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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4105145 No.4105145 [Reply] [Original]

>That feel when can't learn shit

Some of you might of had that feeling earlier in your life, or still might know that feeling. I just can't do anything, being productive seems like an unreachable goal. How the fuck do you guys do it?

Are there any books I could read that are not HERR DERR LRN TO STUDY IN X STEPS! But something about introspection and how the human brain works and how to work it out? If I don't change my lifestyle within this year, look back at myself next year at Christmas and feel like it didn't change, it will be my last one.

>> No.4105148

Why do you want to learn?

>> No.4105157

You're probably approaching it wrong. You don't need to read the textbook. Just read the summaries at the end, copy down the formulas, and it should be enough to let you do the problems.

>> No.4105187
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I don't have the willpower to do so.

Because it's one of the few things that make us different as a species. We can gather knowledge and learn more about many things. If I can't even use my brain and use knowledge to my disposition that my peers gathered through history, why the fuck should I even live? I'm a fucking waste of space, and I'm being a burden. Other people might live their lives as janitor and mcdonalds burger flipper, I think it's unnapropriate and simply impossible.

I am 20 and I can't even finish my high school books because I don't have the fucking willpower. I have a huge interest for sciences as a whole, but I just can't.

>> No.4105189

I think your problem is that you think there's some sort of method successful people use in order to be productive. There isn't.

Nike's motto is pretty much what separates successful people from unsuccessful people: Just do it.

>> No.4105190

that's so stupid i can't

>> No.4105192

There has to be something different to their method.

>> No.4105209

You're right. The difference is that instead of bitching and moaning about it, they just fucking do it. Once you've been doing it for a (somewhat long) while, it becomes part of who you are and you no longer need the constant mental warfare against yourself.

>> No.4105210

Even if that's the case, it still varies from person to person. Find what's right for you.

>> No.4105213

Sometimes I can get to do something for a few hours, and then I stop and it takes me a whole week to start again.

>> No.4105218

You can't learn shit because you are too fucking lazy. You also sound depressed (based from your last sentence). The two are probably related.

>> No.4105232

Here, I'll tell you why: It's because you aren't doing it. Just do it.

>> No.4105333
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So, nothing else than : Just do it?

>> No.4105351

You must start with something practical, change of routines, change of environment perhaps.

>> No.4105380

OP, have you talked to a psychologist yet?
it could be really depression (causes listlessness) and than it wouldn't be your fault, the right meds would help.

>> No.4105388

Do I have to pass by a doctor first? I'm Canadian btw.

>> No.4105411
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OP you sound just like me 2 years ago. I'm gonna throw some advice I found most precious during my time of "mental recession".

First of all find out really what's the problem at it's source. You have interest but can't do it. Have you problems focusing, are you distracted by other things while you try to work? Maybe you feel like you want to learn something smart instead of stupid algebra and stupid high school stuff - you wanna be a scientist right away? How important academic way of life is to you? Do you want go to college and learn hard science or become an engineer or just have good general intelligence?

Take one friday or saturday evening and night to study completely the /sci/ guide and what's on it.

There's really so much stuff that it's hard to grasp at it's whole first time you read it. So I suggest you go through those articles there and all the programs and tools listed, there's probably several helpful things conserning your problems and problems you may not have aknowledged so far.

I'll throw some further advice once you answer my questions and clarify your goals and problems. If you don't know where you're going, methods don't mean jack shit.

>> No.4105417

don't know your healtcare system over there, sorry

>> No.4105451

Hello there.

I am extremely distracted by my computer, obviously. My work desk is right next to it, and there's not much alternative. I want to learn for both start CEGEP again and then go to University, most likely in the Mathematics branch. I have a fascination for Mathematics, how nearly everything is based on a mathematical concept, can be settled with number etc. I think academia is about the most important thing in one's life, and that I feel like I missed the train. I'm literally 5 years behind.

The worse is that almost 2 years ago I had a lasik operation, and the results are not what I expected at all. Now I have dry eyes all the time, pain in the region of my nose(doc can't explain shit) and I have more trouble reading(it should be corrected soon, they kinda found out the problem) so yeah, it's basically a fucking strike home to reality. Now if I play computer games more than 1 hour, I feel like I'm dying because of my eyes and the pain in my nose.

