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4112986 No.4112986 [Reply] [Original]

Lab and class stories?
Lab and class stories.

I'll start.

>Be in Chem 0110 Lab, freshmen
>Doing basic experiment, finish, go back to table with partner to write up lab report
>She's whining the whole time, "WE NEED HELP!"
>No, bitch, you need help
>"Phase labels are SO stupid! If someone wants to know the phases, I think they should perform the experiment for themselves!"
>Could barely contain may rage, especially since she is prissy and tries to do everything as carefully and proper as possible

>mfw she said that (almost)

>> No.4112998

what she hot though?

>> No.4113001

>in physics lab
>lab partner forgets how to take percent error
>lab partner forgets how to take average
>typical CS major

>> No.4113008

No, some species of landwhale.

>> No.4113013

Does physical attractiveness even matter in a scientific environment?

>> No.4113026

>Chem 0110 Lab
>scientific environment

>> No.4113032

>implying I know what these numbers mean

>> No.4113039


The uglier the smarter.

The hotter the dumber.

And yes I can back this up with science.

>> No.4113045

No but if she was dumb and ugly, then we got a perfect case for euthanasia. You can normally forgive people for being bad at something if they have other things going for them.

Don't hate the player, hate the game.

>> No.4113050

the first digit is intended to represent what year the students are. 0 implies that it's not a college-level course.

>> No.4113056

>Implying Physics isn't mostly done by Computation through a digital medium.

>Implying forgetting knowledge is the same as not knowing.

Yup sure is retarded in here.

>> No.4113060

Weird. I was wondering what the 0 meant also. We use things like '095' wouldn't be college level, but '125' would be.

>> No.4113064


buttmad CS major trying to defend his worthless degree

>> No.4113077

>Doing some experiment with dry ice
>Everyone gets the result they should except for one girl
>Turns out she had been drying ice cubes with paper
I shit you not

>> No.4113078

>chem lab
>creating some esther that smells of ananas and fruit
>starting chemical: butyrric acid, smells like rotten shit
>do everything, get glassware encrusted with shit-smelling stuff
>go to the next class smelling like shit for the next 3 weeks
>repeat everything, result: 2 mL of liquid that smells like ananas with a hint of cow shit
>lab report is a piece of paper with some numbers badly written on it, it got holes in it and is stained with brown because shit acid got on it

>> No.4113085

>not science class, but after
>have penny in pocket
>put 9 volt battery in pocket
>copper penny completes circuit
>rubs against balls

>> No.4113086
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>In EGN 2095 Chem Lab (have to be pre-engineering for CS major)
>Lab group is awesome
>Funny guys, not incredibly smart, but can get by.
>Remain friends throughout University
>Get 100 in lab, with no problems breaking apart work.
>The best lab experience I could had asked for
EGN 2095 class
>Professor's a nice woman, just doesn't speak a word of english
>she is using department head's slides and tests fucks everyone's grade up hard
>asks department head to curve, he doesnt
>50% of class withdrew in 2 weeks, other 70% failed
>sweet professor lady wanted us to do well so bad that she teared up when she was talking to us
>all my rage when dickhead department head passed 15% of original class and made sweet professor lady cry
>mfw I was part of the 70% that failed, never failed another class through uni though (C- is failing in engineering core classes)

>> No.4113094
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>chem lab
>making sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide
>but its ok because the reaction is contained inside a ziplock bag
>leaks everywhere
>exhaust smell everywhere
>evacuate the lab

>> No.4113098
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> be in physics lab before prof comes
> get in argument with "that guy"
> i.e. the a*hole who always finishes lab early while disregarding partner, always sits at the front in lecture but leaves early every day causing maximum class disruption in packing up huge backpack and leaving small classroom, and generally acts like he's smarter than everyone when he's only moderately intelligent and exceedingly arrogant
> today he makes offhand remark that photons of shorter wavelength light have less energy than those of longer wavelength (relevant to lab that day)
> anon: "uh, pretty sure you have that backwards"
> viciously defends himself and ridicules my ignorance
> prof comes in just then and immediately begins describing details of today's lab
> within two minutes he clearly states that photons with shorter wavelength have more energy
> a*hole mumbles barley audible 'oh'
> mfw

>> No.4113101

Who gave her regular ice cubes? That shit isn't just lying around.

