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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4132019 No.4132019 [Reply] [Original]

I know you guys hate homework threads but I've searched for guides on the internet and haven't found any about how to complete the square for non quadratic equations. Does anyone know of any?

pic unrelated

>> No.4132034

wtf are you 15 years old...that's when i learned to do this shit.

>> No.4132037

I am 12 and what is this

>> No.4132039

/b/ack to >>>/b/ or where ever you came from

>> No.4132046


How about you stop all the autistic asshurt and just help him? Maybe you fags will talk about math for once instead of atheism?

>> No.4132053

>ask anon to help him
>doesn't help him himself
confirmed for OP

>> No.4132063

OP samefagging detected.

>implying middle school algebra is math

Maybe if he discussed lie algebras, algebraic topology, solving dyson-swinger relations for dressed propogators, relativistic QFT, etc we would offer advice.

>> No.4132076

OP here this is only the 2nd time i've posted in this thread. And im 17 so im in post 16 or high school as you americans call it.

Anyway I don't think it appears on our exam as my teacher never taught it to us.

>> No.4132078

Try wikipedia, they have some useful math explanations.

>> No.4132080

lol as if any of those topics are ever discussed here. What we have instead are retarded teenagers with things like "What if like, the future affected the present? Like woah" or "Like, things don't really exist man" or religious argument threads.

>> No.4132086
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>not op


>implying your faggot ass, or anyone else around here for that matter actually knows how any of that works

>> No.4132088



>> No.4132093

high school ends at 18 years of age in general. reported for underageb&

>> No.4132107

truly unfortunate. also these fucking scientific reductionist bullshit 'a tree is just a bunch of plant cells' not it's not you faggot it's a fucking tree.

>> No.4132104

except they are. you must be in high school when they are posted. threads of the topics you've mentioned are reported and the OP is banned for shit posting within 24 hours.

thread reported for underage, enjoy your year-long ban OP.

>> No.4132126 [DELETED] 
File: 72 KB, 250x272, stoppedreading.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I know you guys hate homework threads but

>> No.4132135

reported for underage dropout/community college student.

>> No.4132136

I said not for quadratics as in: 2x^2-10x

>> No.4132139

>implying that's not a quadratic

>> No.4132141

Are you fucking retarded? Factor it, dipshit.

>> No.4132146

I would but the question explicitly states to complete the square. If this came up on an exam and I factored I would not get the marks.

>> No.4132153

It is a quadratic. I cannot believe how stupid you are I am genuinely angry right now fuck you.

>> No.4132166

Okay it's a quadratic but it's not the same as a quadratic that has the last part (Can't remember what its called, might be the constant)

>> No.4132164

Oooh, look at all the unfamiliar words! Check out the big brain on this guy. He must make a shitload of money and have 20 degrees. Oh wait, he's on /sci/.

>> No.4132177

just put it into wolfram alpha and leave us alone.

>> No.4132184

Reported for too much stupidity.

>> No.4132185
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>> No.4132186

I'm a physics undergrad. I come here in my spare time. The semester us over, I only have a single internship so I have more free time. The only alternatives to /sci/ (pf, physics@stackexchange, scienceforums, etc) all have pseudointellectual discussion and homework, just like this place. It's no different anywhere else. There's plenty of intellectuals here who post occasionally and discuss science. You obviously do not. Fuck off.

>> No.4132193

>confirmed for retarded community college student

>> No.4132196

lol get over yourself

>> No.4132198

lol ya fuck science lets get back to atheism vs religion

>> No.4132203

kill yourself.

>> No.4132205

Oooh, a physics undergrad. Watch out. This man knows what he's talking about. Oh wait, he's on /sci/.

>> No.4132207 [DELETED] 
File: 304 KB, 1200x948, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks /sci/ is a serious science board

>> No.4132231

the board is clearly labeled "science & math". trolling is not allowed outside /b/ per global rules. reported enjoy your ban.

>> No.4132253

Anybody in here who knows how to help the guy but posts shit like: "I learned that at 15", "I learned that at 12", "I learned that at 10" - Please kill yourselves. Seriously, you're worthless.

>> No.4132263

they're implying he should be banned for underage. no homework threads on /sci/. op should be able to figure this stuff out through using google.

>> No.4132265 [DELETED] 

No. They're implying he should be able to figure it out by not being a full retard.

>> No.4132285

It's homewoek and underage. You're wrong. If OP stated he was an illiterate homeless man who just got a computer and is trying to teach himself algebraic manipulation he would've gotten different responses.

>> No.4132313

OP the trick is to adjust the constant (c) in the following:
a(x^2) + bx + c = 0
So that a square (cx+d)^2=(c^2)(x^2) + 2cdx + d^2
and a=c^2, b=2cd, and the new c=d^2
Knowing this, c=sqrt(a), d=b/2c, and c'=(b^2)/4a.
So just add constants to your original equation to make the constant equal to (b^2)/4a and the. It factors magnificently.

>> No.4132379


Here's how you'd do 2x^2-10x

First note that usually quadratics are in the form ax^2+bx+c. In this case, c just equals 0.

First factor out a 2 to get 2(x^2-5x). Then add and subtract (b/2)^2. This one in particular can be kinda tricky so watch carefully. Inside the parentheses, we'll add (-5/2)^2, or 25/4. However, since we added it inside the parentheses, we have to subtract 2*(-5/2)^2 to account for the fact that we factored out a 2 first. So now we have 2(x^2-5x+25/4)-25/2. Now that it's in this form you can rewrite it as 2(x-5/2)^2-25/2. Try expanding it back out again to see why it works this way.

You might be wondering why we added and subtracted. We did this so we would be adding 0, which is perfectly legal to do here. If you add something and don't add it on the other side of the equation or subtract it on the same side, you're basically making a different equation than what you originally had.

I know that was probably kind of confusing. I hope it helped a little.