I tried 1 or 2 times to completely close my computer... it lasted 2 days. I felt fucking empty, like if there was no fucking reason to go on, and I plugged it back in. I literally feel the void when I'm sitting in my chair in front of fucking HS papers, I feel like I missed so much.

>> No.4105476
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>that feel when no more answer

>> No.4105485

>>That feel when I gave an anon the answer to his question several times and he promptly dismissed it in favor of some imaginary magical cure because he didn't like the answer.

>> No.4105487

I have the same problem, I can't concentrate for long periods of time or I just can't motivate myself to even start to revise. If by some chance I do, it will be a long period of time before I do it again.

No advice how to fix it though sorry, just assuring you you're not alone.

>> No.4105492

I didn't dismiss it. I try to do that since 3 years ago, it never works. There has to be something else I can do.

>> No.4105533
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You expect to much of knowledge, knowing isn't about forced recollection, I feel like you're trying to force information out your being, specific things at certain moments and when you can't do that you assume you're unintelligent.
but really, you can't help but learn. Inside you already is information regarding all of reality collected since birth, ya know. you have a world inside of you in that since, and every moment you learn more about it whether you think you are or not.
Stop over complicating yourself with words.

>> No.4105537
File: 13 KB, 191x234, anthony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, but the system expect me to know at least a bare minimum.

>> No.4105540


bruh your ego is getting in the way of your retention of information

>> No.4105542

No, I already passed over my 12 years old special snowflake syndrome. I know what I am, sadly.

>> No.4105548


>fuck the system
I guarantee you'd function without it
and the bare minimum is what you set for your self, by your self

>> No.4105585


>> No.4105644


I would suggest you to work very effeciently for 30 minutes and then pause to do some light exercise for example. (Sidenote: Good physical health is extremely important, look into that, start jogging and eating lots of veggies, shove Coce and Dr.Pepper up your ass) Work through those 30 minutes and stick to the time limit rigorously but not staring at the clock. You need change your mind set so that every math problem (and everything else) is important in itself and in the long run. Make up a mental image of one of your intellectual heroes and always when struggling, think about how they struggled and didn't give up. As a scientist you just don't give up, you struggle past the impossible and make it possible. Think about what you want be after your education and think about your future university. Do you want to throw your dreams out of the window because of one assignment or subject? Small things make big things, give up on small things and you don't even get a chance on bigger and more awesome things.

>> No.4105649

Think about all those things when feeling unmotivated and feeling like you want to give up. Whip yourself mentally to work outside your comfort zone more often and stretch that time limit from 30 minutes to 90 minutes easily. I had the same problem once, nowdays I can play chess 4 hours straight in public places with all kinds of distractions or work through the whole weekend on school stuff just because that's what fascinates me and that's what motivates me when I wake up. You can too if you really want to. Don't believe anyone who says "Oh it's impossible, you should give up" "It's not worth it". Most of the people you encounter have no idea of their and more importantly your mental skills and possibilities. They rather stick to myths like less hard work the more genious you are, math/biology/chemistry is useless, working X amount of time is the ultimate limit, education is not important X,Y,Z are more important etc. Fuck them, fuck that mindset, fuck limits. There aren't any, you make them. Climb a hill and while standing on top of that, start climbing a bigger hill.

>> No.4105656

Practical things. Use SimplyNoise to reduce background noise and other distractions. Tell your family not to ever knock on your door when your'e studying. Make your own audio notes and listen to them while jogging or walking to school. Study 24/7 but don't be obsessive. Think about all the practical uses of math and try to see your school work in real life. DO NOT WATCH TV. Seriously it just makes you fucking a zombie and addicts. When you take breaks from school work exercise, see friends, read books. SMART STUFF! Think about all stupid nonsense things you do and replace them with smart ones. Playing an instrument is good, playing too much too stupid games is bad. Basically anything that has depth in it is good. Learn good study methods from eHow and books. Simple tip: Associate information with mental pictures that are really laughable or really awful gore stuff. When you recall a mental picture, you recall information associated with it. It's called Method of Loci, look into it. Friends are great but they should understand if you want to study saturday and shouldn't be mad about it or ridicule you for it. Lose bad friends. Real Life Fact: Friends change a lot throughout your life, usually they come and go with school or moving from a place to another. So if someone is maybe a little fun to be with, but a total jack-ass about your personal interests and really effects your studies, ditch the motherfucker. Your life is your life and your ambitions are yours. No one not even your girl friend should ruin it for you.

