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4117305 No.4117305 [Reply] [Original]

You are now aware there's been yet another shooting at VTech.

Why are guns still legal in this shithole of a country?

>> No.4117313

I'm not comfortable giving the state a monopoly on violence. Are you?

>> No.4117320

really? was it another emo asian kid?

>> No.4117325

white trash shot a cop during a traffic stop

>> No.4117332 [DELETED] 
File: 245 KB, 471x346, 13645646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You are now aware there's been yet another person killed in a motor vehicle collision in [fuck it, insert road collision incident information here, im not actually gonna do any fucking research just to mock some fucking faggot OP, the point still stands]

Why are cars still legal in this shithole of a country?

>> No.4117335


>> No.4117341

because while both cars and guns are effective ways for guys with small penises to feel better about themselves, cars actually serve other useful purposes as well, such as taking people from point A to point B

>> No.4117343

Ya, they should be illegal like drugs, that way they're never heard of again.

Oh, wait, it doesn't fucking matter if they're illegal. As a matter of fact, the type of person that wants to murder other human beings are the sort of people that wont care about an illegal gun charge. You're only stopping law abiding citizens from carrying a weapon.

>> No.4117346 [DELETED] 
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because while both cars and guns are effective ways for guys with small penises to feel better about themselves, guns actually serve other useful purposes as well, such as taking bullets from point A to point B

>> No.4117347

Because we have a little thing called the constitution.

>> No.4117349
File: 26 KB, 320x214, 95889_v1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Banning guns will only take them away from those who want to protect themselves; if someone wants a gun for crime, they'll always find a way to get one.

>> No.4117352

it amazes me how you murikans just dont get it. You have country full of idiots (as every country has) and you dont mind giving everyone a gun.

you deserve to be shot at more than every other civilised country

>> No.4117360


this faggot explains it perfectly.

>> No.4117368
File: 48 KB, 372x438, C7fNEe_ben_franklin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw murikans were more enlightened than you, almost 250 years ago.

>> No.4117371
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Because guns are badass.

ITT: Confirmation bias

>> No.4117373

as a well-armed liberal democrat I keep a heap of guns and cases of ammo in case riot breaks out amongst my mouth-breathing redneck neighbors.

I wouldn't mind disarming them (and myself), but to do so would likely require war anyways, so I remain better armed than they are on average. I also have a fair number of them working for me, so in effect I have a small army of armed morons at my disposal.

I don't fear them, mostly because they lack intelligence, resources, leadership, and in most cases training. I do feel the US is heading for its next civil war though. Gun rights may well be the issue that triggers it, though my money's on religion or economics.

>> No.4117377

besides how was this criminal supposed to shoot himself if he didn't have a gun

>> No.4117378


Vehicles are used to transport humans and merchandize which is infinitely more expedient than Weapons.
Also Weapons are developed exclusively for Killing.

Logic, you need it.

>> No.4117382

What is it that we don't get?

We have a country full of idiots.. okay.

They all have guns... okay

Shootings are so rare that they make news everytime it happens... Hmmm. Interesting.

Notice the worst gun crime is in the cities with the strictest gun laws (san francisco, chicago, new york ,L.A.)

>> No.4117387 [DELETED] 
File: 83 KB, 349x348, 1294799009996.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Vehicles are used to transport humans and merchandize which is infinitely more expedient than Weapons.
What the fuck? how is it?

and shame i cant post captain_obvious.jpg at the same time...

>> No.4117390

I have no-clue as to how the hell you ended up at that answer mate.

>> No.4117392

>Weapons are developed exclusively for Killing.
>∴ We must only allow a small ruling class the ability to own and use them. That will end well.

>> No.4117396

Your predictions for the cause of the next civil war show that you are 19 years old.

>> No.4117405

I'm 40. I guess that's like 19 though, just doubled. Neither knowledge or stupidity has an age.

>> No.4117408
File: 26 KB, 499x467, atleastyoutried.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You compare a car accident, key word accident, to a shooting that was done on purpose?

You got some fucked up logic there.

>> No.4117419

pretty good points. gun crime, much like violent crime in general, has been dropping every year in the US for most of the last two decades.

However it isn't cities where gun crime is worst... on a per capita basis it's quite a bit higher in rural areas. Statistically our worst cities are still safer than living in the country, though that doesn't hold true if we examine specific neighborhoods.

>> No.4117421


you murrikans are in nice group of countries

>> No.4117428 [DELETED] 

Ah, a worthy opponent...

fine, my point is that it isnt tools that should be banned/illegalised (cars, guns, whatever) just because they CAN be used for crimes, the intentional use of it to harm a person is the crime, the object itself shouldnt be banned.

(or i could just [restate last point] but edit out 'car accident' and insert 'hit and run'
'hurr durr, why is we not ban cars?' it are possible be used for an weapon!)