>> No.4113105
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>have a AAA battery sitting in backpack for calculator
>put gum wrapper in backpack as garbage
>later, notice bottom of backpack is extremely hot
>erasers melted everywhere
>gum wrapper was metallic and shorted the battery
>mfw science

>> No.4113113

Why is that btw, never understood that clearly.

>> No.4113114

>Chem lab in Sweden
>Grouped with that one Iranian kid that was forced by his parents to study

Never again.

>> No.4113115

I guess she got them from the freezer, we use ice in alot of our experiments, but mostly for cooling mixtures etc

>> No.4113131

>2nd year EE lab
>Working late at night trying to get some stuff done
>Another student also working in the lab
>Asks if he can borrow my desoldering pump (the air kind)
>Hear him desoldering for like an hour
>He comes up to me, tells me my pump doesn't work
>I'm confused as fuck, how could it not work?
>Go to his station and watch him desolder
>He does not heat the solder on his circuit up before he tries to suck it off; instead he just keeps trying to suck off the HARDENED SOLDER while it's still completely solidified.

Top 20 university feels good bro

>> No.4113133

I guess the short answer would be that photon energy increases with frequency, and frequency is inversely proportional to wavelength. Are you looking for more than that?

>> No.4113150

>biochemistry lab
>stressed as fuck
>pull up pre-prepped excel sheet I made the night before
>insert data. Lab goes fairly smoothly, have to repeat some parts
>close excel sheet, click save
>doesn't save to desktop, alright whatever
>it was still a temporary file
>couldn't find it in the temporary file folders/cache

organic chemistry
>first day
>holding spot plate
>accidently drop it for no goddamn reason
>it lands on my separatory funnel

My life is full of fuck.

>> No.4113159

yes, that's the only reason to go chem or bio over physics.

>> No.4113164

I guess that'll do.

>> No.4113166

On the other hand, computer science is probably the worst if you're looking for attractive women. But then... Computer science? Lolnope.

>> No.4113167

>sucking off

Well, I can't seem to find the problem.

>> No.4113169



>> No.4113188

This thread needs better stories

>> No.4113200
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>In lab learning how to use LabVIEW for PID control
>TA painstakingly explains to limit the voltage to the computer fans we were using to 0.1 volt (to avoid wrecking the fan)
>30 seconds in
>retard fried his fan


>> No.4113199

We get it, we're not really a science... When Artificial Intelligence gets here though, you will bow to us. Until then at least we're not astrophysicists or Industrial Engineers.

>> No.4113207

>he just keeps trying to suck off the HARDENED SOLDER while it's still completely solidified

Why did I laugh
Sometimes I get the feeling I never got past my 14 year old me.

>> No.4113230

dont know how big your labs are but out of ~50 people there will always ALWAYS be one or two people that don't listen.

>> No.4113235

We elect relative morons into power and spend billions every day fighting wars.

The pessimist in me believes that some people prefer a 3rd world problem as it furthers their own political ambitions.

If I had my way, governments would be composed of the smartest academics and specialists, who would help advance society so fast that clinging to bronze age superstitions and petty disagreements as a justification for war would become as taboo as buttsecks

>> No.4113257

> sitting down, about to take final in modern physics course
> professor says something about sugar as brain fuel
> begins throwing candy at people from behind his desk

>> No.4113267


This lab has 15 people including my group. This is a senior level course. There is no excuse for this kind of thing.

>> No.4113287

>group project announced
>worth 20% of our grade
>get paired with a black guy
>drop the class
>next time through, only one black person in class, good odds
>paired with him on group project
>drop class

Third time's the charm.

>> No.4113296

live with black roomate
can't drop out


>> No.4113304

Line the walls with printouts of positive paternity tests, job applications and pictures of the bell curve. These will ward him off.

>> No.4113306

I have two of them. Both are retarded as fuck.

>> No.4113309

yep, my roomate is no different.

he doesn't know how to work a vacuum cleaner or a plunger.

