge us.

>> No.4136114

well thats good, because I have an exam today I havent revised for.

>> No.4136122

Fag's just trolling

>> No.4136124

Webcam's online though

>> No.4136126
File: 288 KB, 862x608, 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not getting any sound. Although I heard the crowd a second ago.

>> No.4136133

Someone remind me what this means?

>> No.4136150

>all those macfags
What idiot let them in?

>> No.4136155

Same here, prolly muted mic

It'll confirm that our standard model of matter is correct give evidence as to where all our mass comes from

>> No.4136157

They probably have money.

If you have money and aren't a gamer, why the fuck not get a Mac?

>> No.4136163

>Hey come buy this expensive pile of shit. If you have the money, why not?

>> No.4136164

Just pyrotechnic show.
Well, I'll go back to my bad. Bye, guys!

>> No.4136166

ugh can't get a continuous stream

CERN is obviously underfunded

>> No.4136167

Exactly. There's no reason not to. Besides at least its UNIX like.

Its sort of like rolex

>> No.4136168

lol at all the physicists browsing their facebook

>> No.4136169

God is dead.

>> No.4136171

Yeah, the crappy audio is going to make the seminar unintelligible, I'm relying on this guy to tell me what the fuck is happening:

>> No.4136172

>all dem apples

>> No.4136180

Because it's overly priced for no good reason? Uses the same parts as any other laptop(only outdated and you can't upgrade it) and has an incompatible, uncustomisable useless operating system.

Why WOULD you get a Mac?

>> No.4136179

>macs are for hipster faggots who study art history
>and for particle physicists

>> No.4136183

because you are ugly as fuck and need anything shiny to attract a mate.

>> No.4136184

my body is ready.

>> No.4136185

Just install Linux on it and it's suddenly better. Again its a status thing like everything else thats over priced in the world

>> No.4136186

Oh, god dammit shut up about the mac's already they're probably journalists anyway.

>> No.4136188


>uncustomizable useless operating system

Its a UNIX system, and if you're a scientist, that is hardly a useless OS. And they aren't gamers, so they could care less about customizing their hardware.

I mean fuck, all of 4chan is composed of retarded gamers who think they know science.

>> No.4136191

The sound is not playing on my side, is anyone else experiencing this?
No, its not on mute.
All I hear is static.

>> No.4136192

any swissfag here ?

>> No.4136194
File: 253 KB, 879x638, Cern2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want this wallpaper <3

>> No.4136196


They aren't going to stream audio of a crowd of people in a room all taking at once. Just wait until the seminar starts

>> No.4136198

get the fuck out of this thread and go back to /b/

>> No.4136199

thats like 20 seconds in GIMP or photoshop

>> No.4136202


not if you want the hi-res one

>> No.4136203

lets get this shit started
heard the crowd a second ago

>> No.4136205

Its still like 20 seconds in GIMP or Photoshop.

Just upscale it and smooth away the jaggies

>> No.4136206

i think i just saw my EM prof.

>> No.4136207
File: 76 KB, 600x416, iecern.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Internet Explorer!
I respect them!

>> No.4136208

>real player
>free offers

CERN just lost all credibility.

>> No.4136214

Apparently all the journalists at CERN are old fags who just look like scientists.

>> No.4136210

but i get to stay right, oh mighty powerful one, how thou judgement is wise and righteous, show us your true power, oh wait your a pointless butthurt little cunt trying to throw his temper out the pram and act like everyone actually listens to their orders.

Go enjoy your hand.

>> No.4136217

The new IE is actually quite good, I'm using it with firefox right now to view threads/blogs and the stream simultaneously.

>> No.4136218


>> No.4136220


>> No.4136223

all my rage when black top wearing tech guy hits the mic for 5 minutes seemingly cern cant hire a decent computer technition.

>> No.4136226



4chan can't attract people with better grammar.

>> No.4136227

This is great news! How long until we get Higgs Boson Breakfast cereal?

>> No.4136230

>macfag detected
Enjoying that buyers remorse?

If you're just planning on using Linux then it's completely pointless to buy a Mac. You could buy a better laptop for less money.

You're right though, it is used as a status symbol. Though really it's giving them a negative status to anyone with any basic knowledge of computers.

Really? You're going to argue that OSX is better than any number of vastly superior Linux distros for scientific purposes? You're batshit fucking insane.

I think you mean /g/

>> No.4136231

ive been awake for 2 and a half days, plus 4chan isnt trying to recreate god.

>> No.4136233

i think it would probably encourage weight gain

>> No.4136235

>enter Professor Hubert J. Farnsworth

>> No.4136238


>> No.4136240

its started!

>> No.4136242

shitty stream is shitty

>> No.4136243


>> No.4136244

I think you misunderstood the direction of my comment, it was a response to the final question, why would you buy a mac.

I love the 5 or 6 guys there with pcs not giving a fuck in the middle of a ton of macfags.

>> No.4136246

this is fucking woeful

>> No.4136248

FUCK my stream is FUCKED

>> No.4136252


>> No.4136254

Anybody knows how long this will last?

>> No.4136249

>dat cute nerd chick

>> No.4136250

shit my stream keeps cutting out, is there a super-low-resolution stream anywhere for people with shitty internet connections

>> No.4136257
File: 3 KB, 184x172, BUT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The stream is seriously lagging for me.

>> No.4136258

Ah. My mistake, my good man.

>> No.4136259


>> No.4136260

It's not your connection, it's the stream.

>> No.4136261

oh god the stream is horrible
wtf cern

>> No.4136264
File: 179 KB, 600x451, cerncomicsans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4136265

streams working perfectly here

(in uk)

>> No.4136268

Great, getting "The service is unavailable." now.

Has anything been said yet?

>> No.4136266

The stream is working flawless for me.
Singapore btw.

>> No.4136267

>we made the most impressive technology in world
>we cant run a fucking stream

>> No.4136270

HOW. I'm in fucking Switerland and the stream is fucking DOWN for me. THE FUCK.

