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File: 413 KB, 446x597, 1323046913443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4110340 No.4110340 [Reply] [Original]

<span class="math">
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>> No.4110355

<span class="math">\def \a#1{#1~#1~#1~#1} \def \d#1{{{#1}\atop{#1}}} \def \e#1{\d{\d{\d{\d{#1}}}}} \fbox{\smash{\e{\a{ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~}}}}[/spoiler]

>> No.4110359


>> No.4110370
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>> No.4110376

maybe europoors should be working on making their GDP PPP per capita closer to american levels instead of desperately lying to themselves about their superiority

>> No.4110393 [DELETED] 
File: 14 KB, 469x352, fattie32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks higher GDP per capita means people are actually better off in America than Europe on average

Enjoy your shitty corporate-owned plutocracy full of retarded, obese, trailer hicks and ghetto trash.

>> No.4110396
File: 14 KB, 469x352, fattie32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks higher GDP per capita means most people are actually better off in America than Europe

Enjoy your shitty corporate-owned plutocracy full of retarded, obese, trailer hicks and ghetto trash.

>> No.4110415

Enjoy your impending AA credit rating, just like the US.

>> No.4110416

Not all of America is this disgusting, If you were to look at the individual states instead of classifying the entire nation as one you would see the whole picture.

California for instance has one of the lowest rate of obesity among the united states, while having the 3rd largest global economy.

but who am I trying to inform a person who chooses to be ignorant...

>> No.4110418
File: 236 KB, 500x560, calmdown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh actually it does, euromadpoor. Our real median wages are higher than yours, and the represents how well off the average person is. Stay ignorant and mad lol buttangry

>> No.4110426

America's white population is actually slimmer than britain. But we just have way more blacks and mexicans who are way fatter than the rest of the population, which puts us over.

>> No.4110431


>> No.4110435

If you're doing bad, you're better of in Europe.
When you are nearing middle class you better stay in America.

>> No.4110442

i get paid 600 euros a month, and can still manage

>> No.4110443

True, the entire country can't be crammed into one pigeonhole of worthlessness. You need at least 5.

Left coast - Hispanics and brainless, self-absorbed moviestar wannabies

Mountain states - Yuppies and tourist towns

Midwest - Trailer trash

South - Niggers and Rednecks

East coast - Jews, overcrowding, and millions of people with anger issues

>> No.4110463

What does everyone think of Canada.

>> No.4110464


Notice how pretty much every European country is above America?

The americans who aren't starving to death are being poisoned with McDonalds and pollution.

>> No.4110469
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>> No.4110471

Britain - 1984
America - Idiocracy

Pick your poison.

>> No.4110479
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>> No.4110497
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>> No.4110506

>having a low-quality life for a few more years
definite shit tier
>The americans who aren't starving to death are being poisoned with McDonalds and pollution.
No americans are starving to death, we aren't poor like europoors, believe it or not.

>> No.4110552

So life in America is just so awesome that it's killing Americans off a year earlier than Britain? How's that work?

>> No.4110556

Not what I said. If a country devoted its ENTIRE PRODUCTIVE FORCE to stay alive as long as possible, the actual quality of life would be terrible, as an extreme example. Cuba has a pretty decent lifespan, and it's shitty as fuck.

>> No.4110557

Britain's food is shit as hell, all the people who have visited that I know of, say it tastes like shit.
The sauces especially

>> No.4110559

This, british have ZERO taste in food, or anything for that matter. A very tasteless and uncultured people. Fried fish is a delicacy there, lol. And they can't even do pizza right, it tastes awful anywhere you go.

>> No.4110565

>low quality of life in Europe
Try again, dumbshit.

>Mercer Quality of Living Survey - Worldwide Rankings, 2011

Only one american city in the top 30 (Honolulu #29), and almost all the rest are from Europe or Canada.

>> No.4110568
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Now I get why Jamie Oliver is so butthurt

>> No.4110570
File: 58 KB, 650x585, meanwhile-in-america-ff04b2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...seriously? You're calling the brits tasteless and uncultured??

>> No.4110574

>city quality survey
Not how statistics work, faggot. I like how you're so mad you spent half an hour finding something barely tangentially related. That *might* be a measure of urban population quality of life, but not everyone in USA or 99% of nations are all urban.

You're mad about statistics and reality. So you try to lie to yourself. Lol, this, like, is the profile of a loser.

>> No.4110576

ITT: Americans who don't realize that their shithole country isn't the best at anything except blowing shit up and fucking over poor people, and Britains/Canadians who are overly proud of the fact that they are slightly less crappy than the crappiest industrialized country on the planet.