>> No.4113314

>First college level chemistry class
>The department gave me special permission to wear my cape during lab
>I'm lab partners with one of my friends, Ralph
>I have my pipett filled with sulfuric acid and thought it would be funny to surprise Ralph by squirting some in his eyes because I saw it in a movie once
>He starts crying and screaming at me
>This makes me cry because I'm scared.
> I always keep my lucky can of Sprite in my backpack so I open it up and pour it into Ralph's eyes to help wash them out
>He starts to cry louder and the TA is yelling at me to get away from him
>I run out of lab bawling my eyes out holding onto my favorite Yu-Gi-Oh card that I keep in my socks all the way back to my dorm
I dropped the class and haven't talked to Ralph since then

>> No.4113316

Tell him the plunger is for stealing watermelons you cannot otherwise reach.

>> No.4113344

If not a troll,
then a moron

>> No.4113341

what? why did you think it would be funny, movie or not

>> No.4113353
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>> No.4113366

Couple stories:

>2nd year of HS
>in physics labs
>childhood friend is working at a different bench
>see him jump away from his large battery pack
>he looks scared as fuck
>packs his bag and runs out the class before the teacher can see what's going on
>smoke starts to slowly pour out of the battery pack accompanied by a strong smell of burning plastic

No fucking idea how he managed to fuck that battery up. He had no intention of doing so.

>final year of HS
>in chem labs
>everyone is doing their investigations, minding their own business mostly
>I'm by a water bath setting the temp when I look over at another guy at the bench infront of me
>he's heating something
>suddenly the bunsen he's holding pops off end of the rubber gas tube
>gas ignites and suddenly a huge flame is born
>he lets go of the tube instinctively
>suddenly rubber tube flailing about with a fucking huge flame pouring out the end

>university labs
>some bitch is doing another investigation
>working under the fume hood
>doing some shit with ether
>fucking ether
>she's wearing a labcoat but her clothes are made of some kind of synthetic material
>she's handling shit when suddenly a spark of static arcs from her clothes to the clamp or the metal grid the clamps are attatched to
>whole fume hood ignites
>entire fume hood ruined
>girl is traumatized
>she drops out after that incident, I shit you not

>> No.4113530

>Doing Undergrad research
>Working with Chloroform
>It is 2am
>Suddenly it is 4am

>> No.4113544

da cloraform broke ur clock?

>> No.4113564

>suddenly rubber tube flailing about with a fucking huge flame pouring out the end

That must have looked awesome up close

>> No.4114048

>high school physics a few years ago
>Teacher wants to demonstrate Conservation of M&E
>uses a bowling ball attached to a string, tied to rafters through empty ceiling panels, string is probably about 20 feet long
>brings the ball up to his face, just about to touch his nose
>lets go, saying it cannot gain any further energy to hit his nose
>release ball
>every so slightly leans forward with release
>nearly shitting myself with anticipation
>balls comes back
>smack to the face
>bloody fuck nose, not broken though
>he mad

He was fucking nuts.

>> No.4114054

Mr. B?

>> No.4114061

He's no Walter Lewin.

>> No.4114074


He's neither of them. I don't really want to give away his identity since his life is seriously already fucked up. I liked him though, kinda.

>> No.4114084
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>> No.4114088

i gave my final speech for public speaking
randomly jumped on a table, almost stuck my head through the ceiling
had to crouch to fit in the trailer of a classroom
my topic: yandere

>> No.4114108

>First semester freshman year
>First week of chem 101 lab
>Girl in lab room across from mine faints
>Hits head on ground/table
>wheeled out in a stretcher

>>Two weeks later
>doing easy science shit like burning cations to make pretty colors herpderp
>look out my lab door
>same girl outside her lab room violently puking into a trash can
>never see her again

>> No.4114113

>lab goggles will never help me, lol
>teacher walks by, quickly puts on lab goggles
>lab partner, while poor some hydrochloric acid into and a flask, freaks out at reaction occurring in flask and jerks hand back
>hydrochloric acid droplets cover my lab goggles

jesus fucking christ

>> No.4114125

>keeping gecko with crickets and everything for 3rd grade science
>buy really large crickets at store, place them in tank
>crickets kill the gecko

>> No.4114123

>chem 101 lab
>lab partner is a cute female
>tries to talk to me but im too beta to keep up conversation
>try to ask for her number
>don't and never see her again

oh well she was in "nutrition" dumb bitch, like that's a hard science/

>> No.4114128

>graduate student reports to professor
>clone #249 has malfunctions, we will need to make...alterations.

>> No.4114132

Look Pol is having a tame religous debate