>> No.4136271

>dem clapping hands

>> No.4136274

>dat animated clapping hand
People tell me cern is the most advanced scientifi endevous ever attempted by humans
yet their presentation wouldn't pass a 6th grade power point presentation

>> No.4136275

Did cern even spend time doing the slideshow?
jeez, it looks like a lazy highschooler did it.

>> No.4136276


I blame the macfags for fagging up the stream

>> No.4136278

Is it me and my shitty connection/computer or is the stream freezing every 5 seconds or so?

>> No.4136281

yep, unavailable.

>> No.4136282

Oh? Not the Jews?

>> No.4136283



>> No.4136285

Its your computer/connection.

>> No.4136286

ITT:cern loses credibility to present anything other than highschooler standard work

>> No.4136289

So basically, all they did was improve measurements. They did not find the Higgs Boson. Thank you mainstream media for getting my hopes up.

>> No.4136290

can all you faggots fuck off and leave actual scientists to watch this stream please

>> No.4136291

Fuck you anon, not cool.

>> No.4136292

>said the tripfag named Cunt

>> No.4136293

Im starting to think, if these guys cant run a stream, or make a half decent powerpoint slideshow then how in the fuck could they ever have managed to do half the shit they are claiming to have done, this higgs boson is as big a farce as neutrino speed, its all a lie to cover the fact the lhc doesnt work, spread the word.

>> No.4136295

Dammit Cern, cut to the point.

>> No.4136296

Damn, at least I have the stream though.

>> No.4136299

goddamnit cern get to the point

>> No.4136301

>dem gorgeous agreements

>> No.4136303

It's not the same people you fucking idiot.

>> No.4136304


>actual scientists

I almost shat my pants laughing.

>> No.4136300


This ain't /pol/..... but some jew probably skimmed the server cash.

>> No.4136305

>putting pop up boxes over your graphs

Jesus fuck these scientists can't put together a power point .

>> No.4136306


change of plan, i give up, I'll watch the highlights on sky news later and get back to my real science

>> No.4136311

One of the people sitting in that room browses /sci/.

jus sayin

>> No.4136312

I think we broke it, the website is now unresponsive for me.

>> No.4136313
File: 33 KB, 449x529, Anon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4136308

Your telling me cern wouldnt be at that fucking place looking at this fucking presentation, fuck you cunt/

>> No.4136309

Someone please restream
It'll help take demand off the servers

>> No.4136314


>sky news
>real science


>> No.4136318

I mean the stream wasn't set up by the same people smashing particles at the LHC...

>> No.4136319

>95% confidence level


>> No.4136322

>macbooks everywhere

>> No.4136324

Its just you.

>> No.4136325

Are they not working together, are cern people not there right now watching this half assed 12 year old worthy presentation for English class probably even aware the stream is fucked, are you trying to tell me cern wouldn't be worried about the technology they were using to have their ideas presented, and whom they were being presented by and how?

fuck you.

>> No.4136326

Fuck this stream, I give up.

>> No.4136327

>Our live streaming and webcasting facilities allow you to deliver audio and video in real time from anywhere in the world.
>By streaming your webcast from one of our global content distriibution networks we remove the load from your own web servers, which are not designed to manage the heavy task of delivering audio and video.
>The global network redistributes the streaming from one server to many other servers around the world, offering superb performance and reliability wherever your audience is viewing from.

>> No.4136328

>stream starts working


>comic sans
>boxes cut and pasted everywhere
>annoying italian
>no new results

fuck this gay world

>> No.4136329

I know realise this has already been brought up.
disregard women; sucks cock

>> No.4136331

Not but seriously, their tables are in Comic too? But... where is my Computer Modern? Where is my LaTeX? Can't they spend some time making Beamer presentations for their talks? Do physicists always do powerpoint shit?

>> No.4136332

It's working for me now, just very slow...

>> No.4136334


>> No.4136336

> Able to operate a particle smasher
> Incapable of providing a good streaming service

>> No.4136337

This is the problem when you let inferior physicists involved when all we need is glorious mathematician master race

>> No.4136338

They invented the web, cut them some slack.

>> No.4136339



>> No.4136341


yeah, that's as good as it not working

>> No.4136345

>CERN in charge of not making themselves look incompetent

>> No.4136346


They do it to piss off all the macfags who want shiny things not science.

Really you aint focused enough if you bother about your appearance.

>> No.4136347


Meh all CERN did was invent the WWW protocol. Darpa did all the real work inventing LAN's.

>> No.4136348

For all those faggots who are bashing the slideshow, you fucks obviously haven't been to any real science seminars. Usually they serve cookies and coffee too. The most science most of you have probably ever seen was in a video game or a science fiction movie. Its a fucking slideshow. Go kill yourselves.

>> No.4136349

>WWW protocol

Do you want me to kill you?

>> No.4136352


Well its not a protocol but i wanted to sound cool and didn't think anyone on /SCI/ would call me out. Please don't kill me ;_;

>> No.4136353

we have templates all slides must conform to, in order that we create a cohesive 'brand'

makes me sick i know but not a hint of comic sans anywhere

>> No.4136354

stream is working fine. Too sleepy to understand accent. Just want a quick conclusion of results.

>> No.4136355

and I'm out

well, that sucked.

>> No.4136356

This is fucking gay. Fuck CERN. This is why the real scientists come to America.

>> No.4136358


because clearly the slideshow and font have detrimental effects on the results from the science.

Dumb mother fuckers.

>> No.4136360

So, what are they currently announcing?

I dropped in later and didn't see the introduction.

>> No.4136361


>appreciation and funding for science

Woops. Now I remember why they all went to Europe.

>> No.4136362


Don't scientists go to america to get fat and relax because no one expects them to make any discoveries?

>> No.4136365

Certainly not, but I wouldn't want to have my slides look like some geocities website.

