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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4135808 No.4135808 [Reply] [Original]

If you jizz inside a plastic bottle, could it theoretically store your DNA like some sort of time capsule? This is the type of question that the human race needs answers for, /sci/.

>> No.4135810


But if you had your DNA preserved in buffer and frozen in an ependorf vial at -80C, then it's possible.

>> No.4135820

DNA doesn't stay stable forever.

>> No.4135825

Ah, so it's a matter of temperature rather than the rate at which a plastic container degrades. Makes sense.

So not even a trace amount of DNA would be left? What about taking futuristic DNA harvesting processes (speculative) into consideration? I imagine this type of speculation would be deemed inappropriate for this board, though (read: not /sci/ related).

Basically, I want to know if jerking off into plastic bottles can, unintentionally, result in my clone being the ambassador of our "when" to a futuristic society.

>> No.4135827

do it anyway. Centuries from now you could be cloned from your cells to help repopulate the Earth.



>> No.4135829

No. The bonds would fall apart, destroying the sequence of base pairs.

So... No, one cannot simply jerk into a bottle.

>> No.4135834

Shit. It seemed like such an interesting question when it occurred to me, yet the explanation is straightforward and instantly made sense. Damn you and your pesky facts, /sci/.

Maybe should've tried submitting it to "highdeas."

>> No.4135835

Why would you even think about such a thing? What the hell is wrong with you?

>> No.4135840

I don't know.

>> No.4135855

if you want to preserve your DNA, use some hair or fingernail.

the sperm is just going to die anyway without refrigeration.

>> No.4135863

The DNA itself would decompose. It isn't a very stable molecule over such long periods of time.

>> No.4135868

Physical DNA degrades with time, however maintained. You have to be smarter than that.

Get your DNA sequenced, and then find a way to preserve the sequencing. Then one day when the nanoscale becomes better controlled and they can construct any molecule they want, they could reconstruct your DNA from scratch.

>> No.4135872

REALLY?! We've established that. Read the thread before you post. And, when there are sages before your half-assed post, sage too.

>> No.4135909


I wasn't saying that DNA degrades in order to introduce new information. I was using it as a premise:

Physical DNA degrades with time, however maintained THEREFORE You have to be smarter than that.

The rest of my post had not been said in the thread before.

>> No.4135932
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There is one good method of storing DNA

>> No.4135942

1). Semen die as soon as they touch air
2). Semen, even when they're brewing inside you, have a lifespan of about 48 hours.

So unless you're freezing the sperm, no.

>> No.4135945

thread should have ended here

>> No.4136048

make yourself a genome.txt and print it with your DNA synthesizer that can be bought on ebay.