>> No.4110579

Okay, MAYBE not uncultured, but your taste in food is bad beyond belief.

>> No.4110583

>I like how you're so mad you spent half an hour finding something barely tangentially related.

1) Someone posted it on /pol/ the other day, I didn't search for it.
2) It's not "tangentially related", it's an objective study showing Americans are worse at the exact thing you said they were better at.

>You're mad about statistics and reality.
So go ahead, find me some quality-of-life statistic (hint: average amount of cash per person doesn't count) where America ranks higher than Britain.

If you're looking for ideas, here's the list of criteria for that list I posted: http://www.mercer.com/articles/quality-of-living-definition-1436405

>> No.4110585
File: 47 KB, 366x336, mcdonalds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This from the country that gave the world McDonalds.

>> No.4110592

I'm not even american, stop being such a faggot, UK is a shithole.

>> No.4110599
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>> No.4110600

Hard Rock Cafe was founded because the guys went over to England and all the food there sucked ass, so they decided to make their own restaurant that served real quality American style food.

>> No.4110603
File: 25 KB, 230x293, forevmad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go back to /pol/ you fat greasy cunt and take your fish and chips with you

>> No.4110604

>average amount of cash per person doesn't count
So wait, you set arbitrarily standard of living standards where none existed before? I guess you could prove anything if you set limits where relevant pieces of information are omitted, lol. People in the USA are better off by the most meaningful metric, dude. Deal with it, cry, scream, kick a pillow dude. This isn't your national inferiority complex blog, though. So don't expect us to console you.

>> No.4110608


>> No.4110611

lol arguing over stupid statistics as if that's what decides which country is better. Even if Eurofags had higher wages on average than Americans I'd still be better off in America because Eurofags can't have guns and they're far more restrictive with cars, not to mention the gas and insurance is several times more costly. If you're into looking at old buildings or some shit, I guess you'd be better off in Europe. But arguing over GDP PP is a load of bullshit.

>> No.4110615

Dude, having a big pile of cash doesn't do you any good if the rest of your country sucks.

Cash can't pay your doctor bills or student loans.

Cash can't fix your broken-down public infrastructure. (Well it could, if your government wasn't completely hopeless)

Cash can't drive you to work when your car breaks down and there's no public transportation.

Cash can't magically fix your TV so programs aimed at an audience with a triple-digit IQ suddenly come on.

>> No.4110618

>America is best because FUCK YEAH GUNS

Yeah, I'm glad you're staying over there.

Away from me.

>> No.4110619

>Cash can't pay your doctor bills or student loans.
>Cash can't fix your broken-down public infrastructure. (Well it could, if your government wasn't completely hopeless)
>Cash can't drive you to work when your car breaks down and there's no public transportation.
>Cash can't magically fix your TV so programs aimed at an audience with a triple-digit IQ suddenly come on.
blame the niche audience. Are you implying british tv is better? it's just as garbage

>> No.4110622
File: 106 KB, 350x319, 1323112140169.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cash can't get you LOVE.
Now think about that one, think about it.

>> No.4110623

I've been to every country in western Europe with the exception of Spain. People live well, but it's relatively easy in the US to own a significantly bigger house, more property, and more things with a decent education. However, if you lack that education, or don't use the opportunities you're given well, then you won't be taken care of nearly as well than if you are in Europe. That's what I got from my experiences there. I lived with many hosts while In traveled as well, and stayed in their homes.

>> No.4110624

>>Cash can't pay your doctor bills or student loans.
err, yeah, that was stupid, wasn't it? XD
>>Cash can't fix your broken-down public infrastructure. (Well it could, if your government wasn't completely hopeless)
Go on then, buy yourself a highway with the extra 500 dollars a year you make over your British doppleganger.

>>Cash can't drive you to work when your car breaks down and there's no public transportation.
See above. If you're rich enough to build yourself a private train, I guess you're good, though.

>> No.4110625

Don't the British have a BBC tax or something like that? What the hell is that about?

>> No.4110626
File: 392 KB, 1024x652, forks and knives.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enjoy being afraid of your overbearing fascist nanny state forever, lol.
Even with the patriot we're orders of magnitude freer than that totalitarian shithole. Once it's gone you won't even be worth comparing against.

>> No.4110629

Yeah, British people have to pay for TV.

Oh wait, so do Americans.

And then the Americans pay AGAIN when they're forced to sit through 20 minutes of advertisements per hour.

>> No.4110630

A "private train" is known as a taxi cab or car mechanic.