>> No.4136367


at the expense of the taxpayer. hehe suck it

>> No.4136368

Slides will be available here after the presentation to anyone missing the stream:

>> No.4136369


LaTeX = Mac? No.
LaTeX is more shiny than powerpoint? No.
Comic Sans MS isn't shiny? It is. Why do you think it's the font used by 12yo kids?

LaTeX is mature, proper, minimalistic, without blocks of 3 different colors with no justifications of the different colors, without different list delimiters for no reason, etc. It's easy to read, it's looks good without being a Christmas tree like that girl's powerpoint.

You clearly have no clue.

>> No.4136370

Am I right in saying you work for a profit based company? In academia, nobody gives a fuck.

>> No.4136374
File: 32 KB, 287x320, mcdonald.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

America is a continent, not a country. Dumbass!

>> No.4136375


what? I have LaTex on my mac...

>> No.4136376

Is it just me or there was a
"5% (±3%)"
to indicate a range from 2% to 8%?

Or were they so lucky that it was 5% with 3% precision? I doubt that.

>> No.4136377

>In academia, nobody gives a fuck.

But that's wrong. For seminars chairs always hand out templates.
And professors usually go to great lengths to ensure their slides are readable, and clean.

>> No.4136378


>takes everything seriously word for word

>> No.4136379

on a side note to the sky news issue, i went onto the 'interactive' where murnahan told me i could find the stream only to find an 8 second clip of balls flying through a tube. lol'd

>> No.4136381

>In academia, nobody gives a fuck.

Stop talking out of of your arse.

>> No.4136384

>implying that he implied this is not true.

>> No.4136386


This is not an academic environment in the sense of students and professors. This is an intellectual academic environment. All they care about is results.

>> No.4136387

I'm not saying there isn't LaTeX on macs. I'm saying it's not a mac thing. It's on windows as well, and obviously on *nix.

>> No.4136389


>> No.4136390


How is it not a mac thing? How is it a windows thing?

>> No.4136391

Comic Sans was pretty standard for scientific figures in the nineties. I remember being surprised by poster sessions and even talks at scientific conferences. Comic Sans was rife, as were big stupid rectangles in primary colors. My guess is that someone saw that comic sans was a thicker font by default, and felt that made it a bit more visible from a distance. Then, for whatever reason, it caught on.

Comic Sans looks completely amateurish in a presentation, but it's use has been surprisingly common in scientific conferences for over a decade.

>> No.4136392

This better be recorded because it's currently unwatchable for me.

>> No.4136393

>This is an intellectual academic environment.

Okay, confirmed troll.

>> No.4136394


go take an error analysis course or some graduate level statistical mechanics.

>> No.4136395

It's where rich people come to waste a lot of money.

>> No.4136396

Not who you're talking to, but holy shit you're stupid. Read his post again and think really hard this time.

>> No.4136397


the board want to push it that way, away from the government funding we currently feast on. makes it all the more laughable really, commercial and academia is one thing but you'd expect a science society full of civil servants to be truly the rear echelon when it came to 'brand awareness' god it makes me mad.

>> No.4136398
File: 119 KB, 600x750, EUROFAGS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's almost 8am CST you euros need to shut up on the internet now.

>> No.4136400


Okay, confirmed for legally retarded.

>> No.4136401

>Doesn't know about MonteCarlo Inferrence

Babbys first particle physics seminar

>> No.4136403

Just a reminder for everyone having trouble with the stream and newcomers that you can get updates on the seminar here:

>> No.4136404

Is the stream not-terrible for anyone?

>> No.4136405

I never said it was a windows thing, for suck sake... That guy (maybe you?) said that not using LaTeX was something to annoy macfags. I'm saying that LaTeX is more of a Linux thing than a mac thing, and that it's as much of a mac thing as of a windows thing.

>> No.4136409

Nope just for you, run perfectly for me.

>> No.4136411


LaTex is a typesetting program you dumb fuck. It isn't a windows, mac, or linux thing.

>> No.4136412

the boxes in the slides aren't even centered

fucking centaurs

>> No.4136415

who's speaking? an italian woman?

>> No.4136416

>the boxes in the slides aren't even centered
or aligned

>> No.4136418

126 GeV
126 GeV
126 GeV
126 GeV
126 GeV

>> No.4136419

No she's obviously German.

>> No.4136420

Can't view the stream (I'm in a somewhat of an old OS, too much to explain here).

Did they find the particle or what?

>> No.4136422

ugh she reminds me of my concrete structures lecturer

fucking italians.

>> No.4136424

No, I suppose this was only a funding drive.

>> No.4136425


>> No.4136427

>dem green smily faces in boxes

that's the highlight so far

>> No.4136428


they didn't actually discover anything.

>> No.4136423
File: 29 KB, 436x436, 1309978756928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>126 GeV

>> No.4136430


>That guy (maybe you?) said that not using LaTeX was something to annoy macfags

Not him. I wasn't referring to LaTeX, I was only suggesting that particle physicists don't give a fuck about how PR friendly the presentation of their data is.

Hence pissing off the macfag journalists.


>> No.4136431

They didn't not find the particle. Need more data to say yes, but this was always known.
They improved the range of excluded masses so that is must appear in something like 116-131 GeV

That's only the ATLAS group though.

>> No.4136432

yeah, no lecture tomorrow, my prof is sitting in the audience

>> No.4136435
File: 74 KB, 906x406, NOTHINGS WORKING!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck this gay earth.

>> No.4136436

No, "should" at most.

>> No.4136437


>lecture tomorrow

do you not have a winter vacation?

>> No.4136438

>A year from now, we’ll have enough data to make a definitive statement, one way or the other.

Does this mean there will be no definitive statement now? What the fuck were they going to announce today?

>> No.4136439

Not him, but we have lectures till the 23rd.

>> No.4136444


It hurts to read this.

>> No.4136440
File: 409 KB, 776x567, ATLAS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, I screwed up my post a bit.
Anyway, here is the atlas conclusion page for those without stream.

>> No.4136441


>A year from now we'll send a man to Mars, have fusion energy, and have microchip brain implants from which we can access tons of information

Didn't quite turn out the way we thought now, did it.