>> No.4117437 [DELETED] 
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>'hurr durr, why is we not ban cars?' it are possible be used for an weapon!
wow, i play off 'the stupid' far too smoothly... this is worrying.

>> No.4117440

But a gun is a tool that's specifically designed to kill people.

>> No.4117441

Is Virginia Tech over?

I mean, who'd go to a school with the chance of getting gunned down significantly larger than 0?

>> No.4117444

comparing the total number of murders rather than looking at prevalence in the population seems like a weak approach. The US has a much larger population than many of the countries compared.

nice try though.
actually nevermind, you're an idiot.

>> No.4117446

Your point is bankrupt (and I'm on your side here).

Your stance on fissile material? Sure, it CAN be used to kill millions, but really it's just an element. Should every Joe be allowed to play with it?

>> No.4117448 [DELETED] 

not specifically people, but yes.
a knife is specifically designed to cut, well, basically anything, but can obviously be used as a weapon.
banning all knives would be stupid because they are useful in many other ways.

guns can be used for hunting, or self defense...it doesnt have to be criminal means, (although it obviously CAN be)

>> No.4117453


>> No.4117457

ITT: second amendment faggots

>> No.4117458 [DELETED] 

well no, but if someone is going to commit a crime with a gun, the fact that guns are illegal doesnt affect it, they are obviously willing to commit a crime, so chucking in the smaller crime of owning a gun (because they are illegal) isnt gonna deter them.

>> No.4117465 [DELETED] 
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>entering post links manually rather than simply clicking on the post number ITT

>> No.4117472

not just anyone with a field and some seeds and plant and grow guns. also, even if criminals don't mind breaking the law, store owners do, so whoever sold the first virginia tech shooter the two hand guns he used to mow down 58 people probably wouldn't have done so were it against the law

>> No.4117474

true but an unknown percentage of gun sales are between private individuals or at gun shows and garage sales.

it's a pretty big percentage.

>> No.4117480

hunting, lol

self defense- you wouldn't need it if the dude breaking into your house didn't have a gun

>> No.4117488

> Because we have a little thing called the constitution.

Correct. Libfags and Euroqueers and other such fucking HUMAN TRASH don't want to understand what "LEGAL" means in the USA.

Guns are legal because of TWO CONSTITUTIONS. The national one says that the federal government cannot infringe on your right to own and wield such armaments; and each state's constitution effectively mimics that assertion for itself. So neither the feds nor the staties can take your guns away. Since municipalities are still beholden to state law, they can't legally do it either, although we still have a few of them illegally doing so at this time (Chicago and DC, I'm looking at YOU).

The problem is that Libfags and Jewqueers and other such domestic USian TRASHBAGS don't want to endure the long process of AMENDING THE NATIONAL CONSTITUTION. That's the minimum step to take, since the Second Amendment is considered part of the Bill of Rights. In order to successfully overturn the keeping/bearing in your state, you have to first disconnect the state's obedience to the national constitution; and that means you have to go through the process of national amendment. That means House + Senate + 38 states have to pass it.

For Liberals and all other such FAGGOTS, that's too much work. And they would LOSE anyway, since there's no fucking way you'd get 38 states to agree to overturn the Second Amendment. So Libshits and other such PONDSCUM prefer to pass local, unconstitutional "laws", daring real Americans to challenge them in court. Over. And over.

>> No.4117491
File: 17 KB, 249x340, Donald_Sutherland_with_a_gun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guns are badass.

Americans are willing to sacrifice a few of their own to enjoy badass guns.

You are now aware that the majority of voting Americans are ruthless badasses.

You are now aware that other countries are pussies who think they're doing a good job and getting points with a bullshit moral system.

>> No.4117500

true, though if guns were outright banned then there wouldn't be any gun shows (except for a few underground ones) and people would be a hell of a lot more hesitant to have a gun on a table at their garage sale

also, we don't need to just speculate about the effectiveness of gun control, there are places were it's done and it's proven to work

>> No.4117503

probably don't need it anyways since burglars don't often turn on the lights when they suspect someone's home.

I know my house better than an intruder does, including where the baseball bats and kitchen knives are kept. Personally I wouldn't shoot an armed intruder, there's all kinds of questions about excessive force and whatnot. Smushing them with a 9 iron as they round a blind corner results in far less legal trouble.

>> No.4117504


You sound like some idiot douche who's watched too many most interesting man in the universe commercials.

>> No.4117506


We are now aware there thousands of people killed from stabbings a year

Why are knives still legal in this shit hole of a country?

>> No.4117508 [DELETED] 

what if hes a big dude? wanna risk toe to toe combat on equal footing? a gun would be enough to 'persuade' him to GTFO without shit going down.