>> No.4110632

>enjoy being afraid of your overbearing fascist nanny state forever, lol.

This from the guy whose congress is on the verge of giving the military the power to arrest American citizens on American soil and throw them in jail forever without a trial.

>> No.4110634

>implying there are taxis in 90% of american cities

>> No.4110636

>This from the guy whose congress is on the verge of giving the military the power to arrest American citizens on American soil and throw them in jail forever without a trial.
Yup, looks like the british nanny state big government mentality spilled over along with public healthcare. Don't worry, we will fight this eurotrash import off as well.

>> No.4110639


>> No.4110640

Uh, what? I can call a taxi on my phone anywhere in the USA by using google or the yellowpages. I live in suburban virginia and I can get a taxi to my house or anywhere near it.

>> No.4110642

>letting poor people see doctors
they have a RIGHT to see a doctor, but they don't have a RIGHT to force someone else to give them anything for free

>> No.4110643

>a Virginia suburb is representative of the entire country.

See, there are these places called "flyover states"...

>> No.4110645

From a person who lives in a country where police were questioning people for taking photos of their own children in parks or at the pool, because of fears of pedophilia. Seriously, England is obsessed with pedophiles.

>> No.4110646

So I assume that, on principle, you refuse to use all the other services the government tries to give you "for free" such as public roads, police protection, weather satellites, national security, etc. etc.

And don't even try to argue that the $500/year you pay in income tax on your minimum wage Walmart job covers the bill forall that.

>> No.4110648

That type of shit happens in america, too.

How many news stories have you read about a mom getting arrested because she went to Walmart and tried to develop pictures of her children in the bathtub?

>> No.4110649

Is-Ought fallacy.

Because the government DOES provide public services does not mean that they OUGHT to provide any conceivable service

basic shit here.

>> No.4110651

So you're saying it's wrong for government to give out all these "freebies", but as long as they're there, you have no problem using them?

What exactly *should* the government do, then?

>> No.4110656

Not the same anon, but also look at the CCTV cameras. London has something like 3 million cameras while NYC has about 5000.

>> No.4110661

So by analogy, you have the RIGHT to walk down the street and not get shot by ghetto niggers, but the government shouldn't have to do anything toward giving you the ABILITY to do that?

>> No.4110663

National defense can't be privatized, neither can police or courts. Roads COULD be but it would just be too messy to warrant, and basic education makes society more productive, to the point of where people don't need education pursue their career (apprentice electricians can drop out and be very productive etc.

EVERYONE bearing the cost of EVERYONE ELSE'S choices, mistakes, lifestyle, situation, etc. leads to bad results. If a smoker bears his own costs, he will kick the habit or deal with his own bill. Same with a fatty. In a socialized healthcare situation, this monetary incentive is not there, which leads to fascist government laws to control personal behavior. Not only that, but state impositions on healthcare (happens in america too, our health system is retarded due to absurd lobbying, laws and regulations) prevent people from choosing and paying for what they actually need.

NHS in the UK is going bankrupt. The cost of it is growing faster than everything else.

sage for /pol/

>> No.4110664
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If it means raising taxes on rich people, that is correct.

>> No.4110665

Nope. Nobody has a RIGHT to shoot me with a gun against my will.

sage for pol

>> No.4110666

Wow, it's like I'm actually reading a transcript of the Rush Limbaugh show.

>> No.4110672

I'm not talking about *their* rights, I'm talking about yours.

Replace the nigger with a chunk of concrete falling off the side of an under-maintained public building, then.

>> No.4110676

>under maintained
well there specifically needs to be public regulation for government monopoly (public) things. This is the insult added to the injury of it. Same with a private building. If a private building by a public road is under maintained and threatens to hurt people on the public road, it should have to be repaired

>> No.4110679

>poor people are poor because they're lazy
>people only need medical care because they're stupid


So what "choices, mistakes, lifestyles, or situations" caused the problems for all the millions of poor people with cancer that WASN'T caused by smoking?

>> No.4110680

So damaged buildings should have to be repaired, but not damaged people?

>> No.4110685
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what is going on here

>> No.4110687

Listen to what I said, if a building is about to collapse by a road, it's going to fuck up the public sidewalk and should be repaired AT OWNER'S EXPENSE. Someone with a health problem shouldn't be forced to do something about it at their own expense, that's silly

>> No.4110688

if you strawman I'm not responding to you, lol. come back when you can converse on an adult level

>> No.4110689

What if the owner can't afford to fix it, though?