>> No.4136442



>> No.4136443

Nope, not in the English language anymore. Meanings of words change. Deal with it. Now it's America or the Americas.

>> No.4136445


semester system?

>> No.4136446

not jet, starting next week (more cristmas vacations)

>> No.4136447

>red[tube](?) in the searchbar
>not much else to make fun of
Come on man, why did you close all of your embarrassing stuff before taking the screenshot?

>> No.4136448

Yeah. Exams are early February.

>> No.4136450

Yeah, so they spend all this money on some fancy physics stuff and discover this shit. But how the fuck is this useful?

>> No.4136451


Sorry quarter system throwing me off

>> No.4136452

So what did they find?

>> No.4136453

Someone's going to bite anyway, just watch.

>> No.4136455


I use it purely as a news feed to keep myself updated with science (I have ~36 science and engineering sites and a few CERN physicists in there. Also I'm not important enough to care about being embarrassed.

>> No.4136458


This talk is exactly the same, albeit with slightly better formatting.

>> No.4136459
File: 76 KB, 433x795, twitter account.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Demonstration of my ingenious use of twitter <--

>> No.4136460

can anyone sum up everything?

just started watching...

pls :)

>> No.4136461

>Teaching me about LaTeX

I know what LaTeX is. I know that it outputs postscript documents if you use the "classic" latex command and not pdflatex, and that postscript is an adobe format that was originally UNIX, while MS and Apple never supported it. I'm not saying LaTeX is developed only for Linux or things like that, I'm saying that if you really want to say that LaTeX is close to one of the 3 among linux, windows and mac os, then linux wins.

>> No.4136462

>postscript is an adobe format that was originally UNIX

>> No.4136464

>implying formatting isn't fine and the first presentation wasn't horrible

>> No.4136465


>comparing LaTex to an operating system

I can see why he reminded you it was a typesetting program

>> No.4136467

>not using twitter to inform the masses about what kind of sandwich you're eating

Alright fair enough. That's actually not a bad idea, I might start doing the same thing. I was right about redtube though, right?

Hey, come on now. You're never too unimportant to care about embarrassment. In fact I'm sure you'd be real embarrassed if you had accidentally left your CP folder on screen.

>> No.4136468


>Acts as if he doesn't have a CP folder or looks at porn

My knight in shining armor has arrived.

>> No.4136469

The rumor was that both experiments are seeing an excess at the same place, near 125 GeV, but not enough to claim a discovery. This is confirmed by ATLAS now, and now CMS is presenting.

Remember that it's not a matter of seeing a particular event and saying "Yep, that's a Higgs." They're doing things like building up histograms of the reconstructed mass of the particle for each candidate event, and looking for a peak. It gets easier to tell whether there's a Higgs or not the more data you have.

Peaks in a histogram can be produced either by statistical fluctuations or by a real Higgs. If the two experiments see a peak at the same mass, then it's more convincing than seeing the result of either experiment alone.

But to claim a discovery in particle physics, you have to have a less than 2.87*10^-7 of it happening by chance, and they're not there yet.

>> No.4136476

I just googled redtube, lolno, sadly what I googled was far more embarrassing...

[spoilers]reddit[/spoilers]...I was searching all the fora for a better stream link and in my desperation I did the unthinkable...

>> No.4136479


Hey, I like porn just as much as the next guy.

Oh my. I'm truly sorry. I can't imagine the horrors you must have witnessed.

... Reddit talking about science. I can't even imagine.

>> No.4136480


>4chan talking about science
>debating whether twitter is a useful source of information
>bashes reddit

Yep, I'm on /sci

>> No.4136481

Okay guys honest question. We confirm the Higgs Boson, the Standard model is correct.

What does this all mean? What are the implications of the discovery aside from confirming our predictions, and otherwise not disproving any other model we haven't created just in case it was wrong?

>> No.4136483

>I can't imagine the horrors you must have witnessed.
There were like 16 commenters, all of them bitching about the comic sans, only there was no discussion about the actual results like there eventually was on /sci/.

...It was like all the cancer on /sci/, concentrated on one faggy page with a shitty layout.

>> No.4136484

Well at least we aren't depicting the higgs boson in a rage comic(UPVOTE!).

I was legitimately discussing science earlier in this thread, so don't judge me for indulging in some mindless fun.

>> No.4136487

It's motherfucking t'Hooft sitting in the first row!

>> No.4136488


wow nobody?

>> No.4136489

ok, now smash the higgs boson particle

>> No.4136491

God I wish my stream worked.

>> No.4136490

Goddamn NERDGASM! One can see G t'Hooft on the first row!

>> No.4136492


>> No.4136495

holy shit CMS confirms

>> No.4136496

Well, one Nobel laureate once said it would be the most boring amazing discovery of the last decades.

The Higgs would even further cement our assumption that the standard model of particle physics is an excellent theory to describe nature on the subatomic scale. If we don't find any evidence of a Higgs, not all is lost, though. There might be other methods to give our W and Z bosons mass - I'm not an expert on this, but keywords are e.g. Technicolor.

>> No.4136497

Holy shit these guys are fast.

>> No.4136498

what's the announcement?

>> No.4136499


>> No.4136501



>> No.4136505


It tells the world they're on the right track and to give them more money.

>> No.4136508

Lol, cattegories.

>> No.4136513
File: 468 KB, 782x531, CMS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CMS conclusion

>> No.4136514


I guess it's almost safe to say we're going to see a low-mass Higgs confirmation in 2012.

>> No.4136517
File: 428 KB, 762x515, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4136520


>> No.4136523

Snake oil?


>> No.4136524

>what's the announcement?

INSUFFICIENT DATA FOR A MEANINGFUL ANSWER. (but we expected this if course)

The ATLAS experiment excluded all masses outside the range of 115–130 GeV,
The CMS experiment excluded all masses outside the range of 117–127 GeV.
Best agreement at 124GeV

>> No.4136529

what tis a GeV ?