(britfag here, we cant have guns anyway, but if we could, id fucking get one)

>> No.4117514

I don't disagree with you, just examining the dynamics of gun ownership.

get rid of guns and we'll just switch to knives. Getting shot doesn't scare me, getting stabbed a few times looks extremely painful and messy.

>> No.4117517

>without shit going down
Why wouldn't there be shit going down? He'd shoot you, or you'd shoot him.

>> No.4117518

lol at you 15 years from now when your kid sneaks home one night after his curfew and you blow his head off because you think he's a robber

>> No.4117519 [DELETED] 
File: 13 KB, 250x250, 250px-Shaun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i made like the exact same fucking point...

>> No.4117522

>constitutional amendment

Not with the current ridiculously-out-of-sync-with-population-distribution division of States.

>> No.4117526

Not likely, real life isn't hollywood.

>> No.4117527

keep a tazer in your house, and shoot the fucker with that. or just get a big fucking dog with a loud bark

>> No.4117529

>Getting shot doesn't scare me, getting stabbed a few times looks extremely painful and messy.
So, you're saying if you had to resort to knives, you'd be less likely to commit a violent crime?

>> No.4117532


>Letting your children outside and not making them practice their Diff. Eq. at 12 years old.

>> No.4117533

So how come all the idiots who are terrified of guns never come out of the woodwork when the police, FBI, CIA, or military murder innocent people? They only seem concerned about gun ownership when people who aren't affiliated with a government agency happen to use a gun in a violent crime.

>> No.4117536

nobody's reading your posts
not saying it to be mean, just saying it.

>> No.4117540

Yeah, in real life, they shoot you without a cool, two minute monologue.

>> No.4117544 [DELETED] 

you'd rather be stabbed than shot?

in this scenario, i thought we were saying i have a gun, the burglar doesnt.

hmm..what about like an alarm that is a pre-recording of a dog barking! i press a button if i hear a burglar downstairs, and suddenly theres some really loud fucking barking, he'll shit himself and leg it

>> No.4117549

Yeah, why do liberals never bitch about police brut... oh wait, you're full of shit.

>> No.4117552

ITT: All the foreignfags jelly they can't have gunz

>> No.4117554

because freedom is more important than safety.

>> No.4117556 [DELETED] 

I don't commit violent crimes.

I'm saying I'd rather be shot than stabbed and slashed.

I'm not actually afraid of people with weapons though. I'm not chuck norris or anything but I've got extensive training and experience at disarming people and fucking them up if necessary. A significan percentage of the US population has exactly the same training and experience.

>> No.4117557

>Bitching about the police being mean
>Equivalent to saying the police shouldn't have guns
Oh, so you're a retard?

>> No.4117559

>missed the point
Are we disarming our police now, too? With these gun control laws?

>> No.4117561

I don't commit violent crimes.

I'm saying I'd rather be shot than stabbed and slashed.

I'm not actually afraid of people with weapons though. I'm not chuck norris or anything but I've got extensive training and experience at disarming people and fucking them up if necessary. A significan percentage of the US population has exactly the same training and experience. You can't do much when surprised by someone that wants to kill you, but at that point I don't know if it matters what they hit you with.

>> No.4117563 [DELETED] 

[sarcasm] oh right of course.
this being the case, i think you should inform:

that they are really inaccurate at clicking on the post they wanted to reply to. [/sarcasm]

>> No.4117571

If i lived in the UK I would use violence on you

>> No.4117572


>> No.4117576

that feel when micropenis gunfags from /k/ jumps over to /sci/ to LOLOLOLOL U MAD U DONT HAVE GUNS????? over a gun tragedy

>> No.4117582

>no science post
>obvious troll
>EK posting
>lack of sage
What the fuck is wrong with you /sci/?

>> No.4117583

When will you start ignoring high school trolls so every fucking thread you're in doesn't turn into an examination of your shit for brains?

>> No.4117592

I didn't "miss" anything. There is no fucking point here. The comparison is shit to begin with, and an inaccurate description of what's going on in the real world anyway, since people actually do bitch whenever police forces resort to extreme measures of *any* kind.

No, what's retarded here is your absolutely worthless tangent that equates violent crimes with police work.

>> No.4117596

I own an AK-47, 12 gauge, semi auto 20 gauge, .357, and a 9mm handgun. Want my guns? Fuck you, I'd rather be able to defend myself. I can't see how anyone could justify not owning one.

>> No.4117603
File: 32 KB, 460x276, sco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>violent crimes
>police work

pick both when developing policy

>> No.4117607

My penis is of adequate length and girth.

>> No.4117608

it's pretty easy to justify not owning one.

I've lived in the rural US for 40 years, I've owned firearms for about 24 of those years. At no point in my adult life can I recall being without a gun, except of course when on vacation or at some jobs.

never in those 24 years have I needed a gun to protect myself or stop a crime.