>> No.4105662

In reality it about hard work, you know that, I know that and your dog knows that. Genious = 90 % hard work. Make a list of things that take your time and prioritize. Learn how to do hard work. It doesn't mean 18 hours of study everyday but focused and smart work C-O-N-S-I-S-T-E-N-T-L-Y. Learn to learn and don't waste your life on useless people, hobbies etc. You are the master of your life and you have every string in your hand especially at young age. Imagine that you are a boxer who is aiming for the top. You work your ass off 6 days a week and on your rest day, you think about boxing. You are consistent with basic mitts, running, heavy bag and sparring. You know that if you do them every day and properly (100 % focus on every thing) you'll learn more advanced stuff naturaly and you climb the ladder step by step towards the top. Gradually you see your improvement on all areas and you feel good and proud about that, but also realize you simply have to continue with that glamourless way of life. You take hits, but those hits make you even stronger. You feel that you are a wimp but you know you'll overcome that feeling, because you WANT ALL THAT.

>> No.4105665

This could be said to any one of those guys coming to /sci/ or even /b/ whining about life and stuff. Stop the fucking whining and start doing stuff. Don't know how? Learn! Don't have the time? Make some time! Don't have a GF? It's not important and it's not going to help you if you're already a complete wimp. Besides if you are already so problematic, it's not right for the girl/boy cause that's just never gonna work out. GF/BF is not your therapist. Once again, realize what really matters in life and what's important and just do it.

>> No.4105688

This I have to add. Divide your study in two parts 1. School stuff (and stuff supporting it) 2. Just interesting things.

Category 2 is important when you feel a) your studies don't have irl meaning b) general motivation. Read popscience books and watch lectures about how science is amazing. Listen to the great guys like Feynman, DeGrasse Tyson, Krauss and just play with your imagination living with their words and lectures. Don't try to memorize anything just enjoy the aweomeness of life, nature and science explaining those to you. Cosmos is what triggered my whole fucking life after years of being a zombie like most of the people.

>> No.4105734
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>dat feel when no gf

Anyway, thanks for everyone in this thread, I'll go to my slave job and come back, try to fix my sleep schedule and tomorrow is going to be better.

>> No.4105742

I hope you realized those long posts were from one person. They are supposed to make a one long text but there's a limit for on message. I do wish all the best for you. Some things might seem harsh but I'm only trying to state how things are in this funny game we like to call life.

>> No.4105754

OP still here, started a book about every chemical element in the periodic table, The dissapearing spoon.

Yeah, I knew that. There's still other people in the thread however. I say many thanks.

>> No.4105773

I'll tell you something that helped me OP.

Stop thinking about studying and study.

>> No.4105814

Thanks for the motivation anon,really made me going.

>> No.4105948

Hey OP, I say read lots of inspirational things.

Every morning, it helps.

>> No.4106388

All right, OP. Do you want to know what the best study practices are?

First, JUST DO THE WORK. Practice makes perfect. It doesn't matter if you fuck up. Keep working at it. Mess with shit. Reverse Engineer. Reverse-Reverse Engineer. Intentionally fuck up just to see what happens.

Second, set a STUDY SCHEDULE. You need to set a specific time aside that you devote entirely to studying and learning and practicing. And this is out-of-classroom, out-of-lesson. This is worksheets and grinding at reading and rote memorization. As you get used to this schedule, it'll feel more natural.

Third, try to find a study group. You have no idea how much more quickly things go when you can split up work to get the same quality of learning with less work. This is not recommended however, for people with shitty friends, low willpower, or who are easily distracted. You need to be able to sit around for 2-4 hours and WORK. This is a good skill to build. As an adult, you will have to learn to work with people while being congenial without lazing out into 'hangout' mode anyways.

Fourth, CRAM, CRAM, CRAM. Rote memorization is not a bad thing. It is the first step to higher learning. Just remember that learning is not memorization and memorization is not learning. Devote yourself in particular, to becoming proficient and fluent in the vocabulary of your subject. You should be able to converse and write fluently about what you are studying.

Basically, PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE. And memorization. The difference between highly successful learners and unsuccessful learners is often speed of memorization, especially in matters of fluency or concentration.

>> No.4106939
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I actually put in notepad all the nice things people have said. I'm bumping so people can see it too, and maybe more nice things people can come up with.