>> No.4136530

Giga electronvolt..?

>> No.4136531

giga-electron volt

>> No.4136534


Giga electronvolt.

ev x10^9

>> No.4136535

It's a unit of mass.

>> No.4136536

A unit of mass, essentially. 1 proton is about 1 GeV.

>> No.4136542

Is there a better stream of this available?

>> No.4136544

Well ... GeV is a unit of energy at first. But theoretical physicists as well as particle physicists are fucking lazy bastards, so we set the speed of light and hbar to 1 - so GeV is used for mass, momentum, energy ,..

>> No.4136545

about the excess:

The ATLAS excess was at around 126 GeV.

The probability of an excess at least that large at 126 GeV due to statistical fluctuation was:
"3.6 sigma" (about <span class="math">2 \times 10^{-4}[/spoiler])

... but the probability of seeing a fake excess goes up when you look for the Higgs at multiple possible masses. This is called the "look elsewhere" effect.

The probability of excess at least that large at any mass was:
"2.4 sigma" (about <span class="math">10^{-2}[/spoiler])

For CMS the corresponding numbers were

mass ~ 124 GeV
probability of an excess at least that large at 126 GeV due to statistical fluctuation
"2.6 sigma" (about <span class="math">5 \times 10^{-3}[/spoiler])
probability of an excess at least that large in 110-145 GeV:
"1.9 sigma" (about <span class="math">3 \times 10^{-2}[/spoiler])
probability of an excess at least that large anywhere:
"0.6 sigma" (about <span class="math">3 \times 10^{-1}[/spoiler])

Neither excess is mentionable alone, but the fact that they're both seeing an excess at about the same mass makes this look more real.

This isn't enough to claim a discovery, of course. That will have to wait for more data.

>> No.4136546

Well yeah. But the question was referring to the use of GeV in the conclusion of the talk, I guess, and there, it's really used as a unit of mass, since that's the property of Higgs that we're "measuring".

>> No.4136547

That's why I said essentially, as that is what they really use it for, with an implied conversion from energy to mass.

>> No.4136550

Presumably the recorded video will be available at some point after the live talk.

>> No.4136551
File: 8 KB, 200x300, 1317887922140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mfw it's not the Higgs boson, but something else.

>> No.4136553

it's probably the Ms Higgs Bosom

>> No.4136554

This is a very real possibility. Even when there are enough events to see for sure that something's there, they still have to measure its properties to say that it's actually the Higgs boson and not some other unexpected particle. An unexpected particle would be nice.

>> No.4136557
File: 317 KB, 865x2268, 1295981252418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4136605

America is a country.

Just like China is a country.

Just like Cuba is a country.

Learn to English, dumbass.

>> No.4136608
File: 260 KB, 627x358, LHCcollision.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a final bump for everyone who missed parts of the live stream:


explains it very well.

>> No.4136635
File: 38 KB, 955x456, Higgs_prod_graphs_new.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BTW, while the picture in OP is one way to make Higgs bosons at the LHC, the most common process is expected to be gg (gluon-gluon) fusion (top left).

And one of the best ways of seeing a Higgs of around 125 GeV is looking for decays to two photons, which is the same as gluon-gluon fusion, but in reverse, and with photons in place of gluons. It's a rare decay for the Higgs of that mass, but the most common decay would be to two bottom quarks, and the LHC makes lots of bottom quarks, so it would be hard to see that way.

>> No.4136658

The reason this region around 125 GeV is being explored last (well, last other than the insanely high masses) is because at higher masses, the Higgs boson would have enough energy to decay to two real W bosons or two real Z bosons. Those are easy to see in the LHC because they often decay to electrons, muons, and tauons (and neutrinos in the case of the W but we can't see those) whereas most of the other things that can happen when two protons collide at the LHC produce things made out of quarks.

>> No.4136663
File: 84 KB, 893x619, atlas-3.6-bump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A pic is worth a thousand words. Ladies and gentlemen, the Higgs boson!

>> No.4136675

Where? All I see are some squigly lines.

>> No.4136683

All I see is a major (> 2 std devs) discrepancy between what's measured and what's expected, at around 127GeV.

>> No.4136692

no, there is north america, central america and southamerica. its a fucking continent. your country is the united states.

>> No.4136694

I see, and this small discrepancy is enough for you to claim they've found the Higgs Boson?

>> No.4136695

Just got in from work.

What's happened and what are the implications of what ever has happened?

>> No.4136697

What, they actually found it?

>> No.4136698
File: 77 KB, 1900x1200, cern wall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somebody wanted that wall?

>> No.4136701
File: 20 KB, 512x384, Boneitis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The thread about this on /v/ right now
Holy dickbutt these people are stupid.

>> No.4136704

I never said that. I'm not retarded enough to claim that I'm certain of the existence of Higgs' by looking at the result that experts consider insufficient to give a final answer.

>> No.4136710

It was me. Thank you kindly anon.


>> No.4136713

So hover cars?

>> No.4136714

>implying I, with my high school-level understanding of science and mathematics can discern to any degree at all what this is attempting to convey.

>> No.4136717


I guess it was this faggot.


>> No.4136722

Don't worry bro, just nod and smile.

Its worked for me, who has a less than highschool level understanding of math and/or science.

>> No.4136725

Explanation for the ones not being able to read or lacking the knowledge to do so:
-red line - what is supposed to be observed, when you calculate it mathematically
-black line - what was actually observed
-green shaded part - +- one standard deviation (aka space for error) from red line
-yellow shaded part - +- two standard deviations from red line
-that huge spike around 126 - irregularity, means something might be there. That something might be Higgs boson, but further analysis is required.

>> No.4136729
File: 5 KB, 80x80, 80x80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I know basic chemistry and really, really basic physics

>> No.4136731


Look at the graph and what the lines denote. It's not that bad to get a basic understanding.

>> No.4136747

What does finding Higgs mean for quantum mechanics?

>> No.4136752

With all honesty, this is all that I can think right now. I wish Feynman was alive today...