I don't see anything wrong with having them in case, but people who think they NEED them are mostly paranoid types and poorfags.

>> No.4117612

Well, I don't feel like murdering anyone.

>> No.4117614

Sounds like you understand that I'd rather have one and never need it, than not have one and need it once.

>> No.4117619

>No, what's retarded here is your absolutely worthless tangent that equates violent crimes with police work.
Police work like the deaf whittler who was murdered in cold blood?


>> No.4117631

sure, but odds are pretty good you'll never use it for self-defense... or if you're in a line of work where you're likely to need it you'll have one provided to you.

but yeah, I don't favor gun control, though I also haven't bought a new gun in a couple decades.

>> No.4117633

>implying walking down the sidewalk with a knife is illegal.

Did they hang that fucker?

>> No.4117648

No, that's actually the kind of police brutality I was referring to earlier, the kind that always causes quite a lot of outrage, so once again, I fail to see your fucking point. You accused liberals of *not* getting mad at this shit, remember?

>> No.4117666

>No, that's actually the kind of police brutality I was referring to earlier, the kind that always causes quite a lot of outrage, so once again, I fail to see your fucking point. You accused liberals of *not* getting mad at this shit, remember?
If you think I accused "liberals" (a word I never used) of not getting mad at police brutality, then you simply didn't understand what I wrote. My point is the different responses - a cop murders someone with a gun, and outrage is directed at the cop; a civilian murders someone with a gun, and outrage is directed at guns.

>> No.4117669

If you make guns illegal only law abiding citizens are denied them you fuckstick. This may shock you, but criminals aren't restrained by laws.

>> No.4117672

think about it guys. if we made guns illegal there wouldnt be any guns in america!

>> No.4117677

For some reason, those that argue in favor of gun control laws fail to include agents of the state when dictating who should and should not be armed.

Seems silly when the atrocities committed with firearms by the states of the world vs the civilian population is probably..skewed in one direction. I don't pretend to understand the point of view outside of severe naïveté.

>> No.4117683

If I hear this fucking argument one more time I swear I'm gonna get myself the biggest goddamn gun I can get and go into a shooting spree.

>> No.4117684


>> No.4117688

>out of context
You fail to realize what they predicted, and it's actually happening today, the second amendment was to prevent the state taking away the civilians right to protect themselves. They realized they didn't want a repeat of british colonies, and they would be appalled to see our country the way it is now. A total joke.

>> No.4117689

>For some reason, those that argue in favor of gun control laws fail to include agents of the state when dictating who should and should not be armed.
That reason might be the fact that there already are gun control regulations applied to government employees.

>> No.4117697

Riight, because militia are totally relevant to everything we do now?
the right to form a militia does not consitute FREEDUM GUNS GUNS FREEDUM GUVMIT and the like. It constitutes the right to form an armed militia, which is illegal anyway but I don't see anyone giving a fuck about that.

>> No.4117703

>which is illegal anyway


>> No.4117711

Yes they are. And yes it does. The constitution is the ONLY thing keeping the USA from being totally backward. If you can't understand this you should probably pick up a book and form your own opinion.

>> No.4117713

There are also already gun control regulations applied to the population at large, that doesn't seem to prevent people from claiming they should be stricter whenever a civilian murders anyone with a gun. I have never seen anyone call for stricter gun controls on a government agency, ever, they've murdered plenty of people.

>> No.4117714

Alright, form a militia.

>> No.4117724

Fuck off already, I want to shoot my fellow man in peace. It's my God-given right/duty.

>> No.4117734

OMG, that's some edgy satire! I bet you must watch Family Guy on a regular basis with that kind of political insight!

>> No.4117742

OMG, you used "edgy" in a sarcastic way and made a reference to Family Guy! I bet you blah blah babble blah blah!

>> No.4117759

Not even that guy, quit shit posting or go back to /b/

>> No.4117761

You must be pretty deep to be able to go so meta.

>> No.4117766
File: 144 KB, 838x982, 1323374239571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look at chart see south africa
>see the connection of who's committing murders most the murders on both continents
niggers niggers everywhere.....

>> No.4117769

I don't know if you fucks have noticed, but this thread has fuck all to do with science. How about you guys take it elsewhere, if you want to discuss news stories and US law?

>> No.4117773

By extension, science has fuck all to do with anything. If you use relevancy in an argument you've already failed.

>> No.4117776

Getting desperate there.

>> No.4117787

That's not even the same thing, you stupid bitch.

>> No.4117819

Ok guys, guys, hear me out for a second. Murdering people is illegal. It's dumb because only law abiding citizens are denied the ability to murder people you fuckstick. This may shock you, but criminals aren't restrained by laws.

Tell you senator and congressman today to make murder legal. We must be able to protect ourselves from all the trashy commie terrorist criminal scum everywhere threatening our brave true blooded American citizens!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!