>> No.4110693

' or '1'='1

>> No.4110697

forced to sell to someone who can at discounted price, of course. the market price will be low enough that it will sell easily to someone who will do something productive with it

>> No.4110699

You said universal healthcare is bad because it forces everyone else to pay for one person's mistakes. (and also some shit about doctors not making enough money. Boo-fucking-hoo.)

Most of the time people need medical care, it's not their "fault".

>> No.4110704
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>durr people should pay for my own personal needs

>> No.4110705

So then what about the poor person who can't pay to cure his contagious disease and is therefore a threat to others? Do we sell him to a rich person who can afford to pay his doctor bills?

>> No.4110706

that's PART of why it's bad. Health care is a cost of living, and assigning blame it anything is convoluted. people can choose to prioritize their costs of living. I have cheap as fuck health coverage in the USA, because I don't think I will need a lot of coverage. But that's my risk to take, nobody else's. Stealing money to force other people to take care of you is baby shit. People can decide for themselves.

>> No.4110708

Hey, if you want to live in a darwinist, anarchic system where government does absolutely nothing to help anyone out, that's cool. But if you're arguing for that, at least admit it.

>> No.4110709
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Yeah because there are soooo many contagious life threatening diseases floating around.

>> No.4110711

this is your own metaphor breaking down because of comparative insufficiency, lol. Don't expect me to correct it

>> No.4110716

Is it hard to type with your head that far up your ass?

No, actually it works even better than I thought it would when I first started the train of thought

>> No.4110721

>participating in government health care == "Stealing"
Dude, try turning to the "FM" side of the radio once in a while. It's a lot less crazy over there.

>> No.4110725
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>durr the government not paying for someones personal needs is the same thing as anarchy

>> No.4110726
File: 19 KB, 368x317, fox-news-tracking-h1n1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But...but...Bird Flu! and Pig flu! And Cat flu! And Grasshopper Flu!

Or has Fox been lying to me all this time just to scare me?

>> No.4110729

So you don't "personally need" roads and clean air and health regulators and ...?

>> No.4110730
File: 35 KB, 350x333, ngbbs4a843e9a28b46[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw neither is good compared to glorious nippon

>> No.4110738

There's obviously a difference between paving roads for people to drive on, and forcing everyone to have healthcare.

I bet you're this guy.

>> No.4110743

>There's obviously a difference between paving roads for people to drive on, and forcing everyone to have healthcare.

Ummm, not really, bro.

Other than one of them is a government program that *already* exists (and is therefore, I guess, fine) and the other is a government program that is *going* to exist, and was implemented by a black democrat (and is therefore socialism and evil).

>> No.4110755

that's painful. i mean obviously this kid is a dumbass, but the guy interviewing him doesn't know much either…yes 1% does pay 40% of the taxes, but they control a high percent of the income; also, corporation taxes have NOTHING to do with the salaries of CEOs…

>> No.4110756
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>durr paving roads and providing the country with a currency is the same as regulating the entire medical field

>> No.4110764


Regulation already happens. What you should be talking about is the government forcing people to engage in contracts with other entities, whether they want to or not. I support socialized medicine, but the forced contractual obligations will obviously not sit well with many people.

>> No.4110765


Implying they were trying to regulate the ENTIRE medical field. Maybe that's true in your republican wank-fantasy.

>> No.4110767
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As long as there is some country that has a medical industry that is perusing profit via development of equipment/drugs, then universal health care kinda works. Although the results are a bit sketchy.

>> No.4110768

This, basically, for me.

America is the last first-world country without guaranteed health care, and that's bullshit, but fuck this forced-insurance stuff. Just set it up so people can walk into a doctor's office (or get on a waiting list or whatever), get your medicine, and get out. Keep places like the Mayo Clinic for rich people who think they're too good to wait in line with commoners like me.

Raise my taxes or whatever you have to do, but America not having a European/Canadian style healthcare system is just an embarrassment.

>> No.4110769

Life expectancy is higher in Europe and Canada than it is in America. One particular cancer stat doesn't invalidate that.

>> No.4110772
File: 23 KB, 400x267, 788-crazy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Australian master race reporting in.

>mfw China rapes America, the EU rapes it's self and Australia and NZ split the world 50/50

>> No.4110773


which is subject to millions of factors. Americans are fat for one, which is one of the reasons why our healthcare costs are increasing 17% per year.

>> No.4110774
File: 19 KB, 480x424, clockspider-1746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot

>giant spiders rape Australia and NZ

>> No.4110798
File: 40 KB, 415x480, Chargin Malaysia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're getting raped by Malaysia, bro.