>> No.4136762


>> No.4136772

>"It's like what we thought, except MORE."
That's all I get from it.

>> No.4136776

That's the point. The deviation from the excepted is high enough to suspect there is something.

>> No.4136778

in b4 God trolls everyone and there's actually a quantum effect that makes is so there's a peak sigma that you can reach and after that your experiments show there's no effect. So as you increase the energy of the machine you can only get 2.5 sigma of assurance that the higgs is there but after that the sigma value drops.

>> No.4136781

>"Scientists" wasting time on this shit
>Not improving people's quality of life

Why should we care?

>> No.4136784

>doesn't know that findings in particle physics cause improvement in people's lives

>> No.4136786

The red line is what we'd expect (on average) if there wasn't a Higgs. But we also expect what we actually see to wiggle around in about the area of the green region. It should wiggle outside the green region 32% of the time (16% chance that it wiggles above), and outside the yellow region 4.6% of the time (2.3% chance if you require an upward wiggle).

>> No.4136792

Did you ever watch that old BBC series called Connections? Nothing in our history or fields of study happen in an isolated bubble.

>> No.4136798

>implying finding out this shit will

>> No.4136805

>implying anti-gravitation wouldn't be cool

>> No.4136811

>implying visiting space is available to everyone

>> No.4136833

I find the argument that discoveries need to have real-world applications rather short-sighted of you. Discovering the Higgs for us is like James Clerk Maxwell theorizing electromagnetism. I'm sure there were farmers and other such peasants who felt the way you do now back then. Congratulations on being a shitstain on the globe of all human knowledge.

>> No.4136836

> irrelevant name drop
> insult

Stay classy /sci/.

>> No.4136839
File: 49 KB, 1134x822, combo1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4136857

>implying the freeway isn't

>> No.4136863

>evading the point
Stay derpy.

>> No.4136864

Anyone else think 'The Adventures of Higgs Boson' would be an awesome name for a pulp scifi series?

>> No.4136918
File: 47 KB, 839x567, cls_comb_zoom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


<--CMS findings for comparison.

>> No.4136924

hmm well there's definitely SOMETHING happening at 120-125 GeV

>> No.4136922

>implying mac isn't unix
Since OS X is the only Unix operating system out of Windows, Linux, and Mac, I guess Latex is mac by your logic. Whatever that means

>> No.4136931 [DELETED] 

Just shut up. Shut your face.

>> No.4136930

Mass spectrometrist here. Just eyeballing it I'd agree that's right at the edge of a real thing, but not absolutely conclusive.

>> No.4136963

Fuck you

>> No.4136959

don't call it the fucking "God particle" and we will be more than happy to keep "religion" out of it, asswipe

>> No.4136962

>guy that has taken 1st semester sophomore orgo and has read the wikipedia on mass spectrometry here

>> No.4136964

out of range at +/- 2 sigma???


>> No.4136968

let's have an atheist discussion thread, please don't mention the lack of evidence of a God, tyvm

>> No.4136972

So I'm guessing I missed it. Would someone care to sum up the main points for a curious layman?

>> No.4136975


(I've always wanted to sage a sticky)

>> No.4136977
File: 11 KB, 230x114, Lykken600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4136981


>> No.4136985

They did the experiments at cern and atlas and got the higgs' existance but with only 2.3 and 2.6 sigma (standard deviation), and they needed 5 for a "discovery"

>> No.4136996
File: 136 KB, 923x601, atlas-CERN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldn't the proper allegory be the genesis-particle?

>> No.4137000

if you told your professor that you expected a linear relationship, and got those expected values, even at 95% CL, you'd get a D-

>> No.4137001

Thanks bro. One question, didn't they get up to around 2/3 sigma with some other accelerator?

>> No.4137012

PhD. Published MS work.

>> No.4137017

They're seeing hits about where they expect particle to be. There's a small chance that they're actually seeing noise, so they're not 100% that it's real data. But they're getting pretty close.

>> No.4137027 [DELETED] 

Scientific America just announced a live webcast that will explain the results in layman's terms if anyone is interested:

Thank you for your input anon, you have an awesome job title btw.

>> No.4137033

Scientific America just announced a live webcast that will explain the results in layman's terms if anyone is interested:

12:30–1:30 PM ET [Live Stream]

Thank you for your input anon, you have an awesome job title btw.

>> No.4137040

The actual title is "Senior Research Chemist" but thanks. The sort of general rule of thumb is that if you see a peak that's about two and a half times the size of the noise, you've probably got something.

>> No.4137045

CDS is back up, so anyone who wants to read the details of the ATLAS search can look here:

Nothing posted by CMS yet, but keep an eye on it:

>> No.4137049

They're not announcing fuck all!

They're saying they're focusing on an area but to conclusively say they've found it is fucking stupid and they're still far away from it yet.

>> No.4137055

just passing by, what's all this about?

>> No.4137057

Mosquito colliders

>> No.4137056
File: 42 KB, 705x689, PythonPalin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mon visage quand I realized the CERN logo show here is just '69' twisted in various orientations.
Gotta love the French/Swiss

>> No.4137060

the LHC? they find something finally?

>> No.4137059
File: 246 KB, 975x785, evolution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread doesn't deserve a sticky even if it's the first almost scientific thread to grace /sci/

Saged, reported, hidden.

>> No.4137063


>> No.4137075
File: 83 KB, 734x1000, 1323721104912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe this got stickied. Worst thread on /sci/ right now. Bunch of fags pretending to be excited over something that's not exciting in attempt to look "smart". The webcast is long over anyway.

>> No.4137082

Why don't you two retards just fuckoff and go post in a religion trolling thread or something? Try reading the thread before making such childish comments.

>> No.4137089

Learn from example. This man has given many contributions to this thread in this one post alone.


I'm going to kill myself now.

>> No.4137093
File: 1.83 MB, 200x200, mind blown.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4137096

It's not about whether it deserves to be stickied. If it isn't stickied, there will be dozens of new threads opened on the topic asking what happened, and people will have to explain the same thing in each one until they get tired and start telling people to piss off.

