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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4092929 No.4092929 [Reply] [Original]

Whats the difference between software engineering and computer science?

>> No.4092938 [DELETED] 

Computer science has some math in it and involves modeling and theorizing on an abstract level.

Software engineering aka being a code monkey is a service, like prostitution.

>> No.4092937

One of them is employed.

>> No.4092943


Well put.

>> No.4092953

Computer science is to art as software engineering is to design.

Probably a more elegant way of putting it, I guess.

>> No.4092975


Computer science is to science as software engineering is to engineering.

>> No.4093006

nothing against comp sci fags because i actually really like their breed of math...

but is software engineering superior for someone mostly concerned about employment? I know at least 1 compsci grad who did kid stuff software testing for a year before being laid off and now does something only loosely related to computers.

>> No.4093028

compsci doesn't teach you any practical skills

a software engineering grad can at least get a code monkey job

both are shit tier compared to IT when it comes to employment

>> No.4093069


IT like at a trade school?

>> No.4093097


Software engineers basically design software with UML models and other jazz, they don't really have to code much. They're the lead engineers.

Computer Science is a bullshit degree.

>> No.4093104

No, IT as in master's level IT studies. IT is complex and difficult. I'm not talking about some sysadmin kiddie shit, but enterprise IT and architecture.

>> No.4093112


Are you a CompSci fag? Because you're totally wrong lol

>> No.4093120 [DELETED] 

I'm not a comp sci fag.
Nonetheless you have to explain your point.

>> No.4093134


Software Engineers are not code monkeys.

>> No.4093136 [DELETED] 

Now you told what they are not.
Can you also define them in terms of what they ARE?

>> No.4093139

Depends on what you mean by "software engineering". If by "software engineering" you mean formal verification and validation of the correctness of code, then it is a highly mathematical sub-branch of computer science. If by "software engineering" you mean just producing code, then it's just programming.

>> No.4093146


They design software. I am repeating myself, stop being a retard.

>> No.4093159
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>arguing with a tripfag

>> No.4093163 [DELETED] 

>they design software

Does that mean they can't even into programming?
It sounds like some uneducated business / arts faggots playing with shitty UML diagrams all day.

>> No.4093176


Obvious troll is obvious. They're the equivalent of architects+builders.

>> No.4093183

>CS is shit tier compared to IT when it comes to employment

lawl. IT is for retards who drop out of CS and CE programs. Enjoy your 60k IT job with no advancement.

>> No.4093203

In my school software engineering is a more focused major. cs majors get 12-15 hours of CS electives that software engineers replace with 12-15 hours of SE electives that are basically learning how to write spec sheets and shit.

That said, software engineering is geared towards turning you into a professional programmer. Computer science is more geared towards teaching you about computers without any specific career path in mind.

>> No.4093214 [DELETED] 

>mfw we still haven't decided what Software Engineering is supposed to be because it's a bullshit degree somebody came up in the 90s that's 95% the same as a Computer Science degree.

>> No.4093221

Sort of a thread hijack, but I didn't want to start a new one:

Which would be better for employment, EE or CpE?

Which is "harder"?

>> No.4093233

The only software engineering class I've taken was all about project life cycle models and common software development mistakes and best practices.

It's something that would be very useful as a team lead or project manager

>> No.4093240

Silly little boy has never worked in a large multinational. IT is fucking huge lateral function that encompasses everything, including sales, marketing, HR, R&D, facilities, supply chain/logistics, everything. IT is the single most diverse function in any megacorp. Enterprise IT is not about technology, it's about business.

IT architect, M.Sc., €67k

>> No.4094889

> CpE?

>Which is "harder"?

I'm surprised no one took the prefect setup(s)
You've changed /sci/, you've changed....

>> No.4094918

Some of the posts here beg the question...

What kind of background/degree does the typical code-monkey have?

>> No.4094941

CS is useless, you might as well take a mathematics degree and then take a week to read syntax.

>> No.4094942 [DELETED] 

>mfw that's where all the shitty programmers and shitty retards who can't comprehend math or programming or computer science goes to

yeah really god tier down there, what next you're gonna tell me an ITT tech school is superior to universities?

>> No.4094949

depends on the school
>instant job, people actively seeking grads from these top tier unis
>basically have to make a fool of yourself not to get employed

I've taken a look at other colleges/unis that were low ranking and their CS deparments can range from lolwtfyoudoing.jpg to okaythisisfine.png

>> No.4094961

actually, you can go to a tech CC and then transfer right into second year of CS. You'll end up paying a lot less.

>> No.4094965

How about who is that woman?

>> No.4095142

Computer science is about computation, not computers. Basically computer science is the math and study of what you can do with computers (on the theoretical side). It is basically applicable math and logic, along with some philosophy (not the wishy washy kind of philosophy, mind you). CS is preparing you for jobs with math and science, although many CS majors go to work for businesses. Software Engineering is for people wanting to work with businesses. If you want to make systems and junk for random businesses, do Software Engineering. Personally, that is not something I want to do all my life, writing code for some company I don't care about. To get above that you probably either want to start a business of your own, or get a PhD or masters in CS and get into the theoretical stuff.

Guess what NASA wants for their astronauts? Physics majors, CS majors, math majors, and majors in most of the engineering fields. CS is a serious degree. Most of the people taking it however, are not serious. They want to make video games or get good money.

>Basic Education Requirement: A bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university with major study in engineering, physical science, mathematics, life sciences, computer science, or other field of science. Degrees in engineering technology are not considered to be qualifying for this position.


>> No.4095154

So, from all of this, in a general sense; SE>CS?

>> No.4095160

It depends on your country and your university.
I teach Software Engineering in the Computer Science department at my university.
Students who don't take the SE option are usually interested in a broad range of subjects, like AI, advanced theory, games, bioinformatics or specific applications. They don't want to spend a lot of their course time taking aspects of SE.
The SE students are usually those who are interested in the challenge of developing large pieces of software in companies.
As far as which is "better": field A has been fighting field B about which is better since the dawn of time. Different people have different interests, so different people choose different degrees.

>> No.4095165

Software engineering is like sanitation engineering (janitorial work). Its just a meaningless title programmers give themselves to sound more important. Some people with computer science degrees become programmers and give themselves this title, some don't. Some schools have shockingly little programming in their computer science programs because CS is traditionally about pure logic, not real world computer systems. Turing machines don't exist in reality.

>> No.4095168

depends what your goals are and how far into the education you're willing to go (BA,MA,PhD)

>> No.4095190

Software engineering is a more practical degree, as it prepares you for what you may expect with some complicated applications (mainly in the realm of business). However, a CS major can easily pursue projects outside of school, do indepedent studies, get internships, etc. to make up for all that. A CS degree can easily get you a programming or IT position if you have the experience or knowledge for it. Get a job on-campus, do programming outside of class, and DEFINITELY get an internship, and you'll be fine.

>> No.4095210

engineer in software engineer !!!

>> No.4095215


>> No.4095263 [DELETED] 

Software Engineer here.

Took a year off school because I got an internship at Boeing.

mfw $65k salary

Enjoy your dead-end job

>> No.4095329

Would it be a good thing to go in either computer science/software engineering if I love Mathematics? I don't feel like only Mathematics is something I want to do, I actually want to apply it to something. I kind of like technology, but I also like managing money, playing with it, trying to get the best out of it etc.

>> No.4095382
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>that feel when no answer

>> No.4095402
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Really now, this hasn't been posted yet? Someone's really off their game.

>> No.4095428

Computer science is more mathematical

managing money has nothing to do with software engineering

>> No.4095482

except if you write software used in money management, then it would have something to do with it.