>> No.4137109

>I'm going to kill myself now.
Please do, I assure you that absolutely no one will miss and your Dunning Kruger Effect behavior. You obviously don't understand the importance of these results and judging by your attitude you probably never will.

>> No.4137114
File: 64 KB, 1057x685, lhccombodec2011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unofficial combination from blog.vixra.org

>> No.4137126

I read it earlier while the webcast was still happening. I guess Mac vs. PC threads are better than religion trolling threads in your opinion? Bitching about comic sans and whether "America" is an acceptable nickname for the US?

If there's some kind of coherent summary of what was announced at the seminar, I don't see it, and quick search on Google News would yield better information faster than reading through this shitty thread.

>> No.4137155

>Shitposting to complain about shitposters.

>oherent summary of what was announced at the seminar, I don't see it
>I don't see it
That's because you're not very bright.

Still to complicated for you? No problem!

But if course, focus on the troll posts instead of the meaningful information, that's what defines a thread after all.

>> No.4137158

Live cast from Perimeter Institute:

>> No.4137162
File: 45 KB, 740x539, pvalue-atlas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One thing to bear in mind when evaluating the significance of all this. The ATLAS signal at its peak is a little larger than what you'd expect from the Standard Model Higgs. The CMS results are closer to the Standard Model. So whether the signal is real or fake, it's likely that the very low p-value from ATLAS at the peak is at least partially due to chance.

That is, if you expect a statistic in the highest .5-2% in the presence of a Higgs signal (dashed line), and you get a statistic in the highest .02% (solid line), being in the highest .02% as opposed to anywhere in the 1% doesn't make it more convincing.

>> No.4137161

Sup /sci/, I was going to make a thread but I'll post here instead:

I'm not a smart man, I don't know a great deal about physics. I'd say I have the physics level of a 14 year old (Computer science graduate here).

What I would like to know is the real life applications of this discovery. I appreciate the idea of science for the sake of science, etc. But surely there must be at least 1 way in which this discovery will have affect the average person (directly or indirectly). What useful stuff could come out of this discovery?

>> No.4137181

Other than better appreciation of the universe, I don't know of any, but that's not to say that there aren't or won't eventually be.

>> No.4137178

in real life, we have spent 10 billion US dollars to smash stuff together and employ otherwise unemployable computer geeks

>> No.4137179

Thanks for posting.

They actually asked my question to the physicists on the live stream.

>> No.4137183


>employ otherwise unemployable computer geeks

Oh well, this gives me hope at least...

>> No.4137189


jesus christ is there actually a correlation between nasal voices, lisps and intelligence?

>> No.4137242

Actually, the CMS paper is available. I just was looking in the wrong place.



>> No.4137293

Hello cold fusion 2.0

>> No.4137296
File: 29 KB, 256x258, fuck_yeah_intarwebz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4137305

They should really name it the 'agnostic particle'

>> No.4137308

>focus on the troll posts instead of the meaningful information, that's what defines a thread after all.

No, what defines a thread is what 80% of the posts are about. In this case, Comic Sans and Mac vs. PC.

Thanks for pointing out exactly five out of 300 post that are somewhat relevant to OP. Couldn't have found that in 2 milliseconds on Google News.

>> No.4137356

yes, then i can be unsure whether or not it exists

>> No.4137386

i think higgs boson is a pretty cool guy. eh gives us mass, and doesnt afraid of anything.

>> No.4137454

"Will there come a time," said Man, "when data will be sufficient or is the problem insoluble in all conceivable circumstances?"


Man said, "When will you have enough data to answer the question?"


"Will you keep working on it?" asked Man.

The Cosmic AC said, "I WILL."

Man said, "We shall wait."

>> No.4137458

the answer is 42
>hitchhikers guide

>> No.4137467
File: 135 KB, 833x559, overlay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A rough overlay of the signal fit plots from ATLAS and CMS. Probably the best way to look at what the results mean in combination with each other.

>> No.4137483

BTW this is from figure 7b of
and figure 13b of

Someone more handy with image editing can probably do a better job.

>> No.4137490

So, quick recap: higgs-boson confirmed to be hiding at 125 GeV at 2.3 sigma with 5 inverse femtobarns of data processed. Definitive answer expected at around 30 femtobarns of processed data.

>> No.4137496

quick question; how do we use it to kill people?

>> No.4137508

Just stick their head in the particle collider.

>> No.4137549

Is there a recorded copy of this live stream? It's times like this when I hate living on the other side of the world.

>> No.4137552

Heuristic for the uninformed by the barely knowledgable:

If no Higgs Boson, we have to throw out the entire canon of physics, etc.

If Higgs Boson, we keep the standard model and crank the volume of the collider up to 11

Can I get a +1, etc?

>> No.4137556


cool story, but nope

>> No.4137611

told them to ind the couch.

>> No.4137617

Ok, so now we attach neutrino engines to them to weaponize them and destroy our enemies before they even lift a finger.

>> No.4137619

Missed it, someone tl;dr it for me

>> No.4137623

-> >>4137490

>> No.4137634

False, not confirmed, only a possible find, still waiting on more testing.

>> No.4137646

confirmed at 2.3 sigma... of course that's not definite yet, like I already stated.

>> No.4137658

Then it's not confirmed if it's not definite, it's just a point at which we can examine deeper than all other points.

Saging because sticky.

>> No.4137662

psychology/philosophy major here. i don't understand what any of this means. can someone explain it to me please?

>> No.4137664

You don't understand how statistics work, do you? It's confirmed within a certain margin of error, which in this case is 2.3 sigma. That margin of error is too big to make a definite conclusion, but we can say with certainty that it is heading in the right direction.

>> No.4137668

All this modern physics shit just seems like cryptic random shit to me. I hear it's based on Mathematics, but didn't Gödel prove that psychics won't be able to explain itself in a definite manner if it's based on a mathematical system?

>> No.4137670

If the Higgs Boson is discovered via the observation of other particles that would account for it, then the Uniform Theory of Science aka Theory of Everything would be within our grasp.

Basically this is the missing link between all facets of science.

>> No.4137675

>confirmed within certain margin of error
Where did you read this? From all the official reports, it isn't a definite "we found it"

Well good thing there are no psychics here.

Math is based on what we can observe, sure, everything may be based on something else that we are unable to observe, but we're unable to observe, so we use what we can observe to make our logic.

>> No.4137679

what is the higgs boson and what is the theory of everything?

>> No.4137676

They found that the higgs-boson is likely to have a mass of around 125 GeV, which is in line with earlier findings by Fermilab. The recent experiments were done at much higher energies, and the margin of error is smaller than before. Probably end of next summer (if there aren't any problems) there will be a definitive answer to the question whether a standard model higgs-boson exists.

>> No.4137689

>theory of everything
Theory connecting Quantum and Classical physics.

>> No.4137682

>Where did you read this? From all the official reports, it isn't a definite "we found it"
Christ, for the third time, that's not what I'm saying. Reread my previous post. There is still uncertainty, but less than ever before.

>> No.4137691

I reread it, but less certainty than an already small certainty does not equate to definite. Fuck off.

>> No.4137690

I think the Higgs Boson is supposed to be the particle that creates the fundamental forces.

>> No.4137694

Just no.
The higgs-boson is the particle which is responsible for mass. It is a requirement for the standard model of particle physics to be correct.

>> No.4137696

>didn't Gödel prove that psychics won't be able to explain itself in a definite manner if it's based on a mathematical system


>> No.4137707

>small certainty does not equate to definite
Jesus fucking Christ are you absolutely retarded? I'll try it one more time. <span class="math">\underline{\bf Of~course~this~isn't~a~definitive~answer.}[/spoiler]. I never said that. That's you being an idiot and reading something I never wrote. Fuckwit.

>> No.4137717

>confirmed at 2.3 sigma
>confirmed within a certain margin of error
>still uncertainty

It's like I'm really being trolled.

>> No.4137722



>> No.4137730

Fuck you, I wont keep religion out of it, I will worship that particle as my personal savior and I will fucking kill you if it tells me to.

Or feed you stew from my gullet like a baby bird while stroking your hair and humming electric aunt jemima, whatever, thats up to god.

>> No.4137741

You just don't seem to get that there is a difference between 'pretty sure' and 'absolutely certain'. It's confirmed in the sense that we're pretty sure by now. That doesn't mean that we are absolutely certain. 'Confirmed at 2.3 sigma' means that we've established that there is less than about 5% chance that this finding is due to a random occurrence. Something which you would know if you weren't, in fact, a complete idiot. Then we wouldn't be having this retarded conversation.

You have a good day now.

>> No.4137746
File: 65 KB, 410x272, never_go_full_retard1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They will never find it because there is no such thing as the higgs boson you retards.

>mfw they actually spent $10bn on some made up theory that hasn't got any real evidence supporting it

>> No.4137777

Quantum mechanics didn't had any evidence in the first place and we know that we can't live without Quantum mechanics.

>> No.4137932


I just got here!!

Where can I read about the results of this?
What happened?
Someone fill in details!

>> No.4137937

Wait I didn't read the thread but it the announcement over and if it is anyone have a video of the seminar.

>> No.4137945

dude, +/- 2.3 sigma in IQ ranges from brain dead to einstein

>> No.4137952

>mfw they want another $10b

>> No.4137959

There's a 94-98% chance they've found the Higgs Boson. They're going to keep ramping it up until they're 99.9999% sure.

But for practical measures, this was the day they announced the discovery of the Higgs Boson.

>> No.4137971


>> No.4137999

I haven't got time to read through the entire thread. Did they find Mister Higg's missing ball or not?

>> No.4138017

They have good evidence that it may exist.

>> No.4138022

So they didn't find it?

>> No.4138051

We can't say for sure at the moment.

>> No.4138055

Then nothing really happened, correct?

>> No.4138059
File: 56 KB, 1347x134, teacup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4138061
File: 11 KB, 610x99, teacup2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4138064
File: 6 KB, 881x83, teacup3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4138082

why come to floorchan if you haven't got time. Surely should be low on your priority list

>> No.4138130


You screencapped, cropped, and saved all his posts?

Creepy, dude.

>> No.4138188
File: 21 KB, 218x265, 1315935851573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy crap that image

>> No.4138197

Some people save my posts, others post images telling EK to take her pills, all sorts of things. Honestly, I think it's probably just a butthurt Irish with multiple personality disorder.

>> No.4138204

so ... what happened?

>> No.4138206
File: 27 KB, 640x480, 1284955211823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>announce they find "evidence" of of the "possible" presence of a Higgs Boson and try to hide the fact that they haven't found shit and spend the whole time begging for more funds
>modern science
I seriously hope they actually made such incredible progress and found something so amazing, however I full well expect it to be the above.

>> No.4138245

It doesn't take that long to take screencaps, I'd imagine. Why are you defending tripfags, anyway?

>> No.4138263

>he can't tell a samefag when he sees one

>> No.4138321

Slides from this morning and link to video:

>> No.4138423

I'm too lazy to watch the hour of presentations, did they find anything interesting or not?

>> No.4138427

If it's called the God particle and obviously a part of God, why must religion be kept out of this discussion?

>> No.4138441


>> No.4138444

I was more excited about the Theory of Relativity being disproven...

>> No.4138471

And I should add, nothing official yet except narrowing the range that isn't excluded. There is an "excess" of events which look like they might be the Higgs (excess meaning more than you'd expect from known stuff that looks like the Higgs), but they'll need to accumulate more events before it's statistically significant enough to claim discovery. If it's just a random excess of events, it will go away with more data.

>> No.4138511

yes, there is only two things it can be; the much anticipated higgs boson or something else

>> No.4138542

Either it's the Higgs boson or it's not. Congratulations.